《Slaves have no names, (hiatus)》Chapter 6
“Well now that we have some time to ourselves” Luniera said to them while helping 637 to the wall with Oak. “Wat do we do now?”
“How about we do nothing” 637 said his voice really lacking any form of strength. “Calliera help me i need some sleep” he mumbled.
“Before sleep we still have to think of a name for you” Luniera told him. “I agree with her words” Oak told him. “You guys have given each other names already?” Tatt's asked them as he came walking over with his partner in tow. “Actually, We already named you as well. 637 called you Tatt's once and it kind of sticked”
“Tatt's huh, guess its kind of a cool name”. Tatt's partner nodded. Upclose 637 could see that she was an elf like Luniera but way different. Her skin was yellow-ish and her hair was dark. Her eyes where green instead of the crimson-red that Luniera had.
“OEH OEH, names huh!?” The monkey boy came running over dragging his partner with him. “Then i want to be name The Boulder!” He exclaimed striking a manly muscle flexing pose.
The rest stifled a grin at his words. “The Boulder is a name unfitting of one of your stature”. The Oak told him seriously.
“Wat about Pebble then” 637 said jokingly. Causing some of the other to stifle laughter this time. Luniera didn't even bother with stifling she just laughed right out. The monkey boy seemed a little hurt by this and cast an angry glare at them.
“No seriously think it over. You are by far the fastest one of us here. Faster even than glowy-glow Snowflake” He said pointing to his chained nervous white-haired partner. “ A boulder is not fast it is slow and unmoving it doesn't complement your attributes! A pebble however can skip lightly over the water like it is being lifted up by the god of wind herself.” He told the Monkey boy with a dramatic tone. Most of the others had to avert their eyes by now because they seemed to no longer be able to watch the scene happening infront of them without breaking out in hysterical laughter.
Monkey boy however took his words at heart and seemed to be considering them seriously! “Pebble i do suppose it is a fast sounding name”He pondered rubbing his furry chin with his hand. “Yes! I like it! From today forwards i shall be known as the magnanimous the speedy The Pebble extraordinaire!” For such a little guy he really liked throwing around a lot of big words 637 thought to himself.
“Wat about your name then?” Tatt's suddenly asked him. “I don't have a name yet.” he answered.
“H..How …. about... Dorariamus” Snowflake suddenly mumbled. “It...means... the dull grey light”
“Dorariamus is a bot long tho and calling him Dora is out of the question so how about we just call him Grey?” Luniera offered looking at 637. He thought about it for a moment and then nodded.”Yes. Grey is a good name nice and simple.”
“Ok then that leaves you” He said looking at the lighter elf. “And you” he said to Pebble's partner.
Pebble's partner was so unnoteworthy that he really seemed out of place in their mixed group of extravagant people. He was average height he had unremarkable straw coloured hair and a thin but not very muscular build. “I am not in need of a name” The boy said. “I would like to keep the number 606”.
“Well 606 is kind of pain to say is just Six okay?” Grey asked him. To which Six nodded. “I guess that leaves you” He said to the lighter elf who looked at him with curious eyes. “Sansieri...” Snowflake mumbled looking at the lighter elf with big eyes. “It.. means.. the sun” To these words Luniera looked at her for a moment but then shrugged. “Sansieri is a beautiful name i would feel proud to accept it” She said graciously.
“Well now that we all got names how about we tell each other about our races?” Grey propositioned to them. “This would indeed be a beneficial conversation to have.” Oak answered in his low rumble. The rest nodded in consent thinking it would indeed be a good idea. Luckily although they did no longer have their memories the only memories that where really missing where specifics about people names or places. everything they had been taught or knew they could still remember.
Oak started and told them that his people were called the Entmen. Most oftenly they were called either the Treebrethren by the other settlements that lived close to where they lived. Or just simply Ent's. The Entmen came into existence when a few earthen elemental spirit's had chosen to fuse themselves with a tree so to speak. The result where the Entmen to everyone's surprise however the Entmen did not have any organs to speak of they simply lived from natures energies. The air, plants or stone was more than enough for him to be able to survive. They where able to eat however but the energy they gained from eating was sent into wat they called their Core.
This Core was that one nerval point they had seen glow when Oak had taken his pain resistance test.
This was also he told them the only way he could be killed. Death would come to him if the core was removed from his body. If the core where not removed however they could regrow or regenerate the body parts they had lost by growing some of nature's plentiful flora and fusing it into their being.
The whole process seemed kind of complicated but everybody got the gist of it. Entmen where hard to kill. Good thing to know should they ever run into any of them. Oak had one more thing to tell them that surprised alot of them he was still a young sapling of only 12 summers old.
The Entmen could grow to be the age of about 300 and would continuously grow in size. The Entmen Elders where huge as big as any of the tallest oak's. He also told them that the only way he could tell wat his age was from the growth layer in his body. He simply had to count them to know how many summers he had lived. One more thing he knew was that there where not many of his people left. Most had gone into slumber where killed in war's with the undead that lived in the underground mountains commanded by there necromancer's to chop down trees.
Now Grey knew why Oak was so angry when he saw the fake tree's made out of wood in the obstacle room. He quite litterly thought of tree's as his brethren and he would fight to protect them if he could. As would any of his kind he claimed.
The next to tell his story was Tatt's he came from the cold northern mountains and tundra's where his people lived. Most other colonies and races simply called his people the Barbarians. But they had a much more complicated name than that. The Trukierom as he called them, this word meant the people who could live with little. Or maybe more accurately he said it meant those who can make do with what they have. His people where very hunting and survival oriented. Unlike most common people believed the tundra's weren't as sparsely inhabited by animals as they thought.
There where fish and other seacreatures a plenty beneath the ice that they could fish using hole's. More dangerous where the creatures that lived on the tundra's or in the mountain caves itself. Huge bears with 6 feet tundra panthers with their snow white skin that could pounce on you from any where. The mysterious Ice Blooded Snakes that where about 6 meters long and could move around through the ice even though their kind was usually cold-blooded and the cold environment of the tundras would be very inhospitable for them.
His people gave these red tattoos to those who hunted the creatures and those who fought for their clan should any war's or skirmishes happen between their people and the other cultures that roamed the tundra's. The tattoos he had now where the most basic of tattoos only given to a hunter once he had finished the training and brought back his first kill. His first kill wasn't very impressive he told them. It was one of the ice hare's he was lucky enough to spot while they where out on a hunting trip. Although he was determined to kill an Ice Blooded Serpent he had never really gotten the chance.
After Tatt's had told him his story they moved on to Pebble's. Pebble was from the jungle kingdom of the Beastmen. Beastmen had various different races that derived from any animal. The race had come into existence when their was a clash of 2 gods in the air and their magic changed and evolved the animals that lived in the jungle below. Or so the story went at least. He was a member of the Okitory tribe, more well-known as the Monkey tribe. They specialized in scouting and most of the members entered the Beastmen army to do exactly this.
As scout's the Okitory tribesmen where extremely efficient he told them proudly. They could move along the jungle at extremely high speeds being un catchable by any pursuers. They could use their tail for mobility and change their direction at a moments notice even in mid-air by simply grabbing a branch and swinging to another. They mainly focused on fighting with quarterstaff's a tradition that had entered their tribe with the well known legend of the Monkey King. Who was once the leader of the Beastmen empire.
The tribe men not really sure if the legend was true or if it wasn't. Still made the quarterstaff there own. The Okitory soon became well known because of their way of fighting and any race that wanted to master the way of the staff soon found themselves in the Okitory jungle being taught by the Monkey masters of the the south.
Next up to tell about her race was Sansieri. She was a High elf together with the Sun elves they where the race of Light Elves who. The high elves would usually specialize in magic and healing.
They worshipped the goddess of light Callieri and where also the main leaders in the Callieri church that had spread itself across the empire. The priestesses the high elves produced for the church where amongst the most highly valued and respected members of the entire church. The High Priestess herself was at the same time the leader of the church and the leader of the High elven people.
The High Elves prided them selves in order and cleanliness. They could not stand the sight and stench of people who did not care for themselves well. The rules they lived by where very strict and swaying from these rules would quickly result in an exile for you and any others that might have been involved. All in all they did not sound like the most fun of people.
They used white marble to make their elegant building and churches and usually lived close to forests or plains. She also told them about the 4 other elven races. The Wood elves, The Nauticulus (water elves) the Crimson Elves (blood elves) And the Moon elves. The wood elves she told them lived in as their name suggested the woods. They where the most in touch with nature of the elven races they used their magic songs to grow the tree's into their own actual tree house cities. The Nauticulus lived on wooden drifting towns that where more like a lot of ships connected than actual towns. They lived of fishing and they communicated a lot with the Seafolk and had alliance ties with them should the need to wage war arise. Master's of the see these people could not be attacked on their own terrain. Not unless the general leading the army had suicidal tendencies.
The Crimson's she was about to tell about but then suddenly hesitated and looked at Luniera and twiddled her fingers. Luniera smiled a bit at this and told them that the Crimsons where considered the evil elves by their brethren. They specialized in assassinations and poisons. There seemed to be very few of them left according to here perhaps a mere 3000. They had formed underground socities and lived far away from the prying eyes of all the other races. No one was really sure where they lived now. Should a Crimson be caught the elves themselves where not worried at all that they would be tracked down. Crimsons where as immune to torture as anyone could get. Their pain tolerance was insanely high. Seeing as they specialized in torturing themselves it would a blow to their pride if they could not stand up to the torture method's of the weaker races. At least thats how they felt about it Luniera told them.
Now the others around Luniera eyed her a bit carefully and moved back from her to which she just shook her head and sighed. Oak however did not seem bothered. Thinking logically why would he he could not be easily tortured. Grey feeling a bit sorry for Luniera walked up to her and messed up her hair and gave her grin. “It's gonna take more than that to make me scared of such a beautiful girl huh Snowflake”. He told Luniera grinning. snowflake nodded quickly and patted Luniera's legg giving her a nervous smile. The display given by the two knuckleheads made her smile that weirdly heartwarming smile again which froze everyone. Shaking his head to get rid of the effects Grey sat back down.
Next up to tell their story was Snowflake. It wasn't easy for Snowflake to get the conversation started. He started really nervously but once he got into his story it went alot better. apparently even though he apperead mostly human he was anything but. His race was called the Aetlings. Like the Entmen they came from elemental but they where a bit more peculiar. Although they had at first been humans some of them had grown close to their elementals and fused with them during the ancient times. This had resulted in the birth of the Aelting race they like the Entmen had only one core and would not die unless the core was removed from their bodies or their bodies where completely destroyed
The Aeltlings had an Empire of their own and unlike the Entmen they where not close to extinction but where thriving. They had an empire that had billions of inhabitants. They where the largest and most powerful empire to date. No other empires would mess with the Aeltlings do to their sheer power in numbers. But even more dangerously was the inherit magic that came along with it. The purple glow Snowflake sometimes emitted was the inherit wind or snow elemental that imbued their bodies with power causing their physical properties to be enhanced tremendously making them terrifyingly powerful warriors in combat.
The Aeltlings had the military and economic power to conquer the world if they so wished it might not be easy but it was definitely a possibility. Lucky for all other races this was exactly the opposite of their beliefs. The Aeltlings believe their empire to be the center of the world and the center of the universe. Wat need to you have for other lands if wat you have is already the center of it? The people where happy and the nobles where rich. Of course there where plenty of exceptions and problems in the country but that was left to the royal police to solve.
Just like Oak he told them that they could eat but they didn't digest the food. Then someone questioned him about where the remaining energies would leave from and where they went. After telling them they would just be breathed out some hilarity ensued about Luniera joking about Snowflake having a bad breath and that it stinked of poop. After alot of blushing from snowflake and some collective laughter from the rest the last 2 where made to do their story.
Six and Grey both being just normal humans didn't really have much to tell them since almost every race knew already about the humans that where present in nearly every empire and country. Although not having a powerful unified empire of its own the humans had spread into almost every country and empire their was with their flexibility and capability to specialize in anything. Six didn't really say much at all and made it clear that he preferred silence. So Grey told them the basics about humanity.
After the discussions about everyone's different races they kept talking to each other growing closer and closer as bonds of brother and sister-hood started to form between them. In it to survive they strived to know wat they could of each other determined to work together should the time come.
Sorry that it took a bit longer but i really put some thought into the background stories of the races. Maybe i will ahve som genius idea's about it later but for now i think this is enough. And as always i hope for some Critisism!
And to anyone who read this thanks for reading up to here! :D Hope you will read the rest aswell
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