《Super Novice ©》Chapter Three: Day One
Chapter Three: Day One
Coming too I found myself back in my tent on my bedroll, still wearing my clothes from yesterday, I think, and also very sweaty. I guess someone brought me back last night, but I didn’t mind since, I felt different as my body feels a level of refreshment. In the back of my mind I know I’m stronger than ever, and another part says I could do anything and take everything down. I start to twitch and tremble, I have to do something with all this new found power, or I feel as though I going to explode.
I rush out of my tent and plant my feet down with sharp, and heavy stomps. I keep them apart and started to practice my forms at the crack of dawn with the sun just peeking out over the wall. I went through all the combat forms I knew and felt myself learning more about them every time I went through them becoming better and stronger, with every punch and kick becoming more skilled and sharper.
I need to test out my skills on someone or something, because practicing is not enough, and nowhere near satisfying. I look around for anyone else that was awake, but alas no one else was waking, and if there is one thing I consider sacred it’s sleep. I didn’t want to practice on my pine so I looked around for a practically heavy looking rock or branch to practice on, but I don’t see any that look like they’ll hold up. Starting to feel hopelessly energetic I gaze around I saw something that lifted my spirits a huge tree next to wall and went to it. The tree is a huge oak that’s twice as wide as me, a little bigger than the pine next to my camp and it looked perfect to practice on, and far enough not to wake anyone with the noise.
I look the tree up and down, and gather my focus. I settle myself into the proper combat stance and got ready to unleash a flurry of blows at the giant of a tree. I began my attack on the tree with a heavy roundhouse kick to it. My kick connects with the enormous tree in a thundering boom, and a explosion of wood everywhere, then came a booming crash as the tree fell hitting the ground.
I look on with shock for a couple of moments sobering me out of my strength high. That was not supposed to happen, usually, it’ll sway a little bit and crack under my blows, but never outright explode! Usually, it’ll take dozens of blows before a tree this size would fall to me.
I look around and notice that I had violated what was sacred and woke almost everyone up It would seem. I didn’t feel all bad though, Mars would be here in an hour or so, I probably did a favor for them.
I then try to find another tree or a particularly sturdy looking rock to practice on. But alas I couldn’t find any, and I feel a steadily building anger in my chest. I got all this power and nothing to use it on! I look over to the newly felled tree and then smash it to splinters to work out my annoyance.
With the tree now splintereens, and much less angry I walk back to my tent and calm down quickly because I notice that there's a large package waiting for me that I didn’t notice when I woke up. It has several pairs of sturdy brown shorts and shirts, and various health product and other things, they all look cheap though. But hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth right?
With nothing else to do, I climb up my pine and remove my sack and rope, and put it in my tent. I then took a sniff at my clothes then wince and remember that I slept in my clothes last night and had been practicing since I woke up, I changed into a clean pair of brown shorts and a brown t-shirt from my bag, throwing the dirty clothes next to the sack, then taking out some jerky to eat. After the jerky was finished I went to the front to wait for Mars to arrive.
While I walk to the front of the lot, I got a lot of vindictive stare for giving such an explosive wake up. But no one tries anything so I let them be and came to the front of the lot to wait. When I arrived at the front of the lot I saw some had arrived before me, It was Damon who’s dressed in the same brown training clothes as I. Damon looks at me and nods when I arrive and says quietly but with a slight smile “Nice wake-up call.”
I laugh a little and say slightly embarrassed “It wasn’t intentional just... Had to test out all this new strength. Ya know?” Damon shook his head and said, “Not really, sure I feel better with a class but not tree explodingly so like you.” Inclining his head toward the tree carnage.
I sigh and silence fell between us, and we wait for Mars to show up. Which took about an hour, with a couple dozen joining us while waiting to form a line behind me and Damon, and I felt before I saw Mars arrive. Waves upon waves of power assaulted me and those around me, some being forced to their knees and shaking but I endure with ease as I had felt far worse with my Father and this was nothing.
I look to see Damon’s condition but to my pleasant surprise, he’s enduring with a slight sweat forming on his brow, and handling far better than he did with Rashid yesterday. While Damon's ability is a nice surprise, It also made more disappointed in the rest It, they should at least be on Damon's level if they’re here, and It actually made me think a little about how these weaklings here we're going to survive. I mean they're supposed to be the next generations of adventurers, but from the looks of them, I’d doubt they would be more than cannon fodder.
Disinterested in my fellow novices, I turn to see where the power was coming from and I trace it down the street where I see Mar’s shambling down towards us.
It’s not long before Mars arrives, and he looks awful. With hair in disarray, clothes on backwards, deep bags under his eyes, and muttering coffee under his breath. With his appearance I could very easily confuse him for a undead troll. When he looked over us he smiles, but it looks terrible with how bad he looks. It must have been a blazing long night for him. He takes a deep breath, straightens himself out and the waves of power recede and bellows out “Good Morning Novices!” All of us who were there said “Good Morning Trainer Mars!”.
He nods at that and said “Alright good, you all have some spirit let go put that to some use. Follow me to the guild!” and then takes off so fast it’s hard to believe that he was the same person that shambled down the streets a moment ago, But I waste no time and I take off after Mars towards the guild.
Following Mars is not that hard but it certainly is not easy. The man might be a giant, but he moves fast like the wind and I had a suspicion that he wasn’t going at full speed. Since every time I got within a couple of feet of him, he would pick up speed and lose me only to drop in speed and turn to smirk at me while waiting for me to catch up. Needless to say, but we arrived at the guild quickly.
As I arrive at the guild I feel a little winded, but nowhere near what I should be for running that fast, It not quite the fastest I’ve run but faster than any casual sprint I’ve done, and I have a nice feeling of exertion spreading through my body for trying to catch up with Mars. Turning around to see how far the rest were behind us I saw they weren’t even in spotting distance, I than feel a heavy slap on my back I quickly turned around to see who struck me and I looked to see Mars grinning “Good job keeping up novice, never had a novice keep up on the first day usually takes a couple of weeks for them to get up to par to keep up. What’s your name novice? You from of any the big families or something?” I felt a smile of my own creeping up at the praise, but I quickly crushed it into a mask, can’t let anyone know about dad, and said “Atlas Mule, Sir.” Not mentioning any of my family.
Mars spoke again “Huh, bit of an odd name can’t say I’ve heard of any families with that name, you must be one of those prodigies or something. Ya know we had another prodigy some years ago before I got here but he was too lazy to achieve anything I heard, so keep up the good work and don’t slack off or I’ll make sure you can’t.” He walks towards the guild saying under his breath “Hate to see talent wasted.” Before going in turns and says firmly “I’m going to get a cup of coffee, you stay here and wait for the rest.” With his size I bet it’ll be a bit more than a cup.
It was not long before I saw some of the rest come rushing down the streets, they’re sweating and panting as they arrived before the guild. I looked over my fellow novices and found them unimpressive but these weren’t all of them maybe half of whom show up, I looked down the streets and saw that the rest were coming but not as fast these in front of me. They moved at a controlled sprint with Damon taking up the front. When they arrived in front of the guild they’re a little red, and slightly panting but otherwise okay. Damon looked at me inquisitively and said “ Where’s Trainer Mar’s.” I gestured to the guild and that seem to satisfied him.
It was not long before Mars came back out and looking much more awake… and better dressed. He looks over the rest who arrive and looked unimpressed, shook his head and bellowed “Well aren’t you all a pathetic lot, can’t even keep up with my morning jog. If you can’t even do this how am I expected to train you all?! How to do you all expect to fight on the Frontlines or fight monsters as adventures?! What are you gonna do?! Breath on them to death?! YOU'RE ALL PATHETIC!” That sent a wave of shame over the rest of novices, before Mar’s spoke again “Well lucky for you lot I like a challenge! I’m going to train you novices into warriors and soldiers the like this world had never seen, so go in and sit your asses down!” After Mar’s was done with his little speech, I walk into the guild and took a seat with everyone else, I took notice that Damon sets next to me.
After everyone is seated, Mars walks over to the clerks and asks something. I turn to look at Damon who was still slightly panting, I feel slightly disappointed in Damon, he looked like one who had some strength but he could barely keep up with a morning jog. I could see why Mars is disappointed, this lot wouldn’t last a day in the wild lands. I look at Damon again and say slightly amused “Enjoy your morning jog? I know I did.” Damon looked at me sharply, and said flatly “Screw off, that was practically a death march how fast you two where going. Mars was a blur and so were you.” Huh really, never thought about what I looked like when I ran, I feel a little self conscious now.
Mars arrives a moment later and spoke up “Get up and follow me, time to train.”
We followed Mars to a large open arena, with matted floors and wall. Mars looks us over again and told us to get into two rows. Once that was done Mars said “Alright, do any of you know how to use your guild card or ability screen?” I shook my head and felt a little shame, but didn’t bother looking to see if anyone could. “Alright nobody, well that’s normal. Alright here’s what you want to do focus on your guild card and will it into your hand.” Mar’s had his hand out for a minute, and his guild card rose from his hand like a small sliver spring and took shape. A second later It was there looking perfectly proportional with his giant mitts.
Oh, so that’s where it goes. Ya know though I haven’t really thought about that card since I got it.. I didn’t waste any time, and focus on that sliver card to appear in my hand willed it into being, and a second later It rose from my hand perfectly formed, I felt a little drained though. A murmur of awe spread behind me as they did the same. Mars spoke again “Alright good, you lot can do that. That’s important, you need a guild card to ID yourself, take quests, or see if you have a ability set and so on and so forth. Now all you need to do is focus on your guild card and your status screen should appear in your head.”
I did as I was told, and found myself astounded.
Ability Set - Atlas Method: A set of abilities being created by Atlas Mule.
Rest: You never had a trouble getting to sleep have you, well now use it to recuperate and recover faster lowering time needed to rest and sleep.
I stood slack-jawed for a moment looking at my status screen, I had an Ability Set and I had made it all my own, I never knew that. Their so rare and unique to individual to individual, the only way to get one is to be given it or create it, I’ll let you guess which is easier. I mean an ability is a power or skill that grows alongside you and changes. And since it’s named after me that means I’m definitely the one to create it and that dad never gave it to me. Though I’m ninety percent sure he has one. I wonder how I did and how long I’ve had it. But as long as I can remember I’ve never had a rough night's sleep as soon as I hit the pillow or grass or dirt, or whatever I was sleeping on ok, I’ve spent most of my life like a nomad! And possible on the lamb because of my dad.
Anyway I’ve got to move on from having a ability set. But I’ve got a freaking ABILITY SET, YEAH! Yeah let’s move on from that little outburst to look at my last part of my status screen.
Traits and Talents - Large Bodied: Born with a large body has given you better strength and vitality but lower dexterity.
Back to class, I look at Mars to see what he was up to. He was waiting on us to stop looking blankly at the air apparently, because once everyone looked away from their status screen he started talking again, I wonder how he knew? “Alright now that you're done looking like a bunch of idiots starting at the air, let's get going. Wait any questions?” Some guy raised a hand but Mars shot him down and said “Tough titties, you don’t get any answer from me I’m a trainer not a teacher ask the clerks, I’m gonna teach you all how to stick and move. Now all of you go to the back and pick out a training weapon!” Mars then gestured towards the corner of the arena where there are rows of weapons to use.
I make it to the back first, no surprises there and look at the weapons. They’re all a black plastic, that's both soft but firm and has some weight to it, useless in combat but perfect in training. I pick out a knuckle duster for my left hand and a short sword for my right and went back to Mars before the rest got here.
Not long later, but enough to be annoying I mean It’s just the first day and all but you should know what weapons your good at, I mean what are parents teaching kids these days. I looked towards and saw Mars-shaking his head and seemed to be thinking the same thing, he let out a sigh once they went over two minutes. Once that was done Mars spoke up “Alright now that you Novices are done picking out your weapon, which I expect you to do quicker next time,” He said with a growl before continuing “We’re going to start practicing, let’s start by having you all running a lap around the arena I want to see how you move with a weapon. Oh by the way I’m not all that big on the mystic riddle bullshit that wizards have such a hard-on for, if you have something wrong with yourself 'm just gonna tell you flat out. More trouble than it’s worth, now start running!”
I was already in a crouch once he said laps, and I bolt once he said run eating up the arena with my large strides and my long legs, before settling into a sprint, making sure to keep my weapon in a position not to disembowel myself, yeah I know that it’s not real but best to keep my good habits. I could feel Mars analyzing my form, before moving on to the next, It felt violating like he was scrutinizing every part of me. It was not long before my lap was done, and I came to stand by Mars.
He spoke after a couple of moments trying to find words to say “You did good Mule, not only are you fast you know your basics. Kept your blade in a firm grip, and did not let it hinder your form. But your blade was swaying slightly and your not using as much of your body as you should when moving, like don’t just use your legs try propelling yourself more with feet to get more speed. But otherwise you're good, but you can get better.” Realizing he right I started I took his words to heart.
Done taking his words to heart, I look back at my fellow novices. Most of them were about half way around the arena, with some of them barely a quarter way there and some almost most done. I Idly notice that Damon was one of the quarter ways. About a half hour later, everyone was done. And Mars was still handing out advice and criticisms. Once Mars was done with that, he made us get into forms and practice or chosen weapons, but alas no sparring yet. After about a two hours of practicing, oh wait maybe I lost count let's just say two and half, anyways Mars had something to say “Alright Newbies let's see what have you learned today! Now can I get a volunteer? Oh and you all are gonna have to spar with me today.”After saying that he got out a training greatsword, and motioned for one of us to come forward. Before anyone could jump at the chance, I jumped to it, just kidding everybody else was shaking in fear.
I walk forward to stand in front of Mars, with my body quivering with the excitement of the prospect of a good fight. “Good, good, a real man or boy or whatever you are, anybody ever tells you that you don’t match your age? Anyway a real man unlike those cowards over there, I expect you to put up a half-decent fight!” I responded “Yes I actually get that a lot, used to go to bars haven't gotten ID once. Anyway I don’t intend to just put up a fight I intend to win!”
Mars didn’t waste a second he charged towards me grinning madly, he dove forward with a quick lunge with his greatsword. I duck under It and went forward in a jab with my short sword only for him to dodge it, but I expected that and dove forward and sent a jab with my knuckles at his solar plexus. But Mars jumped backwards at the last moment and sending me off balance and swung his greatsword at me horizontally aiming for the shoulders. I recover my balance and drop to a crouch, and sent a kick towards his knees. Mars is still to committed to his swing and has to crumple to one knee, and leaning on his greatsword.
I didn’t waste any time, I jump back up and lunge forward to strike with my sword. As the blow was about to connect with his neck Mars lifted his greatsword to divert the blow glancing off his blade harmlessly. Mars regained his stance and stood back up holding his sword defensively, I took some space between us wary of him and waiting for him to strike.
I didn’t have to wait long, he seems to wait till I had blinked and appears in front of me charging forward. He swung his sword one handed toward my neck. I could not block it so dove under it and but found Mars fist heading towards my chest and dodge to the right, only to have his sword come after me again, with his combo driving me onto the defensive.
But you can only defend for so long, especially if you don’t specialize in like me. But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop trying, seeing that if I kept dodging forever I’ll slip up I started to form a plan.
I tried something new and shifted my short sword to both hands and let the sword glide down. I steadied my breath, and my arms stung with exertion from the deflection, and I start to feel the exertion from the sparring, I’m not sure how long I can last. But then a plan appears and I beckoned Mars forward with my sword pointed towards him, he responds in the same fashion. I then charge forward as though to impale him, Mars just waited and the moment before I arrived he lunged forward with both hands on his greatsword, I smirked this was opening I had been waiting for. The second before the lunge I jumped and landed on his sword, but Mars held strong and I lunged forward to strike him.
But Mars then drops the sword, ducks under my lunge and uses my momentum to drive his fist deep into my solar plexus. It made my ribs creak and shake, my organs under their protection not much better. You hear that ribs you're doing a bad job protecting my inner organs. Anyway this punch hurt, my organs shook and burned, and I was sent flying. I landed a moment later with the wind knocked out of me. I tried to raise myself but a foot landed on my chest increasing the pain, My sword was knocked out of my hand a second later. I looked toward the Mars smiling smugly and a little proud, he also had his sword on my neck, I tapped the floor a moment later to concede, Mars then held his hand out to to me, I accept and let him pull me up.
He looked me over still smiling and said “Good job Mule, you put up a damn fine show for those boys over there,” he gestures to the other who was staring with what I hope was awe or fear. Hmm looks like it’s mostly fear, will that’s fine I’m okay with fear. As he then brought me back to the rest and then said loudly “Ok novices, this is what you should aspire to be at the end of the three months of my training like this boy, no like this man because only a man can fight on par with a classer like me. But despite this man’s skill he still failed to beat me can any of you guess why?”
Damon was the one to speak up “Because Atlas got cocky? Oh also because he lacks defensive skills.” That sent a small wave of stifled laughs through the crowd, I would glare but everything hurts, I’d just get him back during sparring. A smile slowly widens on my face as I thought of beating each of them half-dead. The laughing then immediately stops, and I can hear shivering.
“Exactly ah, what's your name?” said Mars questioningly “Damon Tutor.” Damon answers.
“Exactly Tutor, Mule here focused too much on dodging instead of being able to take advantage of my opening if he had a defensive skill, also spent too much time scheming instead of taking advantage of openings and defending his own.” I felt my cheeks flush slightly at the last comment. But Mars spoke on “Well anyway I want to see how high Mule here can rise in my three months of training! I think he might be able to beat me by then. Oh, and who’s next.”
At those word no one stepped forward, but I step towards them and stood next to Damon at the front, I took notice that he’s holding twin daggers. When I stood next to him, I had to give him credit while the boy barely come up to my chest he looks me straight in the eye and says evenly “Did you enjoy your morning spar?” I looked him over he showed no emotion on his face but his eyes were laughing. I considered hitting him only to remember. I looked at him with a smug grin and he looks at me suspiciously “Yes, I did and I look forward to yours.” As I said that the color drains out of his face.
With no one coming forward willingly, I sent forward an unwilling one. I’ll give Damon this, he put up a good effort, but not good enough he barely lasted any time at all before getting blasted away from Mars. After Damon, the rest were systematically beaten and told what they were doing wrong till there was none left.
After Mars was done with his beat- teachings, he dismisses us to recover. Good because I was pretty hungry, but before I left Mars calls me over “Hey Mule come back here for a moment.” Mars turns to me and said “I you ever want to spar feel free to ask, I always offer this to talented students. So remember I have an office here and I’m usually in there from twelve to two so feel free to ask during those time.” And then he walks out of the arena. I smirk at little so he also has a battle-lust.
When I walk out I found Damon waiting for me “Want to get some food?”
My stomach makes it answer known with a thundering growl. “Sure.”
After walking out of the arena Damon and I found ourselves trying to get back to lobby and look for directions to the cafeteria. But the guild is so big, that we are now lost. on the roof, and very hungry. As I was looking down the edge of the guild’s roof, I noticed that the fall was not that far, maybe five stories at the most. I could probably jump down relatively unharmed.
I look at Damon and told him my idea, he responds flatly “Do you think you could hold me while you jump down? I’m fairly sure I’d break something if I jumped down.” I couldn’t resist laughing at him and call him “Pussy.” He responded “That’s like a fifty foot drop, I might die if I jump down it. I feel perfectly alright being scared of the drop.” I grunt go over to Damon grab him and jump off the building.
I regret my decision instantly. “Fucking Hell’s that hurt!” The moment my legs hit the ground they went numb for half a second to only blaze up in burning agony, I then face plant into the road. “Ow,” Damon’s flat voice came up from under my mass that had collapsed over him. I got up a moment later and lent Damon a hand to get up. I then heard a panicked voice a moment later.
“By the Archwizard! Atlas are you ok?!” I heard a familiar voice yell out from behind me. I turned to regard the voice that had called out to me. It was the pretty brunette clerk- Vanessa who’s rushing towards me from out of the guild. She tackles me back onto the ground, surprising me with her strength and allowing me to get a good look at her face.
Vanessa, as I said before, is a pretty brunette, but I didn’t realize how pretty till I got a close look. With a heart-shaped face, full pink lip, clear tan skin, a perfectly straight nose, and beautiful, warm brown eyes, all enclosed by her pretty brunette hair that framed her face I notice what a knockout she is.
I then notice that she’s shouting at me, “Atlas what happened?! Why did you fall out of the sky?! Are you ok?! Can you hear me?!”
Steadying myself and clear my voice “I’m fine Ms. Vanessa, just got lost and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Oh and would you mind letting me get up, I think Damon is stuck under me.” A groan beneath me confirmed my suspicions and which causes Vanessa to blush and get off of me, which I suspect was not the cause of her blushing.
“Sorry about that, oh and just call me Vanessa.”She said warmly, only for her voice to turn cold “Now what were you doing that made you crash out of the sky?” I quickly explain… and she does not look happy “How did you even get on the roof, we don’t even have doors up to there?!” I responded, “Ah, but you do have windows!” After that, I felt a sharp pain in the gut, but did not crumble to her gut punch “Why did you take the window?!”
“Because it seemed like a good idea at the time!” This argument continues for about fifteen minutes till Damon intervenes and says flatly “As much as I like to watch you make an ass of yourself Atlas, I’m hungry so I’m going to get something to eat.”
His word remind me of what is truly important and that is food and I’m very hungry! I turned away from Damon and look at Vanessa again, who I noticed filling out her uniform very well... what I’m hungry? And say “Well sorry about the worry Vanessa, but he’s right and I’m hungry too so we’re going to get something to eat at the cafeteria.” Vanessa looked at us again blankly and said “Like hell I’m going to let you find the cafeteria on your own!” and then proceeds to drag us to the cafeteria. Which turned out to be down the hallway from the arena. After helping us get food and generously paid for it....which only made me suspicions. What's your game Vanessa what do you want from me?
I asked her that which only caused her to laugh out loud. After she was done laughing she said “You look like an old friend of mine who’s not around anymore... Hey, you've not related to a Mary Ann Tiller are you?” She waited a few moments before adding “You could pass for her son.” She asked wistfully and with eyes full of longing for something long gone.
I respond hard and with barely controlled fury at the question “I don’t know and don’t care. I could careless about my mother that bitch abandons me and dad, so she can fuck off and die for all I care.” That sent a shock towards Vanessa and Damon who are sitting next to me. Vanessa looked a little sad for a moment, before looking me in the eyes and put a hand on mine “I’m sorry to hear that Atlas, and sorry for bringing that up.” I shook my head and calm down “It’s not your fault, but don’t bring it up again.. or ever.”
But then a thought occurred to be that something has been bugging me and I asked Vanessa “ Hey why is everyone so strong here in Newbie Town? I mean you’re just a clerk and you knocked me to ground. And the townsfolk don’t look pushovers.”
She gave out a laugh and Damon gave out a sigh before both add respectively “Newbie Town is where adventurers and Frontliners come to retire.” “You seriously didn’t know that?”
It sent a wave of warmth on my cheeks and I add “So that means you're a former adventurer Vanessa?” She nodded and said “Yep, also serve on the frontlines 16 years ago, right before the Calamity of the Adder. After that, I left got a new class, and started adventuring till I settled down here a couple of years ago.” That sent a wave of silence over Damon and me. She older than she looks, but I guess If you’re strong enough your aging slows down... and honestly that's kinda hot.
After Vanessa said that she looks at a clock on the wall and said “Well, my lunch break is about over, so I’m going to get back to work.” As she got up she put a hand on my shoulder and said: “Come see me if you need something Atlas.” And walks out of the cafeteria. Damon and I walk out not long after, and thankfully not getting lost this time.
As we left guild I asked Damon “So what are you going to do now?” He responded quickly “I’m going to see if I can find Master Julian and check up on him.”
“Huh, you sure are loyal to him.” Damon looks me square in the eyes and says with barely a whisper, but his words held the weight of a burning star “He’s my everything. And I would sooner die than abandon him.” Damon then turns away walks out of sight. I let out a breath I had known I was keeping, and realize that Damon creeps me out a little. But then a smile spread over my face, good I wouldn’t want any disinteresting friends would I? I then went about my merry way.
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8 186 - In Serial13 Chapters
Where is my head, Haro?!
Seth Francis Haro(Whyte Masuda Shig*), an ordinary boy, with ordinary behavior and an unusually beautiful girlfriend. The story takes place around the MC that wants to have a happy life making his father proud and finish with success the school where he goes with his beautiful girlfriend. One day when he is on the way to school something bad happens and everything takes a new form. He wakes up in another world where only talented people can use high tier magic and where many fantastic races are living alongside humans. *Shining P.S.This may not be for you if you get disgusted easily.
8 169 - In Serial6 Chapters
Careless God
A basic careless god. Playing with high school students in japan for fun. Despite the boring character that god plays, god makes things funnier by tormenting the students for fun. Giving powers to random students from other schools and telling them about the club of the students who he gave the power to fight each other.
8 143