《A Siren's Call》Chapter 3 - I can see them again


Chapter 3 – I can see them again

After gathering the guard beasts I flew back down towards the ground. I noticed that there were misty pools of water throughout the island. I flew towards it and realized that the island was covered in craters of water that was similar to the hot springs. There was one nearby the dead dragon’s body and I plopped into the crater comfortably. I felt a sharp pain from my wings as they shrunk back to their original small size and returned to the transparency state.

My stomach growled loudly. I am hungry, immensely hungry. So hungry I don’t think that fishes would satisfy me. I looked at the dragon’s corpse. It is dead anyway, so it shouldn’t matter. I sharpened my claws and sliced through the torso of the dragon quickly. The hide was thick but my sharp claws as well as the speed helped, not to mention its dead state. I dug into the dragon. Who would have thought that this mighty dragon would be consumed upon death? As expected of the rules of nature. I looked through inside it as its blood oozed out into the water and soil. I saw it, the thing that would satisfy me.

I tore out the dragon’s lungs and ate it with delight. It was a double delight. It was so delicious. The most delicious thing I’ve eaten in my life. Seafood, meat, or vegetables just don’t compare. As I enjoyed the delicacy my screen friend popped up again.

Possible ‘Unique’ skill for the Siren to learn.

Due to the consummation of a land creature’s lungs you have a chance to obtain the skill, “Land Walker”. Despite consuming a mythical creature’s lungs, due to incompatibility, the chances only increased by a small percentage.

Suggestion provided for extinct species. Would you like to view?



“Yes.” Why ask me? I’m not all knowing. Why would I reject help?


Suggestion for obtaining skill, “Land Walker”.

- Consume lungs of creatures that resemble you the most.

“So, humans?” I smiled widely and licked my red lips. This sounds interesting. It was a funny thing. I’ve already escaped the clutches of humanity, yet at this moment I want to return to it. However, my desire to return isn’t because of I miss it. My goal hasn’t changed. I want to see them suffer and where’s the best view if not from the place itself. It doesn’t matter whom. I just want to see all of humanity suffer; especially those well dressed men.

A few months later I found a ship sailing a few hundreds of miles away from my island. The ship was really well built to withstand the attacks of the sea beasts. On the ship there were the letters painted in white. The letters looked like they were peeled and scrubbed away purposefully; however, the letter ‘O’ at the beginning was still discernable.

A scratchy male voice rung out from the ship, “Cap’n! We really got quite th' haul in that last village, eh?”

“Hahahaha!! That were bein' me favorite village out o' all th' others we frequent. They have th' best beauties as well as spiced rum.” The captain responded lewdly, “Ye boys heartly enjoy here. I be goin' to be off let off some steam wit' that one beauty we caught earlier.”

I’ve decided to eat all their lungs! I went a few miles away as I gathered my breath to start singing. My voice was carried through the air as they reached the ship.

“Ye hear that?”

“Perhaps thar's another village near here 'n somebody be practicin' fer church or somethin'.”

“Alright all, I feel that it’s enough of mocking the olden days pirate talks.” A young man’s voice carried to me.


“Oh come on! Even the captain got into it, haha.”

I continued singing as my angelic voice echoed towards the ship.

“Shall we go see if we can acquire that beauty’s voice?” The scratchy voice asked.

“It is suspicious. There are no lands indicated on any of the maps nearby here. The closest is a few thousand miles away.” The young male responded cautiously.

Is my skill too low to affect humans? Tch.

“Oi, what’s that sound boys?” The captain seems to have gotten out again.

“Who knows? Perhaps it is an illusion caused by the seas?”

“Dumbass, illusions are visions!” Another countered.

“Illusions can be both visionary and auditory.” The young man’s voice said calmly.

I’m getting a bit annoyed. My voice seems to work a little on some while others not so much. Should I give them a reason to follow me? I signaled to some of the beasts to attack the ship. If they don’t want to follow me then they can lose their lives right here.

The dragon snake tackled the ship with a loud bang. However, that ship was more study than I thought. The other sea creatures followed up and continuously shook the ship. A giant octopus even reached up and dragged a few of them down. I didn’t even realize that I had an octopus under my control.

“Shoot them! Kill them!”

The war between those humans and the sea beasts raged on. Without them noticing they were headed towards my island as they killed the sea creatures. The waters became turbulent as it crashes into the damaged ship.

“Captain! I don’t think we’d survive this.”

“Shuddap! Don’t say such negative words!”

“Captain, you know it as well as I do that no one survives long in these oceans if we get discovered by sea beasts!”

Was that why they were sailing using the sails and not engines?

“Hehehehehehe,” I let out a chuckle that resonated eerily into the skies. Some noticed and became pale but some didn’t. However, it didn’t matter. They were all going to die here.

That first ship never even reached my island. They were sunken by my guards. Although after that time more ships came by, the large ones and the small ones. If oceans were so dangerous why would people still explore it?

Groups of ships would come near by island but I never let them set anchor onto it. They were unworthy. They all died near the rocks. Of course, I had all the lungs I liked while the rest I fed them to my guards. They quite enjoy the meat as well and that helped them grow stronger. However, I wasn’t able to gain that small percentage of getting that unique skill.

One day I was practicing my singing skill when I saw a ship in the distance. It was different from the ones before it because it was in perfect condition. My guards didn’t attack the ship? I was now used to the mists and could see clearly through it as long as I didn’t let it bother me. The ship was large and similar to the very first ship except for the fact that the letters painted in white was clearly visible.


A sudden realization struck me. O.N.E. That wasn’t a new thing. It was something I was familiar with. Oceanic Navigation and Exploration.

I smiled widely. I wasn’t reborn on some random planet or world. I felt exhilaration swelling up within me. I can see them again. Soon.

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