《Super Novice ©》Chapter One: New Beginnings
Chapter One: New Beginnings
My heart was racing as I watched the landscape pass me by, that was a mixture of the green fields and grey skies. I clenched my hands tightly to my shorts and stared down at them trying to not look weak and also trying to not let the ball of building anxiety and excitement in my chest overwhelm me. I had never been this far away from my dad before of my own choice, each time I took a look over my shoulder to see that pillar of strength and guidance, all I saw was the wooden back of the carriage and was reminded that I was practically on my own.
That reminder is what gave such excitement and anxiety, that I was free to make my own choices and decisions that when I got to Newbie Town I could do whatever I wanted to without him looking over my shoulder telling what I was doing wrong and how to do it right, and to then do it perfect. But at the same time how was I to make the right choices and know what to do?
In fact, that was my main cause of the steadily building anxiety in my chest, what was I gonna do when I got to Newbie Town? What was I gonna specialize in? What class should I choose when the time came? Would the skills dad taught me be helpful at all during training? Would I be up to par?
Dad always said, “It’s a big world, and you're mighty weak... get back to training!”.
I just didn’t know what to do, sure the instructors would help me during training, but during training there would be hundreds of us, and when training was over the instructors would only take the best and brightest that have shown that they can go above and beyond the normal masses as apprentices to train and groom for better classes than the common masses.
Dad said the help they provided would be minute at best, probably only doing the bare minimum to help me grow before moving on to the next novice.
My thoughts continued in that direction, till a large bump in the road shook the carriage and me. The bump had awakened me from my stupor, and my progressively negative thoughts letting me notice, for the first time that there are other people in the carriage. And one of them was trying to talk to me, in fact, said the person was standing in front of me snapping his fingers in front of my head trying to get my attention, which worked.
“Hey, Hey, HEY!” the person front of me said in an increasingly loud and irritated voice. Looking up quickly from my lap to the person caused them to take a step back out of surprise giving me a good look at him.
He’s a short guy, but then again most people are short compared to me, so that actually put him around average height and his build was also somewhat average, but some tell-tell signs could be seen from his hands and arms which are covered with scars that he has some skill, his face has some average features aside from his wild, light brown hair, wide brown eyes, and a large goofy grin.
He looked around my ages so he wasn’t that old which made sense, because of the age limit to go training at Newbie Town. His features reminded me of an overly excited puppy.
“Hey, great to finally have your attention my name’s George, what’s your name? I’m trying to get some noise going in this wagon, too quiet for my liking. Gets too boring like that so I’m trying to get everybody friendly and like. Because the trip to Newbie Town is too faaar awaaay, to be sitting in a quiet wagon.” His words came out a mile a minute and I barely caught them over his excited tone.
Calming myself I told him “My name is Atlas Mule.” In a steady, calm voice.
George’s smile quirks up a bit more once I told him my name. Getting ready for some mocking of my odd name, and getting equally ready to smash his skull if he takes it too far.
In his still excited voice George said “ Ohh, that’s an interesting name can’t say I ever heard someone with a name quite like that before, and believe you me that I have met quite a few people with interesting names before like Hermenshire or Bob, but that beside the point because you have an interesting name, so is it a family name, a nickname or something?”
Catching up on his words I looked at him and said
“Nope just the name my dad gave me, don’t know our actual last name. Something my dad said our family name changes every generation.” Getting ready for George to talk again, I steadied myself.
His voice came out in a flash “That’s a bit of an odd tradition, but where's my right to judge? I mean my last name is Popperson and we bath our newborns with honey and oil so they're sweet and slick.”
Before I could stop myself I barked out a short laugh, drawing attention from the other passengers, before looking at George about to apologize before noticing his even larger smile.
“Glad to finally get a reaction out of you, I mean you look the all strong and silent type over there but I finally broke your mask over here, look all you lowly peasants I have slain the mask of Atlus Mule!” He said in a slightly slower voice but still fast and excited.
This drew another bark of laughter from me again further widening his smile. Starting to think again I realized that maybe my anxiety was pointless and maybe everything would be alright if I just went with the flow.
Then George began talking again looking very serious and pensive
“Hey, Atlas I just realized something you want to know?”
Anxiety began to wrap me up, what had he realized? Before my thoughts continued down a dark path I said weakly ”Sure.”
Allowing George to continue “…. Your last name Mule….. can mean ass!” Georges said allowing the mask of serious to drop before breaking out into laughter and then asking “ Can I call you Asslas.”
Slamming my palm into my face I groaned, retracting my previous thoughts.
The others started sniggering and laughing along with George. I could feel my cheeks flushing with embarestment. The embarrassment then turned into anger, and I felt a hand go on my shoulder and George say "Don't worry-"
But he didn't get to finish, my body reacted and lashed out. My hand shot up into Georges' face with a fast jab, knocking the boy back into his seat.
Once you show a sign of weakness the predators will never leave you be they’ll just start to pry and pry, and well it’s just better to nip that bud before it starts to grow and just assert your dominance. Once that was done the others quieted down real fast, strangely that seemed to upset George more than the punch itself.
I look at George to see if I had to bang him up too bad, but he seemed fine with his seemingly ever-present smile still showing, albeit though ever so slightly smaller.
“So I’m guessing that I just might have been a little out of line, and took the joke too far?” George asked with undiminished enthusiasm.
I sighed slightly before looking at him and saying with a bit of smirk, which caused his smile to spring back to full mast, “Just a little bit.” I took another look at him. “You took that punch pretty well, ya rolled your head instead of just taking it straight on,” I said with a hint of respect.
“Well, it’s not the first time I’ve taken a hit to the face, or even the first one to the face today!” He said while slightly chuckling.”Anyway, I’ve been in plenty of scraps here and there so you learn or get your as,-butt handed to you.” He said while looking for a reaction.
“It’s fine to use ass, long as it’s not towards me. Have a bit of a short fuse for that word.” I said calmly.
“Phew, good thing then since that word makes up about 20% of my dictionary, and anyway I’ve learned a bit about takin and throwin punches, since not everyone enjoys being around Mr. Sunshine right here!” George said while pointing a thumb at himself.
Taking a closer look George’s hands while he had them up, I noticed that he wasn’t lying with small scars and calluses lining his hands and knuckles, but curiously I noted that he had them on his inner hands too.
My curiosity aroused I asked George a question before that I could stop myself. “George, what's your family do for a living?”
George looked mildly surprised at that question “What makes ya ask that?”
“Just curious,” I replied already regretting asking George but It was too late to back down. George looked at me and pondered for a moment than telling me “Well alright no harm in tellin ya, but I expect to hear the same from you.”
We both knew that was a lie there was a ton of harm that can happen if people figured out or were told that you from a weak family of let's say, servants or slaves. Because as soon as they figured out that you from a weak bloodline or sometimes even average they’ll target you or worst. But that’s just the way of the world.
Looking at the carriage I noticed the others were starting to perk up trying to listen in without looking like that they were. Probably thought that they were a crafty bunch of assholes too. The others were leaning in as George started to talk, and I considered making a statement on how I felt about people eavesdropping.
But too late George started talking seemingly happy to have gotten a crowd to listen.“I come from a long and industrious line of leather workers and merchants that sell leather products! My father is the current master leather worker in our family and my mother the master merchant who sells to the front lines. I probably would be the next master leather worker if not for joining you fine people here, because since I’ve been able to move I’ve been learning both trades and proudly say that I am at least a journeyman in both crafts.”
Georges reveal about his family and heritage gain a couple of gasp for those are some above average crafts his family employed, and for George to already be a journeyman in his crafts is pretty impressive. The part that garnered the gasp though was probably about his mother selling to frontlines because that earned some nods, the frontlines being a dangerous place especially to merchants but extremely respected to go there and help, didn’t hurt the coins good too, I suspected that his mother likely was no pushover despite being a merchant.
This talk about George’s family would probably have more plus than minus, probably make him less of a target for the asshole types and more a magnet for the weaklings to gather around to ward off said asshole types, strength in numbers and whatnot... also doesn’t hurt that he probably has strength.
Roused from my thoughts I looked at George who is looking at me expectantly, only for me to remember my side of the bargain.
I got up from my seat on the carriage and looked around at the others in here, they are all male because the carriages are gender separated to keep away trouble, they didn’t look like much and none seemed like they would come up to my shoulders and none looked like they could challenge me to save George, but I kept my eye on them just in case.
I cleared my throat so I could come out all nice and clear. “I don’t know much about my family lineage other some trivial things, but I know that my mom didn’t want me but my dad did so there's that. Anyway I don’t really know what my dad’s class or job or whatever is, only that he’s practically a vagabond and so am I and he taught me all that I know.”
That last part earned me some disapproving looks from the others, with some other looking like they were sizing me up. Hah, no matter where you go It’s always the same damn thing people wanting to take down the big guy to make a name for themselves, and probably thought it would make their dicks bigger too. Oh and because I guess most people don’t like vagabonds either, but I’m a little biased because that's all I’ve known. Looks like I’ll have to send another message.
The only one that seemed like they didn’t care about me living like a vagabond was George who still had his ever-present smile, but with kind eyes. George seemed liked good people hope I don’t scare him with what I gonna do next.
“By the way,” I said while twisting core and shifting my feet, and then suddenly as swift as the wind I struck the thick wooden wall of the carriage, creating a large fist-sized hole in the wall and shaking the carriage. Before looking at the other passengers in here and saying levelly and calm. “I’m also at least an expert in brawling and fighting and anyone here is welcome to come at me.” Shocking and silencing everyone.
The only one who didn’t seem surprised by my little act of power was George doing what I thought he couldn't do smiling an even bigger smile. Then his big ol smile dropped to a sly looking smile and as his eyes narrowed towards the rest of the passengers and giving me a look that all but screamed I have a good idea and for me to go along with it. I gave him a smile that matched his own, because if he’s thinking what I’m thinking...
“Hey Atlas,” said George very levelly and calm as he looked at the rest.
“Yes, George?” I replied.
“Don’t cha think we’ve been mighty kind to announce ourselves to the other people in here and tell them about ourselves?” George said with eyes that twinkled with delight.
“Well, as a matter of fact, I was thinking just thinking the same thing,” I replied
“Well don’t cha think that it would be mighty polite for them to do the same thing and introduce themselves?” George said.
“I do believe you’re quite right about that George, but I only hope that they don’t lie that just might upset me,” I said levelly and kind.
“I agree with you Atlas that would be quite rude and that might just upset me too!” George said with barely contained excitement.
“Now if only we had a volunteer to speak first so we can really get these introductions started,” I said sickly calm and polite.
Just as I said that just about everyone was scrambling to introduce themselves to avoid the implied violence. As I chose someone at random to introduce their self a thought struck me, maybe just maybe I and George could end up good friends.
Soon the drive towards Newbie Town felt much shorter with the others introducing themselves. Almost none of them really stood out from the rest, but there weren't many people in the carriage in the first place maybe fifteen to twenty was my first thought when I got into the carriage, but now introductions were almost over I had counted 18 there other beside George and me.
Anyway, most of the people in here came from lower class people who did blue collar jobs for a living and didn’t really stand out from the crowd. But there were a couple of middle classers and upper lower classers here and there, most being sons of guards, merchants and one who was the son of servants to nobles. But still, there was one left to be introduced who caught my interest by a noose.
He was the only one to seemingly not have paid attention to anybody as they introduced themselves because he was either sleeping or reading his book very intently, not that I blamed him unlike me and George everybody seemed to want to tell their life story and I admit I may have zoned out a little every once and while. But unlike me who just wanted to be on an even footing with everybody else about what they knew about everybody else George was seemingly enthralled as he listened to everybody life, and I think I even saw him taking down notes.
So anyway that just left the sleepy bookworm left to introduce himself, who was currently sleeping. Just as the next to last person was done giving his life story and sat down and sleepy boy’s neighbor, the servant boy Damon if I recall correctly, tried to began to wake up the bookworm, but before he could, he shot up like an arrow from his seat shocking most who were looking at him.
The boy took a look around for a moment till his eyes settled on mine and smiled slyly, and then looked around again till he saw Damon and said in a calm, educated, and proud voice “Thank you Damon, but your help is unnecessary at the moment.” So the servant boy is Damon. As bookworm was looking at me I took the chance to look him from head to toe.
Getting a good look at bookworm I noticed that he was very much the pretty boy, with a youthful and pretty face, with long cascading dirty blonde locks, a short, slender body maybe a head shorter than George and icy blue eyes that searched me in the same way I was searching him.
His voice drew my attention as he began to speak, looking directly at me. “I assume you’re the brute who want’s to know who I am and implies violence if I do not?” He said with his rich, educated voice.
I replied calmly “Why yes, I am said brute.”
“Well then let’s get introduced, as I already know your name and you all know my servant Damon who I implore you not to harass as I might also be quite angered if you do, he can’t very well serve me if he’s dead because of some petty squabble. I am Julian Apollo Dormis scion of the noble house Dormis,” As soon as he said that he looked me straight in the eye swiftly brought a hand up and I dodged away, and large boom resounded through the carriage. “and apprentice in magic and ability set owner of the Dormis house come at me at your own risk.” He said this all calmly and civilly and while looking at me in the eyes. He then turned away sat down and went back to sleep, with his neighbors moving away aside from Daman who was just shaking his head. I looked away from Julian towards the carriage wall next to the large hole I made was an equally large hole that Julian had blasted into the wood.
I looked towards Julian again noticing a crack in his eyes looking at me with a smirk, I returned his smirk with my own. Looks like we don’t have a pushover here.
I then looked over at George who’s eyes were practically aglow with barely contained excitement, and scribbling down note. Hah, knew It.
I could feel the ride coming to a close as the carriage was ever so slowly slowing down. The ride after the introduction felt much faster, with everybody forming their own circles and cliques because as soon as the ride was over they were on their own, so most were looking to see who they could ally with to get their safety in numbers, but some the guards son was looking over the others like they’re fat sheep, more than likely he was looking for lackeys and easy prey, but as the others like him were looking around for weaklings they skipped over four individual and I’ll let you guess who they skipped.
Anyway, with Me and George off their menu, I didn’t care much about what they did so I passed the time talking with George, I learned that he’s the oldest with four other siblings.
“Wait, so you’ve been sharing a room with 2 other people since you were born?” I asked incredulous and amazed, I could barely tolerate living with my dad, and living with two people in the same room for years would have made me homicidal, well more than I probably am already.
“And a small one at that maybe half the size of this wagon. Because they gave my sisters the big one.” He said with the barest hint of annoyance but was outweighed by the fondness in his voice.
“Anyhow my younger brothers and sisters have also been learn’in the trade since they were little too, might be even better at it than me, and that the reason my parents ever agree to even let me go to Newbie town, because of all the backups they made but still took a lot of convincing to let their baby boy go,” George said with a chuckle and a hint of sadness.
I snorted as some as he said that, and said “ Well at least they love you enough to let ya go. And make your own choice.” I said the last part with a bit of anger, causing George to look at me and ask “ Hey Atlas did ya not make the choice to go to Newbie Town?”
I looked at him and snorted again. “ No, no I made my decision to go to Newbie town on my own, but I’ve had my dad looking over my shoulder all my life and before I got on this carriage he gave me three choices and they weren't really choices besides going to Newbie Town. I was either gonna go to the Frontlines with him or go to Newbie Town or runaway, still though it was my choice to make.” I said with a hint of humor.
“Oh okay then those are some rough choices, I mean I’ve heard the Frontlines are terrifying.” that quieted George down for a moment before he said with a huge amount of excitement “ Doesn’t that mean your dad’s strong enough to fight on the Frontlines if he’s going there?!”
I thought about that for a moment “Ya I guess he is, my dad’s plenty strong no idea what his class is though never told me, I might be too if he thought I could go with too.”
That seemed to catch no one off guard though, guess they were kind of numb to it by now. Now that I thought about it you need to be at least a journeyman in a fighting skill to qualify to fight on the Frontlines and... I am an expert in fighting in general.
The carriage came to a stop soon after, and the backdoors were slammed open by a thin, older man with short gray hair and sharp features in leather armor. Who looked from the holes in the wall back to us and then said in a dry, raspy voice “Good none of ya are dead this time, would have been a hassle to clean out the bodies.” Despite his thin frame, the man sent waves of strength out, that practically said come at me if you're looking for an early grave.
The thin man then said somewhat irritated “We’ll what are ya’ll waiting for? Get out of my damn carriage and get a move on!”
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