《Just For Fun》Chapter 19: an odd day for most...
“Hey Nebel… haha… how's it hanging?.” A tall girl says smirking
“Hi Nebel, nice slug, can I pet it?” A short girl says while licking her lips
“Hello Nebel, do you always do this here?” a well endowed woman asks him
“Yo Nebel…oh a whip! Can I try it out?” a girl with pigtails asks…
“No you cannot!” Nebel yells at the last girl. He was still tied up… and those girls were the more courageous members of the all female volleyball team.
“Ahh but I so wanted to, too…” the short girl says turning slightly away with a disappointed look.
“No not you! Go ahead pet it I meant…” Nebel starts to stutter in desperation.
Wer ccccth! Ahhhhhh!
“Whoops, I didn’t mean to hit that! Want me to kiss it better?” the girl with the pigtails says and winks.
“Yes to both of you, now please put that whip down.” Nebel says while upside down with his privates in front of their faces.
The girl with pigtails lays it down on the ground and steps between the clamps, car battery and jumper cables to lay a kiss on the effected region. “Well, see ya Nebel, next time come without the ropes!”
“Before you go, can you untie me?” Nebel says to her as she walks away. “No? well that’s cool I’ll just hang out here some more…”
The short girl also comes over while ignoring his repeated wish to be released, gives his “Slug” a stroke, a peck and a lick before running to her friends and asking them to pay up. “Told you I’m not innocent! pay up!”
The girl’s friends laugh their heads off and start sliding their cards along hers.
“Blow him and we’ll double it!” one of them giggles
“Yuck, no way! Boyfriends only!” the girl says
“Why don’t you just blow me or whatever, you’re obviously not going to release me!!!” Nebel yells at the girls, annoyed by his treatment.
His original plan was to escape… but no real guy can pay attention to escaping in that sort of situation… and after that it was all torture which leaves a man breathless but not in the same way… so here he was… in a room full of women, butt naked and tied up with bondage and discipline tools scattered on the floor around him…
“I’ll do it!” Mitchell’s voice says from behind him.
He had forgotten she was also in the volleyball team “Really ok, thanks Mitchell!”
Mitchell steps around him and starts to lean forwards… she opens her mouth, her breath moving his hairs, sticks out her tongue, and…
“Umm… Mitchell what are you doing?” Nebel says when he sees her lean forwards, he couldn’t see her face but he did see her pull back and start to undo his left legs leather shackle.
He had been tied spread eagled with his legs tied farther back then his arms and with a fifth shackle around his neck holding his head backwards. From this position he was unable to see his stomach let alone farther than that.
In just a few short moments... Due to Mitchell’s strange choice of shackles to undo, he was twisted over his arms and against his head restraint and nearly unable to breathe…
“Mi..chell t… neck.. one.” He croaks, Mitchell sees her mistake and corrects it. A few moments later Nebel is a free man! One that is naked in a female changing room… thank god the system could properly analyze the situation… just imagine if those things from his history lesson were to come in, what were they called? Oh ya policemen. Man that would be bad…
Nebel and Mitchell start collecting his clothes and he puts on the ones he can when he finds them… t shirt? Check! Socks? Check! Underwear? Hmm, that’s odd… their not there…
“Ahh Maya must have taken them!” he says aloud “I’ll get them back when lesbian Maya comes out.”
He fails to notice Mitchell sniffing something before jerking and putting it into her pocket.
Nebel grabs his pants and jacket, puts them on and after thanking Mitchell sneaks out of the locker room.
Mitchell watches him go, before turning off a little something that was wiggling on the floor and stashing it in her pocket. She walks over to her friends, with a last look assures her of Nebel’s disappearance and demands “What the hell was that?” of her friends. “You know I like lord Nebel!”
The short girl, whose name was actually Andrea, counters with another question. “I should ask you the same thing, why didn’t you go for it?”
Mitchell goes red “I.. I wasn’t ready!”
“Ohhh, not that again!” the group of girls exclaim
“Come on he’s one of those! You have to attack!” the girl with pig tails says
“Stephanie! I have a beaf with you too, why did you whip him there and then ki.. kissed it!” Mitchell stutters
Stephanie, the girl with pigtails gets defensive “I didn’t mean to hit that… I just wanted to try it out!”
“And what about that kiss!?” Mitchell says while pouting.
Stephanie also goes red “What are you supposed to do when you accidentally hit a guy there with a whip! I panicked!”
Mitchell shacks her head with friends like hers she didn’t need the rivals she already had…
Bö was staring out a window in her school’s cafeteria with Luke and a few friends there with her. “So boring! I want to play!” she yells after a moment. Everyone chuckles and goes back to whatever they were doing…
Bö was just trying to start a conversation, no one had talked for twenty minutes and she was the only one that had nothing to do… Ricky her classmate and best friend was texting one of their friends that was sick today.
Valery her other friend was doing the homework that everyone else had already finished and Luke was talking about some sort of appointment he had with the doctor and something about getting it pushed up to today… see how bored she was! She was even eavesdropping now!
Bö gets off of her chair and walks towards the hall, some boys smile at her, in a way she didn’t fully understand, but at least they didn’t stop her. The girls were much worse, quite a few of them stopped her and either gave her a hug, a kiss on the cheek or looked at her much like the boys.
Bö liked the hugs and kisses but she didn’t know what to do about the looks. Nebel had told her that that was thanks to her porcelain doll like beauty and to live with it, and it was usually fun but today she didn’t feel like it.
This same day Bö had been hit on by guys half her age older then her while she was just walking down the hall, she hoped a cuter girl would transfer soon.
She was only eleven years old and she was in a school that ranged from kindergarten all the way up to the twelfth grade, Luke was in his final year there, apparently where they had lived before was just on the other side of the district so he was able to stay in the same school.
Mitchell had finished just the year before and gone on to immortal university. In Nebel’s time at the school, Maya had been the school idol, even with her tomboy attitude to makeup; after she left Mitchell had grabbed the top even with her having a younger, near copy, trap for a brother… boy that was an embarrassing year for lots of guys.
This year the student body had been unable to fully decide and had come up with… a bit of a strange idea, the idol would be the cheerleader squad leader and the object of their love so they thought it was a big deal and the student council seemed to agree.
They had two people that they all collectively agreed should be the new idol; the student council actually had polls...
But each one had a flaw that made them ineligible, the first one met two of the most important criteria which included cuteness/beauty but failed in the age area, that was Bö.
The other was a bit more complicated and a lot creepier… the first and third parts of the criteria were met but the most important one wasn’t since… he was a boy… it was Luke…
Most of the guys didn’t believe that he was a boy and would act as if there was a girl when he tried to hangout and if the girls got a hold of him he would spend the rest of the day in the female uniform that included a skirt, leggings and a hair brooch.
Oh course this just exacerbated the situation until the whole student body were convinced Luke was a tomboy cross-dressing as a boy.
In the end they decided on a dual idol-ship for that year since Bö wasn’t old enough to leader the cheerleaders. This year although she wasn’t on the team she was their mascot and trainee, they didn’t put her in the suit which disappointed her…it was a squirrel outfit, instead they just had her walk around smiling. For Luke it was worse, he was their leader…
At sporting events they made him dress in the cheerleader skirt and top and lead them in their chants but out of the events it was Bö that was stalked, Bö guessed it was because the boys even though they thought he was a she preferred not to take the chance…
Like you can imagine it was a creepy situation and sometimes unpleasant for both of them even though Luke never complained and even seemed enthusiastic when cheering which was amazing since he was pretty… let’s call it silent… most of the time...
In the last few weeks Luke had started to get asked out as well and it didn’t lessen when he shot them all down because of the way he did so.
Excerpt from some guys journal:
Today I asked her out but even though she declined it only made me more enamored! That cute stutter as she said no while looking away all red in the face just made my day.
End of excerpt…
The rest of Nebel’s day was fairly un eventful, he ate a whole bar of ex-lax chocolate and got rid of the tracker, then he used a constipant to stop the you know what.
Then he worked on his thesis and some home work before picking up Mitchell, Luke and Bö. As he was literally as a joke, carrying Mitchell over his shoulder to his car, her wallet fell out of her purse along with a rod Nebel refused to pick up which gave her the chance to recover it, and a dozen condoms that he took away, no guy was going to get any of that from his cousin or sister if he could stop it! And he knew that Luke would agree.
But it was the student identification that stopped him… MICHELLE LOCKLESS was written in the place for the name and a picture of Mitchell was on one side.
“Hey Mitchell, what’s up with this?” Nebel asks showing her the card.
“That’s my name…?” she says while completely red and trying in vain to put the rod into her skirt pocket.
“I thought it was Mitchell.” He says placing the card back into her wallet and the wallet into her purse.
“No that’s just my nickname… I used to be a tomboy and my friends called me a version of my name that’s more masculine.” She says her face back to her usually expression of delight whenever someone took interest in her.
“Oh ok, I thought it was something like German pronunciation, Mit chell. So “with Chell”.”
“No that is just a nickname.” She goes red again “Can I have my condoms back?”
“No until you leave my house you are property of me and your brother, no other guys!”
“What other guys?” she asks him confused “I am all yours lord Nebel.”
“Niceee try, sweet talker, I’m not falling for that!” Nebel says chuckling.
“I’m not joking! I’m yours! Body and soul forever!” she says and Nebel just ignores her…
He drives calmly to Newton high and there already waiting for them are Bö and Mitchell… I mean luke! Nebel thinks but this time it really wasn’t his fault, Luke was wearing the schools cheerleader outfit and was holding a pink umbrella to ward off the light rain that was falling.
The school behind them was a brick affair with all of the class of a prison. But it was beside a park and had children playing out front which greatly lessoned that freedom denied feeling.
“Hey luke you look pretty cute, just like your sister here. Maybe you should just go and get a sex change, Luke.” Nebel says with a laugh. Mitchell goes red but Luke just smiles “That’s the plan!”
“Don’t tease him onii-chan! He got six love confessions today.” Bö says looking peeved.
“What about you Bö-chan, you got twelve today!” Luke says patting her head as they get into the car.
“TWELVE!?” Nebel roars, Bö pats him on the back and gives him a kiss on the cheek from her spot behind him “Don’t worry brother I don’t like them as much as I like you!!”
Nebel looks towards her and Mitchell sees something she had never seen on his face before… it must have been her imagination but after that Bö starts sulking and wining for ice cream… which she never did…
Nebel starts driving and the school is quickly left behind. “Hey Nebel can you drop me off at my doctor’s office?” Luke asks him when their nearly at the house. “My meds have run out and my doctor told me to come in when they did.”
“Sure no problem.” Nebel says smiling at Luke.
In the letter to his father one thing was written only about Luke, it seemed he had been born with a certain condition, that was both treatable and curable but that would require a large important decision that would affect the rest of the patient’s life.
Due to the current system, this decision that was normally the parents to make had been changed to be one held at bay by the state until the patient was old enough to decide.
Nebel hadn’t been told the condition but he had heard it was an embarrassing one. So he had decided not to ask about it. “I needed to go there anyway, mom and dad requested it.”
This last part was a lie; it wasn’t his parents that had asked him… it was the maker. The maker had sent him a message that only had a time and a code on it to Nebel but he was sure he knew what it was about.
“I’ve made the decision, I’m telling the doctor Collins today. I might even have the surgery today, well unless the tanks are full.” Luke tells them.
Mitchell didn’t seem surprised but Bö sat up straight in her seat and grabbed a breath in surprise. “Oh so are you getting your….!” Mitchell and Luke cover Bö’s mouth and even her nose until she starts flailing and making a “U” with her right hand. Nebel stops the car and looks over to them… I think she’s trying to say uncle…
The siblings let her go and she takes deep breaths… “Mit… chell… onee….-san… tell… me later…”
Nebel finishes driving to the house and drops Mitchell and Bö off. “We’ll be back in a few hours, there are sandwiches in the fridge… unless mom and dad ate them… here’s money…”
Nebel continues the drive to the laboratory where Luke’s doctor worked. It was demi-gods own and run and happened to be why Nebel lived in this city. The building was ultra modern with a sleek appearance and lying windows. The maker had installed them as a joke, if you look from outside in, you would see the people who were actually in the room either playing with toys, having an orgy or doing some strange ritual, among other things depending on your age.
Nebel had reached the age of the orgies so he stayed away from the windows since this was the building where his parents worked. And even if that’s what they really were doing he obviously didn’t want to see it.
Nebel parks the car and the two of them walk into the building, Luke stops Nebel before they reach the desk and pulls him to one side “Hey master, my surgery has some minor side effects so if I stop being me…”
Nebel smiles “Don’t worry you’ll always be family.” Luke smiles as he leaves Nebel behind him as he walks into the east wing, the medical science wing.
Nebel walks up to the counter and finds Synthia behind the desk with tears in her eyes Nebel greets her and she breaks out into sobs “Ne..bel, they… terminated my… old job…”
Nebel signs and pats her on the back “I can’t blamed them… you were the veteran therapist and we haven’t had a documented case of PTSD in ten years… why don’t you apply to immortal university as a teacher or as the counselor?”
“But.. it was my dream job… I never… had to work!” she sobs
“What you’re not interested in over sexed university students?” Nebel smirks
Like greased lightning or the road runner, she practically disappears as she runs for the door “Thanks Nebel!!!”
Nebel shakes his head; now that she was gone he could get to business and says the code sentence to the attendant, saying them causes quite a bit of stress. “My balls burn and I would like to my breasts removed…”
The attendant shakes his head “Seriously where does he get those codes? His mind must be hell!”
The attendant hands him a small card that on one side says “physics department” while on the other side is a code for a location in the computer sciences wing.
Nebel thanks the attendant and heads to the spot marked on the card, which happens to be a wall in the female bathroom… he walks inside, scary a few women out as he goes and says physics department into the mirror. A door that was cleverly hidden opens after the bathroom door closes and Nebel walks in.
“So what’s up Maker?” Nebel asks the darkness he had walked into. “How’s your face?”
“Oh that it’s fine, it healed an hour after she did it. More importantly treat her like you sister, not someone else…please… she’s not joking you know the other her will reset the project with clones of us all. But we won’t get to see it, do you get my drift?” the darkness replies to him.
“Quite clearly you old fart. Anyway why did you call me? Isn’t this against the plan?” Nebel says
“Quite the contrary everything is her plan… well maybe not you knowing that threw a stick into its finely made gears but plan B is about to start and it should deal with the errors.”
The voice starts listing off things like a grocery list “I called you here to tell you to keep playing the game, to tell you that someone’s looking for Bö and to do this…”
Four arms come out of the darkness and grab Nebel’s arms and legs “Yo Nebel sorry about this.” One of the demi-gods a surfer named Damien says “Just doing our job as your friendly neighborhood near immortals.”
A fifth arm appears holding a micro syringe and plunges its tiny needles into Nebel’s arm, the liquid gets pushed in nearly instantly and then Nebel gets thrown out along with a card.
“So you’ve been injected with something by a demi-god!” is written in big writing across the top. Nebel rubs his arm, picks up the card and flips it over, “DON’T go to a doctor or any other person you can think of it’s always for your own good.”
“Damn crazy bastards.” Nebel yells and punches the wall. If they continued acting on their own the project would surely get scrapped. Nebel had to talk to Bö…
This one's nearly two normal chapters i kind of just felt like continuing, it has info on bo and Luke's in school situation that i hope everyone finds creepy, a comical/sexually teasing few scenes and news about Luke's personal situation, plus there's that little at the end that won't come up for a while, except that he will continue playing he's not going to do one of those lame "But they want me to do it" situations.
I thank everyone who is supporting my story i might not reply your thanks but i do appreciate it!
hope you all like it!
P.s. if anyone wants more carol's or oaths tell me and i'll either include them in the story or post them in the maps and such subject, they were tiring but really fun to do.
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