《A Forgotten Soul》Re:Chapter 22 - A Hell Like Training in Hell [Re-Uploaded 3rd Person]
~With some added features
Satou thought back to the spells everyone used, and it seemed that regardless of how they fought there would always be one similarity. That is, regardless of they're specialty, they all practiced some form of Arcane magic. Even the Lord whose repertoire of spells almost consists entirely of Blood Magic uses Arcane Magic.
And this is simply due to the Arcane Element’s pure versatility. In the first place the Arcane Element is really just a large jumbled up mess of everything that just didn’t belong anywhere else.
Whoever created the magic system just literally threw everything that wasn’t part of the main elements into the Arcane Element regardless of whether or not it could be consider an element in an off itself.
The Arcane Element’s spells ranged from minor categorizes like Summoning, Enhancements, and Barriers, to things that were major enough to be considered one of the main elements like Time and Space.
Though it’s not like that effects the spell in any shape or form. A spell is a spell regardless of how you classify it after all.
As Satou thought about the Arcane Element, he looked back at the large Elementary Spell Book behind him and recalled just how absurdly large the Arcane Element's section was. And the Elementary Level only consists of 3 Tiers, when Satou thought about just how many Arcane spells there are in total he couldn't help but shudder. He thought, "Maybe learning every spell is a tad bit too much…"
Instead, Satou resolved to learn at least the Major Element's Elementary and Intermediate Level spells at the very least. Though this was still a momentous task nonetheless.
Satou sighed, sometimes you have to do things you hate to do something you love.
Even if it was just a little bit, Satou understood just how long it would take and how much effort one needed to possibly learn every elements Elementary Level spell. And from that it was easy to see just how stupid of an idea it was to learn them all.
But in what was most likely to most casual response to such an insane challenge, Satou told himself, “It’s not like I have anything to do for an eternity anyway,”
Satou sighed, and rubbed his stomach, he was starving. He’s been asleep for a week, he’s lost a decent amount of blood, and he’s expended a considerable amount of energy throughout the day. And with nothing in his stomach, it began to fiercely protest sending wave after wave of pain straight to his brain.
He walked up to Rosalie and asked her, “Rosalie, can I get some food?”
Rosalie bowed once, before unbuttoning her collar. Satou watched in astonishment as she moved her long black hair to the side revealing the beautiful flesh of her neck. She pulled down her sleeve just up until her shoulder, and opened her arms wide open as if she were waiting for someone’s embrace.
And with an enchanting smile, she looked at Satou with a hint of expectation waiting for him to do something, anything. But Satou simply remained motionless staring at her, his eyes showed a hint of confusion and shock.
But somewhere deep down in his heart he knew exactly what she was doing, and he regretted asking that one question.
Rosalie tilted her head in confusion, and her eyes grew a little moist as she looked her master in confusion. She asked him hesitantly, “What’s wrong master?”
But Satou was just as hesitant to answer her, as she was to ask him. He swallowed the saliva that slowly collected in his mouth, and attempted to say something with no avail.
“Ah! Forgive me young master! Did you wish for me to strip? Or would you prefer a virgin’s blood instead?”
Satou sighed, this would without a doubt end in nothing but a headache. So regardless of everything she said, Satou interrupted her and told her, “No, I want to eat something solid. I don’t want blood right now.”
So Rosalie, stopped offering him blood and instead she rolled up her sleeve, she asked, “Do you want an arm? Or would you perhaps prefer a liver?”
She grabbed different parts of her body, and began slowly describing each one and their possible flavor as well as nutritional value. She offered Satou anything from her eye, to her arm, to her foot, to even her heart.
And Satou just had enough of it, “Rosalie, Rosalie, can I just get uh-uh bread, yeah bread. Can I get some bread? There’s bread right?”
“There is but-”
“Then can I get some bread, please just get me some bread, please.”
Satou stopped her before she could say anything, he knew that if he let her go on she’d start saying something absurd. Well at least absurd to him.
It was relatively normal for Demon's to consume other Demons, even the beast are technically Demons. But, eating one's maid was too obscure of an idea to Satou, it was something he could hardly fathom. Even if he understands he is a Demon, even if he gets that this isn't Earth, is it really that simple to change someone's ideals or their moral compass? Could you really force someone to cannibalize just cause it's the norm there, even though it's taboo somewhere else?
Though in the end this is about survival, because even with Magic it' not easy to feed a population that goes into the billions. And even if there was a way, even if there was enough food does that necessarily mean the end of starvation?
If there’s enough food the Gluttons will devour it, if there’s enough food the Greedy ones will hoard it, others will plunder it, fight over it, kill for it. This is just that sort of world ,this is just that sort of place.
But the problem here is that this is Satou. If it were someone else maybe they'd find it easier to adapt, to accept it after all you need to eat to survive. And when there's not enough food, you do what you can. But you see, Satou is immortal. Sure, he still feels pain, but after a year of fasting he'll eventually get used to it.
What could possibly force him to eat his maid?
Anyway, Rosalie bowed once more after fixing her clothes, and immediately left. And soon enough she walked back in holding a silver tray lined with all sorts of different types of bread. There was your rye bread, white bread, brown bread, corn bread, for some reason a baguette, a dangerous looking black break, an ominous purple bread, and a loaf of red bread with a number of eyes constantly shifting from side to side.
The sight of the red bread alone made Satou want to hurl, so he quickly took a few slices of the white bread and sent Rosalie to put the bread back to wherever she got it. And he began to slowly munch on his first meal in the Demon Realm.
The slices of bread weren’t particularly filling, but Satou didn’t feel like just eating a bunch of bread. So, after finishing his few slices Satou went straighty to sleep.
“Master, it’s morning please wake up.”
In the midst of his slumber, Satou was able to hear a pleasant voice calling out to him. He felt as someone shook his body, constantly asking him to wake up.
But it was pointless, the bed held him captive, the warmth his companion, and the blanket his lover. There was just no way we he could escape their almighty grasp.
Rosalie opened up the blinds, and the warmth of the sun hit his body, she said, “Master, Lord Dein has request that you wake up and head towards the classroom so they can start the training. Master, please wake up.”
But Satou, ignored her and pulled the blanket over his head and fell back to sleep.
Rosalie protested as she tried to remove the blanket over Satou’s head, “Master!”
But Satou refused to let go, and held it firmly down. So Rosalie kept shaking and calling out to Satou in an attempt to wake him up, but he just fell asleep.
The door to his room slammed open, and Satou was suddenly jolted awake. Satou lifted the blanket off of his head for a little to peek through, and he saw Azule, Tristan, and Garius walk in.
His eyes shifted towards Azule, and as their eyes met Azule a cynical smile crept onto his face, “You’re late”
A shiver rose through his spine, and as he was about to get out of his bed Azule snapped his finger. And suddenly the bed below him vanished, along with the room, and everything else.
Satou looked below him only to find a field of red grass, he looked around and the beautiful red plains tinted by the morning sun. But then he realized, he was falling down!
Satou crashed straight into the ground and waves of pain began to surged throughout his body, shaking his very bones. Satou huddled up into a little ball as he tried to turn himself over and get up.
As he looked around he noticed a group of imps waiting to the side, so he slowly made his way over, trying to ignore the pain as much as possible.
As soon as Satou, sat down with the group Azule came over and said, “Your souls should have gotten adjusted to your bodies for the most part, though it may be a little shaky but bear with it. Anyway for the next few years we’ll have you wake up around this point and time to do some morning Training. This training will mostly consists of physical exercises designed to improve your constitution, while in the afternoon we’ll work on Magic. If you skip any of these lessons, or you’re late you will be punished.”
Azule turned his head towards Satou with a smile, This guy is scary…..
“Well anyway to starting things off, eat these”
With a wave of his had Tristan made a long wooden table appear in front of everyone. On top of the table was a number of cups filled with two pills a purple pill, and red pill.
“Make sure to take them at the same time, and don’t bite them. I assure you it won’t taste good. Now go on, take them.”
All the imps silently looked at each other, before one of imps walked up and quickly swallowed the pills. Everyone else followed suit.
Yuck, Satou plopped the two pills into his mouth and swallowed them, but a bit of the pills got on his tongue, causing it to go numb.
And as everyone finished taking the pills, Azule continued onward, “For the next year you’ll be sparring with Garius. Naturally he will be holding back, and all you need to do to complete the exercise is strike him in the chest, back, or head three times. The time limit is an hour, but if you manage to strict him thrice you’re exempt from this and can go back earlier. As for those who lose we’ll you’ll be stuck with me for another hour for extra-training. And begin.”
As soon as Azule clapped his hands signalling the start of today’s training, Tristan made all the cups and the table disappear. And suddenly Garius leaped forward landing in the center of our group.
Garius had a large smiled on his face as he threw a punch at one an imp sending him flying into the air.
“Oh, I forgot to mention”, Azule yelled from a top of a hill in the distance, “Even if he’s holding back he can still easily crush your bones, and send you flying.”
The group of a dozen or so imps suddenly dispersed after coming to the realization of how dangerous this training was. A majority of the imps, followed Satou and began creating some distance, while a handful of imps instead choose to charge Garius.
Azule continued talking from the distance, “I’d suggest those who are slower and have larger builds defend, if you can withstand one punch than you might be able to land a clean strike.”
Garius sent another punch flying towards an imp, that one imp crossed his arms and held them in front of his face to try and block the attack. This imp was the largest imp of the batch, and the only imp weaker than Maria, the one Rank 6 Imp who Tristan introduced to the Lord.
Of all the imps who charged Garius, he was the only one who looked like he could withstand that powerful blow. But as Garius’s large fists met, his arms a loud cracking noise filled the air, and he too was sent flying backwards.
Afterwards two more imps charged at him, these were the two Variant Blood Imps who were born with a spiritual connection. They need but think to communicate to each other.
One of the twins charged in front of the other, and took Gariu’s strike head on being sent flying in the same direction as the previous imp. While the second twin took the opportunity to speed up and strike Garius’s chest. But as he swung his fist at Garius’s large body he was shocked to find his fist only met the air.
In that split second Garius simply turned his massive body, completely avoiding the strike aimed for his chest. He punched the twins back sending him crashing downwards, forming a small crater underneath.
This caused the few other imps who charged forward to hesitate, and in only a few more seconds every single one of them was sent flying.
Garius yawned, and slowly turned his head towards, head towards Satou.
“As for all of you who are smaller and more fragile than the rest, I suggest you avoid his strikes at all cost.
As Garius charged towards Satou, he quickly turned around and ran repeatedly cursing in his head. But as Satou looked back, Garius was nowhere to be seen.
And as he turned back around, all he could see was a large fist flying towards him. Satou quickly raised his right arm to block, but the strike was just too powerful. As Garius’s fist met Satou’s arm, it began to cracking and turning.
The blow sent Satou flying, tumbling through the air, and as he crashed into the ground he ended up bouncing up several times before he rolled to his current position.
Satou coughed up a mouth full of blood, and held his right arm. He repeatedly cursed out in his head, as he looked at his arm which was turned completely the wrong way. His arm was coated in his own, blood, and he could even see pieces of his bones sticking out.
But as he stared at his arm, he watched as it shockingly began to turn itself back around. It slowly ejected the shards of his own bones from his body, and watched as the wounds closed up.
He slowly moved his right arm in astonishment. In less than a minute his arm fully healed itself. The arm itself felt rather numb, and it still rather hurt, but it was function as it should.
As he looked around he was able to see similar scenes everywhere else. There were so imps whose arms or legs were dislocated or broken, but then they began to fix themselves. There was one imp who was pierced by the Earth after being knocked down, but as he pulled himself out the large wound disappeared.
Satou turned around and looked at Azule, and as their eyes meet Azule smiled, “So how do you like it, the red pill from early was a pill constructed off a powder version of the Blood Elixir. It’s less than half as effective as the original, but they’re still quite something. As for the purple pill, well it should be taking effect pretty soon.”
As, Azule was talking there were several Imps who were running about either trying to dodge or assault Garius. But suddenly one of the imps began screeching in pain. He was swiftly sent flying, but then several others began screeching.
Slowly, but surely even more imps began crying out in pain. And those who weren't were gritting their teeth as hard as they could. But regardless of who they were, everyone was experiencing an intense amount of pain.
“The purple pill was poison, a particularly wicked poison designed to kill someone in the most miserable fashion. It’s known as a Crippling Toxin, and it rapidly destroys your body weakening it to the extreme before slowing down to torment you for years on end. Though we modified it a bit so it only rapidly destroys your body. “
Azule laughed as he watched, imp after imp be sent flying, “This is a rather brute force method, but it should be the most effective method for strengthening your bodies. The Blood Elixir is already reinforcing your body, but with the help of that Cripplying Toxin your bodies will undergo a rapid cycle of destruction and regeneration that will repeatedly strengthen your bodies.And by repeating this process over and over we don’t just strengthen your body, but we can give you a powerful poison immunity, and it can increase your pain tolerance. It’s a brilliant plan that only a clan like the Rosens who manufacture the Blood Elixir could use. Anyway you guys have 50 minutes, if you can’t hit him thrice then I’ll strap you to a chair and feed you more of this stuff for an hour.”
And with that everyone began to frantically charge Garius in fear of the torture to come. And as wave after wave of imps charged him, and were sent flying 50 minutes passed. And in the end only Maria the Rank 7 Chimera, only managed to hit Garius once.
This signified the another hour of hellish training, or rather torture.
After resting for a little bit, everyone group up in front of Garius. Our clothes were torn, and we were covered in dirt, and our own blood. We slowly walked over disheartened.
Tristan and Azule got off the hill, and teleported the entire group to a torture chamber. Each imp was teleported, and then quickly strapped onto a chair. Everyone was quickly forced fed a total of four pills.
The first one was a more powerful Crippling Toxin.
The second was a green pill created from the venom of a certain Demon Snake. It’s venom causes one’s mana pool to constantly leak.
The third pill was a black pill designed to force one to remain conscious.
And naturally the last pill was the one thing keeping all of the imps alive, the blood elixir.
And in just a few minutes after taking the pills they worked their oh so brutal magic. The Crippling Toxins quickly began devouring their bones, and a large quantity of cracks filled the room.
The muscles in their bodies began to tear, and black blood seeped out of their skin and their mouths. This blood was being steadily collected in a large container in a corner of the room as to ensure that the room isn’t flooded by blood.
Were now in a constant cycle of repairing and destroying, one far more brutal than earlier.
Blood curdling screams filled the air for an entire hour, and as soon as the hour passed every single one of them fainted.
Tristan slowly took each one of them, and teleported them out of the Torture Chamber. Whilst Garius, picked up the large quantity of black blood that collected in the container over the hour and carried it out.
Suddenly the Lord appeared, “You really are an eccentric bastard”
Azule turned his head, “I’m getting the job done.”
“You fed them pills designed to give someone a living nightmare!”
“It got the job done”
“Do you know how much funding all this costs!?”
“Of course, you guys can easily manage this sort of training for a few decades if you exhaust all your funds. Besides you’re able to take care of the most expensive part, the Blood Elixir”
“We’re decreasing our annual income to fund this!”
“Calm down, calm down. I gave you an Oath didn’t I? I’ll make this the most powerful generation yet.”
The Lord sighed, the cost of funding all of this was indeed astronomical. If it weren’t for the Lord’s trust in Azule then he wouldn’t have even tried it. But even after Azule swore an Oath, he still found it hard to believe this would work.
The Lord turned his head to look at Satou, “So, how’s the brat?”
“No, different from your average imp. His body is extraordinarily unstable, there’s nothing I can do to fix that. He probably won’t be able to even use any of his Innate Abilities until he increases his rank.”
“No, not that. That monster, has it surfaced?”
Azule paused for a moment, “No. It might be, because my intentions didn’t hold any malice and that thing you’re referring to didn’t respond , or because it’s locked in his soul. But let’s not take any risks, we can’t turn him into our enemy. A small clan like this won’t be able to hold him forever.”
“My clan’s just as big as yours!”
“Indeed, but even if he were in one of the Seven Great Clans, I doubt they’d be able to hold him down either. One day he will grow so powerful, that we won’t be the ones sheltering him, and instead we’ll be the ones being sheltered.”
“Is he really that powerful?”
“I don’t know, he’s inconceivable really. There are a few things he could possibly be, but every single of one of them are just too unbelievable.”
Tristan teleported in and grabbed Satou bringing him away.
As Satou woke up, he found himself bare naked in the midst of a bath filled with all sorts of herbs. The water itself turned a murky yellow from all the herbs, and the air and water smelled like medicine.
Satou sighed, as he remembered everything that happened. This was going to be his morning routine from today onwards let himself soak in the medicinal bath for some time.
But as he was slowly soaking the bath, Rosalie just suddenly burst right through the door. Her sudden appearance made Satou jump, and quickly cover his private parts with his hands.
She said, “Master I’ve prepared a new set of clothes, Lord Dein has order me to tell you that training will continue in an hour.”
“Ah, can you just leave it in front of the door?”
“Very well”
As commanded, Rosalie left the clothes in front of the door with a towel. So Satou got out of the bath, and quickly dressed up before he walked out.
Satou turned to Rosalie and asked, “How long was I out?”
“For about five hours, you have about an hour left before the afternoon lessons begin.”
Satou sighed, and left his room. He began wandering the castle in search of the dining room or the kitchen to get something other than bread to eat. And after 10 minutes of walking, and asking for directions several times he managed to make his way to the Dining Hall
This Dining Hall was rather large, there seemed to be enough space to fit at least a hundred or so people. There was also a number of especially long tables and benches that stretched from one side of the room to the other. The tables were also rather wide, you could easily fit at least a dozen or so plates going from one side to the other.
Currently there were several large Guards eating massive pieces of meat, some sat down eating a massive steak with a knife and fork, while others ate large pieces of the meat straight from the bone.
There were also a few maids, a dog walking on two legs, and the imps eating in the Dining Hall. Satou looked over at the imps, and asked the chief for the same thing.
After a few minutes the chiefs handed him a large bowl of yellow soup, filled with large chunks of meat, and rather thick noodles, as well as some bread. Satou rejoiced, and slowly ate his first real meal in the Demon Realm, while he struck up a conversation with the other imps.
Satou followed the imps back to the classroom, and soon enough afternoon lessons began.
The lesson consisted of a 30-minute lecture introducing a number of different aspects in regards to magic as well as examples of how they would be used, while the the second half of the lesson mainly consisted of self-practice.
Everyone would be teleported back to the red grass plains from earlier to practice magic freely. So Satou took the time to practice [Terraform], since it’s rather hard to practice in that stone room.
Authors Notes
Welp, PR is still AWOL, he was sick, earlier but now I just can't contact him. This is the main reason for the delay. The other reasons are 1. Happy Valentines Day, 2. I'm lazy yeah I know....
I'll also be going back into a few chapters and polishing them up. Anyways, I bombed my exams so I need to start trying, so you might see a decrease in uploads. Or I might stop completely. If I do that I'll revamp it after I come back. Anyway they're all possibilities.
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✿ Khuda Ka Shukr Kaise Karun ✿ || HOW TO THANK GOD ||
||sPoiLeR||You will love the chemistry between the following characters. →_→Hakan, Aliana, Adeel, Hoorain, Idris, and Gulnoor are the main characters. Villian roles were performed by Dilara, Zoya, Junaid, Aslan, Hamza, and Altan. As the story progresses, new characters will be introduced.←_←♡♡ HAPPY READING ♡♡❥ A writer only begins a book. ❥ A reader finishes it. _ Samuel JohnsonName of the book: Khuda Ka Shukr Kaise Karon [How to Thank God]Author: Tasneem ✿ Language: English and Urdu (Anglo-Urdu)Translation: Available✓Genre: General Fiction/ Romantic ( Halal Romance)Total no of chapter: 10 [On-going]Total number of characters: 25■ This is my first ever book about spirituality, iman, tawakkul, and taqwa. ■ It's a tale of true love, twists, mystery, cute romance, fun, social, adventure, suspense, and thrillers. ☞The story gets better by reading further, and the more you read, I hope so:)✿ I would appreciate it if you would read, share, comment, vote, and follow me.◕ᴗ◕✿ Stay tuned!!! Also, please show your support for the #KKSKK [How to Thank God].✿ And thank you so much, my true readers, for your love and support.Started: 10.08.2022 (On-going)#KKSKK ||How To Thank God||_Tasneem ❥All rights reserved.Copyright © TasneemWrites9Ranking August 2022# 1 spiritual out of 30.4 K # 2 urdu out of 1.06K# 5 urdu out of 10.9K# 2 novel out of 391
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Hello! Welcome to the description box!I'm basing this book off of some DBD parodies I've watched in the past and others "Michael x Ghostface" books.I'm rewriting this book, so Ghostface will be able to speak both Japanese and English. And also, for the sake of the readers, here is how I'm going to do the Japanese speaking now (since I don't want to translate).Underlined Italic: JapaneseNormal: EnglishHope this helps!Book cover says "Yeah we gay, keep moving"None of the art belongs to me! They belong to their respectful owners!
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