《Claimed by the Gods》Incoming Challenge Chapter 12
Looks like there is another time skip. There wasn't going to be a time skip so soon but I guess because of the new arc, the time skip is needed! Also to those who might question about how others can hear Little Yui talk to them, well that's not true. The others can't understand Yui. The only ones who can understand Little Yui is Yanicho and Lucca because Little Yui allows this. I was going to explain this in chapter 10 but Fatigue got to me! So the things that are in this chapter will be explained in chapter 10 so if you have time, go back and read it in an hour that it will be updated. Like always Comment, Give advice, and Ask questions! Thank you for reading~
Fourth months later, while life at the academy continued on as usual expect for the achievements that Lucca achieved. The entire was oblivious to the fact that a new academy was made in the forest of Gerold. Currently standing on one the academy's look out post stood a single man. This man had short gray hair that curled at ends of the bangs. His eyes were the interesting part, his eyes were the color gold with hints of white in them. He stood at six feet tall with his entire body being very slender. His face though had the face of a ruler. This very man was the black creature that clawed its way out of the portal He stared deeply at the mountains as he was deep in thought. Not noticing that a someone else had walked near him, the man just kept staring till finally his attention was distracted due to a sound.
"*Cough* I see his majesty is enjoying there view? or is he thinking of his child?"
"Aseal. Why the impudence early in the morning?"
"Sorry my lord. Forgive this humble servant."
The woman went down on one knee and bowed to her king. The king just waved his hand and the woman stood right back up.
"Speak. You have an report to tell me?"
"Yes my lord. It seems that every thing is order. All the scouts are where they should be. The plan is going certainly well my lord. Soon the messenger will reach the other academy and present the news."
"Good. You are dismissed."
"Yes my lord."
The woman left the king as the king continued to stare at the mountains.
"Where are you my son..."
At the Zelphon Academy, Yanicho was sipping a cup of tea as he enjoyed his quiet morning. No Little Yui coming to barge in when bored or Lucias demanding to take care of him. Just a quiet simple morning with his favorite cup of tea. He sighed in relieve as his face was full of bliss. He missed his life in he quiet library of the scions. So right now he felt happy with the peace.
"What a beautifu-"-Yanicho
Suddenly the doors to Yanicho's office flew open as Lucias ran in a rush towards Yanicho.
"I stand corrected... *Sigh* Yes Lucias. What is the problem?"-Yanicho
"Master! Another Academy was made in the west past the mountains!"-Lucias
"What did you say...?"-Yanicho
Shocked Yanicho got up from is chair and demanded Lucias to explain. Lucias explained that the scouts saw a academy was made past the mountains and in the forest of Gerold. It appeared no less than four months later and is on average about the same size as Zelphon Academy.
"But you said in your report four months ago you didn't find anything?"-Yanicho
"Yes Master, there was nothing. None of my summoned beast detected anything strange."-Lucias
"Did the scouts report anything else?"-Yanicho
"No Master. Though there is someone here to visit you. A messenger from said academy..."-Lucias
"Mmm. Then bring them in."-Yanicho
"But Master!"-Lucias
"Lucias bring him in. That's an order."-Yanicho
"Yes Master..."-Lucias
Lucias walked to the front of the office and called the local guards patrolling the school.
"You two, Go get the messenger that is waiting at the front gates."-Lucias
""Sir Yes Sir!""
The two guards went to perform their duty as Lucias walked back to Yanicho.
"He will be here in half an hour Master."-Lucias
"No. The messenger will be here now."
A new voice was spoken to the left of Yanicho and Lucias, causing them to turn towards it in shock. There stood a man who was five foot two with a very slim body. His eyes where closed and his face looked like a thieving cat. His hair was a mix of colors that included green and purple. He gave no presence at all.
"Oh my. It seems that I have surprised my lords with me presence. Please excuse me for my rudeness."
Bowing, the man gave a playful grin.
"State your business."-Yanicho
"Oh aren't you the go getter! Okay, I shall say what I was sent here for. In four weeks time, the Hellfire Academy challenges the Zelphon academy to a Combat Festival!"
So the man started to explain the what the Combat Festival was and the rules.
The contest will go on for a total of eleven days. The first seven days will be picking teams from all the years from both schools. First through seventh years will be competing all seven days till finally a champions from those first seven days will continue on to the final tournament which will choose the winner of the both schools. Each team will be made of threes and must have one of every type. A Guardian Type, Mage Type, and Combat Type. One person who will protect the entire time while the other two people fight with magic and combat skills. People with Duel Magic and Combat skills are allowed to take either position and still use both.
"And if we decide to say no to this challenge?"-Yanicho
The mans eyes slight opened as his face got dead serious.
"Then the Hellfire Academy will fire 'Gods Wrath' onto the school."
Lucias and Yanicho gasped in shock at the mans words. 'Gods Wrath' was a tool that was passed down from the gods to the mortal world every one thousand years. Though it can only damage a Magical Beast of fourth rank by a considerable amount, the tool can wipe out an entire kingdom capital with one single use. With such a powerful weapons, the the kingdoms in the lands choose to use those tools just in case another Magical Beast of high caliber appeared again. For such a thing to be used casually was shocking and it came from an academy that just appeared out of nowhere.
"Of course if the Zelphon Academy loses then the Gods Wrath will be used on the school."
"And if we win...?"-Yanicho
"You get our best students who have three hundred thousand Magical Power."
"So I am guessing that the Zelphon Academy accepts the offer?"
"How could we not..."-Yanicho
"Good then I shall inform my lord the great news. We will see you in four weeks tops with our students. I hope you will get all preparations done."
"Look forward to it."-Yanicho
"Great! With that I leave with out further introductions."
Fading away like he was never there while leaving a low laughter, the man was finally gone. Yanicho sat in his chair as he sighed while Lucias looked at his master with concern.
"Why did you accept Master?"-Lucias
"I have no choice. It was either accept or be killed. Even with my power, I would only able hold back Gods Wrath for only two hours before my power runs out. At least with this tournament then Lucca might have a chance at winning."-Yanicho
"So are counting on Lucca?"-Lucias
"Not only Lucca but all the students of Zelphon. Lucias, starting spreading the news of the contest to entire student body. Teams will be selected based off their performance in a school tournament in three weeks. Only those who are top fifty of their class may join. Also inform the head of all the major clans in the kingdom to come attend the Combat Festival."-Yanicho
"Yes Master."-Lucias
With his orders, Lucias started preparations for the coming future events.
Four months later, Lucca was still doing the same routine every day. Of course he didn't tell Felia his secret because he gotten away from her. Every time Lucca had to go to her class, he would spar with her and then leave when the time was right so she couldn't ask him about his secret. At some point she went to the headmaster but soon got rejected and decided to just let it go, but that meant the sparing between Lucca and Felia went on longer. Other then that his days were the same while taking Little Yui to Savia's booth for lunch every day. Of course Savia always look forward to
Lucca coming to her booth and always tries to hand him extra sweets.
This made the entire male student body target him. Of course after a couple months of beating up eighty percent of the student body, they gave up. At the most they did was just petty black mail and threats. Lucca with the fact that he could cast magic without chanting plus being on par with Felia and having courted not only Savia but even Professor Felia spread through out the acadey made him famous. Of course the last rumor about him courting the two girls was dealt with by Felia which resulted half of the student body hanging from the roofs of the academy.
Lucca has currently finished his History of Space Magic and Findings class. He was getting ready to go to lunch when Little Yui flew in from the hallway and latched onto Lucca's head.
"Lucca! Let's go get sweets!"-Yui
"Hahah Okay."-Lucca
Lucca was going to get up till he was stopped by a small group of five people. These people were wearing a set of black clothes with a small fire emblem on the front. In front of him was the leader who was a tall bald student with a mean looking face. His eye brows where thick and his eyes where narrow. He stood at six feet four with his muscles bugling out of his clothes. This man was Tolton.
"Are you Lucca?"-Tolton
Questioning what was going on, Lucca stared at the at the other student. But that student took a few steps back and bowed down all the way to the ground in front Lucca, so did the rest of his group. Confused, Lucca got to his feet and tried to prevent them from lowering their heads to him. He didn't want to attract the attention of the other students but it was to late.
"Lucca-dan! Please allow this lowly servant to be in your team! This lowly servant swears that he will shield Lucca-dan with his life!"-Tolton
""Please accept!!""
Tolton and is group were begging Lucca but Lucca was now fully confused. Little Yui just stared at the other students with interest as Little Yui floated down on top of Tolton's head and sat down.
"Look Lucca! Yui found a new ride!"-Little Yui
"Yui! Stop, you're being rude!"-Lucca
Lucca tried to grab Little Yui but Little Yui took this as a game and bounced from head to head.
"It's okay Lucca-dan! If this servant can be of use to you then this is nothing!"-Tolton
""That is right Lucca-dan!""
Said Tolton and his group with proud as Little Yui sat on Tolton's head cheering. Lucca scratched the back of his head.
"Whats with the '-dan' part and what do you mean servant? Also what team?"-Lucca
"Lucca-dan doesn't know...? So Lucca-dan hasn't heard about the upcoming school tournament and the Combat Festival?"-Tolton
"No. I have no knowledge on such things."-Lucca
"Then allow this humble servant explain!"-Tolton
Tolton and his group explained to Lucca what was currently going on. He was informed of the tournament and the up and coming Combat Festival between the two academies. Finally knowing what was going on. Lucca sat down in his chair. His other classmates watched him dying to know what was going to happen next. Lucca was quite famous and Tolton wasn't the only six year that wanted to group up with Lucca.
"So you're saying you want to be on my team and be the guardian type?"-Lucca
"Yes! With Lucca-dan as the magic type, we have nothing to fear!"-Tolton
"Sounds interesting. I guess you can be on my-"-Lucca
"Oh? What's this? Trash trying to get with Sir Lucca? Doesn't it know it's place?"
Standing up from where he was, Tolton glared at Falk as he walked in with his gang. Falk and his gang were wearing the same white suits with silver necklaces wrapped around their necks. Falk snorted towards Tolton's attitude.
"Oh don't give me that look. Just stating the obvious. Trash like you should never taint some one as great as Sir Lucca! Sir Lucca, you can not pair up with this man! Do you know what kind of trash this is? You should pair up with me instead. Falk O. Rieno! Member of the great Rieno clan!"-Falk
Tolton gripped his fist as he was about to lash out but Lucca stopped him.
"Say. Falk was it?"-Lucca
"Indeed it is Sir Lucca."-Falk
"Why are you calling this man Tolton trash when I clearly see that he has much more talent then you?"-Tolton
This surprised the surrounding students including Tolton himself. Tolton turned around and stared at Lucca with awe. Falk started to feel his face get red.
"...Would you want to elaborate Sir Lucca...?"-Falk
"You heard me. Tolton as much more talent then you."-Lucca
"Do you not understand the power of my family? The members of the Rieno clan are much better suited then that trash!"-Falk
"It doesn't matter what clan you come from. My answer will never change."-Lucca
"It seems I judged wrong... Sir Lucca is just trash after all!!"-Falk
Raising his hand, Falk chanted quickly under his breath and snarled at Lucca. The rest of the members of Falk's group was about to cast their magic too till a teacher intervened.
"Hey! If you students want to fight so bad, wait till the school tournament!"
A nearby teacher shouted at the two groups as Falk's group dropped their magic.
"Humph. Saved by the teacher. Wait till I deal with you at the festival trash!"-Falk
Snarling, Falk walked away with his group as the teacher chased after them to scold them. Lucca just sighed as he sat down at his desk. Little Yui sat on top of his head and said 'Lucky! Lucky!' over and over again.
"So. Where were- Tolton! Can stop bowing down to me!"-Lucca
Currently as Lucca tried to get the conversation going again, Tolton was bowing with down to the ground again as he cried.
"Thank you Lucca-dan! Thank you so much!"-Tolton
"W-Why are you crying! Get back up please!"-Lucca
"This humble servant can... Hic.. Not Lucca-dan! For years people have considered the Agero clan to be a low class clan that could never do anything! For Lucca to praise this servant higher than someone from a prestigious clan! Ahhh Lucca-dan!!!"-Tolton
Tolton and his entire group were crying on the ground as they bowed deeply towards Lucca. Couldn't handle it no more, Lucca force Tolton and his group with magic to stand.
"Enough! I get it! Just stop crying and talk to me straight! I agreed on you joining my team so let's act like teammates!"-Lucca
"I can not! Lucca-dan!"-Tolton
"Oh my god!!! Are you kidding me?!"-Lucca
After taking a long time of trying to settle things out, Lucca managed to get Tolton to stop crying and trying to bow but couldn't stop him from calling him 'Master'. Apparently Tolton didn't want to stop calling Lucca '-dan' which is how Tolton's family addresses their master so he settled for 'Master' after Lucca stressed to the point about the matter. Apparently Tolton's clan has a long history of serving strong master due to the fact that their clan is considered low class. Of course Lucca knew his family's style due to his history lessons with Yanicho but he didn't know they acted like this.
"So Tolton is going to join my team. That means we need to find another magic or attack type."-Lucca
"If you will pardon my question Master, why would we need another magic type? Wouldn't Master be enough for the magic type part?"-Tolton
"Well you see, I can do both roles because my Attack Power is high."-Lucca
"Master's attack power is high?! Does this servant's ears lie to him? No. Master is just amazing! That's right!"-Tolton
Lucca laughed awkwardly as Tolton bowed his head towards Lucca and so did his group.
""We will forever follow the Master!!!""
"I-I-I look forward to working with you..."-Lucca
""Long live the master!!!""
Lucca just smiled awkwardly as Tolton himself and his group started to beam at him. Little Yui just cheered as it hopped from head to head saying "Master! Master!".
"So did you have anyone on your mind to join Master?"-Tolton
"No. I guess I never gave it... Savia?"-Lucca
"Savia? The top third student in our class?"-Tolton
While Tolton questioned Lucca, Lucca got up from his chair and walked towards the class rooms door. Savia who was currently watching Lucca from the door panicked when Lucca got closer.
"Savia. Is there a problem?"-Lucca
Lucca smiled brightly at Savia while she blushed deeply. Lucca came to become good friends of Savia or so he thinks. Lucca was unknown to the fact that Savia was always watching him. Unknown to the fact that he had her in three of his classes, Savia kept quiet as she quietly watched Lucca. You see Savia wasn't a social type girl. Sure she got flocked by many male students, that didn't mean she wasn't shy. The only time she was ever brave was during the times she sold sweets because she was in love with baking. But now she was in love with not only baking but watching Lucca as well. She would feel her heart pound whenever he was close and just fallen truly in love with him due to the many days of talking to him at the booth.
"Ah... Nothing Lucca. Just wanted to talk to you about something... Mind if we go somewhere private...?"-Savia
Hearing this, the surrounding students went into a uproar. Some screamed 'It's true!!!' while the girls squealed while other male students cried. Tolton and his group just clapped as they cheered on Lucca and Little Yui just clamored on about sweets. Savia just blushed as she casted a downward stare to the ground while messing with her hair.
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