《Icy Vendetta》Ch 1: Background-1


### Background ###

Zack was an orphan. Left near a garbage bin shortly after birth, he was raised as part of a charitable trust. As a small child he knew that the world ran on a simple principle "survival of the fittest". If you are not fit enough to steal a loaf of bread then you don't deserve to eat.

At a small age of 6 he was caught shop lifting from a retail store. That's when the shopkeeper took pity and offered him a job; and in return he will feed him twice a day and pay for his education. Zack knew that this was his ticket out misery so he accepted without even blinking. In his heart he knew that he would never be able to repay the kindness shown to him. A couple of years later he was officially adopted into the Taylor household and gained a cute 3 year old sister as well as brand new Parents. That was the first time he cried, he cried till could cry no more.

Zack was an exceptional student and even more outstanding athlete. He excelled at martial arts and was referred to as the next Olympics representative in the field of Judo.

Most of all he was a doting brother and an ideal son. One day while returning from school he got the word that his sister was getting bullied by some kids. Upon finding this out he ran and found his sister surrounded by a almost a dozen guys. Well it was a massacre, 7 people sent with severe concussion, 2 with broken kneecaps and one of them with face so broken that it would be a long long time before he got married. What Zack did not know that the bullies were politically connected. He was jailed and waiting for a trial when the General found him.


He was made an offer, a job or 3 years in prison.

Grant, Zack's dad; was an ex-military guy himself and a highly decorated one at that. he was not remorseful about what his son did rather he was proud of him. He made discreet enquiries regarding the job offer that Zack got. To his dismay no one had ever heard of the General and even less about the group called the Unit. In the evening he received a call from the Army Chief of Staff himself who informed him to cease his enquiries at once and that serving the Unit was a privilege which people would die for.

Well the rest as they say is history. Needless to say that Zack was so good that at the young age of 21 he became the Captain of the unit, youngest ever and was given the name Zero. The unit did not have names just numbers.

2 Hours before present


"Zero you have a call" said the units communication specialist, 'Thirteen'.

"Call? Well is it mom or sis?", Zero asked.

"Well whoever it is please take is immediately" said thirteen. Thirteen was a 23 year old kid once considered to be worlds best hacker and one day he suddenly dropped off the face of the earth. He was the closest to Zero age wise and considered himself Zero's best friend.

"What's going on man...is it something serious?", Zero asked.

"I will tell you everything but first take the call.", replied thirteen. Thirteen knew that this is the opening act to a huge disaster. It was his job to ensure security and surveillance and what he had found angered him.

The unit was small so not only did they care about each other they cared about their families too.

In the communication room Zero was freaking out.

"Mom calm down!!! I cant understand anything."

"WTH do you mean by Amy tried to kill herself. She what.... she consumed a lot of sleeping pills???"

"Where are you guys?"


"I will be right there."

He turned around to thirteen and said just 3 words.

"Where's the General".

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