《Gotta Gacha》Chapter 12: Farewell Bornean Forest


The day immediately after the raid, I woke up on a rough blanket in the middle of the Goblin's Cave hidden deep within the Bornean Forest. I quickly got my bearings together in the mess floor of the cave covered in crumbs of food, rats, and broken pieces of furniture.

“So what now?” (Giri)

We’ll head to the next town over, there’s no point staying here anymore. We've done what we could, now it's time to leave before we attract any real attention. Besides that mage is a problem, even if she can't kill me I'm in no condition to kill her. Which reminds me I need to go find a new weapon. The flail in my inventory isn't exactly my weapon of choice.

"Would you like me to pull up the Weapon Gacha?" (Giri)

No, I'll make do with the knives I have until I can find my self a sword or spear. I wonder if I can get something from the Goblins? It wasn't in our initial deal, but they probably wouldn't mind.

I opened my mini-map, and noticed a large gathering of red and white dots in the deeper end of the cave. There still going huh.

“Good Morning Master”, Stella appeared behind me pulling a young boy by the chains of his collar.

"Who's he?" (Blade)

"My breakfast, I picked him up this morning." (Stella)

"Is that so? Give me a status report, how many of you are left?" (Blade)

“Seven including myself.” (Stella)

Only seven? That's a lot lower than I predicted. How troublesome.

“What happened to the rest?” (Blade)

“That mage set a field around the village, and everyone was forbidden from leaving. She caught the Devils that were leaving and used a spell to tell if they were on her side or ours." (Stella)

"Did she find out you were Flesh Devils?" (Blade)

"No, I had them attack her before she could use it. But in the process four of them died. That's why we could only get here just now." (Stella)

"Is that so? Well at the very least it wasn't exposed that you were Flesh Devils. Then things would have gotten out of hand."(Blade)

"Indeed" (Stella)

"Anyway, finish what you need to in thirty minutes. And gather everyone else outside, I need to meet with the Goblin Lord for a moment." (Blade)

"Very well", Stella bowed, and led the young boy to a corner of the cave. Her fingers deformed and pierced the child, but instead of being sucked to death the child began screaming and merely fell down.

I opened up the Ritual's book in my inventory, and scanned the article on Flesh Devils. I see, Devils have their own wants and desire too, and I suppose that just now was an Aphrodisiac.


"That's quite the breakfast..." (Giri)

I suppose.

"You have the weakest reactions." (Giri)

You act like you haven't watch me do it.

"B-But....so young...."(Giri)

I made my way through the large Goblin cave into a large room lined with goblins and women. The consistent noise of flesh pounding flesh, and cries of pleasure and agony filled the room along with the horrid stench of blood, semen, and fecal matter.

The women were bound my chains and collars to the ground or the walls, or simply held down by the Goblins around them. Some of the women had terrifying scars across their body, while others were beaten black and blue. While the lucky ones were merely covered in myriad of bodily fluids.

These goblins were not kind in their abuse. They let loose howls of pleasure and delight as they finally had an opportunity to let loose all the hatred and despair they felt. All the pain from losing their loved ones, their friends had long since disappeared from their minds. The only things they thought of were the women in front of them, and the women around them.

I quickly scanned through the room, and it looks like the Goblin Lord isn't here. I quickly walked through the room to a room separated by a single dirty curtain. There I found the Goblin Lord surrounded by several unconscious women. Each of them were bare naked covered in sweat, blood, tears, and semen like the other women in the back, however it seems the Goblin Lord was less of physical abuser. Not like that matter too much, since he ended up breaking these women nonetheless.

I looked around and I spotted a large pile of loot, and several more women chained to the walls. Some of them were glaring at me, at the Goblin Lord, and some of them were closing there eyes and covering there ears trying to look away from the reality of the situation. However all of them could hardly stand straight and were quivering.

The Goblin Lord having noticed someone enter looked up, and smiled. He grabbed the women arms, and pulled her back showcasing her body before me as he quickened his pace. I could see a large deformation in her stomach as his large member was repeatedly thrust in and out of her body. Her voice filling the room with moans of pleasure and ecstasy contrary to her expression filled with tears and agony.

"Quite a haul don't you think?", he pulled the women closer, and held her in place with one hand on her breast roughly playing with them. "Look over there" (Zil)

With his one free hand he pointed at the stash behind him, "Yeah, I saw it" (Blade)

“Isn't it great? I didn't believe it would work out at first, but look at us now! We killed that monster, we couldn't do anything about the witch, but look at all the women! Look at all the loot we managed to scrounge up! And I can feel myself inching closer to ranking up? Come join me, take your pick!", he pointed to the women chained to the wall


“I gave them all powerful aphrodisiacs last night, they’re still a little defiant, but that makes it all the more fun. And I'm sure some if you give them a little push they'll be begging for it.” (Zil)

“I'm sure you already know why I'm here, so cough it up” (Blade)

“Come on, it won’t hurt anyone if join me for a few hours would it? Well at least not them.” (Goblin Lord)

I glared at him, I don't intend on prolonging my stay here. News of the raid will definitely get out somehow, and with how unpredictable magic can be, I don't plan on staying when there's a mage around here. Especially a mage who's seen me.

He clicked his tongue, “Fine” (Zil)

The Goblin Lord accelerated once more quickening his thrusting, causing the women before him to screech in pain. Foam began to from in the corner of her mouths, and I began to see the white of her eyes as it soon became increasingly difficult for her to remain conscious. But each time his large member was once again thrusted into her deepest regions she would wake up for a split second before falling unconscious once again.

And with one final thrust, the woman's belly surged and protrude outward almost as if she were instantly impregnated and fell to the ground. The Goblin Lord's pulled himself out of her unconscious body as a large quantity of viscous semen slowly spilled outwards.

He moved over to the large stash of items and grabbed several large brown sacks, throwing them at me one at a time. "Here, take it. We have no use for gold, oh and take this too why don't you." (Zil)

He picked up a large sword still in it's sheath and threw it at me. After stuffing the bags of gold into my inventory, I unsheathed the blade and inspected it. It was a rather well made iron broadsword. It was far from being as strong as the machete, but it was pretty decent.

Having received what I came for I turned around and left, but before I could move past the curtains the Goblin Lordd called me, "Hey!"

“Hmmm?” I turned around, “What do you want now?” (Blade)

“If you’re ever around again come by, I’m sure I’ll have become the Goblin King by then!”(Zil)

“Maybe” (Blade)

I’ll only come back if you’re worth killing.

“The names Zil, you better remember it!” (Zil)

“Yeah, yeah” (Blade)

As I left the cave, I was greeted by Stella,“Master all preparations have been completed”

And following behind her were six of your average adventurers equipped with cheap and makeshift equipment that you could find anywhere in the village. Well, at least they were.

As I walked forward, they all bowed and greeted me respectfully,“Good Morning Grand Master!”

“Grand Master?” (Blade)

“Mhmm, you're my master master, and I’m their master so that makes you their grand master right master?"(Stella)

“Whatever, introduce them” (Blade)

“Sure thing,” Stella pointed towards one of the flesh devils, a rather large Adventurer in leather reinforced bone armor and a large axe. “He’s one” (Stella)

She pointed at a short female Adventurer in shorts and a light leather equipment. According to the guild she’s classified as a thief, which is quite odd considering the fact that she doesn’t actually steal anything.

“She’s number two” (Stella)

Then she pointed at each of the blood devils assigning them each a number.

“Do you even know there names?” (Blade)

“Of course not, they don’t need names!” (Stella)

“Then how do you properly communicate with each other?” (Blade)

“Um, Grand Master?” (Two)

“Just call me Blade, or Master” (Blade)

“Well, Master um we do have names. It’s just that Master I mean, not you Master but Master Master. Um.” (Two)

“Just call me Blade…” (Blade)

“Well, Blade sir Master orders us through our links. So she doesn’t need to know our names.” (Two)

“But it’s going to be rather difficult for me to communicate to you guys if I don’t know your names” (Blade)

“Ah, mister Blade-” (Two)

“Is calling me Blade to awkward for you guys. You know what I don’t care call me whatever the hell you want”(Blade)

“Thank you grand master. Grand Master it will be fine if you call us by our numbers, we tend to move from body to body anyway.” (Two)

“This is going nowhere isn’t it…” (Blade)

“No, Grand Mast-” (Two)

“Just stop, stop, stop. What we’re going to do now is leave this for later, and head to town. If anyone asks who you are as long as you haven’t told them you’re old name you may call yourself whatever the hell you want. It can be Alpha,Bravo, Charlie, Delta. Just don’t call yourselves a number. Understood?” (Blade)

“Yes, Sir” (Two)

“Now, follow me” (Blade)

Authors Note

I wonder why this keeps happening. I really don't learn my lesson huh. And by that I mean two things. One I got sick again. I'm just gonna blame the weather on this one, though I suppose it's my fault for getting like 2 hours of sleep every day. And two I accidentally deleted this chapter.

I really need to have more up to date back ups...

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