《The Egotistical Ruler [DROPPED]》Chapter 2 remastered: Village of Sicheren Untergang II
First off thank you whoever rated my fiction first. Please rerate this after reading the remastered chapters. P.S. rating an FF with 3 cookies in it's beginning stages is a dick move, but it's not a 1 or 2 so forgivable.
skill use successful, eloquent speaking leveled up
Schmied said "Ok, sounds good to me."
Chain Quest: Upgrade the Smithy
Difficulty: E
Time limit: 1 week after becoming Lord/3 months total
Schmied the smith has agreed to make you Sh*tty armour in exchange for you upgrading his blacksmith shop. Schmied is very patient since this deal is heavily in his favour. Though his patience is not infinite. Need to become the lord of Sicheren Untergang to complete.
Rewards: Don't have to pay for armour, increased familiarity with Schmied
Failure: 1 week passes after you become Lord of Sicheren Untergang and you don't upgrade the Smithy, 3 months pass without you becoming lord
Effects of failure: Familiarity with Schmied lowered and he will hound you until you compensate him.
'Awesome, this skill is amazing'
Schmied then added "Should take about a day to make the armour, I'm off to get drinks want some?" while heading for a hole that Emperor hadn't noticed until now.
Emperor thought to himself 'A bit more time until I usually go to sleep so might as well test how alcohol in VR tastes like'
Quest accepted, Familiarity with Schmied increased.
'So just accepting a quest or offer for drinks will increase familiarity, nice.'
Schmied dragged out a few nondescript containers from the hole then poured the alcohol into 2 of the mugs that were lying around. Emperor saw some greasy stains on and in his mug but thought to himself 'It's VR so who cares about a stain or 2 or the 5 inside this mug'. He took a sip then screamed "F*ck" as he saw the system message and tasted it.
You do not meet the drinking age of your respective country, the taste has been converted to apple cider. You can change what the taste changes to in settings.
Emperor thought to himself 'Screw this I thought this was a game, it's not real alcohal so why does the law apply. D*mn Nintendo afraid of getting sued I guess, whatever I'm going to sleep.'
Schmied asked "What's wrong, too strong fer ya" mistaking Emperor's sour face and cussing for not being able to hold his brew.
-No I gotta do something, see you tomorrow Schmied
Emperor then left the shack and logged off while Schmied was too busy getting drunk to respond. After logging off he went to bed after setting his alarm to wake him up in 8 hours. Some might argue why not just sleep in the game then have free time to do other things since time is 1:4 in-game, but that's unrealistic. Sleeping in game would certainly get rid of mental fatigue but there wouldn't be enough time for physical processes like blood cell management.
~a little over 8 hours in real life and 32 hours in-game~
When Emperor logged back in he was back in front of the Smithy/shack/shop whatever the hell it is. First thing he noticed was that his satiety was low so he ate some pre-provided food(mystery jerky and stale bread), and some water from his canteen. He thought 'This isn't that bad what's with all the complaints on the forums, but still not up to my palate later I'll need to hire a cook of some sort'.
He then went inside since his armour should be ready. When he came in, Schmied for once wasn't happy and had red eyes.
-Hey Schmied is it ready yet?
Schmied had a pitiful laugh that made his stomach jiggle and said "It sure is, though I was drunk when I made it so it may be uncomfortable. Here I even identified it so you can see its stats though you may not want to."
Emperor touched the armour and a window popped up
full body armour: Sh*tty armour
Defence: 200
Rarity: One of a kind
An armour made by a skilled blacksmith while he was drunk. It's one of a kind in the bad way as in "Why the hell would you make this?". Its foundation is sound and the armour is thick granting high defence. Unfortunately the rest is sh*t so there is several bad side options.
Requirements: no level requirement, 100 strength
Side options: -75% movement speed(20% extra as you don't meet the requirements),+1 elegant stat
Durability: 279/300
Schmied helped Emperor put on the Sh*tty armour which was a combination of several low quality metals and rust. Emperor needed help putting it on because it was very heavy. As Schmied said it was uncomfortable but fit, but thanks to the stupor there was several unnecessary things like an improvised crown on the helmet and metal jutting out in various places.
After putting the armour on, Emperor attempted to take a step but immediately fell forward face first.
15 damage taken
Emperor thought "That failed, the pain isn't that bad but the system message was annoying"
-Turn damage messages off
After getting up with Schmied's help, Emperor headed off back towards the training hall.
Strength increased by 1
"Nice, I'm getting stat increases just like I thought."
Eventually he arrived at the training hall and ate some mystery jerky and drank from his canteen. Needless to say he was tired from the trip and he tripped several times so his health was low. Also he got several stat increases for strength, agility, and just 2 endurance.The 2 endurance was from the falling over part. After he rested a bit he entered the training hall.
Current stats:
Level: 1
Class: N/A
Alignment: Neutral
Health: 110(100 start, 5 from each endurance stat higher than 10)
Regen: .12 per second(.01 per endurance stat)
Mana: N/A
M. Regen: N/A
Strength: 20
Agility: 15
Endurance: 12
Wisdom: 10
Intelligence: 10
Elegant: 12 (all stats start at 10, +1 from armour)
defense: 216 ( 10 start, +200 from armour, +.33 per endurance stat, +.1 per strength stat)
Attack: Varies( cannot be calculated due to lack of weapon, attack style, and attack skills)
Emperor walked into the training hall, well it was more of a shuffle because despite his stat increases he still can't use it properly.
The kids noticing him ran over looking at him excitably.
"Sup' scrubs I'm back and I'm going to teach you how to fight properly" said Emperor.
The kids instantly became visibly disappointed after hearing his voice. One of them even said "oh it's just the weirdo from a few days ago".
"Don't be like that, I'm going to teach you a fighting style" Emperor said in response to their disappointment.
The kid with the oversized hat said excitably "You learned how to fighting style while you were gone?"
"No even better together we shall create our own fighting style" said Emperor
The kid with the shovel said "How are we going to do that?"
Emperor replied "Easy we will-umm I'll explain that later for now you shall train under me, so tell me your names."
The girl said "I'm Katy"
The kid with the shovel said "I'm Keith"
The kid with the oversized hat said "I'm Kyle"
Emperor thought 'Hrmm I was expecting something weird like Schmied but come to think of it the guards had normal names too'
-You can call me Instructor Emperor or Emperor Instructor, whatever flows better. Let's start with how to fight honorably, surround me and beat the crap out of me.
Without any hesitation the kids began to excitably hit him like a pinata at a birthday party.
Emperor thought 'Ooh the armour is sucking up the damage quite well. The only reason why it's already drained a bit is because I didn't let my health fully restore while resting.'
~1 hour later~
At this point Emperor had received quite a few endurance messages from being hit for so long. The kids at this point were breathing heavily but still had faint smiles from this unique experience.
Emperor said "Okay, that's enough for now let's take a break. You guys look like you need one, a CLIFFHANGER that is"
Such a perfect cliffhanger that I had to reuse it despite remastering the chapter. You may have some questions about the stat table but I shall ignore them, all shall be revealed in good time. Combination of the original chapter 3(the second half) and chapter 4.
- In Serial401 Chapters
Class: Mash
In a world full of magic and power, where strength is defined by classes and levels. Follow Mash, a young boy who gets to experience the wonders of the world, from receiving his first class to realizing his dreams, and all the little progress in-between. Although things don’t go as he predicted. His first class defined him as something he was not, yet it offered him a new opportunity. Only through gaining experience and levels can he even begin to reach his dreams, whatever they may be. After having his first real fight, Mash catches a glimpse into the profound wrongness in his world. In this moment of revelation, Mash’s life takes a new path, one he will have to carve for himself. A path that was not for knights, heroes, or kings, instead one for gods, of power beyond even his own understanding. Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge. I upload everyday at 12:00pm cst. P.S I am working on rewriting the first couple of chapters, expect those to release slowly over the next week or so. I will keep the above schedule for the normal chapters. Thanks for reading. I will mark them with edited, when done. The story itself won't change much, i will just be adding clarification and editing it so it matches the form of the later chapters.
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