《The Magical Craftsman》Chapter 3: Hit the Ground Running


I am such an idiot! Jack thought repeatedly in his head. Why would I ever thought it was a good idea to say things like that to Claire?! She probably thinks I'm a creep now! She probably thinks that I'm desperate for pity sex from her and that would have put her in an uncomfortable position where she will feel like an asshole for saying no! I am suck a fucking idiot!

Jack tossed and turned in his bed all day, racking his brain at all the stupid things he said. Every part of him felt uncomfortable, both body and soul. He couldn't eat properly, couldn't sleep properly, couldn't piss and shit properly. He was a complete mess.

It took a long while before he was able to calm himself down. By now, he had accepted his fate. He was going to die soon and he was going to die a virgin. But, even more importantly, he had made a complete fool of himself in front of the woman he fell in love with. Life was terrible already, so perhaps death was a sort of mercy.

Jack went on the rest of day lazing around with the lowest of spirits when, suddenly, he got a call on his phone. He picked it up and answered it.

"Hello, Jack." It was Claire's voice.

Jack immediately froze up upon hearing it. He swallowed a large lump in his throat before answering. "Umm, Claire? Is that you?"

"Yes. Jack, I've thought about what you said before and...to be honest...I'm in love with you as well!"

It felt as though the world was spiraling chaotically around him. That was the magnitude of disbelief he was experiencing right now as he heard those words.

Even though Jack's face was completely blank, tears were already forming in his eyes. "Umm...I'm sorry. Did I hear it correctly? You said you love me?"


"Yes, I do! I've also loved you since the day I saw you. I was just too shy to ask you out on a date, just like you were."

"R-really...?" More tears formed in Jack's eyes.

"Yes, really! And just like you, I have also been planning our first date in my head down to the smallest detail. Which restaurant to eat. What movie to watch. What gift to give.

Claire continued. "I've eavesdropped on conversations between you and Steve in order to figure out your specific interests. I know that you love fried chicken and that you thought Jollibee's was better than the slop they serve at KFC. I know that you are a fan of MCU movies, so I preordered tickets for us to go watch the premiere of the 'Fantastic Four'. I know that you love video games so I've waited hours in line just to get a special copy of Half-Life 3 signed by Gabe Newell himself. I did all that because I love you as well, Jack!"

The streams of tears coming out of Jack's eyes have now became torrents, along with ample amounts of snot gushing out of his nose. He was ugly-crying so hard that it caused a commotion around his room. Nurses and doctors were poking their heads inside to see what's going on.

"Claire...Claire...I have no idea..." Jack's uncontrollable crying had made his speech nearly incoherent.

"I'm not done yet," Claire said, which made Jack stop his crying for a moment. Claire's voice then took on a seductive quality, revealing a side of her that was completely foreign to Jack's perceived image of her. "You know, I'm embarrassed to say this, but...I've also fantasized about having sex with you. And I have also ranked the places that we'll do it from best to worst. And, guess what, the copy machine right next to Jared's room was also my favorite."


Suddenly, all the overwhelming emotions Jack had felt a moment ago was replaced with an overwhelming emotion of...a different kind. There was a heat building up inside his core. He felt as though his entire body was being electrified back to life.

"Is that so?" Jack asked teasingly.

"Well, actually no. My favorite place is the receptionist desk. But you can be sure the copy machine is a close-second."

"I see." Jack's heart was thumping so incredibly fast, he felt like it might burst out of his chest. He felt like his entire body was on fire, but the good kind of fire in which the hotter it burns, the more pleasure he feels.

"Umm, Jack, how about I do you one last favor before you die." Claire's voice was now at the height of sexual intensity. "How about we fulfill those sexual fantasies of yours? How about...I let you do it with me on top of the copy machine next to Jared's office?"

Jack's mind practically exploded. It erupted like a goddamn supervolcano! Never in his wildest dreams would he ever thought he'll have a chance like this. Words couldn't describe the level of bliss he was feeling right now. Even the cancer he had right now couldn't stop him from feeling so alive.

"You...you're sure about this?" Jack had to make sure. He had to make sure that this wasn't a dream caused by his delirium or some sort of elaborate prank.

"Yes, I'm sure. Meet me at the office right now. I'll be waiting." With that, she hung up the call.

Immediately afterwards, Jack bolted right out of the hospital room. He hit the ground running, dashing out of the hospital with godspeed.

He've never ran so fast in his life. He ran so fast that not even lightning could catch up to him. He ran and ran, with all the energy left in his dying body and without a care in the world, all in an effort to get to the office where Claire was as quickly as possible.

It was in the middle of the night. Passersby from around were wondering why a man in a hospital gown was sprinting savagely across the streets and laughing like a madman.

The air was a bit cold right now and he wasn't exactly wearing any underwear under his gown, which made his private parts feel a bit breezy. But he didn't care. Jack didn't care about anything else. He had only one goal in his mind and he was going straight towards it, ignoring everything else.

As he ran, thoughts were flooding his head. He was going to have sex with the love of his life. Heck, he was going to have sex, period. He wasn't going to die a virgin after all! He couldn't have been happier if he tried!

But just as he crossed the street, just as he was at the height of happiness, just as his hope was at maximum level, a truck came by and ran him over.

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