《Incarnation》Chapter 2


“You have chosen not to change any features in game. Please keep in mind that if you ever wish to change certain features you would be able to change them whenever you log into the game.” The voice said after hearing the young men.

Continuing on with the starting process the, the voice continued asking questions and providing information.

“Please choose a name.”


“All new players start out as Humans, if you wish to change your race or bloodline, you will have to find the correct process in game.”

In Incarnation all new players automatically started as a human, there were no additional option for race. A person was however able to change their body characteristics by achieving certain things in game.

“Please choose what town you would like to start in, if you are not sure where you want to start, you can choose random.”

As the voice ask this, Rebirth could not help but think amount the limited information he knew about the in game world.

In Incarnation there were several continents, however only the first continent was currently available. Furthermore each continent in game was equal to the total size of all the remaining continents on earth.

The first continent was aptly name New Beginnings, and was divided into 5 empires that were situated in the North, South, East, West, and central parts of the continent. Due to the sheer size of the continent, in addition to the 5 Empires, there were also hundreds of smaller kingdoms that paid tributes to these Empires.

“Random” Replied rebirth after mulling it over briefly.

“RGN has started...3...2...1...your starting town will be the town of Homunculus located in Ever Heat kingdom at the south west of the continent. Due to the town being randomly selected, the temple that you will belong to will also be randomly selected. Temp RGN started...3...2...1... congratulations you will belong to the Lilith Temple. The setting up of your Incarnation Avatar has been completed. My last duty before you are allowed to start the game is to show how to access your status screen. All you have to do is think the word ‘Status’ in your head.”

Though he had some questions about the whole temple thing, Rebirth decided to look it up later in the game website.

“Please thing the word ‘Status’ in your head” the voice repeated again.


Name: Rebirth

Class: None

Race: Human

Current Town: Homunculus

Kingdom: Ever Heat

Level: 0

Health: 100

Mana: 100

Strength: 10

Constitution: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Skills: None

“Thank you for completing the Avatar creation process. As a new inhabitant to this world, you will receive a beginners welcome package. Please enjoy and grow in Incarnation”

Shortly after the voice finished talking a bright light enveloped Rebirth, forcing him to close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes he found himself standing next to a beautiful fountain with sculptures of scantly dressed man and women all around.

The female sculptures were wearing different designs bikinis or micro bikinis. The most attention drawing sculpture was the female holding a trident on the fountain due to her gorgeous appearance and the fact that she was only wearing a sea shell around her hips and no other article of clothing.


Man on the other hand were mostly dressed with short pants or speedos.

Looking closely at the sculptures surrounding the fountain, Rebirth noticed that many of these sculptures looked very old and had an air of antiquity to them. Almost as if they had been created in a time long forgotten.

Taking his attention away from the sculpture, Rebirth looked around for the first time and started judging the town.

The town itself looked very large, and had an architecture still that resembled Ancient Greece. Just like the sculptures, the town itself looked as it they had been built long ago.

After admiring the town for a while, Rebirth slowly walked to the fountain, sat down on the steps surrounding the fountain. As he sat down he could not help but extend a hand into the fountain.

As his hand got wet, he could not help but Marcel at the realism of the game. Everything so far has felt exactly the same as reality. The hot wind that occasionally blew, the cold water running threw his fingers, the hard and cold cement he was currently sitting on....everything felt the same as they would in reality.

After marveling at the degree of realism for a while, Rebirth connected to the internet and went to the games home page in order to due some research on the game.

The first thing he looked up were temples. Temples were essentially the place that a player would go to in order to develop their skills and classes. There were thousands of temples spread throughout the continent, with some temples only being available in some towns while others were spread throughout the entire continent. This was why depending on where a player choose to start, different temples might be available.

Both small temple and large temples had their own advantages and disadvantages. The biggest advantage of small temples over large temple was that small temples had unique traits and special perks that could not be found at large temples and they also offered a much greater degree of freedom. Though its biggest disadvantage is that it does not give nearly enough assistance as a large temple to help a player evolve there class.

The class that a player chooses is determined by the temple the player chooses. Small temples would typically have more hidden, niche, or specialized classes than large temples, however when it comes to the degree of rarity for hidden classes, large temples is the winner for this. In addition to determining what class a player can choose, a temple also helps them evolve those classes.

In Incarnation, classes could be evolved, and the higher the evolution, the stronger the class. It is unknown how far a class could be evolved, however what is know is that a small temple could help a player evolve up to their 3rd evolution, while a large temple up to the 7th evolution.

The town of Homunculus is a relatively large town in the kingdom of Ever Heart with a population of 500,000 and it was known for its hot weather and constant fights with monsters. In terms of sheer size it is as big as the royal capital of the kingdom. The town itself is also older than the kingdom, and it is rumored that long ago, it was the capital of a kingdom that was on the verge of being able to rival an Empire.


When it comes to temples, the town has some 150 different temples, with 100 of them being relatively medium size temples, 15 being large temples, 30 being small temples, and 5 being temples that only exist in the town.

The Lilith temple was a temple that only existed in the town of Homunculus. Due to it being such a small temple that is only available in a town of a mediocre kingdom, Rebirth could not find any helpful information about it online.

Before leaving the fountain area, the last thing he looked up was some basic information on attributes.

In Incarnation there were only 4 attributes. They were strength, constitution (every point in constitution was 10 points in health), dexterity and intelligence (every point in intelligence was 10 points in mana). Every player started with 10 points in very attribute and every 5 levels they would gain 5 attribute points that they could freely distribute. Aside from the 4 basic attributes and 2 status gauges, there also hidden attributes and gauges that players had no control over or can not see. One example was stamina. It was thought that stamina was affected by the combination of all 4 stats.

After getting up from the fountain, Rebirth opened the biggeners package that was given by the system. In the package there was 10 loads of bread, 1 silver coin, and a novice sword. The novice sword was sharp, low damage, and overall meant for beginners.

Walking threw the city, only one word could describe it: Huge. Luckily for players this was a game. Otherwise if this were reality it would’ve take them half an hour to get from one side of the city to the other while driving a car going 40mph.

No matter how he thought about it, he could not understand how transportation system worked in the city. Rather than walking everywhere, simply by focusing on a spot and willing yourself to appear there, you’d get transported there right away. It was truly mind boggling.

Using this transportation method, Rebirth quickly explored the city and its function. As he was exploring the city, he kept getting closer and closer to the city gate. When he was about a mile away from the city gate, he smelled an amazing aroma coming from a near by small restaurant.

Noticing him looking around for that enchanting smell, the restaurant attendant could not help but laugh and call out to him.

“Hiya, based on your dazed look, I bet your a new adventurer correct?” Adventurer is what the local inhabitants of Incarnation called players.

Turning around towards the voice that called him, Rebirth could not help but be slightly shocked.

The restaurant attendant that called him was a mature woman who looked to be in her early-mid 30s. She had long wavy red hair, freckles, and a curvy body high lighted by the apron she was wearing.

“Hello, earth to adventurer” the lady repeated after seeing the adventurers spaces out look.

“Ah, ah, yes I’m new, how did you know?”

“Haha, it’s very obvious considering the way your standing in the middle of the row looking at everything. My names Hira, I’m the owner of this lovely establishment.”

“I’m Rebirth, today’s my first day here” he responded with a blush on his face.

“Hmm, since your new here, about running an errand for me? I’m running low on rabbit meat, so can you hunt a few for me? You can find them right out of the town gate. I’ll recompense you very well”

Ding: Hira is asking you to get 20 pieces of rabbit meat for her. Do you want to accept this quest?

“Ah yes, I’ll go get your rabbit meat right away” Rebirth replies before turning and walking towards the town gates.

Walking out the town gates, Rebirth saw a large road heading off into the unknowns with plains located on both sides of the road. Monsters could be seen everywhere on the plains but oddly enough there were no monsters on the road. Along with the monsters, you could also see many players fighting them. From what he saw, the further away from the gate the stronger the monsters.

The rabbits that Hira tasked him to hunt were relatively close to the town gates.

Going near an isolated rabbit, with his sword drawn, Rebirth slowly examine it. The thing he noticed right away was that the rabbits in game had nothing in coming with the cute and cuddly rabbits in reality.

This rabbit was about a meter tall, had red fur, red eyes, pointy ears, razor sharp teeth, and the aura of a ferocious beast.

Focusing on the rabbit, tiny letters identifying it slowly appeared above its head.

Lvl 2 southern demented rabbit

As Rebirth got closer, the rabbit came to notice him when he was about 3 yards away from it.

Seeing a human prey approaching it, the rabbit, bared it’s teeth and took a giant leap towards Rebirth with its mouth wide open.

Seeing the rabbit jumping towards him to but him, Rebirth quickly side stepped to the side, rush forward, and while passing b the rabbit slashed his sword towards the lunging rabbits neck.

Critical hit. Fatal hit.

Seeing the dead rabbit slowly dissolve and leave bones, meat, and it’s leather behind. Rebirth could not help but shake his head and look for into the distance while thinking to himself that those monsters in that island he had spend a long time in were a lot stronger than this demented rabbit.

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