《The Phoenix Hero [DROPPED]》Chapter 000 - Prologue


The world is known as The Middle Kingdom. The people of the world believed that it was the plane located between the Clouds of Heaven and Pits of Hell. Each world contains a number of Gates with access to other worlds. People travel between these Gates, and occasionally, so do invaders. Those who travel with an ambition to conquer are known as Demon Lords. For every Demon Lord, there is a Hero that will face them.

Every single living thing in the world possesses a life and a source of internal energy. As they age to maturity, their life increases, but starts to decrease once they reach an elderly age. Lifespan is influenced by internal energy and someone who has trained themselves will have a longer lifespan. They are also able to draw upon the energy of spirits and the natural world to absorb into their own. The people who can do all of this are known as martial artists. One of these martial artists was Akira, who became known as a Hero.

Akira was a young boy who was born in a time of great turmoil. When he was just 8 years old, his village was burned to the ground by a group of barbarians known as the Mountain Fangs. After the attack, he began his training and showed unprecedented knowledge in martial arts and magic. Two years later, he began to travel in order to stop the current Demon Lord.

During his travels, Akira displayed many abilities, including being able to use multiple elements, something that few people could ever dream of. Akira eventually adopted the fighting style of a knight, wearing heavy armor and using a one handed sword with a big shield. With his sword he slew his foes, with his shield he protected the innocent. His abilities drew the attention of many, friends and foes alike. Some wanted his power, others just wanted to know who he was. However, his journey was interrupted when the Demon Lord began to make his move once more. This Demon Lord was known as Asura, a man who was out to create his own empire and killed anyone who got in his way.


For the next year, Akira and Asura fought many times, but neither was able to get the upper hand on the other. That changed when Akira called upon his friends. During his travels, Akira befriended many people and he eventually led them against Asura. Many of Akira’s friends died that day, but they did so knowing that the world would be saved. In the final battle, Akira fought fiercely against the Demon Lord.

Akira threw his shield at Asura. “Is that all you got?” shouted Akira.

“You should know that I am just as strong as you!” Asura retorted.

“This time, only one of us will walk away,” replied Akira.

Akira chased after his shield and used it for cover. He positioned himself for a final charge and lept forward with all his might. Akira said to himself, “Roar.” As he spoke those words, a tiger shaped overcoat covered his entire body.

As Asura knocked the shield aside, he was surprised to see that there was a giant ball of fire right behind it. Asura braced himself for the impact, but Akira was right behind the fire. “What?”

“This is where you finally die!” screamed Akira.

“Then I will take you with me,” said Asura.

“What?” (Akira)

Asura’s heart was pierced by the sword, but he turned into a black fog. “If I’m going to die, then I will just have to take your body as mine.” The black fog surrounded Akira.

“Ugh,” screamed Akira. This was a very painful experience. Asura was trying to take over his body. “No, you will fall with me.” Akira took his sword and pierced his own heart with it.

“You fool! Why did you do that?” (Asura)

“What matters most is that you die here and now, so that the world has a chance to recover. Even if I die here, another hero will rise to take my place,” said Akira. “And I will be the one to guide them!”


Akira’s eyes began to get heavy. He could no longer keep them open. With the last of his strength, he whispers to himself, “I wish I had more time to enjoy life.” He then collapsed on the floor and passed away.

With that, both Akira and Asura passed away. Those who witnessed it recorded as the final battle between the Hero and the Demon Lord. Since then, another Demon Lord has not risen in the past hundred years. However, the spirit of Akira continues to exist inside those with the Hero’s Seed. People with the potential to become a hero.

By the time the Demon Lord was defeated, the damage had already been done. The Demon Lord’s invasion forever changed the landscape as his power corrupted the land. There were forests that became deserts, forever ruined by the battles on those lands. Mountains had become craters. Numerous villages were abandoned. Powerful monsters roamed these areas as they absorbed the energy from the lands and the dead. The survivors managed to rebuild and reclaim some of the lands, but they were still unable to cleanse them. Sometimes, defeated monsters were reborn in some areas as the Demon Lord’s influence on the lands remained.

An era of peace can only last for so long as another will attempt to fill the power vaccuum that is left by the death of a Demon Lord. Once that vaccuum is filled, people will attempt to compete for power and give birth to another Demon Lord, repeating the cycle once more. The people’s only hope, is for another Hero to step up and face them once more.

This is the story of one of a Hero. One of the few female heroes to have been recorded in history. This is the story of Akiza, the first known Immortal Hero.

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