《Not Yet》Too close for comfort
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"Dragons/Demon” Dragons or Demons Speaking.
‘Dragon/Demon thought’ Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.
Not Yet
Chapter 17
Too close for comfort
Flashback Begin
"This is a dangerous Job, Captain Cloe. Are you sure you can take it?" Asked Seam, Chairman of the Council.
"Why should we send a great and strong Captain like Cloe when a mage was already on the job," asked Org doubtfully.
"Master Org, I know that. But the threat is not to be taken lightly" said Seam.
"Chairman, let me explain the circumstances here," said Yuri and got the full attention of the Council and Cloe.
"A few months back, we got a job requesting the extermination of the Undead. The job quest was from a town known as Malta, a small town in Fiore. The Mayor, Mr Karl, explained everything to me through a communication lacrima when I asked him what was going on. We approved the job and mages started taking it" said Yuri and sighed after that.
"What happened after that?" Asked Org curiously.
"All the mages who went on the job did not return. The mayor slowly started increasing the threat level of the job as this is a normal practice. When a job is not completed by the requested threat level of mage or mages, then the job level will be increased to account for the unforeseen circumstances for such failure. That's how we have normal, S-class and SS-class jobs while the remaining two were because of their incomplete status for the mentioned period of time, may it be 10 years or 100 years" explained Yuri.
"Aren't we missing the main point here, Yuri? Tell us what happened in the Town" asked Yajima.
"Yes. While we are investigating these disappearances, we received a piece of information that made us spit take the situation. Amon, the destroyer, who was responsible for so many other killings was in Malta the whole time. I know you don't know Amon, I ask Councilwoman Belno to explain that" said Yuri and Belno took the stage.
"Amon was a scrawny looking magical creature with a large magic container. We noticed him a few years back. He was found in one of the wrecked towns and we got suspicious of him and kept tabs on him. His magic is a terrifying one. I don't know about its particular nature, but it allows him to take control of anyone, both body and mind. The most terrifying thing is, the more powerful the mage is, the more control he can exert"
"Maybe some kind of possession magic?" Suggested Seam. As a Super Archive magic used, which allows him to store vast amounts of data away to use and transfer information to and from people for various purposes, he knew of the magic in question.
'Possession Magic
The magic allows users to create a ghost-like apparition with their magic that approaches and then engulfs the victim, in reality entering and forcefully possessing the mind. The victim retains all memories and knowledge and may benefit from even more knowledge, like how to use certain Magic. However, their mind and personality becomes warped and corrupted, and can make a kind and strong-willed person into one of extraordinary evil puppet' he recalled from what he knew of the obscure magic.
"Possession Magic you say, Chairman?" Asked Yuri.
"Maybe. But his magic doesn't end there. He uses the body he possesses with some kind of magic which can destroy towns"
"What! He uses the possessed bodies as sacrifices?" Yelled Org in disgust.
"Chairman, I take what is said back, please send Captain Cloe to exterminate Amon" urged Org.
"Yes, I agree. But I didn't think someone could use possession magic this vilely" said Seam.
"Hmm, maybe he uses possession magic and the mage as a sacrifice. Then isn't the mage who went on the job and was in danger. Who went to do that job?" Asked Yajima in haste. The assistant searched through records of jobs and looked at the Council in alarm.
"Sir, it was Mr Naruto!" He exclaimed.
"What! The recently promoted S-class mage, that Naruto?" Asked Org.
"Yes, Sir. From the archives, he took the job and was recently spotted on the way to Malta Town" said the amphibious assistant.
"Do you think he can handle Amon, Yajima?" Asked Seam.
"I can't say, Chairman. He is a talented young man, I don't doubt that. But if he fell under this Amon's influence, it will be disastrous"
"Yes, Chairman. I have seen his recent jobs and he did all of them in record time and showed the destructive tendencies of any Fairy Tail mage. If he were to fall, I don't want to think about the consequences" supported Org. Even though he didn't like the young man because of his Guild, he must admit Naruto's potential.
"Isn't he ordered to present himself before the Council?" Asked Belno.
"Yes, Councilwoman Belno. He was ordered to appear, but he was not present at Fairy Tail Guildhall when we went and Master Makarov ordered every member to inform Mr Naruto of this" said the assistant.
"So he either doesn't know or doesn't care to come in front of us" concluded Belno.
"Now, now, this is not the situation to discuss those things, Belno," said Yajima, trying to divert the Council's attention.
"Yes, no matter. We'll question him when he comes here" said the Chairman and Yajima sighed.
"Captain Cloe, your job is to go to Malta Town and warn Mr Naruto of the danger. If he is already engaged in battle, observe him from a distance and study his magic. We don't want you to get involved in it if it is dangerous" said the Chairman with authority.
"Understood, Sir" replied Cloe and with a salute, he started his journey to Malta town with his men.
Flashback End
Cloe, with his men, walked up to the area they heard the shout from. What they saw terrified most of them. Cloe knew the situation at hand and what it entails.
'This is it. He is the one I'm here for' thought Cloe. As they moved closer, they saw 3 figures. One of them is a Human with blonde hair, cerulean blue eyes and 3 whiskers, that is Naruto Uzumaki, the youngest S-class mage.
Opposite to him was 2 figures. One can be easily understood as an Undead skeleton while the other is a scrawny little thing with large eyes.
Cloe knew that description. 'Shit. He is Amon, the destroyer,' thought Cloe. Though he was tense, his men were calm as they didn't know the type of situation they were in. They didn't even question him why he shouted when he saw the scorched earth before they came here. That is the amount of trust they put in him and he is not going to disappoint them.
Though he is strong, he didn't consider himself strong enough to do an S-class mage's job and so waited. Cloe took a deep breath and started thinking calmly again.
'No need to worry, Mr Naruto is here and I'm sure he'll help us. I have 2500 soldiers at my disposal. I can do it' he motivated himself. Then reality hit him.
'But the point is, how should I contact him? Wait a minute, why does he look like he was frozen?' Thought Cloe, his thoughts running a mile a second. Then he heard it.
"Did your spell work, Amon?" asked the larger one of the two.
"Yes, Master Lock. He is my puppet now. Tetetetete" laughed Amon.
"Good. Now for the trash that dares to step in our business" said the one named Lock and turned to Cloe and his group.
Scene Break
Fairy Tail Guild Hall, Magnolia
Natsu and Happy returned to Fairy Tail without much trouble with large smiles on their faces, mainly in the case of Happy.
"Why are you so happy, Happy?" Asked Lisanna.
"Aye, I got fishies, lots of fishies from Sirius," said Happy with a dreamy face.
"Did you meet Sirius?" Asked Cana.
"Huh, Ya. We met them in Peace village" said Natsu with a toothy smile and just like that, most of the Guild's attention was shifted to Natsu and Happy.
"Did you meet Naruto then?" Asked Gray slowly.
"Yup. We met and Naruto promised me a fight when he comes back" said Natsu with a victorious smile to Gray.
"Ya, Ya. Did you tell him?" Asked Gray.
"Hn. Yup. I told him what happened here and how I managed to go on a job and he got impressed and promised me to fight" boasted Natsu.
"Okay, where is it in what you told-"
"Watch it, stripper. He promised me" shouted Natsu, completely misunderstanding Gray.
"What?" Asked Gray and they started to shout at each other and fire and ice started leaking from their bodies.
"Stop it, you guys. Natsu, Did you forget to tell Naruto something? Like about the Council?" Asked Lisanna.
"Huh, no" replied Natsu flatly and went back to fight back Gray. All the members fell on the ground dramatically at Natsu's disregard for things.
"Natsu, why didn't you tell him about the Council? You know, it is important" said Levi, trying to pull Natsu out of the mess he created for himself.
"Hmm, I forgot," said Natsu plainly.
"Aye, Sir," said Happy in agreement.
"Catch him"
"We should teach him a lesson"
"He forgot such an important detail"
"Beat him"
"Natsu, your fire brain, you would always put us in trouble"
Natsu heard shouts like this and got confused.
"Guys, what happened? Naruto will be back soon and we can tell him then" said Natsu with a smile. But they fell on deaf ears. All the members lunged at him and started another Guild Brawl, but this time, they all concentrated on Natsu. Happy flew from the situation with a fish in his mouth.
"Sorry, sorry. I won't do anything like this again" screamed Natsu, but his peers didn't care and so continued his 'education' by the Guild.
With Cloe
"Shit. He found us. Men, prepare yourself for battle" ordered Cloe. Lock prepared his attack. Lock made purple chains that flew towards Cloe and men.
This threw the group into chaos, 2500 men running around like headless chickens in the face of a terrifying enemy without any semblance of battle spirit.
"Calm down, men. We can defeat them. If we work together" shouted Cloe, trying to create a semblance of balance among his ranks. The chain soon approached and everyone resigned themselves for their fate and started doing their last prayers.
"Chain Style: Adamantine Barrier" came a voice and golden chains encircled Captain Cloe and his men and the purple chains that were coming towards them were deflected by these chains.
"What! How do these chains have the power to repel my curse lock chains?" said Lock in anger and turned to see the source of the chains, only to be shocked.
In the place where 'Naruto' stood motionless was a wooden log, broken into pieces. Naruto was standing behind Amon as if he was not controlled and Lock can see Amon's demeanour change.
"You will die in the hands of Lord-Naruto'' said Amon in a monotone.
"What? Amon, what happened? Can't you recognise me, your caretaker Lock, can't you remember your Master, Lord Keyes" yelled Lock, trying to knock some sense into Amon.
"You'll die in the hands of Lord-Naruto" repeated Amon again. This time, he lifted his eyes. Lock saw a weird pattern in Amon's eyes instead of his normal black eyes. It was a red swirl with black lines within.
'Those eyes look ominous. They must be the source of Naruto's control on Amon' thought Lock.
"You think you won by controlling Amon, filthy human? Lord-Keyes gave me a Key in case of situations like this" said Lock and laughed evilly.
"Chain Curse: Molecular Destruction: Activate," said Lock. Lock's special curse, the Chain Curse specialises in locking things up. When Keyes turned him into an Undead, Lock was given this special curse as his body can't be destroyed by regular means. He was given this special control over Amon for situations like these and it was released at last.
This attack kills a target and anything within a 100-meter radius around the target. By activating this curse, he not only put Naruto in danger but also the group of human trash that were within the radius. Lock laughed in glee.
"If you survive this, I'll happily take you to Lord-Keyes. There, you'll be put to good use for his noble purposes" said Lock and just like that, the area was engulfed in purple light. While waiting, all the soldiers said their last words.
"I had a good time working with you men, I apologise for not informing you about the severity of the mission," said Cloe in a sombre tone.
"No captain. We are honoured to work under a magnificent and great Captain like you, Sir. We thank you as well" said some soldiers and others nodded.
"Adamantine Sealing Chains"
Cloe could have sworn he heard a low tone just a few seconds before the explosion, but he wrote it off as his mind's delusions in the face of death.
The explosion caused a small scale earthquake with its intensity. Most of the forest was destroyed to smithereens in a 5 kilometres radius and the lava village which was formed because of some unknown attack to Cloe also got damaged by the explosion.
Cloe's concern on Naruto. They are at least some distance from the blast site, but Naruto is beside it without any protection.
But it struck Cloe then. 'How the hell were we able to observe all these even after a large scale explosion like that. Where are we?' thought all the Rune Knights along with Cloe at once.
They didn't see it till then. There was a translucent blue barrier protecting them from the explosion. It has large black lines on it and was made of the same gold chains that Naruto used before, to protect them from the attack from Lock.
"We're alive," cried a soldier in relief.
"Yes, we're alive," said another one.
They started to celebrate their miraculous survival by cheering and hugging each other. Cloe is the only one who didn't celebrate yet. He showed his status as a Captain is not just for show at this moment.
"Wait. If we are alive, then doesn't it mean Naruto saved us? Tell me, did anyone hear anything before the explosion?" He asked the joyous men.
"Yes sir. We heard a small voice, but couldn't understand it" said one soldier and the admissions continued. Cloe started thinking and heard loud laughter and turned in that direction.
"That fool. He protected you instead of himself. Hahahaha. No matter. I'll kill you slowly and make you part of my army" said Lock with glee.
"Sir, what should we do?" Asked one of the soldiers. And just like that, there was chaos among the ranks, all the joy of being alive lost and now filled with a chaotic and fearful atmosphere. Cloe started to bring balance, again.
"See, they are just sheep. They can be manipulated easily" laughed Lock, mocking Cloe. Cloe turned to retort, only for his eyes to widen in surprise and shock. Cloe stared at something behind Lock in shock and he stayed frozen for a few seconds.
"What is that thing?" Asked Cloe, pointing towards a structure behind Lock. It was a hexagonal-shaped crimson barrier formed in front of Naruto.
"Cry, Benihime" came the voice of Naruto, telling the name of his barrier. This is the Blood Mist barrier, one of the abilities of Benihime.
"You think a small explosion like that will kill me? Lock" asked Naruto in a disappointed tone. The barrier around Cloe and co was not a barrier to protect them but also to disrupt them from hearing anything that was happening outside. Naruto put silencing seals in the barrier so that he can freely talk to Lock.
"You are still alive? I wasted Amon for nothing huh. No matter. I'll kill you" said Lock. Naruto laughed at that.
"Even after all this, you believe you can kill me, Lock?" Mocked Naruto.
"Yes. I know that you must have spent large amounts of Magic to protect those trash from Amon's explosion and I know how taxing Chains are as I also use that. If I change to my final form, I'll easily kill you" said Lock with a hungry tone.
"Hmm, final form. I don't think I'll allow that. I wasted enough time as it is" said Naruto.
"Hn, you are already late," said Lock and he transformed.
He turned into a large tan monster with black lines running across his entire body. His head has a helmet-like structure that doesn't cover his teeth, and his face changed with branches for teeth and two black lines that zig-zag down his face made a pattern. His left arm is entirely black but the fingers are white while his right fingers are black.
He wears black baggy pants that are held up with a white sash in addition to his clergy robes. Naruto can see some chain spikes here and there on his body. He somehow had the smell of a wood beast now. Naruto can't risk his wood magic now and so he decided on a plan to deal with his morphed enemy.
'I can't understand why all monsters I fight have second forms that make me go a bit over the edge' thought Naruto in vain. If his fox companion was with him now, he would have made a snarky remark at that, calling Naruto weak or something like that. Naruto did not doubt that.
'Time to finish this. It is a good thing that Sirius is not here' he thought and prepared himself.
"Disaster Plants," said Lock and manifested a few plants into reality. The plants touched the uprooted trees that managed to withstand the blast and the trees disintegrated within seconds.
"Shit, such corrosiveness. I don't want to touch that" said Naruto and jumped back from the expanding plants.
"Light Slash," said Naruto and sent a wide arc of his magic towards the approaching trees, the plants stopped for a second and after a short delay, they started spreading again.
"What. That did nothing. Well it's time to pull the big guns then" said Naruto. By letting these plants spread, he is putting the entire forest in danger and the soldiers within.
"Chain Style: Barrier," said Naruto and a barrier made of chains formed around the spreading plants and restricted its spread for the time being.
"Hehehehe. You can't stop it for long" said Lock and attacked Naruto with another attack
"Curse: Roots," said Lock and roots started to emerge from the ground. They started to approach the barrier fast and Naruto is running out of options now. He is going to use the attack he doesn't often use.
"Light Style: Laser Circus," said Naruto.
This technique creates several beams of light and shoots them in any direction Naruto chooses. This is advanced of Light Style Senbon.
The Lasers pierced most of the approaching roots and the plants that were bound in the barrier were also torn to shreds with one attack.
"You are not half bad. But that's not enough. I'll end you with this" said Lock and his magic exploded.
"Curse Mix: Ultimate Steel Wood'' said Lock and a large spike of white coloured wood protruded out of the earth. Naruto can feel the overwhelming power in that thing.
'Crap. I can't hold back any longer. One hit from that and all the area will be blasted' thought Naruto and thought of a way to kill his enemy.
But before he could do anything, his magic reacted and the black mist that was suspended in his necklace when the black most from that young man hit him on Tenrou Island was swallowed into Naruto's body.
Naruto doesn't know what they are made of. But at that moment, he felt the most discomfort he ever felt. It was like drinking magma, the black mist's whole journey was burning his throat and at last, he swallowed it completely.
A black magic circle lit beneath him, he didn't understand it or rather, he didn't have the time or energy to understand it. He stood there as if resigned to his fate and ready to be killed in the eyes of Lock. Then it happened. He shouted the first thing he got in his mind.
"Particle Deterioration," said Naruto. He didn't know what this meant or what the attack was. Particle Deterioration is a light style attack that will work much like the attack that skilled Basil from inside.
For that to happen, he should inject the light particles in his enemy's body and can detonate at any time, but it will be very painful and it is in white colour.
The attack he said was not white. It was a black and white mist that lunged at Lock as he is the nearest living substance and Naruto saw it with his own eyes, Lock's body decay as if he was turned into stone and dispersed in front of him.
"What is this? What does that feel like Ba-" what lock was about to say was cut off as the magic reached his mouth and he was frozen and dispersed in grey ashes.
'Phew. That was close. I can't be reckless with anyone' thought Naruto in relief. He didn't understand what he did or what Lock was about to say. He just thanked his lucky stars to make out alive without showing his true magic to the world and the Magic Council in particular.
He still remembered Makarov's warning about being careful with the Magic Council. He is not going to let his guard down till he does something about them.
He went and released the barrier that was guarding the Rune Knights. As the barrier was released, he saw a man walk towards him with a look of relief on his face.
"Mr Naruto, we thank you for your help. Though we can't understand what happened, we don't want to make this an issue" said the man. Naruto read between the lines.
'You are strong and what you showed here were not in records and we are not going to report them' was what the guy in front of him told Naruto.
"I thank you for that, Mr-"
"Cloe, Captain Cloe of Rune Knights 1st combat division," said Captain Cloe.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain," said Naruto and they both shook hands.
"I must admit, your promotion and position as the Youngest S-class is not any exaggeration"
"Thank you. Are all your men ok?"
"Yes. None of them is harmed due to your efforts and I'm grateful for that" said Cloe. Naruto thought the man would leave as all his men were fine, but he still stood there examining the surroundings.
"Is something wrong, Captain,?" Asked Naruto.
"Well, we should go to Era and as it is almost sundown, I'm searching for a nice place to camp," he said with a sigh.
"Oh, there used to be a village here, but because of my fight with this Undead, it was destroyed. I don't think you should rest here"
"Well, then guide us to a good location to rest" asked Cloe.
"Um, well, I must go. Sirius is waiting for me" said Naruto. Cloe moved forward and put his hand on Naruto's shoulder.
"Not so fast, young man. I want you to give me a quick rundown of things that happened here and accompany me to Era" said Cloe, his voice turning stern at the end.
"Era? Why?" Asked Naruto in a confused tone. 'I didn't do anything out of place. Then what is it that the Council needs from me? Did I do something wrong that I missed?' Thought Naruto.
"No, it's nothing wrong. The Magic Council summoned you long ago, but due to your continuous jobs, I think you didn't get informed about this from your Guild. I was primarily sent here to inform you about the trap and bring you back to Era" explained Cloe slowly. Naruto understood it clearly now.
"Interesting. What does the Council want me for?" asked Naruto in a jovial tone?
"I don't know. I think it's just a routine check they like to do on strong mages or something else I don't know" said Cloe in a tired tone and shrugged.
"Ya, okay. I'll come. Just let me bring Sirius and we'll be on our way" said Naruto and Cloe nodded and took his hand from Naruto's shoulders.
Naruto went to the destroyed Malta Town and went behind a half-destroyed building and disappeared into his Kamui dimension.
Naruto's Kamui Dimension
Sirius was staring at the place where his father would appear and disappear in this dimension if he used Kamui. He is waiting to punch any part of him if he uses Kamui in his fight.
But nothing of that sort happened and he is growing frustrated as time passes and started doing his wind exercises by creating wind blades.
While he was practising one of the Jutsu, he saw a black vortex opening. With a mischievous smile, he aimed a Jutsu at the opening portal and released it as soon as he saw the portal completely close.
"Raiton: Gian" (Lightning Style: False Darkness) said Sirius and released a lightning bolt at the freshly appeared Naruto. It travelled fast to its target only to be caught by Naruto's hand and dispersed.
"That was a good sneak attack, Siri," said Naruto, turning to his son with a smile.
"Boo. I thought it would definitely hit you, Papa" said Sirius in frustration.
"Oh, it seems I disappointed you. What to do? What to do? How about I take you to Era with me" said Naruto.
"Era? As in the Magic Council Headquarters, Era" asked Sirius for confirmation.
"Yup, the same"
"Hmm, kay," said Sirius and jumped on Naruto. Naruto caught his son and embraced him.
"Let's go," said Naruto and in another vortex vanished from his Kamui dimension. His eyes changed from his Mangekyou to his cerulean blue and he walked towards the patiently waiting Captain.
He used the foresight of his Sharingan to escape from Amon's spell and used Kawarimi with a strong Genjutsu on Amon to take him under his control. If not for that, he would have used a clone or something. He escaped it and it's enough for Sirius. Naruto was explaining his battle to Sirius through Telepathy while they were going to the Captain.
"Sorry for the delay, Captain. This is Sirius. Sirius, this is Captain Cloe" introduced Naruto. Cloe nodded acknowledging Sirius's presence while Sirius scanned the man.
"Is he our Guide then?" He asked innocently. The Rune Knight behind Cloe, who was drinking water, spilled the water because of the cheeky question, while the pleasant-looking Captain got a frown on his face.
"See here, you cheeky brat, I'm not your guide and in fact, Naruto is the guide for us," said Cloe.
"Hn, whatever. No Ramen for you" said Sirius with his tongue out.
"Huh, Ramen. No, I don't want that" said Cloe. And like that, a small banter started between Sirius and Cloe which lightened the mood in the camp.
After the night's rest, all of them made their way to Era. While Naruto explained how everything happened to Cloe, who sent his report to the Magic Council using a Lacrima and the news of their arrival in 3 days with Naruto with it.
Scene Break
3 days later, Era
The Magic Council was in full swing as all the assistants were running around with reports and other duties as usual. Siegrain can be seen walking leisurely towards his office.
"Siegrain, Sir," called an assistant. He turned to see the assistant who called him.
"You were requested to receive the guest in today's Council session," said the assistant in a respectful tone.
"Oh, who is the guest?" He asked curiously.
"Naruto Uzumaki of Fairy Tail, Sir"
Suddenly, all of Siegrain's good mood vanished. This is an unexpected circumstance. He doesn't want to receive Naruto as the guy in question can identify him as Jellal.
'But the Council won't believe him as I managed to make the fools believe in my story. But I should be careful. Who knows what tricks this Naruto character has. I should do something about this' he thought and made a rough layout of his plan and turned to the assistant.
"Did the Council specifically say that I should be present?" He asked and the assistant thought for a second and replied.
"No, not in person. But told that all the arrangements are your responsibility"
"Ok, I'll accept. You can go now" said Siegrain and went to his office.
"Ultear, I need you here immediately. I have some work for you" said Siegrain into the communication lacrima.
'Yes, I'll be there in a few minutes' cam toe the response of his assistant and partner in crime. He smiled in satisfaction at the plan he came up with and patiently waited for the arrival of Ultear.
And Cut
Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
And with this, 3 abilities of Naruto's Mangekyou are selected. Only one ability remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.
Tell me what you think in your comments or DM's31st.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
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System OMEGA
One day every person on the planet suddenly received a message warning the end of human supremacy over the planet, and at the same time alerting the humans in order to prepare. The message was seen as a joke by everyone or almost. In the period in which the MC starts some training there will be a time skip, and show only the necessary parts, interesting or that affect the story. I don't have the patience to read or write entire chapters just MC doing nothing but train. And likely the MC stay well OP. This and an amateur fiction only in order to improve my skills as a writer. Please write your reviews they are welcome. The English not my native language, any errors, please let me know. The image of the cover is not my own. I found the image in Google images. All rights reserved for the owner of the image.
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