《Shadow Light》An Old Friend



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"Normal speech" people talking.

'Normal thought' people thinking.

"Kurama/Dragons" Kurama or Dragons speaking.

'Kurama/Dragon thought' Kurama or Dragons thinking.

"Jutsu/ Magic" is being used.


Shadow Light

Chapter 23

An Old Friend

"Let me introduce you, My Real Queen." Said Sirzechs and a figure came out of the Gremory Magic Circle beside Sirzechs.

Everyone expected it to be Grayfia, but the figure they saw surprised most of them.

Naruto sensed someone walking beside him. It is not Reni as he can sense her behind him, waiting for the person to come to his side as he is face to face with Sona.

"The Real Queen of my Peerage and my Wife, SARA GREMORY née NEBIROS." Said Sirzechs. The announcement hit all devils like a big bucket of holy water.

Naruto's eyes widened at this. He didn't expect Sirzechs to do something like this.

Everything froze as if they heard the world is going to end now. No moment can be seen from any of the guests except those who are in the know.

Suddenly there was a clapping sound and it was none other than Serafall, clapping excitedly bouncing beside Jiraiya. Everyone followed suit and clapped loudly.

"Congratulations, Sirzechs-sama and welcome, Sara-sama," they shouted and clapped in appreciation, giving a warm welcome to the Real Queen. All of them forgetting the important fact that Grayfia is nowhere to be seen or anyone didn't remember her previous title as the 'Strongest Queen'.

Naruto finally saw the person who appeared beside him as he can remember her scent and distinct magic anywhere.

"I didn't expect him to do such a bold announcement, Grayfia," said Naruto as he moved away from Sona, to the side where Grayfia is standing. Not completely moving, but standing to the side.

"That's a surprise for me as well, Naruto-sama." Replied Grayfia, clapping louder than anyone as she got her freedom back and her best friend got her rightful place as her husband's Queen.

"Don't lie, Grayfia. We both know they are not going to do something this big without telling you," said Naruto, turning a bit towards her, seeing her appearance with his peripherals.

Her attire dramatically changed, her maid outfit discarded. She now wore an elegant looking dress while looking young from what he could remember from her maid outfit.

Her silver eyes filled with life, vibrating happily and she has a faded-pink scrunchy on her, as opposed to the blue maid outfit. She wore a black shirt with golden-caramel accents at the edges of the shirt and spread horizontally near the bottom, with two light golden trims going down the shirt; and the shirt splits slightly above her stomach, exposing her midriff.

Around her neck and shoulders is a long, cyan scarf made from light material that reaches her hips which made Naruto remember the scarf his mother made for him. Her blue jeans with a white outline at the top.


No one can compare her to the disciplinary maid she acts as and that's why it took Naruto a few seconds to remember her as he can't remember her from her appearance alone, he used his nose to remember the smell.

"That may be true. But I was not told he would announce it... like this," replied Grayfia gesturing to all the crowd.

"It's a pity that you won't be with him to discipline anymore," said Naruto with a smile.

"Maybe not in his office. But I'll be in Gremory estate as their head maid," replied Grayfia.

"Hmm, I doubt that." Said Naruto in confidence. As she is no longer acting as Sirzechs Queen, he is not going to leave the opportunity of getting her on his side. It will take time, but Naruto is stubborn to easily give up.

"Why is that? Do you want me to do something for you?" She asked, putting a hand on her chin, taking the thinking pose.

"Not particularly. But yes, I do have some work with you,"

"Oh, what could that be?"

"Hold your horses, dear. We'll discuss that when we are alone, next week, 10 pm, Central Paris," said Naruto, coming closer to her giving a courtesy bow, he went to Sona's side with one last wink at Grayfia.

Grayfia thought about it. She went on dates before on alias of course, but no one talked to her like how the young blonde did just now.

And they would just piss their pants when her true identity is revealed which always spoils her mood.

He is open, free and talks as if nothing is wrong and his attitude and behaviour showed her his expertise in dealing with women.

She can always feel something different from him compared to others. She can't shake that feeling from her. Even a strong and Super Devil like Sirzechs didn't make her feel like this.

It is as if they had a bond that was forgotten and after seeing him, it was re-enacted. She brought herself from those thoughts and clapped more for her friends.

Meanwhile, With Serafall

"Congratulations, Zechs-tan," yelled Serafall, clapping and bouncing vigorously. Seeing one of Satan's appreciations, all the Lords and Ladies followed suit and appreciated and congratulated the Red Satan.

"CONGRATULATIONS, SIRZECHS-SAMA. WELCOME SARA-SAMA," they yelled in unison. The crowd watching also started clapping and cheered in their homes or workplaces.

"I think you're overly excited, Serafall." A voice said beside the bouncing magical girl. Serafall turned to see a woman who she didn't see in a long time.

Grayfia Lucifuge was looking at her with a wide smile, after completing her chat with Naruto, she decided to greet her old rival. This reminded her of their rivalry from the old days.

"It's been so long since I've seen you like this, Fia-chan," Serafall said with a wide smile. After getting their new positions after the Devil Civil War, they had to stop their rivalry. It didn't sit well with Serafall, but her job took most of her time and she couldn't complain to anyone.

Seeing Grayfia in her casual attire sparked a new hope in Serafall of getting all those days back and having fun.

"Same goes for you, Sera-chan. But this time instead of proving who is strong, I got a better bet." Said Grayfia with a smile.

"What is it?" Asked Serafall curiously.

"We'll talk about that later, why don't you tell me what are you doing here instead of being with Sona?"

"So-tan is talking to that blondie," she said with a disappeared face.


"And you are allowing it? Did you leave him unharmed till now? What a surprise?" Asked Grayfia in surprise.

"No. There is something between them I can't put my finger on. My instincts are screaming to kill that blonde. But he knew a secret I don't want So-tan to know," said Serafall with a pout.

"What did you do this time? You know, if you act like this, Sona can't understand your real love." Said Grayfia. Serafall hung her head low for a second but cheered up.

"Nah. She loves me so much," said Serafall with a wide smile confidently.

"Whatever," said Grayfia, dropping the topic. Serafall started asking about different things and her plans for the future.

In Astaroth Territory

Diodora was enjoying himself when he was contacted by one of his servants and was asked to check the live feed of 'The Announcement', a program Sirzechs organised.

Curiously, he opened the live feed to get an unwanted surprise. There, behind the newly reincarnated bastard, stood the woman he desired.

His blood boiled to kill the blonde and have all of her for himself, but he managed to keep his instincts in check and observed them carefully.

"Hmm, it seems Cheado's assumption was true. She is his servant. What to do? What to do?" Pondered Diodora while the person he was 'enjoying' with, increased their pace.

"What do you think, Petra?" Asked Diodara. The person he was enjoying with, Petra, continued her work, not replying, but giving her responses through her pace.

"You want me to kill him?" Asked Diodara as her pace increased.

"You don't want me to kill him, but to snatch her away from him?"

"Wait until next year?"

"Petra, you don't think I'm weak? Right?" He asked with a very sweet smile. Her eyes widened and denied vigorously.

"Oh? You want me to wait till the official rating games next year?" Concluded Diodara as she was trying everything she could to save herself.

"That sounds like a good idea? In the meantime, I'll ask Cheado to search for a new one," said Diodara with a happy smile.

"Gluck, gluck, gluck," replied Petra.

"Yes, yes. Petra. I know you badly need a companion. But as you said, I should wait till next year to have her. But don't worry, I'll ask Cheado to search for a good friend for you," he said in a satisfied tone and with a gulp, Petra continued her work.

'In the meantime, let's test his limits,' thought Diodara with a devilish smile, his smile wide and his eyes closed.

In Gremory Estate

Sirzechs saw the stupefied expressions on his honorary guests' faces. He started to explain to them how all this came to be.

"I know you were happy to know the truth at long last, but I apologise again for keeping this for so long," said Sirzechs and the loud cheers stopped as everyone heard their Maou speak.

"I want to thank Grayfia Lucifuge for her help," said Sirzechs and everyone applauded for the silver-haired Ice Que-Devil.

"All the stories you heard and read till now about us are between me and Sara and not Grayfia." Clarified Sirzechs with a wide smile. Sara nudged him and took the amplifier from him.

"To the respective Elders and Maou and beloved Devils. I apologise for this man's words. But I want to thank you all for understanding my situation and welcoming me with open arms," said Sara with a wide smile and everyone applauded.

"I thank you once again from the bottom of my heart. Mov-"

"This is a special occasion. I am going to release the next book of Lost in Underworld," yelled Jiraiya before Sara could speak.

"Yay" cheered the crowd which had the Lords and their respective Ladies. Sara refrained from continuing as she knew no one was going to listen to her when Jiraiya is talking.

"Jiraiya-sama, I think we are in an important announcement," said Miya, trying to stop the man from creating a ruckus.

"Huh, no. What are you talking about, Miya-chan? All my fans are here and they're excited to get their new books," said Jiraiya gesturing to the forming crowd around them.

"Jiraiya-Tan," came a loud voice and a pink bullet slammed into Jiraiya.

"Sera-tan. How are you doing?" Asked Jiraiya with a pained look?

"Mou, Raiya-tan. You didn't come to last year's shooting," said Serafall with a pout.

"Sorry, Sera-tan. I was 'busy' then. I'll come to the next one if possible," said Jiraiya in an apologetic tone.

"Yay. We are going to fight villains together and Oooo. We'll include So-tan as well-" Serafall went on a tangent after that about everything she wanted to do with 'So-tan' in the movie.

With Sona

Sona was observing her blonde companion carefully. 'He is hiding something from me,' concluded Sona. Her sister won't leave anyone who talks or acts all good with her unhurt.

Such a person left Naruto all alone, even before she could come up with some excuse to save him after Naruto said about some lens.

"Tsubaki, search our office and school premises thoroughly for any lenses and other spying tools," ordered Sona sternly.

She is not going to leave this until she finds what's all this about. 'I'll find what they are hiding,' thought Sona in determination. She missed Naruto's absence completely as he went to talk to Grayfia in her deep thought.

"What do you think of the announcement?" Asked Naruto, coming to her side.

"What do you mean?"

"Is it good, bad? Sound or unsound?" Explained Naruto.

"Sirzechs-sama doesn't do anything without thinking. I'm sure he had something in mind for making this announcement," said Sona, adjusting her glasses.

"Do you think I should congratulate them?" Asked Naruto.

"Of course, it will give a good impression on you," agreed Sona.

"Then we go, Reni-chan," said Naruto and Reni followed him towards the announced couple.

Naruto walked up to a funny sight. Sara can be seen chastising Sirzechs for his choice of words.

"How many times should I tell you to not speak of them in public," she said in an aggravated tone.

"But, I thought they might misunderstand and tried to clarify them!" Sirzechs supported himself.

"Who are you fooling, Zechs? You told about it intentionally," she accused.

"I'm not aware of that," said Sirzechs, acting innocent.

"What a lovely couple," said Naruto, as he walked towards them.

"Ah, Naruto. It's been a long time," said Sirzechs and extended his hand. Naruto took it and they both gave a firm shake.

"Sara, this is Naruto, our new Hybrid. Naruto, this is Sara, my wife," introduced Sirzechs.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, My Lady, " Said Naruto, kissing Sara's knuckles and giving her a bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Naruto-kun," said Sara with a smile.

"Sirzechs, Sara, this is Reni, Lavinia Reni, my Bishop," introduced Naruto and Reni bowed to them in greeting.

Sara was surprised at his blatant disrespect to Sirzechs. She heard about his jovial and informal nature, but hearing and experiencing are completely different, she understood why.

"So he is the one Rias is talking about," said Sara.

"Oh, I don't know Rias is talking about me that much," said Naruto with a smile.

"She is talkative alright." Said Sirzechs. Naruto scanned the entire hall but didn't find the redhead anywhere.

"Speaking of her, where is she?"

"She is with her fiance," said Sara bitterly. Sirzechs also looked sad as well

"Oh. I hope everything goes well," said Naruto. As if to lighten the mood, a white-haired man jumped into the conversation.

"Naruto, how is your club going?" Asked a happy Jiraiya.

"Well, Sensei. Hello, Miya," greeted Naruto. Miya bowed to him in respect.

"Meet Miya, Sensei's Knight," said Naruto, introducing Miya to Sirzechs and Sara who exchanged greetings. As Jiraiya is busy catching some candies.

Miya was winking at Naruto with a cat-like smile. Naruto was giving her a blank face, not allowing her teasing to get to him.

He knew what she meant. She wanted to introduce herself in full name and Naruto is denying that.

As if to save the blonde, he was called by Ajuka and with that excuse, Naruto excused himself from Sirzechs and Sara with Jiraiya and Miya as Jiraiya explained the highlights of the new edition to be released.

With Ajuka

While everyone is enjoying the party taking the news in kind, Ajuka is alert as they were informed of a new threat a few days ago.

Flashback Begin

"What do you mean by someone invading your mind, Zekram-sama?" Asked Sirzechs incredulously.

"I don't think such a thing is not out of the scope of possibilities, Sirzechs," said Ajuka.

"Come on, Ajuka, don't tell me you are supporting it," said Serafall in a serious tone. She might be jovial and eccentric with others. But when it is important, she will be serious.

Serafall is known as the best arbitrator for a reason in the Supernatural world after all. Moreover, she improved relations between their faction and major other factions as well.

"Majority vote it is. So you think it is not possible, right?" Asked Falbium, shocking all others in the room.

Falbium is famous for his "working means losing" policy. So him speaking without being asked came as a surprise to others.

"Did he just speak without sleeping?" Asked Serafall in shock.

"I think I should check on his health," said Ajuka like a doctor and summoned his magic circle and started scanning Falbium for any abnormalities.

"Hey, don't do that," said Falbium in protest.

"I think we found the imposter, Zekram-sama," said Sirzechs and walked towards a protesting Falbium.

"Troublesome," muttered Falbium as he thought of sleeping.

'That's why I thought reincarnating is a drag.' Thought a pineapple haired man in his 20s.

He is a young man in his 20s wearing military attire consisting of a green flak jacket on a full-body black suit, mesh armour and black pants with a shuriken and kunai pouch on his back.

He has brown eyes with his hair styled into a pineapple shape and silver hoop earrings. He has a lazy expression and sharp eyes, staring into the vast fields of clouds. This is Shikamaru Nara, Jonin Commander and Chief advisor and most importantly, trusted friend of the Rokudaime Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki.

Shikamaru slept peacefully in the elemental nations and when he woke up expecting to be on a cloud to cloud watch, he was in the midst of a war.

The Devil Civil War. He did what he did best. With his master strategies and tactical plans, he brought victory to the side he woke up in, the Anti Satan faction.

After that, he thought of resting, but fate had other plans for him and he was made the commander in chief of Devil Army with millions under him and a role as one of Maou to boot.

With a troublesome sigh, he accepted his new role but always sleeps off as they were not at war and had one of the best spy networks which gave him accurate information of any attacks.

"Ok, he is Falbium, alright," said Ajuka.

"I thought we found the mole," said Sirzechs in disappointment.

"I knew Falbium is not the imposter," said Serafall with her childish cheer.

"Back on topic." Said Zekram, enjoying the friendly banter.

"Are you sure that he entered your mind just to warn you, Zekram-sama?"

"I'm, Ajuka. As I didn't feel anything missing or wrong after I felt him leave,"

"But the problem still stands. We have to find who it is and what they are planning."

"Don't you think your announcement is a good opportunity for them to attack?" Asked Falbium, surprising them, again.

"You are talkative today, Falbium," appreciated Zekram and considered what he suggested.

"He may be right there, Sirzechs. The announcement you are making is a perfect target for someone who warned me to attack. As there will be all Lords and Ladies of the pillar clans, they can be easy targets and can be taken, hostage. In addition, that can be a show of power they can use to their advantage to rally supporters," said Zekram.

"But don't you think with all of us present, they can fail or their chances of success?"

"They can be successful if they plan it perfectly. But we should also think of the other side, what if they didn't plan anything?" Asked Falbium.

"Hmm, what a dilemma. Don't worry, I have the perfect solution," said Serafall with a smile.

"That is?" Asked Falbium, curiously.

"We'll invite Jiraiya-chan as well." She said with a wide smile.

"A perfect decoy. If not for the Lords and the Ladies, they'll attack Jiraiya-sama as he is the rising star of the Underworld," concluded Ajuka.

"Guys, we are missing something, don't you think it is going too far? That poor old man is writing some po- I mean literature to shits and giggles. You want to drag him into this high-level operation?" Asked Falbium, any semblance of sleepiness gone from his eyes.

"If you are that worried, then I'll invite Naruto as well," said Ajuka in confidence.

"There you go again. Why drag all of them into this?" Asked Falbium. Shikamaru didn't meet Naruto in a long time and doesn't know how the blonde is now.

He doesn't want to risk his life or Jiraiya's for his half-assed plan.

"He is strong, Falbium. Don't worry, if anything happens, he'll be the first to act," assured Zekram.

"I think your lack of interaction with the blonde is causing you this doubt. Don't worry, I'll introduce you," said Ajuka with a smile.

"I'll also introduce myself," bounced Serafall.

'That's why I thought working with these lunatics is troublesome.' Grumbled Shikamaru.

After he woke up in a new body in this world, he didn't know what to do. Then these people came out of nowhere and started asking his advice and sending him to various battlefields.

As a war veteran who had experience fighting Aliens as well, Shikamaru beat the hell out of his enemies and made them retreat many times. Rest is history for him.

He deduced he was reincarnated into another world and was shocked by the way of women in this world. But because of his lazy nature, he didn't give any commitments to anyone.

Hearing the name Naruto a few months back shocked Shikamaru. 'What did that troublesome blonde do this time?' We're his first thoughts.

Even though he was Naruto's advisor, they became best friends in the course of Naruto's tenure as the Hokage. Shikamaru can still remember the last words that cheeky blonde said to him before he came here.

Flashback Begin

"Your laziness still didn't leave you, after all this time, Shika." Said Naruto as they were finishing the last bits of the paperwork of the day.

"Troublesome," is his trademark reply.

"If you act like this, you'll have to do double work in your next life," said Naruto.

"What! No. I'm gonna sleep after my death," said Shikamaru.

"Then I'll come and drag you to eat ice cream when I find you," said Naruto.

"Or ill through a bucket full of ice water on you if you're sleeping or-" he started explaining every and all pranks he is going to play on Shikamaru if they found each other in his next life.

They laughed heartily after that. This is their way of supporting each other. As Sasuke always protects the village from Shadows, Shikamaru took his spot on Naruto's side in the village.

"How about this, if you didn't do any of the above, I'll say, pour ice water, the coldest I could find on you?" Said Shikamaru.

"Bet?" Asked Shikamaru with a smile.

"I accept," accepted Naruto.

Flashback End

Falbium was seen smiling darkly. Everyone in the room got worried because of his out of character behaviour and started to inch away from him.

"You do that, Ajuka, meanwhile I have some work to do," said Falbium and left the meeting room in maniacal glee.

'Yes. I got my chance to prank the blonde,' thought Shikamaru as he walked out of the meeting chambers, laughing like a lunatic.

"Are you sure he is okay, Ajuka?" Asked Sirzechs for confirmation.

"Yes, Sirzechs. Everything was fine when I checked."

"Maybe he is feeling ill," suggested Zekram. They all agreed on that for their own safety and continued to discuss various plans.

Flashback End

He was observing his surroundings when he saw Falbium walk towards him in high spirits.

"Ajuka. Is everything going well?" Asked Falbium with a wide smile.

"Yes, Falbium. Are you alright?" Asked Ajuka doubtfully.

"Yes. Don't worry about me. I just-" he stopped as he saw his target near Sirzechs. He gestured Ajuka towards him and asked him to introduce them.

"Ok, let me get this straight. I don't know why you are acting weird. But if you want to meet Naruto that badly, I'll introduce you and leave. Talk to your heart's content. But don't be like that after this," said Ajuka in a stern tone.

"Don't worry, Ajuka. Just introduce me to him. I'll take care of the rest," assured Falbium. As the blonde approached, he cackled internally.

"Naruto, I got a bad feeling about this," said Kurama.

"Huh, why is that? It's just Ajuka and a new guy,"

"That new guy feels odd to me," said Kurama. As Naruto reached Ajuka, he cut his companion out.

"Yo, Ajuka. How is it going?"

"It's going well. The soil was in the last stage of testing and-" he heard a coughing sound and noticed the murderous glare of Falbium.

"Ah, Naruto, this is Falbium, my friend and one of the 4 Maous. Falbium, this is Naruto," Ajuka introduced awkwardly.

"Ok, gentlemen, you talk, I think someone is calling me," escaped Ajuka. This confused Naruto.

"Hey, how is it going? I'm Naru-"


"Hahahahaha. I did it. I finally did it. I won in our bet," laughed 'Falbium' happily.

Naruto was confused by this.

'Bet? What bet and how bet. Why did they include me in their bet,' fumed Naruto?

"That's why I felt weird about him. Could it be?" Kurama said and Naruto's mind kicked into overdrive and his brain remembered something.

"How about this, if you didn't find me in my next life, say, I'll pour ice water, the coldest I could find on you?" Falbium mimicked.


"I accept,"

It was a gunshot. Naruto remembered what he was talking about.

"Shika?" Asked Naruto.

"Troublesome," grumbled 'Falbium'. Naruto's smile widened at that.

"Damn, it's you," said Naruto in surprise.

"Ya. But why don't you feel any after-effects of those Icicles?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would I feel the after-effects for just Ice water?" Asked a confused Naruto. Then he remembered a particular word which sent chills through his spine.

'The Coldest'

"Shit. Do you mean, they are from there?" Asked Naruto, in fear.

"Yup," said Shikamaru smugly and with a puff of smoke, his appearance changed into his Jonin attire. As they moved to a secluded place to talk freely.

"Holy Shit. You went to Cocytus for them?" Asked Naruto in shock. He immediately covered his body in shadows, neutralising any effects the Ice of Cocytus had on him.

Kurama active his Rinne-Sharingan and started to remove the sharp ice shards that cut deep into Naruto and started pumping his chakra into his system for nullifying any poisonous effects on him.

Though Naruto's body won't be damaged because of his 'Eternal Youth', Kurama doesn't want to take any chances.

"That was fun, Naruto. I didn't understand why you would get so much enjoyment from pranks," said Shikamaru as he lit a cigarette.

After making sure that everything was under control, Naruto took a good look at his best friend after a long time.

"This world has changed you, Shika. You wouldn't put such efforts even for a prank in our world," said Naruto, standing beside Shikamaru.

"But it was worth it," said Shikamaru, taking a long puff.

"How did you get here?" Asked Naruto and Shikamaru started explaining everything.

"After that, I heard Jiraiya's name and had to force myself to sleep because of all the questions, then I saw you during the reincarnation event. I was trying my best to stay in character, but I couldn't.

Here we are, talking in another world. With a different name and body for me," concluded Shikamaru.

"So don't know how you got into Falbium's body?" Asked Naruto.

"Nope. I closed my eyes and the next second I heard battle cries and destruction, when I opened my eyes, I was here," said Shikamaru with a sigh, taking a large puff.

"After Hinata's death, I came here with Kurama's help and-" Naruto explained everything from being founded by Azazel and chosen by Skiadrum and joining Kuoh, accepting the experiment, to the present.

"Having an enjoyable life here, I see," said Shikamaru.

"Before you ask, I'm not going to reveal anything about our world here. I'm happy to hear the peace lasted. Let's enjoy here as new ourselves," said Shikamaru with a drink and with cheers, they started talking about other things.

They kept on talking till Sirzechs called everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for coming to the announcement and making it successful," he said and with one last congratulatory cheer, the party concluded.

"See you around, Naruto," said Falbium and with a nod, they both went their separate ways.

And Cut.

That's it for this chapter folks.

Check out the new story covers I made and tell me your opinion.

Suggestions are welcome.


Black Infinity1289,

Ja Ne.

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