《Broken System》Town and More Beasts


After I finish meditating, It is already morning, So I check my status then continue walking down the path.


-Name:Jack Bolard




-Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 7: 10%

-Health:750/750(0.10 Regen/Second)

-Qi: 650/650(0.10 Regen/Second)











-Skill List: Moon Slash Lv2, Meditate Lv1, Identify LvMax

-Credits: 315

-Shop Tab-

- Cultivation Pills - Health Replenishing Pills:50 Credits, Qi Replenishing Pills:50 Credits, Increase Cultivation Speed Pills:150 Credits.

- Skills - Inferno Palm:75 Credits, Gentle Breeze Footwork:125 Credits

-World Travel- Allows Host to travel to any world for a set amount of credits:50000 Credits.

After I check my status, I notice I gained 9% on my cultivation from the meditation I did last night, Not good but not bad I guess. After around 30 minutes of walking a beast jumps at me, Resulting in me dodging.

Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 2(Wolf)

Just a stage 2 wolf. I cut it in half without using my skill then continue walking looking for a town.

Ding - Host has killed Qi Cultivation Stage 2 Beast. Gained part of soul, 20 Credits.

3 hours later

I didn't run into any more beasts on the road, So I assume they are either just to low cultivation or aren't around here. I also finally found a towns walls, To which I walk up and get stopped by a guard at the gate.

"Halt! To enter you must pay the fee of 1 silver"(Guard)

After he says so I take a silver out of my storage ring and hand it over to the guard, Who let's me enter the town. It's not that big of a town, and has only a small amount of people in it, But there are some stores and inns that I could check out before I leave. Thinking so I head to a store that sells weapons, To see if there is anything better then my weapon(Low Enchanted Sword).

Regular Steel Sword - 1 silver

Regular Steel Sword - 1 silver

Regular Iron Sword - 1 silver 50 copper

Regular Steel Sword - 1 silver

Low Enchanted Sword - 10 silver

Not really anything better than my current sword, there was only regular swords and one Low Enchanted sword like mine. I wonder if he will buy things from me.

"Hey, Do you buy swords here aswell?"(Me)

"Yeah, Depends on what kinda swords, but I do muy 'em"(Owner)


After he say so I take out the 5 normal iron swords and the low enchanted sword and I let him see them.

" 5 Iron swords and a Low Enchanted sword? Ye wantin to sell all these"(Owner)

"Yeah, I have no use for them. How much would you buy them for?"(Me)

"Hmm, The Iron Swords ain't really that good of quality but they are decent 'nough, The Low Enchanted sword is in good shop so i'll buy 'em all for 12 silver."(Owner)

Hmm, Only 12 silver but I guess that is probably good for some bandits swords so after I agree he hands me the 12 silver and I leave to find an inn to eat and stay at.

Boar Inn

I found an inn called Boar Inn and decide to just stay here for the night then leave. After I get in I head to the counter

"Hello, How can I help you?"(Clerk)

"I'd like a room for the night and food"(Me)

"Alright, a room for one night is one silver, and dinner will be served shortly, So you can pick what you like from the menu once it starts, Since the prices are on the menu aswell."(Clerk)

After I hand her one silver she leads me to a room which i'll stay at tonight. She said dinner will start in 2 hours so I decide to look at my status to see if anything changed.


-Name:Jack Bolard




-Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 7: 12%

-Health:750/750(0.10 Regen/Second)

-Qi: 650/650(0.10 Regen/Second)











-Skill List: Moon Slash Lv2, Meditate Lv1, Identify LvMax

-Credits: 335

-Shop Tab-

- Cultivation Pills - Health Replenishing Pills:50 Credits, Qi Replenishing Pills:50 Credits, Increase Cultivation Speed Pills:150 Credits.

- Skills - Inferno Palm:75 Credits, Gentle Breeze Footwork:125 Credits

-World Travel- Allows Host to travel to any world for a set amount of credits:50000 Credits

Nothing really changed except my cultivation % so I decide to buy the last 2 skills I can currently buy.

"Buy Inferno Palm"

"Buy Gentle Breeze Footwork"

Ding - Host has purchased Inferno Palm, Minus 75 credits. 270 remaining.

Ding - Host has purchased Gentle Breeze Footwork,Minus 125 credits. 145 remaining.

After I buy both of them the clerk comes and tells me dinner is being server, So I head down to a table and look at the menu. It doesn't have much so I just decide to buy a Wolf Stew for 50 copper.


After waiting for 10 minutes the Wolf Stew is placed on my table and it smells pretty good. I hand the clerk 50 copper and eat the stew. After eating the stew I head back to my room and decide to meditate until morning.

10 hours later

After I finished meditating, It seems to be around 9 in the morning so I head down to leave the Inn. Once I leave the Inn i head to the exit on the opposite side I entered from, To head down the road again and maybe enter a forest to train and kill beasts.

2 hours later

After about 2 hours of walking I found a decent looking forest so I decide to enter it to train my skills up and raise my cultivation. After 20 minutes of walking around a beast jumped at me, One I have yet to have seen before.

Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 5 Beast(Boar)

So I found a stage 5 Boar, Interestingly enough. I want to train my new skills, So I start off with inferno palm.

"Inferno Palm!"

I swing my palm at the boar, Which is covered in fire that doesn't hurt me. It hits the boars side and it gets pushed back a bit and has a burnt spot on it's side thanks to the skill. I can't see the health of things so I don't know how much it did, But it doesn't seem to have done much sadly. the boar starts to run at me so I decide to use my footwork, Dodging and weaving around the boar while it tries to hit me. Since it couldn't hit me it starts to get enraged, Which I took the chance of it happening to take out my sword and stab it in it's side and down, Nearly splitting it in half.

Ding - Host has killed Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 5 beast. Gained part of soul, 50 credits.

After storing the boar in my store ring I continue to wonder around in the forest. After about 2 hours I found a giant spider beast.

Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 8(Poison Spider)

I found a stage 8 beast now! I didn't expect to find a stage 8 beast, But it doesn't matter much. I should be able to kill it pretty easily, Depending on how strong it's defences are against my skills. To start it off I send out a Moon Slash then charge at it with my footwork and inferno palm .

"Moon Slash!"


The spider dodged my Moon Slash resulting in it only hitting trees, But I managed to get it with my footwork and Inferno Palm.

"Inferno Palm!"

My Inferno Palm goes straight into the spiders neck area, Dealing a seemingly large amount of damage, Seeing as the spider is crying out loudly, When I was about to use another moon slash it stabbed 2 of it's legs at me, One missing and the other stabbing iself through my side, Which hurt like hell.

-300 health

It did 300 damage to me which is 40% of my total health! I see that it is about to pull me towards it with it's leg so I cut it's leg off with my sword freeing myself from it. After I cut it's leg off i pull it out of my side and block the wound with my left hand while holding my sword in the right hand. Since I cut off it's leg the spider is crying out again, this time I send multiple Moon Slash's at it before it can do anything.

"Moon Slash!"

"Moon Slash!"

"Moon Slash!"

I shot 3 Moon Slash's out but only 2 of them hit the spider. It dodged the first one but the other 2 managed to hit it's body, Resulting in it having a large cut on it's left side aswell as losing 3 more legs, Resulting in it falling down due to lack of balance. Once it is down I run over to it and stab it's back with my sword, Letting out a point blank Moon Slash.

"Moon Slash!"

After that hits the spider at point blank range, It just dies due to have too many wounds.

Ding - Host has killed Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 8 beast. Gained part of soul, 80 credits.

After I killed it i didn't even bother taking it's body, I just left since it's blood with attract more beasts here, And I don't think i can fight any more right now considering I have a hole in my body. After walking a bit I found a small hidden cave, Which I enter and as soon as I enter I buy a Health Replenishing Pill.

Ding - Host has purchased Health Replenishing Pill,Minus 50 credits. 175 remaining.

After buying it it drops into my hand and I immediately throw it into my mouth then start meditating until the next morning comes.

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