《Surely is a Dream》Chapter 11
They showered and had shower sex, then he left her alone in the bathroom to get ready. She came out and decided to wear her dress from the day before to the shop, but she had to wear his underwear because hers were dirty. He was dressed and messing around on his laptop.
“Are you working?” she asked.
“No not really, I’m working on something personal,” he said.
She didn’t ask because it seemed like he didn’t want to tell her. Then she gathered all his and her dirty clothes and realized there was no way he had a laundry bag, so she used a trash bag instead.
“Are you not wearing a bra?” he asked when he saw her put hers in the bag.
“This dress doesn’t really require one for such a short trip, I’m changing when I get home,” she said, he just looked at her, so she said, “does it bother you?”
“Nah, not really, but that’s kind of hot.”
“Do you think we will make it out of here without having sex again?” she laughed.
He laughed, “we have to try at least, how many times have we done it since yesterday?”
She started counting on her fingers and then gave up, “I can count at least seven, but we were so stoned, and it seemed like after we went to bed, we just didn’t stop until I fell asleep.”
“We took breaks,” he said.
“What did you do after I fell asleep?” she asked.
He blushed.
“I was awake for about thirty minutes…”
“I just kept telling you how much I loved you and stuff, I guess I thought it would make you have good dreams… I was stoned.”
“Well you’re sweet when you’re stoned,” she said, walking over and pushing his shoulders back to straddle him.
“I thought you wanted to make it out of here,” he said.
“I’m just setting here,” she said feigning innocence.
“Baby, the sooner we get it done the sooner we can come back and have sex all day.”
She thought about it and sighed, “fine, come on.”
They walked to her place, Elliot carried the bag of clothes, she wore his hoodie because it was cold. He wore a black tee-shirt and black jeans, this indicated to her that he wanted to be comfortable. It was his comfort outfit. She texted Darlene on the way to make sure everything was good and let her know they were coming. Dom had just left, so she must’ve spent the night. When they got there Darlene had already started on Raine’s clothes so she left them both in the backroom and went up to change. She wanted to wear something cute but knew they would be in bed all day so she opted for some grey lounge pants and a long-sleeved white crop top that came just below her breasts and said ‘nirvana’. She decided not to wear a bra to drive Elliot crazy. She put her hair up in a ponytail and wore her white converse shoes. She picked up the dirty clothes she had just taken off and went downstairs.
Darlene and Elliot were already folding the first load when she went in. It wasn’t just a laundry room, it was the stock room and business office too.
“Darlene washed the shirt I gave you,” Elliot said before even saying hello.
“Well… that’s okay,” she said.
“I didn’t know,” Darlene said.
“It’s fine, Elliot take off your shirt and put that one on, it’s the same anyway.”
“So you want to keep the one I’m wearing now?” he asked.
“Oh no it has to be the other one because it’s from the first night, I just need you to wear it all day so it smells like you again,” she said like it was perfectly normal. He did as she asked without hesitating though.
Darlene rolled her eyes, “you guys are weird.”
“Who wants to be normal?” Raine laughed.
“Not me,” she said.
“So how was your night?” Raine asked her.
“No how was your night? Elliot was just telling me you guys did it all night,” Darlene said.
“She asked me,” he said apologetically.
“It’s okay, I would have told her if you hadn’t,” Raine said.
“That’s what I figured,” he said.
“So, I need some girl talk… Elliot go get us some coffee and have a smoke out back,” Darlene commanded.
“Shouldn’t I smoke before I get the coffee?” he asked.
“Shut up, whatever we need to talk alone,” she said.
“You don’t have to get me anything, but I would like to talk to Darlene,” Raine said touching his arm.
He shook his head but smiled, he gave Raine a quick kiss and left the room.
“So, he does whatever you tell him, we can use that,” Darlene laughed.
Raine tilted her head like she was saying ‘how dare you’ then said, “so what happened, is this about you and dom or the other thing?”
“Well she couldn’t find anything yet, and he didn’t message last night, but she said the medical records are the most important thing.”
“So, we’re still where we were yesterday?”
“No, she has your logins and is logged in all your accounts on a burner phone, if he sends a message, she’ll have it first thing and can track down where he is and everything, I taught her how to do that, if we can trap him out somewhere drunk we might be able to get a confession of some sort.”
“Darlene don’t put yourself in danger for this,” Raine said.
“I have the fuckin F.B.I. as back up, they know about the case and approved it.”
“Really? Domestic violence from two years ago?”
“Dom’s new boss is a major hard-ass feminist,” Darlene smiled.
“Okay is that all for that?”
Darlene shrugged, “yea.”
“So, what else did you guys do, she spent the night?”
Darlene smiled and bit her lip, “we hooked up… but don’t be too impressed we only did it once, not what eight times.”
“Eight times last night, once this morning… or twice if you count the other thing.”
“What other thing?”
“Oral but it wasn’t for me, I did it to him,” Raine said.
“Oh, good job, I know you always had a problem with that,” Darlene said.
“I hope he liked it,” Raine said, “so where are the texts from him?”
She read them.
D: did you grow some balls and kiss her yet?
E: yes she’s amazing
D: duh, how was the sex
E: who says we did that
D: she did
D: so? Twice, impressive
E: why didn’t you tell me she could dance like that?
D: you went dancing?
E: no
D: ohh so she finally got to be on top
E: she ‘dances’ like Shakira
D: I’m so proud of her for so many reasons
E: you’re not proud of me?
D: for growing a pair? Yes. she won’t tell me details because you’re my brother… I can hear about how she is in bed but if she starts describing things about you, I’m out
E: understandable
E: do you think she’d like a pink toothbrush?
D: how should I know… wait you’re already keeping a toothbrush at your place for her?
E: I love her so much; I’ve never felt anything close to this for anyone
D: I know I see how you look at her, she hung the moon and all that, I’m really happy that I, me, Darlene, had the foresight to set you two up
E: I will never stop thanking you sis, I’m close to home, love you be careful
D: love you
Raine smiled and told Darlene all the sweet things he had said and done. Elliot opened the door and peaked in, “are you done talking about me yet?”
“No, I was just telling Darlene about the shower…” she turned to Darlene, “so I put my one foot on the side of the tub, you know, to anchor myself…”
“Hey,” Elliot interrupted.
“I’m kidding,” she laughed.
“That was a good idea though, gave us good traction,” he said.
“Okay, that’s enough for me, oh you really got us coffee?” Darlene said.
“Yea,” he said handing them their lattes.
They talked and laughed and did laundry, Raine showed Elliot some of the office things and file cabinet just to have something to distract her from wanting to kiss him continuously. Darlene got all her clothes done and left them alone, Elliot’s clothes were almost dry so Raine took all her clothes upstairs and threw them on the bed to put away later, she grabbed something she could wear to Papi’s tomorrow to skip leaving Elliot’s early and stuffed it in a big purse along with all the things she needed to spend the night with him again. She didn’t need a toothbrush now, but she did want some of her own things.
She went back down and walked in and Elliot was waiting on her leaning on the drier with his arms crossed. She walked over to him, “well who are you, mysterious, sexy stranger?” she said winking.
He grinned and said, “I just followed you in, because I wanted to rip your clothes off as soon as I saw you, I waited in here because I wanted to set you up on the drier and fuck you until you can’t walk.”
“Is that so? What’s your name?” she asked. He put his hand over her mouth and said, “Shh… whatever you do don’t scream, understand?” she nodded and tried not to smile. He held his hand there and with his other arm, he picked her up and spun around and sat her on the drier, it rocked beneath her. He pulled her pants and panties off but then she realized she hadn’t locked the door. “Elliot the door isn’t locked,” she said.
He grinned and spread her legs apart and pulled her to him, “that makes it more fun.”
She slid closer to him and they had sex on the drier, she kept watching the door until he made her feel so good, she didn’t care if the whole staff walked in. She moaned loudly a couple of times so Elliot put his hand back over her mouth and for some reason, she found this incredibly sexy. She moaned against his hand and he seemed amused at his effect on her. When they got done, she got dressed and said, “well I’m never going to be able to do laundry in here again without getting turned on.”
“Did you like it?” he asked.
“Couldn’t you tell? I was practically screaming into your hand,” she said.
“I meant the role-playing?” he asked.
“Yea, I started it,” she said.
“That kind of surprised me, but I liked it too.”
They finished their laundry and got ready to leave.
“Are you wearing that to my place?” he asked.
“Yea, why?”
“I mean if you lift your arms, I can see your tits,” he said.
“Yea that’s why I’m wearing it to your place… I want you to see my tits,” she laughed.
He grinned but said, “well put my hoodie on until we get there, I’d hate to have to kill someone on the way home for saying something about your body.”
“Elliot are you jealous?” she giggled.
“I don’t like it but yea a little bit,” he said, “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to tell you what to do but you’re not wearing a bra.”
She laughed, “I know, this was for you only, I was totally planning to wear something over it outside… but it’s kind of hot that you’re jealous.”
“No, it’s not good, I don’t want to be controlling, I mean you should be able to wear what you want wherever; I just know what the reaction would be… and I’d have to kill someone.”
“Like, literally?” she asked. He shrugged, “I don’t know, depends, I just know my temper and if anyone said anything to you that was disrespectful, I don’t know what I would do.”
“Well I’m not trying to cause drama, give me the hoodie,” she said. She felt a little nervous, not that she was scared of Elliot for herself but because what he had said made it clear he couldn’t find out about Luke’s messages. If he read even one of them, he’d probably lose it. She zipped up the hoodie and smiled at him weakly.
“I’m sorry I don’t mean to talk like that… you don’t have to wear anything at all if you don’t want to, I’m just saying…”
“Elliot,” she interrupted, “I don’t want anyone else to see my boobs either… well besides my doctor… but yea you talking like that, about… killing people, it makes me nervous.”
“I’m sorry, I’m fucked up, I fucked up,” he said shaking his head.
“It’s fine, just…” she sighed, “don’t worry about me so much, I’ve been through hell, I don’t need a bodyguard, I need… trust, that I can handle myself.”
He looked conflicted but nodded, “I do trust you, it’s just… I don’t know if I could handle it, not because I think you need me to defend you, it’s just… my flaw.”
She sighed, “it’s not a flaw, I mean it’s natural because you care about me…”
“Love you,” he corrected.
“You can do both silly,” she laughed, “you love and care about me, it’s animal instinct to defend what you care about… I just don’t want you to do something that would get you in trouble or something you would regret.”
“You’re talking about this like you’re preparing me for something,” he said. Damn it! Did he have to be this smart and observant?
“I am because someday someone will say something like that, we know it will happen, we live in New York,” she said.
“I’ll talk to Krista about it this week,” he said.
“Okay. I’m proud of you,” she said.
“What for?”
“Doing things the right way, and for knowing what things you need to work on, most of the population lives in denial about their issues and you just always want to improve, it takes a lot of strength to do that,” she said.
“Took me a long time to get here,” he said.
“I know,” she smiled and led him to the kitchen because she wanted another latte and she offered to show him how they are made. Two of the girls, Ashley and Kaitlin, were in there and gave each other a look when they walked in. They eyed Elliot like he was Channing Tatum, probably recognizing him from the news. Raine showed him all the steps and made him try it when she was done. The girls were still in there giggling and whispering like middle schoolers. When Raine heard one of them say, “Look at him you know he’s got a big…” she interrupted and said, “Hey guys, do you mind sharing with the rest of us?”
“Oh sorry,” Ashley said, “we ummm…” she looked at Elliot and blushed.
Raine put her hands up to calm her, “you’re not in trouble for talking and laughing, obviously but it kind of seems like you’re talking about us,” she pointed at herself and Elliot.
“Well we heard… umm… those walls are really thin,” Kaitlin said. Elliot almost choked on the latte and Raine felt like melting into the floor. She looked at Elliot desperate for help but he just shrugged. She wished Darlene had been in here to tell them to just mind their own business because she couldn’t do that herself, it wasn’t even their fault. How were they supposed to react to hearing their boss moaning in the other room?
“I’m sorry you guys,” she started.
“We aren’t judging you, I wish my boyfriend could make me make those kinds of sounds,” Ashley laughed.
“I wish I even had a boyfriend, and you’re taking risks, good for you, so how big…” Kaitlin started.
“OKAY,” Raine stopped her, she put her hands up and shooed them out, “get back to work or at least whisper better, don’t tell anyone… wait who else heard it?”
“Well just us two, Kyle the guy who delivers napkins, Amber, Leanne, Brittney, Darlene…” Ashley said.
“So, everyone?” she put her hand over her eyes, “okay, whatever, I had sex in the back room, we are adults so can we move on?”
Ashley and Kaitlin nodded and left the room quickly, Raine turned to Elliot who was leaning on the counter looking amused and she said, “what did I tell you?”
He laughed and she glared at him, he held out his hand and said, “aww come here.”
“Nope, that’s what started this, to begin with, you touching me,” she laughed slapping his hand away playfully, “and stop drinking all my coffee,” she huffed.
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