《Not Yet》Irreplaceable Loss and Departure
Welcome to next instalment of Not Yet.
"Speaking" people talking.
'Thinking' people thinking.
"Kyuubi/Dragons" Kyuubi or Dragons Speaking.
'Kyuubi/Dragon thought' Kyuubi or the other Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic" is being used.
Not Yet
Chapter 3
Irreplaceable Loss and Departure
Naruto stared into the star-filled sky of the night. It has been 3 years since he came to this world called, Earthland. His training had ended well with his father, the Wood Dragon God, Aldoron. He had managed to master all his Magic and other techniques to new heights. His father has named him his perfect successor, 4 months ago. Naruto had been so proud that day.
"Wood Dragon Gods Secret Art: Awakening of Aldoron," said Naruto and a large wooden structure formed out of pure wood from the trees in the forest into a giant Dragon, which is 100 meters tall and 75 meters long. The wooden structure stood there without moment as if waiting for orders. Aldoron looked proudly at the wooden structure.
"Marvellous, Naruto. It's simply marvellous. You have created a living replica of me. I'm amazed by your progress and speed. You have mastered the Lost Magics of Dragon and God Slayer in just 3 years. It is an unbreakable feat. I'm very proud of you, Son. I hereby name you the perfect son I have always wanted and the most capable successor who has the power and potential to Defeat Acnologia. You are my perfect replacement to the world" said Aldoron, his chest swelling up in pride and his largemouth in a smiling shape.
Naruto jumped into the air to hug his father and he successfully did it by sitting on the large snout of the Dragon and hugging it. They shared a moment of silence after which Sirius landed beside Naruto ending the moment of father and son. Naruto hugged Sirius and he returned the gesture. They both had become very good friends rather than father and son.
"Now, Naruto. As your training is completed what will you do?" asked Aldoron. Naruto thought about it. He thought of searching for the guild he thought about, he stopped that train of thought as he remembered the fight he had with that man. The man who defeated Naruto and showed him the reality of the world.
"I'm going to train more until I'm sure I can take everything that is out there, father. I don't want to repeat the same scene when I face that man again" said Naruto with determination. Aldoron nodded. He knew well how valuable lesson that man thought Naruto was.
"Well then, as we are done with your training I have one last thing to test before I can rest in peace," said Aldoron in a stern tone. Naruto was confused. 'Aren't all the tests completed already? Am I not ready yet' were the few thought flying through the blonde boys head.
"No need to worry, son. I just want to see the condition of your soul. You see when a Dragon trains someone in their magic, they tend to become Dragons. So we have a way to stop it. As it could cause the person who became a Dragon to lose control of themselves and cause destruction to everything and everyone around them. This is not harmful or anything, but it is just a precautionary measure" said Aldoron soothingly and Naruto nodded in acknowledgement.
"Just close your eyes and I'll take care of the rest," said Aldoron and put his large clawed hand on Naruto's head. Naruto closed his eyes and went into mindscape and to his surprise, his father was there with him.
"What are you doing here, father," asked Naruto surprised.
"I'm surprised to see you, son, is this the place you often tell me about, your Mindscape," asked the Dragon in awe as it has the replica of Konoha and her forest.
"Yes, father. This is my mindscape. Everything relating to my birth parents was here. I met them here when I was sent to this world 3 years ago. I talked to them here when there is no time for such things, they told their love to me here, when all the world around me shattered into pieces and I travelled in the void between dimensions. And finally, I lost them here as everything around me merged with me as I am only the suitable vessel. Before they went, they gave their most prized techniques and gave me these eyes, which made me stronger. I am thankful to them as much as I love them. I was left alone because of this massive 9 tailed fox which is sealed into me by my father. He told me his regrets for putting such a burden on me and I am amazed by my old man's trust and confidence in me, father. He is my idol for my whole life back then. But now, he became my hero with my mother. The people who saved my life by sacrificing their own and in the process of saving me saved thousands of lives. Though they are not here, I'm proud to be their son, father as much I am proud to be your student and son" said Naruto emotionally, turning to Aldoron at the end. The sincerity and love he said those words with made Aldoron even prouder of his son. He is the 'perfect one'. That is the only way Aldoron can put it.
"I'm proud of you too, son," he said. After some time he came back to his senses and turned to Naruto with a serious expression.
"Now, Naruto. I want you to just meditate while I do my work, is that clear" he asked leaving no place for an argument. Naruto nodded his head and Aldoron left Naruto's mindscape in search of the thing he came here for.
'The Dragon Seed. It is a plant-like organism that forms inside the body of a human who uses Dragon Slayer Magic that begins the process of Dragonization. A Dragon Seed is one of the three known side effects of humans learning the magic, starting with their bodies producing Dragon-like features such as scales. The only known method to permanently combat a Dragon Seed from completely transforming one; is for a host Dragon to perform a Dragon Soul Technique ritual on a host Dragon Slayer to cure their transformation with antibodies that are dispersed from the Dragon residing in their body.
The Dragonization can also be temporarily stopped by separating the Dragon Slayer Magic from its user with the use of a Separation Enchantment'. Aldoron could still remember the abomination Acnologia has become because of incomplete Dragonification as he is a self-taught Dragon Slayer. He doesn't want his son to be one such thing. These are the methods mostly used by Dragons. By using the first one, the 5 Dragons came to this time with their children.
Aldoron was surprised when he didn't sense any Dragon Seed in Naruto. All the Dragon Slayers who were taught by Dragons have one. For Naruto to not have it rang alarms to Aldoron. It must be either 2 cases. First, Naruto has something that stopped the Dragon Seed from forming and taking root or the second one being Naruto didn't have one as he is not strong enough for it to take root.
Aldoron knows well that his son is a strong and powerful Dragon Slayer. He dare say that Naruto can Slay him if it comes to that. But he hoped that whatever that caused the missing Dragon Seed is something that protected Naruto from it.
'Let's see' he thought as he delved into the innermost parts of Naruto's mind where the Dragon Seed generally resides. What he saw shocked him.
There was a big tree, a tree which is colossal and had only 2 roots, going deeper into Naruto's body. The tree, which is larger than him in size had a black stem with fresh leaves on it. The first root, which Aldoron searched deeper lead to the Necklace Naruto is wearing with the green gem in it. It is the primary source of power for the tree. While the second root leads to the Red Chakra which was currently roaming mindlessly in Naruto's mindscape which is being purified and stored through the tree in that Necklace. The necklace has lots of Chakra, which is the energy Naruto called to exist in his world and it is slowly siphoning off the other Chakra in Naruto.
From what he could remember it belongs to someone who also used Wood Style back in his world.
'Seems like this thing is much more than what it appears to be' thought Aldoron. This made him relieved of the fact that his son is not going to become a mindless Dragon and cause unwanted chaos.
'My worries are for nothing then. As I have taught him all I could. I could only hope he lives a long and happy life' thought Aldoron and went back to the outside world.
Outside World
Naruto saw his father's eyes open. He looked at him with pride and contentment. Naruto waited for his father to speak as Sirius was sitting beside him on a rock.
"Son, I deem you worthy now. You are ready, Naruto. You can go now. I officially conclude our training" said Aldoron. Naruto got tears in his eyes but he doesn't want to leave his father in this condition alone as these are his last breaths.
"As a last gift, I want to give you something," said Aldoron and Naruto looked at him with worry. He doesn't want to strain his father further. Aldoron's large clawed hand touched Naruto's neck, specifically his necklace. There was a green glow of light and Naruto could sense it to be something potent and unreal by the amount of magic in the air.
"There, I imbued with something I entrust you to master. It would help you in your life more and defeat Acnologia if you master it" said Aldoron and Naruto nodded his head vehemently.
"I'll do it, father. I'm going to master and prove to the world that your efforts are not in vain" said Naruto with determination and conviction. Aldoron nodded.
"Good, son. Now go on, go and start your journey" said Aldoron but Naruto stayed put.
"No, father. I can't do that. I want to stay with you as long as you are alive" he said and Aldoron felt another pang of pride hit him.
"As you desire, child," said Aldoron and settled in a sleeping position. Naruto with Sirius went and sat on his large hand.
Time Skip: 3 Months
It is the end of October and Naruto just came out of the house which Aldoron constructed for him to live. It has been a week since Aldoron passed away and though he had Sirius to console and Aldoron told him to not grieve his death, Naruto couldn't hold back. He cried on the grave he had made for his beloved late father. They had just celebrated his 15 th birthday a few weeks prior. They were very happy on that day. Aldrin told that he is happy to see his son's birthday one last time. But he couldn't forget the moment his father left the world of living forever.
Flashback :1 week ago
"Son, I think this is it. I can feel it. Take good care of yourself and Sirius. Be a Dragon God Slayer that makes your father proud" said Aldoron in a shaky tone, as he could feel his death approach. It is not a good feeling if you ask him, but it is to be accepted nonetheless.
"No, father. Please, I don't want to be alone, again" said Naruto tears falling like a waterfall from his eyes.
"Hey, I'm still with you" yelled Sirius, annoyed. Though if observed properly, drops of tears fell from his eyes as well.
"He is right, Naruto. You still have him. Why are you so over-emotional now? We both know it is going to happen someday. Luckily, I'm leaving this world with far more satisfaction than I could ever think of. It is because of you, Naruto. I feel complete now in my life. I entrust the rest to you, son. Live a long, happy life filled with adventures and...love. Find someone who can fill the gap that I and Sirius couldn't for the last 3 years. Stay happy and bring a good name to your dad. Be proud of your heritage and cautious of Acnologia. That's what I say as my last words. Take them to heart and be a good son, Sirius" said Aldoron his breath stopping in the middle of his speech. Sirius nodded his head.
"I'll be, Bic Lizart" said Sirius, calling him with the name Naruto introduced him to Aldoron.
"Ya, I'll be too, Overgrown Caterpillar," said Naruto along with Sirius. This made Aldoron smile. He didn't ever dream of dying this peacefully, but this felt good.
"Goodbye, my children. I wish you my blessings in your endeavours and remember, I'll be watching you from, Nature" he said with one last toothy smile. No words came out of Naruto's or Sirius's mouth. They just smiled at him and just like that, he dispersed in millions of golden light particles, that even if Naruto tried can't eat to preserve his father, his hands passed right through them as if he is a ghost. He couldn't hold it anymore and gave a Roar of sorrow and loss. The person who took care of him was gone. He is again left all alone, but this time with a goal and a friend with him. Soon, the light particles dispersed into the air, going in all directions, filling the very nature with potent Ethernano and Magic. Naruto couldn't hold it. He went and made a grave for his father. It read.
'Here lays the Dragon God of Nature. A prideful Dragon, a Proud Father and a Satisfied Overgrown Caterpillar'
Naruto smiled at the last sentence. His father didn't like being called a Caterpillar. He despised that name with his very being. Naruto gave him that name affectionately. He only called it few times, but it brought him joy when Aldoron laughed with him when he called him with that name in good humour. Those brought more tears to them. He silently cried away the loss of his beloved father.
Flashback End
Now, after a week after his death, Naruto finally managed to pull himself together. He is ready to face the world now. As an act to preserve the sacred ground he trained with his father, Naruto manipulated the forest into a large dome forming into a large cave. No one but him going to know this place and he left a Hiraishin mark on the edges and all over the place to come whenever he wanted to. He made a barrier with his Rune Magic, Fuuinjutsu, closing the place to the outside world. With one last look at the place he called home for more than 3 years, Naruto began his journey with Sirius taking flight into the air and shooting towards the south, to the town he frequently visited.
In the depths of the barriers and cave system constructed, a small seed took root, going deeper into the earth, taking more water for its life and sustenance, a small hole made in the roof allowed a single ray of sunlight to hit it directly. What is this seed and how did it manage to survive all the changes the Dragon Godfather and son made to the landscape is unknown. Will it be able to endure all the tests and harsh climates of the world, is to be seen. Its future is unclear, its fate undecided, what will this single seed do to this world is a mystery.
Caramel town
The town which Naruto saved 3 years ago was called Caramel, a town in Guiltina. Naruto landed in front of the gates of the town, which managed to recover from the fire accident 3 years ago quickly. It is now bustling with people. Naruto stared at the bustling town with nostalgia. He would often come to this town to do odd jobs and pile up on supplies of food when he tried something new and show Sirius around. The townsfolk have become fast friends with him offering jobs from time to time which gave some money. He had piled up a few hundred thousand Jewels, the currency of this world. Compared to the Ryo he was used to in the Elemental Nations, these are very different.
He and Sirius wood spend thousands of jewels on Ramen alone when they come here, eating to their heart's content. He turned to his foster son, friend, who was looking at the town in intrigue.
"You didn't see it this bustling last time, right," he asked and the feline huffed.
"How can I, when you leave me alone with that lizard and come here," he said in a mock hurt tone.
"Now, now, Siri, don't need to act all disappointed on me," he said and Sirius sighed.
"Right. So what do we do" he asked turning to his papa.
"I'm thinking of searching for a guild to join. You know where-"
"The members are treated like family. Yeah. I know. I think you have good about a few thousand times to me"
"Well, that's the plan. Let's say our goodbyes and we can move on with our journey" said Naruto and Sirius nodded.
"Hai" is what Sirius replied with.
Mayor Office, Town Hall
They went to get Mayor, the same old man who Naruto met 3 years ago. As soon as Naruto entered, he was given an immediate appointment as he is still remembered as a hero in the village, which ironically, the people of Konoha failed to do.
He knocked on the four 3 times and waited for the answer. A muffled 'Come in after, Naruto was sitting in front of the mayor, sipping freshly made green tea.
"Naruto, my boy. It's a surprise. How are you"
"Fine, old man. I'm doing well. This is Sirius, my friend" said Naruto gesturing to the Jaguar, who was sipping tea with his 2 hands like the 2 humans.
"Ahh, he is a good cub," said the old man, opening his almost closed eyelids a little.
"Yo" replied Sirius lazily. This generally would surprise people. But when you meet a guy who does feats that are impossible to most mages like Naruto and live near the sacred forest of the Wood Dragon God Aldoron, you get adjusted to things and surprises like these.
"Yes, yes. It is good to meet me, my boy" replied the old man as if talking to a small boy.
"Same here, old man Yama," said Sirius. Which made the old man chuckled.
"So, what are you here for. You won't come to me unless it is serious" said the mayor, Yama calmly.
"Well, I have decided to go on my journey to the world out there," said Naruto, seriously.
"Well, that is sad to hear. But, it is to be expected I guess. What help could I be in this endeavour of yours"
"Well, I don't have any knowledge of anything except for this continent. If possible, can you provide me with some maps and other materials?" asked Naruto.
"Hmm. It's an easy thing to provide. Do you need anything else, son" asked the old mayor with a kind smile.
"No, I think I have essential money and food to go on. Just some maps and information about guilds"
"Guilds you say. As in places where Mages work" asked the man for confirmation to which Naruto Naruto nodded.
"Well, we have the oldest guild in history here in Guiltina. If you like, you can go there"
"That's it, don't you have any other information on them other than the one here," he asked somewhat disappointed and the old man scratched his beard, thinking.
"I have heard that Alakitasia has some guilds. I'm not sure, but I think you have a good chance there than finding the old guild somewhere here as it may in any condition" he said and Naruto nodded. What he said is also true, as the old guild might be in any condition and might not accept people, he doesn't have much information about it and in his world, Information is power.
"What is this Alakitasia," asked Naruto and the old man chuckled.
"Yes, I have forgotten that you haven't left this continent before. Wait here let me bring a map" he said and brought a map.
"See, this is Guiltina, we are here, near the southeast tip of the continent. You have 2 other continents. One is Alakitasia, which is towards the south-west to us, here" he said pointing to a large chunk on land which us to Naruto's left-hand side.
"And the other one is Ishgar, as most of it far is east to us, but Ishgar is to the south-east. Here" he said pointing to an archipelago that has so many countries in it.
"These continents have more guilds there than in Guiltina. So you may try your luck there" he said gesturing to the map. Naruto copied the map with his Sharingan, memorizing every bit of it.
"And here are some things that you may find useful," he said giving Naruto a bag that contains some water containers and glasses and some food in it.
"Thanks, old man, I don't think it would be this easy to understand without your help," said Naruto and gave the old man a kunai. For the mayor, the boy gave him a strange knife which has some intricate designs on it.
"What is this," he asked looking it closely.
"It's one of my tools. If your village is in any kind of trouble, just through the kunai. I'll be there to help you" he said with a confident smile.
"I'm grateful for this, my boy. We thank you and we all wish you a happy journey" he said, opening the door to the hall, where most of the population of the town gathered to give him a farewell. Naruto had tears of joy. He didn't receive anything like this when he was in Shinobi world. He rubbed his eyes of the tears and replied.
"Thanks, you guys. I'll always remember you. Call me if you have any trouble. See ya" he said stepping outside and walking towards the gate of the village, Sirius following behind him. He had an awed expression as he didn't see these many people gather in his life. With a smile he also waived at them to which he got cheers in return.
"Have a happy journey, Naruto"
"Be safe, ok"
"If you want, come here, we are always happy to help" and in between all these he heard a few 'I love you' ' I'm gonna miss you' 'Will you marry me' from the younger generation of the crowd. He just chuckled and as he reached the gate of the village he turned back and gave them in the least salute.
"SEE YA" he yelled and got cheers and loud shouts in encouragement. Sirius stood beside him and gave him a nod and they both vanished in smoke, surprising most of the townsfolk.
Forest Outside Town Caramel
"Ok, let's see. We are here" Naruto said gesturing towards the 'X' mark on the map which the old man drew.
"Old man said going to Alakitasia has some guilds. So, we are going to try there" said Naruto with a feral grin.
"What if there is such guild there, what will we do" asked Sirius.
"Hmm, if there are guilds in Alakitasia and not to our liking, then we will search in, hmmm, Ishgar. The closest continent. If there is no guild there as well, we will start a new one where we like most in our journey" he said and Sirius nodded. They both took to the air and travelled south-west with Sirius his wings out and Naruto using his Earth Dragon Slayer magic to fly, Naruto has found 3 ways. First, using his Earth Dragon Slayer Magic, he reduces the density of his body making him lighter than which enables him to fly. He had found it after his fight with that Man and practised it to perfection. Earth Style: Light-Weight Jutsu, is the name he gave the jutsu.
The second method is by using his wind style. Wind Style: Air Current, is a jutsu created by Naruto using his wind style, his strongest affinity before the addition of the Lacrima. Now it is on par with his Dragon Slayer Magic, but it consumes more magic than the Dragon Slayer Magic to use as it is not his Dragon Element. But, it is useful nonetheless. It can move at the speed of sound at its peak and can break the sound barrier.
The third and fastest is the Light Style: LightWave. It is a technique he can use to fly at the speed of light. He intended this after experimenting with it so many times and injuring himself so much. Though his control of the light had improved a lot, it consumes relatively more magic compared to his other magics. He deduced that as it is a Primary element like the one of the duality without which life is not possible, it consumes more magic and it is potent as well.
And finally, he can fly using his Susanoo. He found that the Susanoo has stages and in its full-body form, it has wings to fly. He tried it with his Wood Style as well, but he always needed some type of support to maintain the balance in the air. So he dropped it. He likes using all of them and uses the Earth Style one more as it is simple and is almost like breathing to him and Sirius can keep up with him in this one when compared to the other 2 methods.
Soon, as they travelled, Naruto saw ground after a vast gap of water below. He thought of going underwater, but after reminding himself of Sirius, he settled for enjoying with him on the beach later. He did miss the shores and sea as his first real mission in the Shinobi World took place near them. He felt more connected to them now as he also had Water Dragon Slayer Magic as well. They both kept their pace and flew happily in the air until Sirius saw something.
"Naruto, look," he said pointing to a dust cloud. Naruto who was deep in thought about his experiences, turned in the direction to see where Sirius is pointing.
"Ok, I can sense a large Magic signature there. Stay here, Siri. I'll go and check" said Naruto seriously. Sirius doesn't like when Naruto protects like a small child always taking all the action, but by the tone he used and from the seriousness on his face, he can understand that it is something serious. Though he knows Naruto would not let anything happen to him if something was to happen, Naruto can heal him, he knew Naruto would. Sirius just floated in the air with a constant flow of wind magic.
Naruto soon landed on the ground and went close to the dust cloud when a spike of sam shot out of the dust to catch him. From highly honed instincts and highly flexible body, Naruto moved to the way. The spike dispersed immediately.
"Well, well. Seems like I have got a good bug to deal with here" said a male voice. Naruto could see through all the sand. He saw a boy, who might be 13-14 years old.
He is dark-skinned, had growing muscles and is of average height with large, thick, brown hair that juts out wildly in every direction. Which has a black cloth in the style of bandana holding it from falling on his eyes.
He wears a thin light green colour shirt with beige colour pants with some pockets on them. He is staring at Naruto with a superior smirk on his face.
"You bug, the name is Ajeel, your would-be killer," he said with an arrogant grin.
For Ajeel, this is his first time. He is currently starting at a blonde boy guy who might be a year or 2 older than him. He has 6 lines evenly across his face like a fox and had cerulean blue eyes which were starting him, narrowed won't bored. He is currently wearing a light orange colour jacket with a light gold undershirt with fishnet armour inside. He is also wearing black pants with strange trappings around them with bandages. He is also wearing a metal plate with some useless symbol on it, which Ajeel couldn't understand. The thing that annoyed Ajeel most is the expression of the blonde. He is looking at him sd if he is an insignificant pest. 'I'm no pest' he roared in his mind, his Magic resonating with his emotions, sending vibrations across the sand.
"You bug, you look me as of I'm inferior. I'll show you. I'll crush you with my magic and kill you slowly. The last thing you remember is going to be my laugh when you lay, dead in from of me" he yelled and readied his sand.
"Let's begin then. I want to test my magic as well and you are going to be my guinea pig" said Naruto with a dark smile. He understood the kind of person in front of him. He is a sadist, who enjoys killing others for his amusement. He is going to teach a lesson that he never forgot.
And Cut
Read, Review and Comment your opinion on the story.
If you have any questions, ask me in reviews or PM me.
Don't forget to suggest me techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
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