《Incarnation》Chapter 7


Shaking his head at Lilith’s teasing, Rebirth got up from the floor and headed towards the town gates.

Per information he found online Elite rabbits could be found in the outer perimeter of the forest outside the town. The elite rabbits were began at lvl 5 and they were bigger, stronger and faster then regular rabbits. The really scary thing about them however is that they always had 4 regular rabbits following them and taking orders.

As he arrived at the plains, Rebirth quickly activated his wild boars charge skill and started speeding off towards the forest past it. If there were no monsters locked on when wild boars charge was used, the skill would automatically end after charging 15 meters.

While charging towards the forest, as long as a rabbit was in the way, Rebirth would quickly slay it. No rabbit in his way would survive.

Walking into the forest, Rebirth started walking at a normal pace, he did not want to accidentally run into any powerful monster.

After a few minutes of searching, he finally caught sight of his prey.

The elite rabbit was about 3 meters tall and it had 4 rabbits standing around it obediently following its order. Furthermore unlike the rabbits that inhabited the plains that were between level 1-3, the rabbits inside of the forest started out at level 4.

Surrounding his level 6 elite rabbit were 2 level 4 rabbits, and 2 level 7 rabbits.

During his time on the island, a very valuable lesson that Rebirth learned was that monsters that traveled in packs could not be underestimated. The best course of action when fighting them was kill of the weakest links as son as possible, before the stronger ones had any opportunity to react. Otherwise if they all surround you, you will have a hard time surviving.

Observing the rabbits, Rebirth patiently waited for an opportunity. Success comes to those that are patient. Soon after, a level 4 rabbit gather a bit of distance from the other rabbits, with a level 7 rabbit following behind it.

Activating wild boars charge, Rebirth charged towards the lone rabbit. Slicing its neck with his sword, he activate the charge again and charged towards the nearby level 7 rabbit, using his sword to struck its neck as well.

Quickly doing a spin, he swung his sword again to hit the rabbit again on its neck. Though his attack power was enough to kill to kill the level 4 rabbit in one hit, it was not enough for the level 7 rabbit. Unfortunately the 2nd hit wasn’t enough to kill it.

I’m an enraged mode, the rabbit leapt towards Rebirth, who expertly dodge it and hit its neck for the 3rd time, killing it.

All this happened so fast, that the other 2 rabbits and the elite rabbit had yet to react. Activating the wild boars charge for a 3rd time, Rebirth ran towards the 2nd rabbit that was level 4 and killed it.

At this moment, he felt a strong force coming from behind him.

While he killed the rabbit, the elite rabbit took that opportunity to leap attack him from behind. Given the sheer size of the rabbit, it felt as if a cannon was shooting towards him.

Doing a pivot to his left, Rebirth brushed passed the elite rabbits right side. Due to the sheer size of the rabbit, although he dodge the attack, he did not have room to swing his sword.

Catching his balance after dodging, Rebirth locked into the last rabbit and used wild boars charge to charge at it.

Unfortunately , half way to the rabbit, Rebirth had to stop his charge, and jump back.


Right where he was, he saw a giant red ball shoot pass at an extreme speed. This red ball was the elite Rabbit that he had just dodge.

At the same time as he was dodging the elite rabbit, the remaining rabbit ran towards him and then used its signature leap attack.

Using charge once again, Rebirth ran right by it while it was on mid leap and swung his sword at its neck. Quickly turning around, Rebirth swung his sword one more time at its neck killing it.

As he killed it, he felt the elite rabbit leaping towards him again. Quickly sidestepping towards its left, Rebirth swung his sword to stoke it as it flew by.

From there, now that the regular rabbits were taken care of, Rebirth had no trouble taking care of this elite rabbit. Aside from being bigger, faster and stronger nothing else was different from a regular rabbit. It still only had the basic leap attack. Every time the rabbit used its leap, Rebirth would dodge to its left and attack the same spot.

Dodging the elite rabbit one more time, Rebirth landed the last bit necessary to kill it.

Thinking about his fight with this group of rabbits, Rebirth could not help but shake his head. It’s going to take a long time to actually kill the necessary 50 elite rabbits. Waiting for an opportunity took him 5 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of intensive fight where he ended up using the wild boards charge consecutively without breaks. That was a huge stamina drain. Just to recover from the stamina and fatigue, he’d have to rest for about 2 minutes. So in total it take about 12 minutes to kill only 1 elite rabbit. At that rate it would take him about 10 hours to finish that quest. He did not want to spend so long on this quest.

He decided to combine his rest time with his waiting for an opportunity to strike in order to save a bit of time.

While observing his next target, Rebirth look at the drops from the rabbits without expecting anything. The elite rabbit drained 10 copper coins, and surprisingly he also dropped a piece of equipment.

Rabbits Rapier(common-ordinary):

equipment condition: 13 strength, 11 dexterity.

Dmg: 8-10

Attributes: Penetration(+), dexterity + 1, whenever a critical hit lands, a rabbit is summoned to attack the enemy.

Looking at that rapier that dropped, Rebirth quickly put away his full sword and replaced it with the rapier. With the rapier killing the rabbits would go a lot faster.

Looking at his next target, Rebirth found an opportunity a minute later when the elite rabbit moved far away from the rest of the rabbits.

Using wild boars charge, Rebirth quickly arrived in front of the first bunny and thrusted his rapier into the rabbits throat. When he was pulling back the rapier, a rabbit suddenly jumped from the tip of the rapier, and bit into the wound he had just created on the rabbit.

As soon as he withdrew his rapier, he used wild boars charge to get to the 2nd rabbit and repeated the same action.

In a matter of seconds, Rebirth had killed all 4 rabbits. Even the higher level rabbits died from one hit from the rapier thanks to its special attributes.

Giving a loud screech, the elite rabbit quickly leapt towards its subordinates killer. However just like the first elite rabbit, this one was no threat to him without its subordinates. And thanks to the rapier it died even faster. Within 2 minutes the elite rabbit died.


Though they were both common weapons, the difference between the rabbit rapier and beginners sword. This rapier would really speed up the hunting process.

Seven hours later, Rebirth was standing in front of the palace in Lilith’s temple. As he got to the door, they magically opened by themselves again and put for him to follow lit up. This path led to the chamber with the high chair in center.

Sitting on the high chair, Lilith stared down at Rebirth. This time she was wearing a silk dress shirt that reached to her belly button and highlighted her breasts with a black, tight fitting long slit skirt.

Getting up from the chair, Lilith walked towards Rebirth.

“Hehe, nicely done. You finished this task faster than I though your would. I pegged you to finish it in 10 hours. Hmm I guess I should give you a reward for exceeding my expectations.”

Wrapping her arms around Rebirths neck, Lilith leaned in and kissed him.

Feeling something warm on his lips and then something going into his mouth and wrapping around his tongue, Rebirth could not help but control himself as he brought up his right arm to fondle Lilith’s right breast

Separating her mouth from Rebirths, Lilith brought her pretty little lips to his ear before whispering into them.

“Hehe, you really like them don’t you? Hmm, I want to give you and additional reward, but your going to have to do 1 more task. Do you want to that task? Your reward will be worth it.”

Hearing Lilith’s tempting words, before he realized it, Rebirth was nodding his head in consent.

Locking lips with him again, Lilith moved a hand to Rebirths crotch before gently caressing over it.

As she separated her lips from Rebirth to talk, a long string of saliva connected there mouth.

“Wonderful. I’ll be waiting for your return to give you your reward.”

As she finished talking, Rebirth found him self staring at the tall palace doors again. She had teleported him outside again before he could respond.

[Ding: Coubgratualtions on clearing the 2nd task. Completion rate: Perfect. 4 temple points awarded. Due to impression Lilith again, she has decided to give you a 3rd and final task. There will be no penalty if you fail this task. Please bring the head of the rabbit king to Lilith by the end of the day. To help you in finding the rabbit king, Lilith has given you the rabbit king locator.]

Leaving Lilith’s temple, Rebirth started heading over to Hiras Restaurant. He had ran out of the rabbit meat buns she had given him and he could also use the well rested buff while hunting the rabbit king.

Walking into Hiras restaurant, he saw her cleaning some tables with another woman sitting on an empty table while eating.

“Excuse me Sir, we are currently closed right now, please comeback during our dinner time.”

The woman sitting on the table said as she saw Rebirth walking into the restaurant. Observing this new lady, Rebirth noted that she had a slim, petite figure with her strawberry-blonde hair being tied into a ponytail. She had blue blues, and an energetic smile that was packed with enthusiasm and brightness.

“It’s alright Torei, this is Rebirth, the person I was telling you about.”

“Hoho, so your Rebirth the person that my sister has been raving about huh?”

Hearing Hiras say this man that enter was Rebirth, Torei could not help but turn around to look at him with a smirk on her mouth.


Hearing Torei introduce herself as Hiras sister, Rebirth could not help but compare the two, especially the difference between their breasts.....while they were both beautiful, they looked completely different, they shared almost no similarities.......

Torei covered her breasts with her arm as he saw Rebirth looking at her chest and then at Hiras chest. And almost as if she could read his mind, she growled at him with an angry look on her face.

“Grrr, how dare you think those things.”

“Haha, how cute.” Walking over to Torei, Hira patted her head while chuckling. As if Hiras hand held some sort of magic to it, the scowl on Torei’s face slowly lifted while a pleased expression emerged on her face as Hira patted and caressed her head.

Seeing Torei calm down, Hira turned her head to look at Rebirth and started explaining to him the relationship between Amber and herself.

“Torei and I aren’t related by blood. She’s the younger sister of my late husband.”

Hearing Hira mentioned her deceased brother, a sad expression emerged on Torei’s face.

“I’m sorry for your loss. How did he die?”

Hearing that Hira has a dead husband, and seeing that look of sadness appear on Torei’s face, a sense of pity could not help but emerge on Rebirths face.

As Rebirth asked that question a look of hatred emerged on Torei’s face.

“It’s all that bastards fault.” Through gritted teeth and swelled eyes, she said this in a low voice.

Drawing Torei closed to her chest, Hira tightly hugged her as she turned to Rebirth.

“Please excuse her, her brother basically raised her, so whenever the topic of her brother comes back, she gets a bit emotional. As for your question, it’s been over 10 years since he passed away, back then Torei was only 10. He was a member of the towns garrison force, and following an expedition that the towns governor organized, he died in conflict.”

Saying this, Hiras stopped talking. Though based on Ambers reaction, Rebirth suspected there was more to the story then what Hira said, he did not press the subject.

After a moment of silence which Hira and Torei used to recover their calm, Rebirth remember why he came here, and changed the subject.

“Ah, yes Hira, I hunted some Elite rabbits. Do you want there meat?”

“Hmm!? Elite rabbits, you can already hunt them?”

“Mh. Elite rabbits are weak. Only troubling part is that they have regular rabbit followers. Kill the followers first and the elite rabbits are easy to kill.”

Hearing Rebirths reply, Hira couldn’t help but shake her head...she had often seen many beginner adventurers crying and bitching about the elite rabbits, if they heard a day old adventurer saying they were east what would be their response?

“Well that is impressive, I don’t really get a chance to cook with elite rabbit meat, so it’ll be fun experiment with them. How many do you have?”

“I have 50. Oh and 220 regular rabbit meat if you want.”

“!? That many. You really are gonna drive me out of business with me having to buy so much rabbit meat from you. I can offer you 10 copper coins per elite rabbit meat and due to the sheer amount of regular meat, I can only offer you 1 copper coins per piece.”

[Ding: Hira was offered to buy your elite rabbit meat at 10 coppers per piece and regular rabbit meat at 1 copper per piece. Do you want to accept? You will also experience points on a 1:1 bases]

Nodding his ahead in acceptance, Rebirth took out the meat from his inventory.

[Ding: 7 silver coins received, 700 exp received.]

“Haah, so much meat.......”

Looking at all the meat, with a troubled yet excited expression, Hira fell into deep thought.

“So much meat, do you also have the fur from the rabbits?”

As Rebirth found himself lost in Hiras cute thinking expression, a voice suddenly caught in and brought him to his senses. Turning around he saw Torei looking at him with a smirk on her face.

“Cough, cough, I have 50 elite rabbit furs and around 350 regular rabbit fur. Why do ya ask?"

“Torei here is a tailor. Her shop is right next door.” Breaking out of her thoughts, Hira patted Torei’s head as she explained.

“You haven’t seen my store? You literally have to pass it to reach Hiras restaurant.” Seeing Rebirth with a confused expression when he heard there’s a tailor shop next to the restaurant, Torei couldn’t help but ask with an incredulous expression.


Hearing Rebirths non schilack response, Torei curled down her body in defeat.

“I do have a question though....rabbits are pretty easy to hunt and their materials to gather, so why do you two get so excited about their meat and fur?”

Hearing Rebirths question and his response to the earlier question Torei asked, both Hira and Torei couldn’t help but laugh.

“You really dont pay much attention to your surrounding do you? This area is where the Lower class commoners live. Meat and cloth from monsters are a bit luxurious in this area.”

Hearing Hiras response, Rebirth couldn’t help but be slightly surprised.

“Anyway, sell me the rabbit fur, I can pay ya 5 copper for each elite rabbit fur and 1 copper coin for regular rabbit fur since you have so many of them. I’ll even make you some new equipment made from elite rabbit fur.”

[Ding: Torei is offering you 5 copper coins per elite rabbit fur and 1 copper coin per regular rabbit fur. Do you want to sell your rabbit fur?]

“Sure, but if your offering to make me new equipment, don’t make it out of the elite rabbit fur. I’m gonna go hunt something stronger soon, make my equipment out of that.”

[Ding: 6 silver coins and 600 exp obtained.]

[Ding: You have reached level 4]


Nodding her head at Rebirth, Torei agreed to his condition.

After resting, talking and eating a delightful meal with Hira and Torei, Rebirth left the restaurant and went to hunt the rabbit king.

Using the rabbit king locater item he received from Lilith, Rebirth quickly located the rabbit king.

Watching the rabbit king from behind a large tree, Rebirth could feel a slight headache coming up.

The rabbit king was around lvl 10, it was a lot smaller than a regular rabbit being only about 2 feet and height. A pointy crown sat on its head with a red cape on it.

The headache inducing part about the rabbit king was that it had 5 royal rabbit knights surrounding it. These rabbit knights were all at level 9, were about the same height of regular rabbits, and somehow were covered in armor pieces.

That reward from Lilith better be worth it grumbled Rebirth as he devised a plan to kill the rabbit king.

The plan he came up with was fairly simple. It was draw out the rabbit knights and take care of them individually.

Throwing a rock, Rebirth caught the attention of the furthest rabbit knight from the rabbit king. As if going to investigate, the rabbit knight went towards where the rock came from.

By consistently drawing its attention with rocks, Rebirth slowly drew the rabbit knight away from its group.

Once he had drawn the rabbit knight a sufficient distant from the rabbit king, Rebirth activates wild boars charge and charged towards the rabbit knight.

Wanting to test the defense of the rabbit knights armor, his first thrust was aimed at the forehead of the rabbit knight which was covered with a helmet.


As he heard the loud vibration and the numbness spreading through his arm from his thrust landing on the helmet, Rebirth realized that his attack did not deal much damage to the rabbit knight. His rapiers attack was not able to break threw the iron helmets defense.

Though it did not cause much damage to the rabbit knight, the large vibration did stun it however. Taking advantage of the stun state of the rabbit knight, Rebirth quickly launched a series of 10 rapid thrusts into the rabbits throat.

While the rabbit knight was covered in armor, it did have opening threw out its body. Since he couldn’t break through the rabbits armor, then he’ll just attack around it.

Of the openings the rabbits armor had, the biggest weakness was a small unguarded area around the rabbits throat. This was a hard area for normal people to hit, however Rebirth had no problems with his precision, especially if his target was basically a sitting duck.

All ten of his thrusts were critical hits which activated his rapiers special ability, inflicting even more damage on the rabbit knight. Furthermore, all ten (or 20 including the additional attack from te rapier) landed on the same spot.

After the 10th thrust, to Rebirths surprise, the rabbit knight died. The rabbit knight had a lot less health then the elite rabbits. Thinking about it, the rabbit knights problem traded the high health belonging to the elite rabbits for higher defense and probably higher strength and dexterity. Unfortunately for it, with the glaring opening on its throat, it’s defense was useless against Rebirth.

Quickly heading back to the rabbit king, Rebirth repeated his tactic against 2 more rabbit knights. One important thing he found out during those attempts was that stunning the rabbit knights with an initial thrust is only possible when a fully charged wild boars charge is used in conjecture. During that fight he was able to confirm that the rabbit knight did have a higher dexterity and strength then the regular elite rabbits.

After it noticed that 3 of its royal knights had disappeared the rabbit king grew suspicious and prevented the remaining 2 knights from going more that 10 yards away from it.

Seeing that he wasn’t able to draw away the remaining 2 rabbit knights, Rebirth slowly prepared to charge in. The rabbits where in a triangle position with a distance of about 10 yard between each other.

Positioning himself behind some bushes in front of one of the rabbit knights, Rebirth took a rock and threw it to the opposite side as hard as he could. As the rock fell down, it drew the attention of the further 2 rabbits away.

Using that opportunity, Rebirth activates wild boars charge before charging straight towards the rabbit knight facing him and thrusting his sword into its forehead.

Immediately after stunning the rabbit knight, Rebirth quickly delivered 10 high speed, precision thrusts into its throat.

After delivering the 10th thrust, Rebirth quickly activated wild boars charge and charged towards the 2nd rabbit knight and quickly repeated his actions before the rabbit king noticed.

Seeing its 2 remaining knights die within seconds, the rabbit king let out an enraged screech.

As this screech reached his ears, Rebirth found himself getting disoriented before it suddenly cleared up and a message ranged in his head.

[Ding: You have resisted the rabbit Kings confusion]

As he came out of his confusion, he saw the rabbit king leap attacking him just like a normal rabbit would with the same amount of strength.

Quickly dodging the leap, Rebirth delivered 5 quick thrusts into the back of the rabbit Kong’s neck.

[Ding: congratulations you have reached level 5]

As he finished his fifth thrust, a notification rang information him that he had reached level 5.

Putting down his rapier, Rebirth couldn't help but wonder how a boss class monster could be so weak and die after 5 measly thrusts.

Choosing not to dwell on this, Rebirth took a look at the loot from the rabbit king. He was really looking forward to what this boss class monster would drop, especially considering that aside from meat, fur and coins the rabbit knights didn’t drop anything special.

Aside from the stand rabbit king meat, rabbit king fur, and 10 silver coins, the rabbit king also dropped a ring.

[Rabbit King’s ring (common-superior)-

equipment requirement:none

Attributes: dexterity +15

Special skill: Rabbit Kings screech: Realizes a screech that inflicts the enemy with a confused status and grants a buff to your allies increasing there strength, defense, and dexterity by 10% for 30 seconds. Has a cool down time of 5 minutes.]

Looking at the rings characteristics, Rebirths earlier question on how this boss was so weak was answered. It wasn’t that it was weak, but rather that it was a boss that specialized in support. If he did not have the status resist skill, and if he had not killed the rabbit knights prior to the boss activating its screech.......Rebirth shuddered thinking about what may have happened.

Returning to town, Rebirth quickly dropped of the rabbit knights and rabbit Kong’s fur with Hira and Torei before heading to Lilith’s temple.

Arriving at Lilith’s temple, a new path light up. This path led to a large chamber with an oversized bed in its center.

On the bed, Rebirth saw the mesmerizing scene of Lilith’s firm butt standing up in the air while her pussy was dripping straight down into the mattress with small little fingers playing with it. Turning her face to stare at the stunned Rebirth in the doorway, a smile hung on her lips as he watched her.

“Hehe, I told you, I’d have a gift for you once you completed that last task. And here it is, so come...and get...it.” She said as she slowly got on her knees in the bed.

With her turning around to face him, Rebirth saw that Lilith was just wearing a small, see through black teddy. Through the teddy he saw her erect nipples and dripping pussy. Right above her pussy, she had her pussy hair shaved into a heart with the lower part forming an arrow pointing at her pussy.

As Rebirth walked towards the bed, Lilith also slowly crawled towards him. Standing up on her knees, Lilith threw her arms around Rebirths neck and started kissing him. Her long tongue went into his mouth and intertwined with his own tongue.

Having Lilith wrapped her arms around his neck, Rebirth also embraced her. Running his arms down her back, his hand quickly reached her firm juicy butt, where he slowly felt it it before giving it a deep squeeze.

Feeling rebirth playing with her ass, Lilith gave a soul stealing moan.

Breaking contact with Rebirths mouth, Lilith slowly removed his shirt, before running her hands threw his tone upper body. Looking at his upper body and all the small scars covering it, Lilith could not help but get further aroused.

Watching the arousal increase in Lilith eyes, Rebirth squeezed her ass even tighter before starting to kiss her neck.

Unable to contain herself, Lilith quickly broke out of Rebirths embraced, and got on all fours.

“Hehe, I wonder what’s this big thing trapped in here” she teasingly said as she quickly brought down his pants.

As soon as she brought them down, something sprang loose and smacked her across her cheeks.

Looking at what hit her with a surprised expression, Lilith moved her hands to touch it and slowly ran her fingers around it.

“My my. Guess I can’t call you a boy with something like this.”

Moving her head forward she give a small kiss to the head of Rebirths dick before taking out her long and smooth tongue and licking it.

Slowly but surely she started to run her tongue up and down Rebirths cock, savoring it’s taste before opening her mouth wide and swallowing the head and then taken in the rest of Rebirths dick in.

Watching Lilith swallow his cock, a sense of exhilaration ran through Rebirths back.

Looking down, he could see Lilith bobbing back and forth on his dick. As he saw his cock go into Lilith’s small mouth, he could not help but get more and more aroused. Unconsciously he brought his right hand down on Lilith’s head started caressing it.

Feeling the cock in her mouth get bigger and bigger and the large hend caressing her head, Lilith looked up, and at that moment her eyes locked with Rebirth.

“Hmp, Iwsh, cansht believsh thish thingshs geshing biggersh and biggersh.”

As he heard what Lilith tried to say as she moved one hand down to her pussy, a sense of ecstasy and pride could not help but pass threw him.

Unknowingly he had started shoving his dick in Lilith’s little mouth faster and faster.

“Comsh in my mouthssh”

Feeling his cock pulse faster and faster in her mouth she instructed.

Hearing her, Rebirth grabbed onto her head with both hands as he came into Lilith’s mouth.

“Gulp, Gulp, Gulp”

Looking down, with every shot from his penis as Lilith message his balls, he saw her throat bulging. Through out this entire time, as he unloaded in side her mouth, he did not break contact with Lilith’s beautiful eyes staring up at him.

After the last shot came out from his penis, Lilith let the dick come out from her mouth, and with a smile on her pretty little face, she opened her mouth, showing a clean and empty mouth to Rebirth.

Grabbing Rebirths arm, Lilith pulled him into the bed. Getting on top of him, she started rubbing her pussy lips over Rebirths cock.

As he felt the sensation of Lilith’s wet pussy, his cock started to harden.

Feeling Rebirths cock harden, Lilith got up and allowed his cock to stand straight up.

“Hahah, now time for the main event.” Lilith said as she aligned her wet pussy over Rebirths cock.

Slowly coming down, she felt the head of his cock spread her open. Then the long shaft came and filled every nook and cranny of her pussy.

“Tada..... and now..... for my next... magic trick..... I’ll make this dick..... appear and disappear repeatedly....right in...... front of your eyes.”

Watching Lilith move up and down, side to side on his cock, Rebirth saw her performed the magic trick she said she’ll perform.

As he saw Lilith’s breasts jiggle as she rode his dick, Rebirth could not help but move his arms up and grasp her breasts in his hand.

As he squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples, he felt her pussy clamp harder on his dick accompany with a loud moan from her and an increase in speed as she rode him.

Not letting him continue playing with her breasts, Lilith grabbed his hands and brought them down to her hips, as she lean forward and supported her body with her hands on his abdomen.

“Cmon, match....my....tempo”

She yelled as she slammed down on his cock for the umphteen time.

With her order, while grabbing into her hips, he started thrusting his cock up, trying to match her tempo.

“Faster....FASTER... FASSTER!!!!” She yelled as Rebirth thrusted his dick faster and harder upwards.

“Hold....it....in...a bit....hahahaah, more.....that’s....it.......I’m....hahahahaha, almost...there....”

She yelled in between breaths as she felt his cock twitch faster and faster inside of her.

“Hahaah, I can’t....hold on any....more.......I’m cumming” he said before releasing a large load in her pussy while thrusting in cock into her.

“IM CUMMING” she yelled towards the ceiling as she felt him pumping it into her with each thrust below her.

Looking at the convulsing Lilith on his cock, a feeling of achievement overwhelmed him as he felt her body fall weakly onto his chest with a euphoric smile on her face.

As he slowly felt asleep while embracing Lilith, a series of notifications slowly rang through his head.

[Ding: You have completed the tasks assigned by Lilith for your class obtainment. Completion rate: Perfect.

Congratulations, you have received the hidden class “Lilith’s Warrior (trainee)”

Passive skill Kamasutra has been learned.

Passive skill Lilith’s Ultimatum has been learned.

Passive skill Lilith’s Manipulation has been learned.

Constitution +1]

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