《Gotta Gacha》Chapter 9: The Calm Before the Storm Part 1


As we neared the village, I stopped as soon as I was able to see the smoke rising from the village chimneys. I crouched down and hid myself among the vegetation, and checked the minimap for any villagers or adventurers within the vicinity.

After confirming that there was no one within a 100 meter radius of our location, I pulled out one wolf carcass after another until I had 5 wolf carcasses, and an Alpha Wolf carcass. I pulled out a small knife I bought from the village blacksmith, and began skinning several of the wolves.

Normally, I would have split the work between Stella and myself, but her other bodies current circumstances performing detailed work like this would prove difficult. So, I had her keep watch, and make sure no one notices us. This way I can focus my attention on the task at hand, this way I can get the most out of these pelts.

Each pelt is worth about 3 iron coins each depending on how damaged it is, while the wolves flesh and innards could go for about 1-2 iron coins each. As for their fangs, I could either sell them for anything between a couple coppers each to a couple dozen coppers each. Or I could hand them in a proof of subjugation for 1 iron coin each.

The process is rather time consuming, and if I wanted I could have brought it over to a butcher. He’d dismantle the corpse and sell the parts for a price. But this is for the sake of being inconspicuous. After all adventurers can hold only so many carcasses, unlike me who can store as many as I want as long as they stack. So most Adventurers just skin, and dismantle the monsters and beast they kill shortly after killing them. Or they’d just take back the proof of subjugation.

But I’d like to make use of this village as much as I can until the raid, so I’ll skin a reasonable amount of the corpses that I stuffed in my inventory and sell them. I can use that money to further improve my equipment, and buy supplies for the trip to the next town over.

So after a half an hour, I finished skinning three of the six wolves I pulled out. I took their pelt's and handed them to Stella who stuffed them into a leather bag that she had before she was taken over by the Flesh Devil. In those thirty minutes I also took the liberty of cutting of a couple chunks of meat, and pulling out a few canines to serve as my proof of subjugation.

“I’ll leave the rest to you.” (Blade)

Stella,walked up to the wolf corpses, and opened her mouth wide open. And as usual the liquefied Flesh Devil shot out landing in front of the skinless corpses. The liquefied Flesh Devil transformed it self into a red blob that resembled a slime, and rapidly expanded before enveloping the three corpses.

And after a few seconds the slime deflated like a balloon, leaving behind a a large pile of sentient goo which shot back into Stella's skin transforming back into a Human.

“Thanks for the meal.” (Stella)

I looked at her in admiration, she's incredibly effective in cleaning up corpses. There's no sign off blood, no stench, no markings, the grass underneath is unscathed, and the ground returned to it's original brown color. And the whole process only took a couple of seconds. How useful!

I picked up one of the remain wolf carcasses, and slung it over my shoulder before taking the Alpha’s carcass and slung that over my other shoulder. Stella picked up the last wolf, and we head on back to the village.


We quickly navigate the forest, and made our way to the dirt road that leaded into the village. And as I approached the gates I noticed a number of little kids playing with a crude brown ball. And as we drew closer one of the kids noticed me, and exclaimed, “Ah, it’s Blade!” (Child)

“Blade’s back?” (Child 2)

“Ah, Blade’s back! (Child 3)

The children stopped what they were doing, and quickly ran over to me.

“Hey, Blade, Blade, Blade!” (Child)

“Wow, a wolf!” (Child 2)

“Blade, Blade, Hey Blade!” (Child)

“Stella, you killed one too!” (Child 3)

The children circled us, admiring the wolf carcasses in our hands, and over our shoulders.

“What?” (Blade)

“You killed these wolves right?” (Child)

“Yeah” (Blade)

I walk past the village gates, and into the village while being bombarded by question after question.

“Blade, teach us how to kill!” (Child 2)

“Yeah, teach us to do that thing you do every morning! It's so cool!” (Child)

“Yeah, Yeah!” (Child 3)

“Well-” (Blade)

“Charles! Jackson!” (Cynthia)

I turned my head, and noticed Cynthia on the other end of the street holding a wooden broom. She glared, at the children and started charging in our direction.

“You brats! Stay right there, you hear me!” (Cynthia)

““Eeep!”” (The Children)

“Disperse!” (Child 1)

The group of children around me quickly scattered in every which way . And by the time Cynthia reached me, the kids were already quite a ways away.

Cynthia angrily lifted her broom in the air, “Come back here you brats!” (Cynthia)

“Scary!” (Child)

“Run!” (Child 2)

Cynthia paused, to catch her breath. So I asked her, “What did they do now?” (Blade)

Cynthia looked up at me, “That, ball…” (Cynthia)

Cynthia answered me in short breaths, “That’s...Sally’s ball” (Cynthia)

“Sally?” (Blade)

That’s probably one of the kids from the orphanage, from what I’ve heard Cynthia’s helps out at the orphanage as a child who grew up there herself. As for those kids, a few of them should be from the orphanage as well.

Hmm, I put down the to wolf carcasses on my shoulder and check my minimap. The ones hiding behind the build are probably the one's who have the ball..

I look over at the corner of the building and notice one of the kids slowly peak their head around the corner. And when he turned around I quickly dashed towards the building, easily covering the distance in a matter of seconds. I stopped in front of them, and confirmed that they had the ball. So I lightly smacked each of them on the head.

All of them, crouch down and hold their heads grimacing in pain. They look up at me with tears in their eyes, “What was that for!” (Child)

I bend down to pick up the ball, and reply, “Don’t go taking others things” (Blade)

And from the corner of my ear, I could hear them mumbling, “B-But it’s not fair, she only pays attention to Sally…” (Child)

Hmm, is he jealous? Whatever, I walk away, and tell them, “Be good now” (Blade)

I threw the crude brown ball to Cynthia, and I walk back to the two carcasses.

“Blade, you’re really something.” (Cynthia)

“Is that so?” (Blade)

“Yeah” (Cynthia)

I dust off the corpses, and sling them over my shoulder again, I turn to Stella who was patiently waiting, “Come on.” (Blade)

I was about to head back to the Adventurer’s Guild to sell the skins and the meat, but Cynthia stopped me, “Ah, wait Blade.” (Cynthia)


“Hmm?” (Blade)

I turned around, “Would you like to come over?” (Cynthia)

“Come over?” (Blade)

“Yeah, Liza has calmed down a bit, and we still haven’t thanked you for saving us.” (Cynthia)

“Is that so? I’ll think about it.” (Blade)

“Please do, by the way we can accommodate you tomorrow and the day after, but not after that.” (Cynthia)

“Oooh? Why?” (Blade)

“We’re going to head over to the next town over for a mission, if we’re lucky we’ll make it back by the Harvest Festival. But there’s a chance we’ll miss it” (Cynthia)

“I see, well take care. I’ll see if I can come over.” (Blade)

I smiled, to her and bid her farewell.

“You’re a surprisingly decent actor” (Stella)

Stella used the Spiritual Link between us to send me a message, “If I didn’t know you were an absolute monster, I’d have thought you were a somewhat cold, but nice guy.” (Stella)

“Of course, I can't just go around saying I'm a serial killer now can I?” (Blade)

We made our way over to the Adventurer’s Guild, and handed in the pelts, the meat, and the carcasses along with the proof of subjugation receiving a total of 29 Iron and 65 Copper coins.

After that I had Stella meet up with the three other flesh devils I created over the week. They were members of a party we formed, and after subjugating a bunch of goblins I knocked them out and used them as living sacrifices to summon more Flesh Devils.

I had them form parties with other Adventurers, and one by one they should slowly be increasing the amount of Flesh Devils in our little group. I handed Stella my Ritual Dagger earlier, so when she meets up with the three she can form Spiritual Links with them.

And by linking each Devil with each other, we can increase their teamwork, and allow for information to be passed along quickly. And by using Stella as a sort of hub, I'll only be relayed the important information. And this way I'm not flooded with voices in my head.

As for me, I took the opportunity to head to Dr. Jude’s office. I need to milk this place of what it’s worth after all.

“Oh, Blade. What do you need? Ointment? A potion? Or do you-” (Dr.Jude)

I activated Mind Control, “Dr. Jude answer me, is there anyone that will be visiting anytime soon? Is there anyone else in this building?” (Blade)

The doctor answered me with blank eyes, “No, I’m usually studying at this time no one is here, and no one should be coming today.” (Dr.Jude)

“Then close up shop, and make sure no one comes in.” (Blade)

“Very well” (Dr.Jude)

Dr. Jude got up and flipped the sign over his door from open to closed, and closed the blinds. He went around the room locking, and closing the curtains and blinds.

“Now, Doctor, teach me Magic” (Blade)

“Very well, Magic is the creation of miracles. And this is done through the mysterious energy known as Mana. Mana is very mysterious, how it works, why it works, and how it’s created is a complete mystery to even the greatest sages and wise men. There are countless theories abo-” (Dr. Jude)

“I don’t care about that, teach me how to use Magic.” (Blade)

“Very well, Magic is used by manipulating mana and granting it form. This can be done by a number of instruments that either control mana, or take advantage of it’s nature. But the simplest form of magic is simply done by using our psyche.” (Dr.Jude)

“Through one’s psyche?” (Blade)

“Yes, you see from the moment we are born into this world we are touched by mana itself. No, it might be better to say, even before we're born we're enveloped by it. And over the years it has slowly strengthened our bodies, and forged our souls. Or so they say, though it’s not to the point where mana is second nature to us, like some other races like the Spirit Race. But we are all innately able to use mana in some form.” (Dr.Jude)

Dr.Jude held out his hand, “Thee who returns all to ashes, [Fire]” (Dr.Jude)

And on his palm a small flame suddenly appeared, “Before I called out the spell’s name, I recited a chant. And you see there’s a big misconception out there, a majority of people believe that other than Mana the chant is the most vital part of a spell, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth.” (Dr. Jude)

Dr.Jude held out his other hand, “Come oh flames, [Fire]. Ignite the Flames, [Fire]. Oh elements a light, [Fire]” (Dr. Jude)

On three of Dr.Jude’s finger a small flame suddenly appeared, “If chant’s were so vital, then I wouldn’t be able to change them so easily. And a spell could just as easily be cast without it, [Fire]” (Dr. Jude)

And on the Dr.Jude’s remaining fingers two more small flames suddenly appeared, “A chant serves only to support a Mage’s psyche, it exists to help a mage visualize a spell. And it works to unite the mind, conscious, and unconscious and allow us to realize our innate abilities.” (Dr.Jude)

I see, then let’s try it out, “Thee who returns all to ashes, Fire.” (Blade)

But as I recited the spell, no flame appeared, so I switched to the other chants but the result was the same.

What am I doing wrong? My mana pool is full, I’ve used skills before, I remember the chants. What am I doing wrong?

I thought back to Dr.Jude’s words,

Chants are useless…

They serve to support one’s psyche…

Unite the mind, conscious, and unconscious……

Is it a sort of self-induced hypnosis or something similar? Or is it something like the placebo effect? The chants themselves are useless, yet the still exhibit an effect. It's possible that this effect stems from the users belief in the chant itself, and in magic. Then if that’s the case…

Then it’s probably impossible for me to use magic normally. But If that’s the case, then why don’t we try this.

“Dr.Jude you are to fall asleep, and wake up upon my command” (Dr.Jude)

Dr. Jude closed his eyes, and sat perfectly still like a statue.

I pulled out an iron coin. Chanting itself doesn’t cause a hypnotic state to occur, but it probably has a similar effect. And if that’s the case, then this should work and if this works I should be able to grasp that feeling….

On the count of three you shall enter a trance,

And with this coin as a trigger,

You shall awaken

And before you will be

A world of flames

You shall control it,

For that world is yours

And as the twelfth second passes

You shall break free.

I flipped the coin in my hand into the air, and counted “One, Two, Three” (Blade)

And as I closed my eyes, I suddenly entered a void of nothingness. It was a place filled in complete darkness, a place where I could no longer see anything, hear anything, feel anything, smell anything, or do anything.

But that darkness, that void lasted for only an instance. And as the faint sound of a coin dropping down onto the ground reverberated throughout the darkness, the very world seemed to crack, and soon enough that dark void shattered.

And suddenly before me was a World of Flames, an Inferno of Red and Orange. It was an utterly awe inspiring sight that was reminiscent of hell, yet I felt an odd sense of familiarity with this world. And as I extend my hands towards the grand Inferno. The fierce flames began to move as I willed it, and as I opened up my hand and gathered the flames above my palm this world also began to shatter.

And just as suddenly as it appeared that World of Flames vanished, and before me was the doctors familiar office. With one slight difference, the dark room was light by a small orange flame, a small and gentle flame that was floating above my palm.

“I have to thank you Dr. Jude, I’ll make sure when the time comes It’ll be painless. Wake up, you are to forget everything that has happened. You were asleep this entire time” (Blade)

I dispelled the flame floating above my hand, and the order the Doctor to wake up.

“Oh, Blade. I’m sorry did you need anything? I fell asleep.” (Dr.Jude)

I smiled, “No, I’m fine I just came by to check up on you.” (Blade)

“Why, thank you.Here take this for your troubles” (Dr.Jude)

Dr.Jude handed my a small jar of ointment. And I gratefully accepted it, though all of the medicine he has in his possession will eventually become mine.

I leave the doctor’s office for now, and I'll head back to learn some new spells later. But since it was getting quite late, I decided to head on back to the inn. It seems that Stella and the other Flesh Devils are already back, and it seems they successfully made another Flesh Devil.

After I got back I gave Helen an Iron coin and 40 coppers for a week’s stay. And then after eating a rather late dinner I went back to my room. And as I opened my door I was surprised to find Claire sitting atop my bed in a nightgown.

“You’re late!” (Claire)

“Shouldn’t you be helping out with the inn?” (Blade)

“I am, I’m servicing a customer.” (Claire)

Servicing huh...

“Humans, sure change rather quickly” (Giri)

Yeah, she was a lot more innocent a week ago. Too think she’d change this fast after only a week.

“It’s probably due to your race, and your level. You have far more mana than someone of your level, even for someone of the Demon race. There’s a good possibility she’s already pregnant and she’s probably addicted to your semen by now“ (Giri)

Pregnant? Already?

“Powerful Demon’s like most other powerful beasts have low-birth rates, especially if their partner is someone just as powerful. But that’s only for females of the Demon race, the chance of inseminating a female of the other race is far far higher. Besides, with how large your member is, it’s not too surprising that she’s pregnant already.” (Giri)

Is that so? Well, I don’t mind it’s far easier dealing with my libido if they’re willing. I didn’t receive too much training in controlling my sex drive since it was usually suppressed by the nano-machines.

“So are we going to do this or not?” (Claire)

“You’re rather eager aren’t you?” (Blade)

“Of course.” (Claire)

~Insert H-Scene Here~

Author's Notes

Hey guys here this week's biweekly release. Unfortunately, there is no H-Scene. Why? Because. I actually don't have an excuse for this one...

Let's just say my excuse is I'm sick. Not sick in the head, but actually sick. Anyways Part 2 will be coming up next week. Enjoy.

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