《Broken System》Wuxia World!


Once I opened my eyes I was in a forest with nothing but the clothes I had on when I left. I assume the System kept me safe until I woke up considering I am not dead yet. Before anything I decide to check my status.


-Name:Jack Bolard




-Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 1: 0%

-Health:750/750(0.10 Regen/Second)

-Qi: 650/650(0.10 Regen/Second)











-Skill List: N/A

-Credits: 0

-Shop Tab-

-Mission Tab-

-World Travel-

So I started at Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 1.. I don't know the realms though.

"System, What are all of the Cultivation Realms in this world?"

Ding - The Cultivation Realms for this world are as followed:

Qi Cultivation Realm which has stages from 1-12

Foundation Establishment Realm which has Early, Mid, Late and Peak

Aurous Core Realm which has Early, Mid, Late and Peak

Nascent Soul Realm which has Early, Mid, Late and Peak

immortal Soul Realm which has Early, Mid, Late and Peak

King Realm which has Early, Mid, Late and Peak

Emperor Realm which has Early, Mid, Late and Peak

Deity Realm which allows people to form an avatar to control with a portion of their powers.

Wow, That is a lot of realms.I wonder how many Deity Realm cultivators there is.

"System how many Deity Realm cultivators are in the world currently."

Ding - There is currently 5 Deity Realm cultivators in the world. 15 of them died in the war 1250 years ago.

Wow so there used to be 20 of them, yet 15 died in a War 1250 years ago. Just how long would it take to get there if there isn't any new ones yet..


While I was considering what I was going to do, the system gave me a mission.

Ding - Forced Mission - Kill a Qi Cultivation Stage 3 Beast:Rewards, 10x10 Spatial Ring, Enchanted Sword and Access to Shop.

Huh, the system gave me a forced mission, In which i need to kill a beast 2 stages above me. It gives my access to the shop and stuff so I guess system is helping me? That's a first. Well let's look for a beast then.

"How am i supposed to kill a Stage 3 beast when I can't even tell the stages apart.."

Ding - Host has been given ability to see the Realm and Stage of any creature aslong as it is within 5 Stages.

"That's convenient.."

As I was looking around for a beast I found one that looked like a bear.

Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 2

It was only a stage 2 beast, But it would still be good to kill them so I can get my realm up. I ran to the bear and punched it in the head. It didn't die like I thought it would, With my 350 strength. It wobbled a bit then attacked me.

-50 health

So it does a decent amount of damage. Looks like I will finally be able to have a challenge in this world, Where I am not stupidly strong.

I punch it again, This time it falls and I get a notification.

Ding - Host has killed Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 2 and obtained it's soul. Souls power the hosts body and increases part of cultivation.

Interesting, When I kill things I can absorb their soul, Strengthening my body and increases part of my cultivation. Well let's go look for that stage 3 beast so that I can get access to the shop and that spatial ring.


After about 20 minutes of walking I found another beast and this time it is a Stage 3.

Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 3

I immediately run at it and kick it's side sending it into a tree. Before it can get back up i punched it in the head 3 times and killed it.

Ding - Host has killed Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 3 Beast. Gained Soul of Beast.

Ding - Host has risen to Stage 2 of Qi Cultivation Realm

Ding - Host has completed mission 'Kill Qi Cultivation Realm Stage 3 Beast' and has obtained a 10x10 Spatial Ring, A weak enchanted Sword and access to the Shop.

The Spatial Ring fell infront of me with the Sword. I picked up the Spatial Ring and injected my Qi into it, binding it to me then put the Sword into it. Afterwards I look at the shop to see what I can buy in this world.

- Shop -

- Cultivation Pills -

- Skills -

Ding - Due to Host unlocking Shop, Host is now able to get Credits from Beast and Human kills, Depending of the Realm and Stage.

So all I can buy in the shop is Cultivation pills which I assume help me get my cultivation realm increased faster and healing and Qi increasing pills. In the Skills shop I get those are the Martial Skills I can get, That would be limited to Wuxia stuff. This is getting interesting.

Before anything I want to see what types of Pills and Skills I can get.

- Cultivation Pills - Qi Replenishing Pills:50 Credits, Health Replenishing Pills:50 Credits, Increase Cultivation Speed Pills: 150 Credits.

Only 3 types of Pills but those are the only types of pills I would need. Now what is in the Skill shop.

-Skills - Moon Slash:75 Credits, Meditation: 50 Credits, Inferno Palm:100 Credits, Gentle Breeze Footwork: 125 Credits

Seems like I only have access to a few Skills, but lets see what they all do.

- Moon Slash - Slash outward with a sword to send a slash in direction dealing 50-175 damage.

- Meditation - Enter meditative state to replenish Health and Qi slowly over time. Don't need to sleep when in meditative state.

- Inferno Palm - Covers users palm in fire dealing bonus damage when user hits enemy with it. Damage between 25-300

- Gentle Breeze Footwork - User can use Footwork for faster movement or implement in battle against enemies to dodge or gain attack advantage.

They all seem very good anyways, I'll probably get more Skills when i level up my Realm and Stages. For now let's find a spot to rest for the night so I am in good helth for tomorrow.

After searching for a while i found a small cave with nothing in it, So I will use it as my temporary living courters. I block the entrance with a giant rock, leaving a small spot for me to put my hand in to move the rock and then go to sleep.

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