《The Half Interesting Life of A Blood Angel.》Chapter 9:The Cave and The Meeting


Written in the first person cause I can.

Music of the chapter=too sad 4 me.


Written by Sobek/Etez

Edited by Etez(mostly)/Sobek



A stone falls emitting the first sound heard throughout the cave in centuries.

*clack clack SPlooSH*

The stone falls into a wide underground lake. The water is crystal clear and cold. Though the darkness gives it a dark and ominous look.

The sound of the stone causes the hunched over figure to stop gnawing on the remains of its meal and fix its bright red eyes on the crevice that extends so far above that no light can be seen when looking up.

The figure smiles and lets's out a small but menacing growl. It's mouth opens to reveal neat and well-kept teeth. All of them are sharp and needle like with barbs, met for piercing and tearing flesh. It drops something on the ground which makes a clacking sound as it bounces away.

The creature slinks back into the darkness to observe the first new creature appear in the cave for hundreds of years.


Change POV

Air, I feel the air. A cold rushing sound whistling in my ears. Am I… Falling?

‘Oh that's right. The Phoenix, the tree fell… And.. There was a hole!’

I put my hand in front of me. There is nothing but open air. What's going on. Why is everything so dark?

Oh that's right, eyelids. I try to open my eyes. Just a sliver. I see darkness and..


My eyelids close on reflex as cold air barrages the dry membrane of my eyes.

Holy shit I am falling. Is there any way I can stop this!!?

Then I remember.

‘Duh wings.’

I reach into my blood mana well and make a small cut on my arm, just in case.

I don't have to use an incantation for the transformation spell anymore so I just focus my energies and my body starts to change.

Liquid red wings sprout from my back and I can feel my body becoming more durable.

I open my eyes.

“Aww shi-”

My wings unfurl but it's too late. I smash straight into a rocky crag and bounce down smashing into more ledges and offshoots as I fall farther into the abyss.






Finally I reach the bottom of the pit. My head slammed against a slimy stalagmite one last time for good measure. I groaned this is not how I expected this day to go. All I wanted to do was train a bit before the meeting….. SHIT THE MEETING.

Goddammit now i'm gonna be late, first day as a lieutenant and i'm already messing up.

I took a moment to observe my surroundings.

It was dark and I could barely see anything, but from what I could see I could tell that I was in a dark cave, there were large rock formations that were dripping wet and to top it all off, at the center of the room there was a large lake.

The water was clear, but in the darkness, it looked pitch black.

That's when I remembered that I had fell down here. So there must be a way out upwards. I looked above.

There was nothing there. No light reached through to the bottom, there was no visible way up and out.

Well then, I guess I will have to find another way out. But seriously What the fack. How can I fall straight down into this cave and then find that there is no way out from above?


“CRZZ… IZ ar..CRZZZ ou there… CRZZZ.”

Ahh, there seems to be a voice in my head. Only one person who it can possibly be…-_-

“Hello? Ichor is that you?”

“Asiz I...barely hear… ou.”


“I SAID I CAN BARELY HEAR YOU!! Oh… that's better.”


“Where the fuck are you!? My godly sensors can't find you anywhere. I thought you died.”

“Well its kinda dark and I can’t see.”

“You have Phoenix flames don’t you?”


“Hmm?? What knowledge?”

“This weird language, it sounded like some sort of LOTR shit. Every Time I needed to do something with my magic like make blood spheres or shields, words would just come to my head. I would speak them and then the magic I wanted to happen would work.”

“Well I'll be damned.”


“It seems that along with my blood magic, you also gained another skill.”

“.... And what might that be.”

“It seems like from what you described, you gained knowledge of the ancient language of the blood angels, Zon Talu. You see many thousands of years ago on the world of Rela the civilization of the blood angels was thriving. I had created Rela specifically for the blood angels. And much like your previous world Earth, the blood angels were the only sentient race inhabiting their world. I was their god I watched over them and made sure that they didn’t stray to a path in which other gods might try and destroy them. But, much like the humans on earth the Aran’ichor began to stray from the path I had set for them. They began to stop believing in me, Atheist movements began, and science became the world's primary focus. I, their protector was all but forgotten as new religions popped up, creating minor gods who battled for control of the populace without even knowing I existed. The people of Rela looked to the stars.

In the year 9340 of the Rela calendar. The first intergalactic space cruiser was constructed. Bringing my people into intergalactic politics. Of course, they weren't ready for this and after just three years. The tiny planet of Rela was destroyed by a number of intergalactic powers, killing an entire race and ending the short history of the blood angels.”

“Cool story, but what does that have to do with me knowing their language.”

“Hmmmm good question, I don’t actually know… For some reason I just felt compelled to tell you the history of the race I created. But what I do know is that for some reason you know their language. By the way what did you get for beating that Phoenix?”

“What do you mean what did I gain?”

“Did you even look at what you got? Well whatever just say Status and It should tell you.”

I felt stupid. How could I even forget about that!? I haven't looked at my level in forever.


Skill:Blood Of the Phoenix

Due to your defeat of the summoned monster “Divine Phoenix of The Orange Sun lvl 10” you have gained the passive skill Blood of the Phoenix

Gained +1% Fire Elemental/Magic Resistance

Gained 201 Exp.

Status Interface Stats Level 6 Exp. 46/160 Health 183/600 Health Reg. per sec. 72.0(12% of Max. Health) Mana 117/300 Mana Reg. per sec. 6.0(2% of Max. Mana) Stamina 27/300 Stamina Reg. per sec. 0.3(12.0 by resting and 30.0 by sleeping; 0.0..1 if you are tired/exhausted) Sub-Stats Strength 150(+180) Agility 150(+180) Vitality ∞ Elemental/Magic Resistances Fire11%(+10%) Water 1%(+1%) Wind 10%(+10%) Earth 1%(+1%)) Lightning 1%(+1%) Darkness 10%(+30%) Light 0% Holy 0%Mind ∞ Elements/Affinities Blood




Phoenix Flames Various Effects/Buffs Body Status Mental and physical exhaustion, tired, slight bruises, broken bones Current (racial)form Blood AngelInfo

All buffs by Health,Mana and Stamina are already added to base stats

By Sub-Stats and Elemental/Magic Resistances it’s like this

→ x (+buff) ←

Titles -Herald of Death-

+20% in Darkness Resistance, Strength and Agility

-Harbinger of god Ichor-

+100% in all stats


Max. Health is doubled

Racial Traits/Skills -Status/Profile-

Opens the Interface

-Human Transformation-

Transforms you into a human or back into a blood angel(in human form all Sub-Stats are halved)

-Mana Manipulation Lv2-

Able to manipulate Lv2 tiered magic and lower

-Blood Manipulation Lv1-

Able to manipulate your own blood

-Immortality Lv1/High-speed Regeneration-

+10% in Health reg., impossible to die from old age

-Blood Wings-

Wings made of your blood will rip out of your back. They will intimidate others and you can use them as your weapons or any other shit

-All Language Comprehension-

Is all language comprehension…

-Blood Trait-

After you drink the blood of a race you’ll get a transformation skill for it; your stats will get boosts or will decrease, if you transform into the specific race

-Chantless Incantation-

You don’t need chants

-High-speed Movement Lv1-

Speed(Agility) multiplied 10 by move Learned Spells ⚫ Fireball ⚫

Beginner lvl 1 - A normal Fireball, you know?

⚫ Living Fire of the Phoenix ⚫

Lvl ??? - Some dangerous shit

“Wow! I am level siexxe~ now! Fighting that Thing did give me some pretty good benefits.”

Asiz felt a dull pain in his back and legs.

“AHH FUCK! I just noticed that my body hurts like fucking hell!”

‘If I think about it the cause is probably me falling thousands of metres, hitting dozens of rocks and other obstacles protruding from the walls and finally crashing into the cold hard ground.’

While thinking about the cause of this ungodly pain, my left eye began to dim, and my head began to float. For a second I became weightless. I felt relaxed. I could just…. Fall asleep.. And…..


“Asiz!! What was that?!”

“Uhhgg sorry I think I passed out.”

I put my hand on my head and tried to wake myself up. My left eye though wtf was that? Why would it just dim?


“What do you mean haaaaaa? Are you fucking deaf? I said I fell over!”

“Why that?”

“Apparently I have some abnormal statuses and my Health, Mana and Stamina are extremely low… Right now, I'm barely regenerating at all!”

“Ahh I see. The problem lies probably in your low Stamina and abnormal Statuses, because of that your Health and Mana regeneration are working slowly and, or not properly.”

“So when the abnormal Statuses are properly healed. And that will take what? Like, a few hours, My Regen will work again?

“Yes. Not only now but every time the more your Stamina drops the slower your Health regens , Mana and Stamina reg. will work though.”

“ And do you remember when I said that it’s dark and aren’t able to see?”


“After this fuck of a phoenix that I think I summoned? attacked me. I fell over a cliff into a ravine(I think?), hit a few dozen rocks that were protruding out of the ravine? walls and after a few more minutes hit the fucking ground!”

“What that makes no sense! Even if you fell to Arcadia’s core I would still be able to find you! There must be some other explanation. Quick! Just a basic flame spell and throw it towards the center of the room!”

I do as he says and create a small flame in the palm of my hand and throw it to the center of the room. The flame explodes like a flare and lights the cave with light for a second.

It's.. Just a normal cave. Stalactite and stalagmites dripping with water. And a large black lake that I have to admit does look rather creepy. The light went out and the cave went back into eerie darkness.

“Did you do it!”

“Yes I di-”

“What did you see! Oh shit what if it's him! Tell me what did you see in!”

“Geez! Alright alright! It's just a normal cave. What the fuck is your problem? And what did you mean by “him”?”

I heard a creak and Ichor let out a large sigh.

I could almost imagine him sitting in a swivel chair talking to me through his godly RAZER headset while playing a game of counterstrike in the background.

“Don't mind that, but right now you need to survive. The number of places that my powers cannot reach I can count on my fingers, and none of them are good places to be. You described the place you fell as a damp cave with a large black lake correct?”

“Yes what of it?”

“I may have an idea of where you are, it's one of the nastiest places in the universe. It's the cave of-”


“Shit. I'll be right out Aiolz!!”

Is that… His fiancé?

“The council briefing is in five minutes. What are you doing in there!!!”

“Hold on Aiz I'll be right out I've gotta change!”

“You said you were changing 20 minutes ago what were you doing then!?”

“Dammit woman lay off me- Well I'm changing now that's all that matters!”

“Come on if I’m not at the meeting daddy will kill me!”

“Shit! Sorry Asiz I would stay any other time but I really have to go! I will give you some advice though. If you thinks something is watching you don't move, don't blink, don't even breathe. Remember your skills and use them well. Good luck.

Ichor come onnn!!!

I'm Commminnnggg!!”

The link between our minds ended. Ichors last words sunk in. A shiver ran down my spine. It was just like he said. I could feel them. The eyes.. Watching me.


Change POV

“We need to do something!”

A red faced man with a pot belly slammed his fist onto the marble table.

“Calm down Bacchus there is no proof that this happened. We can't just act on some rumors from the outskirts of the universe.”

The one who spoke was a deep voiced man wearing a Roman style white tunic embroidered with glittering gold and purple fabric. He stroked his long grey beard as he spoke.

Bacchus stuttered his face becoming even more red with anger.

“What do you mean rumors?! There are no rumors here! 20,000 of my maenads are dead, their souls gone even the council of death gods don't know where they are. And I should know I asked Anubis in person and he couldn't find them either.”

A dark skinned man wearing nothing but a pair of pants also spoke out.

“I agree with Bacchus, some of my followers in the outer reaches went missing as well. And I have lost contact with the priests from an entire solar system that I created awhile back.”

The bearded man sighed and stared out into the lush gardens that surrounded the marble pavilion that they all say in.

“Shamash, Bacchus your concerns are duly noted but I assure you that if he was alive his former associates would already have informed us.”

At another part of the table a man covered in green scales with red eyes frowned.

“Yesss I would feel it if he had returned If he was anywhere In this universe I would know about it.”

The man looked over to an old woman sitting at the other side of the table. Who nodded in agreement.

“Yes what Sobek said is correct, if he was anywhere in this universe we would know about it.”

All of the people sitting at the table looked back to the bearded man sitting at the head who was once again stroking his beard.

“Yes what Sobek, and Nekhbet have said is correct. However I am not denying that something considerably powerful may be in the outer reaches of the universe. I will send Jesus and a squad of Valkyries to investigate.”

Most of the people sitting at the table nodded in agreement, while a few frowned or scowled in annoyance.

Suddenly another voice rang out through the pavilion.

*sigh* “Odin you really don't know what you're doing anymore.”

All heads turned towards the voice.

Standing on the marble road that lead to the building's entrance was an unremarkable looking man whose arm was linked with that of a beautiful woman.

The man was thin, and average height. He had thin eyes with maroon pupils, and brown hair. All in all he looked completely average. Someone you could easily overlook.

The woman however was very beautiful. She has Raven black hair that shimmers silver as it moves, almost like a clear night sky. She is tall and lean with a sizable bust size. Her eyes however were the real part of her beauty. They were oval shaped and had pupils the color of the moon.

The one who had spoken was of course the man. Who had a thin smile going across his lips.

Odin, the bearded God, scrunched his eyebrows.

“You have no right to be here. Hell I don't even know how you got here you can't even get here without someone inviting you. And I know nobody here would invite a former Dark Lieutenant.

Odin eyed everyone sitting at the seats. When his eyes passed over Sobek and Nekhbet they lowered their heads in shame.

“Well I know I wasn't invited but Aiz certainly was she was called to take her father's place at the council and as her future husband I was automatically invited.”

The man’s smile never dropped as the couple moved into the pavilion. However they discovered that there was only one free chair at the table.

*sigh* “Guess this ones yours Aiz.”

Aiz giggled and rolled her eyes as the man pulled back the chair for her and bowed in an exaggerated manner.

“Stop it Ichor we all know you aren't the gentlemanly type.”

Ichor waved his hands and fell backwards. But before he hit the floor a fancy throne made of marble sprouted from the ground.

Ichor lazily leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes.

“So Ichor lord of blood and judge of the damned what was so important that you needed to interrupt our conference with your wretched presence. I hope it's not to whine about your race being destroyed again”

Odin said mockingly.

“Of course lady Aiolz of the starry night is always allowed on account of her noble heritage..

Odin nodded towards Aiolz who gave a neutral expression in return.

Ichors demeanor changed for a second and the air around him sharpened, his face became shadowed and all that could be seen were his maroon eyes which seemed to glow in the shadows. His smile widened and showed his sharpened canines. He leaned forwards in his chair and put his fingers together into a tent.

All of the people at the meeting shivered. This was the miasma of the soul reaper, the blood drinker, commander of the chaos hordes. Not some silly NEET God who sits and plays video games all day.

“You're all wrong I've felt it.”

He looked at Sobek and Nekhbet.

“You two you're lying. I know you've felt it too. He's back again. You are running from the truth.”

The two divine beings lowered their heads and hid their expressions.

Ichor tilted his head to the side and widened his thin eyes.

“No… You're not lying.”

Ichors smile widened even further.

“You're…. hiding something.”

Once these words left his lips the whole pavilion was thrust into chaos.

Sobek and Nekhbet kept from their chairs along with a woman and another man seated farther down.

Nekhbet sprouted wings from her back and she screeched loudly.

Sobek's bones cracked and he began to grow. His muscles swelled and his fingernails grew into claws.

The other woman shouted words in a strange tongue and a glowing purple vortex appeared in which she pulled herself and the other man into. The vortex closed immediately after they entered it.

Sobek laughed and reached his scaly hand towards Ichor.

“My lord why not join us I’m sure he would be happy to see you.”

Ichor put his hands in his pockets and stood from his seat.

“Sorry friend but I have other ways to relieve my anger, besides virtual bodies are much more fun to drop than real ones. You should go before the others start to move, they won't spare you like I am.”

Nekhbet spoke next.

“ Sobek we have to get out of here quick let's go.”

The crocodile God growled and grabbed onto Nekhbet who said the same words as the other woman and flew into the purple vortex that appeared transporting Sobek with her.

Ichor waved and yelled back to them.

“Say Hi to Set for meeeee!!”

Ichor looked back at the council of gods and goddesses who were still somewhat in shock. The only one who had recovered was Odin.

“Sobek, Nekhbet, Hecate, and Dagan. All traitors.”

Odin looked at all of the gods and goddesses of the council.

“We have been tricked. Warn the pantheons and your minor deities. We need to prepare for war.”

Odin glared at Ichor.

“And you leave this place and never return. You are more fit to lead the death God council than to be married to a flower such as Aiolz. I should have put you to death after the last war. Brothers, sisters let us prepare… FOR WAR!”

The gods began to leave in shocked silence using their powers to warp to their respective territories.

Eventually Ichor and Aiolz were the only ones left in the peaceful gardens of Eden. The area picked for the council of gods meeting.

Ichor looked down at his fiancé who was still sitting with a vacant expression on her face, her eyes glassy and unfocused.

He smiled to himself.

“I must say that was some damn good acting.”

He looked into the blue sky.

“Well now I've done my part… It's your turn Asiz. Don't fail us.


And dat is the end of deh chapter. Hope u enjoyed because I'm probably not gonna be able to write next week. I'm going to the Bahamas!! Anyway I. Just wanted to clarify that Ichors change of… Personality in between the POV change was on purpose and I'm not and idiot. Well that last part might not be true, I am an idiot. Anyway see y'all later.

Etez U forgot to put Asiz's AGI into the table. Advertisement Previous

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