《Not Yet》Introductions and Jobs
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"Dragons” Dragons Speaking.
‘Dragon thought’ Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.
Not Yet
Chapter 5
Introductions and Going on a Job
As the Guild Stamps are worn, Fairy Tail went into party frenzy mode. Naruto is the one whom they are celebrating the party for and so had been the centre of an attraction along with Sirius.
"You there newbie, what's your name," asked a pink-haired boy who smelt like fire. When he smelled closely, Naruto found him to be a Dragon Slayer and the attack he used just confirmed it. Instead of getting all emotional on finding his brethren, he kept a 'cool' face much like how Sasuke does and answered the question.
"Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki. What's yours" asked Naruto. Sirius can see the gears turning in Naruto's mind. 'What are you thinking, Papa' thought Sirius to himself.
'Don't worry, Siri. It is nothing bad. The pink-haired boy is a Dragon Slayer. I can smell it. When I look at him closely, there appears to be a fight between 2 different things entirely. What they are, I don't know. I am just thinking about it and he reminds me a lot of myself when I was back there' said Naruto through telepathy. He had this connection with Sirius, to speak through Minds which they discovered when Aldoron taught him 'That'. It is a very nifty ability to have if you are in a sticky situation and can't talk to each other normally.
"You look strong, and Gildarts never brought any member to Fairy Tail. You must be strong then" said Natsu with a toothy smile and suddenly exclaimed. "Fight me" Natsu yelled the last part and charged towards the blonde.
"Wait, you moron. He just joined our guild. Don't go charging on him on his first day" yelled Gray but missed his clothes.
"Gray, your clothes," said Cana in resignation. She would always remind Gray of his modesty, which in year's of her experience, he didn't care much but tries to keep his dignity.
"Damn, I lost them again" Gray groaned and searched for them.
As Natsu charged towards Naruto with a fiery fist, Naruto just smacked him on the hand which created so much momentum that threw him in the direction of a cloth searching Gray and they both crashed into each other.
"Ouch, what's that flame brain. You are supposed to fight the new guy, not me" yelled Gray at the pink-haired boy.
"What did you say, you stripper, I'm fighting him but you interrupted it by bumping into me," said Natsu and soon they both headbutted and had a vein popping on their faces.
"Calm down, guys. The matter is-" Naruto was interrupted by the 2 boys turning towards him with a murderous expression on their faces.
"Shut it, blondie," said Natsu.
"Mind your business. Don't interrupt us" said Gray. But suddenly, they felt a chill run down their spine. They slowly turned around to see Erza smiling at them darkly, a vein polling on her face as well.
"You have to go and fight the new member on his first day," said Erza adjusting her hand to punch them and tried to as well.
"I don't think that is required" came the voice of the blonde in question. He stopped Erza's fist with one hand.
"Out of my way. I must discipline them" she shouted and tried to punch him with her other hand. And what she obviously forgot is that she is now doing the same thing Natsu with did Naruto. Fight him.
Her fist was caught and both her hands were twisted to a 45-degree angle, causing her pain, not much, but enough to push Naruto's point across. He loosened his grip around her hand and she stretched them to get a feel in them again.
"Fine, I'll stop" she gave in. The look she saw in the blondes is terrifying. His eyes shown with intent to injure her if need be. She didn't want to cause a scene on his first day.
"Thanks," said the blonde with a smile.
"But you two are not off the hook yet," said Erza turning to Natsu and Gray who started to jump in joy for their near escape of a beating.
"Damn," said Natsu.
"You can say that again," said Gray.
"I think we didn't introduce well. My name is Naruto Uzumaki and this is my friend Sirius" said Naruto to both Ice and Fire mages.
"Ya, I'm Natsu Dragneel, Son of Igneel, the Fire Dragon King," said Natsu proudly.
"Oh, this is Happy" he continued as he pointed towards the blue cat standing to the side.
"Nice to meet you, Natsu, Happy," said Naruto and shook hands with Natsu and nodded to happy. While Sirius sat beside Naruto threw them a lazy salute.
"My name is Gray, Gray Fulbuster. I use Ice-Make magic" said Gray making a small Fairy Tail symbol out of Ice. A brunette who is listening to the conversation stepped in and introduced herself as well.
"Hi, my name is Cana Alberona. I use Card Magic" she said showing some of her cards. Naruto nodded and soon introductions went on. A white-haired girl stepped in and introduced herself as well and soon, a blue-haired girl and 2 boys along with her and a white-haired boy and so on. Naruto remembered all their names and at last, a tomboyish girl in a skimpy one-piece black dress stepped forward and moved towards the blonde.
"You there, aren't you the one who stopped that bitch's punch. You are strong" she said gesturing to a cake-eating Erza when she said 'that bitch'. Although the redhead got a tick mark, she calmed herself and ate the cake she had in front of her.
"I am Mira. But don't try it with me, I'm not going to spare you" she said and went back to her siblings. Everyone got a sweat drop. They thought Mira is going to fight him and they can bet on it or something along the lines. Naruto didn't care much to pursue her. Everything went back to normal and they continued the party.
We see an elderly man and a middle-aged man talking on a bar table side to all the chaos that is going on in the guild.
"So you are telling me he is at least A-class," said Makarov Dreyar, 3rd Guild Master of Fairy Tail.
"Yes, Master. I'm sure he can prove himself if you give him the chance and you know well what time of the year it is" said Gildarts, which Makarov knew.
"Are you suggesting his name to them? You know they are very dangerous" said Makarov.
"I have fought him, Master. I knew his strength well. Just give him the chance and I assure you, he will prove himself to you" said Gildarts.
"Ok, I'll consider it based on the missions he takes and we'll see it from there," said Makarov.
"That's what I ask. Thanks, old man. I'll go and explain to him how the guild works" said Gildarts and made his way to Naruto who was sitting on a stool and talking to a meek Elfman.
"Hey, kid," said Gildarts and Naruto turned to his introducer.
"How is the Guild, do you like it," asked Gildarts.
"Yes. It has all things I wanted" said Naruto excitedly.
"Say, what do you know about Guilds in general," asked Gildarts at which point Elfman walked back to his siblings and Natsu and Gray started fighting.
"Well, I know that Mages come together in a Guild and take up Job requests and rewarded for those requests," said Naruto from what he could remember.
"One of the reasons why guilds are popular is because they provide jobs to their members. Most jobs are only available at mage guilds like Fairy Tail because most jobs are too difficult for any normal person to handle.
Most payments are done in Jewels, the currency which has different types which vary from country to country. Though the currency name is the same, it doesn't mean the value is the same. It may differ. Back on jobs.
Jobs have different rewards based on the difficulty of the job. Most bulletins have information on what is needed to be done as well as the equivalent reward. One can opt to do simple tasks, like helping out townsfolk or escorting cargo, to more difficult tasks of finding relics and journeying to mysterious lands.
There are five types of jobs available in a guild. They are Normal Jobs that may vary based on the reward, S-Class Jobs, SS-Class Jobs, 10 Year Jobs & 100 Year Jobs.
The jobs available all depend on the type of ranking you have within the guild. While normal jobs are available for all members, the most difficult ones are reserved for S-Class Mages. S-Class Jobs are those typically done by an S-Class mage. You will not see these types of jobs posted on regular boards as most members will not be able to do them anyway. They are often posted on a different location in our guild like the second floor of Fairy Tail. SS-Class jobs pose more risk and are therefore strictly available for S-Class mages only.
10 and 100-year jobs are trickier and are reserved for elite mages. Frankly speaking, I myself didn't complete a 100-year-old job yet" said Gildarts. Naruto was amazed. In the Shinobi World, he heard only up to S-Rank at most and SS-Rank in case of some extremely rare cases. But this world seems to have even more dangerous jobs than that. 'Well, I think joining Guild has its perks' thought Naruto.
"Ok, Old Man. I understand. As I'm not an S-class Mage yet, I'm not permitted to take them, right" said Naruto. Gildarts had a smile on his face after hearing that.
"Exactly. You are not even allowed to enter the second floor" he said and Naruto nodded.
"Well, it is late and I want to take some rest, see ya soon, kid. I hope you bring some good name to me by doing well on your jobs if you take any" said Gildarts winking at Naruto. Naruto got the massage.
"Yup, I'll do it," said Naruto with a smile.
"Then have a good night," said Gildarts and went off.
"Hey, newbie, you don't have a home to go for the night, right," asked Natsu.
"Ya, but I thought renting in an Inn or Hotel. Tomorrow, I'm gonna find a home" said Naruto to the Pinkett.
"I thought of offering to stay at my place, but you seem to have a plan," said Natsu and Gray cut in.
"What, you want him to stay in that broken igloo, I guess he is lucky he had a plan. I don't want to think what he will think after that stay about the Guild" said Gray.
"What did you say, stripper," said Natsu, fire burning on his face.
"Didn't your dead brain cells hear it, I said you would have killed the guy in that 'house' of yours?" said Gray, ice forming in his hand.
"Cut it out" came the voice of Erza. Both of them jumped back, hearing her voice.
"Yes, ma'am," they both said and she came to them.
"Good night," said Erza and left the Guild.
Soon everyone followed and Naruto found a comfortable Inn and spent the night there with Sirius and him eating a few of the rare Ramen varieties they had.
"How do you feel, Siri," asked Naruto.
"They are good, though a bunch of loudmouths, yes, but they seem friendly and looks like accepted you easily," said Sirius.
"Though the blue cat seems to disagree with you," said Naruto with a smile.
"Ya, that moron thinks fish is more delicious than Ramen," said Sirius, hurt clearly visible in his eyes.
"You can say that again. Ramen is the food of Gods" exclaimed Naruto and they both went back to sleep for the night.
Next Day, Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Naruto and Sirius came to the Guild after having their breakfast in the Inn which is complementary. He just ate the available food. Sirius did the same. They entered the Guild Hall and saw most of the people present doing various things. He went to the Bar table where he saw the Guild Master sit.
"Yo, Gramps" called Naruto. The Old Man had a tick mark, being called old, but controlled himself.
"Ah, yes. Naruto and Sirius. Fresh and early I see. Are you gonna take a job" asked Makarov.
"Yes. I just wanna take few jobs around the City and get a good feel for it" said Naruto and Sirius simply nodded.
"You can take from the request board over there. See for yourselves" said Makarov and Naruto nodded and went to the large board on the other side of the Guild.
"Hmm, let's see," he said and started scanning the board. 'Clean the house, cut the grass, paint the fence are some of the basic once available with 10,000 Jewels to 30,000 Jewels'. But one particular one caught Naruto's eye.
The Job title read 'I Need Help Rebuilding My House!'
Naruto picked it up. He wanted to test his Wood Dragon Slayer Magic in more ways than for just battle and if the Guild's reputation is correct, coupled with his tendency to overdo things, there might be a lot of destruction in his hands. So he wanted to use his magic to re-build as well. Just a try you may think. He read more of the Job.
Job Location: Magnolia
Job Description: "My house is a wreck due to Fairy Tail's rambunctious Mages! I can't afford any construction workers due to the high cost, and as you kids were the ones to cause this, you should help fix it!"
Reward: "I should give you none! But..." 70,000 jewels, that's it.
Taken/Untaken: Untaken' read the page and Naruto took it from the board.
"Yo, Gramps, can I take this" asked Naruto gesturing to the rebuilding job in his hand.
"Hmm, construction. Ya, you can take it. Be careful, the owner of that house has not so good opinion on Fairy Tail" warned Makarov.
"I'll take care of it, Gramps," said Naruto and at this point, Makarov was getting used to being called a Gramps by other members as well and stamped the paper with a Fairy Tail symbol on it. Naruto saw the Status change from Untaken to In Progress by N.U and Sirius on it.
'It seems Magic is more useful than I thought' thought Naruto and walked out of the Guild, Sirius following behind him closely.
"What is this job about," asked Sirius, looking at his papa.
"It is a building reconstruction job. I just wanna train myself in repair as well. You know the reputation of Fairy Tail" said Naruto and Sirius nodded. As they both were a team, they will share the money but most of it will be spent on food.
"This way," said Naruto and instead of walking, Sirius flew beside Naruto with his wings out.
After a 10 minute walk, they reached a badly damaged house in the market district of Magnolia. This area has different shops and some agencies and a bank here. The owner was a plot seller. When Natsu and Gray did a job here a few weeks ago, the pink-haired moron blew everything up and instead of cooling it down, Gray used his ice make on every part of the broken house to 'store' them and left it like that. The owner is living in a small hut nearby, waiting for anyone to help him repair it.
"Yo, are you the client," said Naruto as he saw a middle-aged man who is waiting impatiently for any mage to help him.
"Ya, the one requested help to rebuild my house," said the man.
"Ok, I'm from Fairy Tail," said Naruto showed his left shoulder where the Guild Mark is.
"Alright. This is the design and I want it done as soon as possible. I'm living in a hut for far too long" said the man throwing the design at Naruto who was caught not giving a damn about the cat beside him.
"Rough guy," said, Sirius.
"You must expect it, Siri. He had lost his house because of the destructive tendencies of the Guild. He will be mad about it. Let's get to work" said Naruto and Sirius nodded. Though he does nothing, he is going to stay with Naruto and see how things go. Before anything could begin, Naruto opened his mouth and suck on the wooden and earth remains of the house.
"That's good. Seems like he had made his house with some good earth and premium quality wood" said Naruto rubbing his tummy. It's been a long since he had eaten any wood as he is always at full strength because of his Light All Slayer Magic.
"Let's see. Hmm, there is a bathroom there, a bedroom here and a backyard. Seems simple enough" said Naruto and activated his Sharingan and copied the plan. After that, he concentrated on the structure he needed to make and applied his magic to it.
He imagined the same structure and soon, a wooden structure rose from the ground with exact same design as in the plan. He used similar quality wood and Earth materials in the house. It is a 2 storey building with 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a balcony and other things necessary for a house. It has a stone chimney in it with a stone tower which took the air out. He filled the wooden stack with wood for the man. He called the man back once he checked the design and every inch of the house for any errors, which he found none.
"Yes. It is perfect. Thanks, kid. Here, take it. It is your payment" said the man and pushed a stack of notes into Naruto's hands. He took it and the man smiled.
"Though your guild tends to be some noisy brats, they are good people," said the man and Naruto nodded.
"Thank you for your help," he said and was about to walk in when Naruto called him out.
"Sir, I have heard that you are a plot manager. Do you have any plots available for sale which are like large?" asked Naruto.
"Huh, a plot. No kid, there are none for sale now. I think you can get a few in summer" said the man.
"Do you have any apartment for rent, I didn't have a home yet and would like to live in a comfortable one?" said Naruto.
"What size do you want. Small, Medium, Large" asked the man.
"Medium will suffice I guess," said Naruto and the man nodded.
"Come with me a medium apartment is for rent nearby," said the man and Naruto and Sirius followed. After being lead to the apartment, they found it beautiful. At the edge of the town on the lake viewing just a few minutes away from Fairy Tail sat the building with 3 floors. Naruto got his apartment on the top floor.
The owner seemed kind enough and they discussed and settled for a 100,000Jewels rent monthly. But the owner is not satisfied as he said if anything were to damage, Naruto should pay the price, full, for them irrespective of the amount of damage. Naruto agreed to that. He paid 2 months in advance and took to the available things. The apartment is a 2 bedroom one with a kitchen, 3 bathrooms, a lounge area and some plants on the outside.
It pretty much has everything in it and Naruto made 3 Shadow Clones to sort everything out in the shelves. He also ordered them to make some privacy and barrier seals around the building and protection charms for all the equipment in the house. He departed to the Guild to share his successful mission and hopefully take some more as the at is still young.
As soon as he entered the Guild Hall, Natsu and Gray ran towards him.
"Hey, Naruto. Where did you go? Did you wake up late or something" asked Natsu rubbing his chin in thought.
"What are you talking about, didn't you hear Master say he went on a job" chastised Gray.
"Did he, well good. How did it go?" asked Natsu, his full of curiosity.
"It went well, and I have a house to stay in now," said Naruto with a smile.
"Congratulations, man. I hope fire brain never finds it" said Gray. They started to fight again and Naruto left them. He went to the request board and started to search for some difficult jobs. Maybe multiple jobs at once. He can do them. Not a big deal. As he scanned through the request board, a banner caught his attention.
'Kill the Demons' is its title. He took a good look at it and pick it up.
Job Location: Waas Forest
Job Description: A group of demons started attacking the towns around the waas forest. The cause of this is unknown. These are at night and causing unwanted destruction and killing the innocent. We would like to get these demons exterminated. We estimate that there are at least 20 of them. Actual numbers are unknown.
Reward: 30,000 jewels per demon killed.
Taken/Not taken: Not taken
The second job which caught his eye was.
'Capture the Giant Sea Serpent
Job Location: Hargeon Town
Job Description: Recently there have been reports that there has been a large, Viper-like sea snake with impenetrable scales and sharp teeth that have been destroying ships in the port and scaring away all the fish. Capture this monster and move it back to its natural habitat.
Reward: 250,000 jewels.
Taken/Not taken: Not taken
'Hmm, these 2 seems interesting and rewards are high as well. Why not take them' thought Naruto and came to a decision. He picked the papers and went to get stamped.
When he was about to leave for the job, another job caught Naruto's attention. Though there are hundreds of jobs requests, this one had a big 700,000 Jewels, stamped on it.
Generally, in Shinobi or this world, the higher the reward, the higher the risk in it. So when he caught a glimpse of that number, Naruto understood that this job is going to be a good one. Naruto picked it up and read it for Sirius to hear as well.
'Disappearances in the Night
Job Location: Dawn Town
Job Description: Strange disappearances are happening in Dawn Town. About three weeks ago, a dark mage went to the mayor’s office and demanded that 10,000,000 Jewels was paid to him or there would be terrible consequences. The mayor refused because of the abnormally amount asked and then the disappearances started.
The same event repeats every night. Late at night, suddenly the whole city is engulfed in darkness. No lamps or candles work. Even the street lamps, until a frightening scream is heard. When the light comes back, a woman has vanished without leaving any trace. Twenty three mothers, daughters and sisters have disappeared so far, leaving their families heartbroken.
Defeat this dark mage and rescue the kidnapped women.
Reward: 600,000 Jewels + a bottle of the exquisite wine sold only in this town: Allegra (it’s said to be bottled happiness. Its price is 185,000 jewels). Any reward on the Dark Mage's head will be given to you as well.
Taken/Not taken: Not taken
Now he was fully into it. Though he was not physically tortured, he knew how isolation felt like. And isolating so many mothers, daughters and young girls could either mean 2 things. They are using them for themselves or they just sold them to someone. Those thoughts made his blood boil.
In this world, Naruto came to accept anything for living even the life of Dark Mage. But if someone takes away another person's freedom and put their life at risk, that, Naruto will not accept and make them pay for that. He is going to make this dark mage pay for whatever he did with the women. Determined to make the mage pay, Naruto walked up to the Master.
"Ah, Naruto, my boy. What do you have here" said Makarov, drinking from a mug full of booze.
"These are the jobs I want to take, Master," said Naruto seriously.
"Ah, yes. The sea serpent Job. I guess you can swim well. Good" he said as he stamped that mission. But the next 2 made him pause. By the looks of it, he knew of the missions.
"Hmm. This one. This is quite dangerous I have heard. Each demon was said to possess B-class skills. Don't you think it is pretty overkill to take such a risky job" said Makarov.
"Don't worry, master. I can handle myself and B-class is nothing. Sirius here take them on" said Naruto, gesturing to the silent cat standing beside him.
"Yes, it seems I have forgotten about him entirely," he said giving the Jaguar an apologetic look and stamped the job. When he reached the last one, he paused drinking and stared at Naruto.
"Are you sure you want to go on this job?" asked Makarov concerned.
"Of course, Master. I can't stand here when some women are in danger" said Naruto.
"This might be a mis-ranked job. We don't know of the Dark Mage and he might be someone with the power of S-class" said Makarov emphasising the risk in it.
"It is not on the S-class board, Master. It is down here with normal Jobs. Even if he is S-class, I think I can handle myself" said Naruto confidently.
"Why don't you give him this chance, Master. I'll always be with him to support and if need be, we can call for reinforcements" added Sirius. Makarov sighed. He thought he could send an experienced mage for this, but looks like Naruto is adamant about what he chose.
"Fine, I'll give you this. But be careful. Things could get dangerous easily. All the best on your missions. Be sure to return by the end of the month. Next month is going to be something big and I want to debrief you about that" said Makarov with a smile, on the outside but worried inside about the newest family member.
"You think it is gonna take long. I'll be back in no time," said Naruto and left the Guild building.
"So do you wanna do it the traditional way or our way," asked Sirius.
"Hmm, Hargeon is near. We can just travel there by train I guess. As for Waas forest, I think we can do it our way" said Naruto and Sirius nodded his head. Most of the time he remains silent because all the conversation between them going in their mind. Unless it is important, he won't talk. They started their journey towards Magnolia Station to reach Hargeon port first.
And Cut
That’s it for this chapter folks. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Comment your opinion on the story. And vote in the poll about the weekly stories.
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Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
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