《A Forgotten Soul》Chapter 11: An Intoxicating Madness
The lord walked to his throne, and said “You fools never change, but i suppose that’s to be expected.”
He sat down, and to his side stood a woman with red eyes, long black hair, and wore a thin layer of clothes allowing for a large portion of skin to be seen. She looked like some sort of mistress, or maybe a concubine.
Looking at her seductive figure, Satou couldn't help but nod in approval. This beauties only flaw were here disappointingly small assets. They were by no means flat, but Satou found it a shame that a woman that attractive didn’t have larger breasts.
On the other side was a woman with red hair, light skin, blue eyes, and two curved black horns protruding from the side of her head to the back.She wore an impractical amount of armor that one would normally find in a video game. She only had a white and gold armor on her chest, and it hardly covered her body. She also wore a red skirt, silver boots, and some gauntlets.
Satou looked at her, and thought she resembled a knight. But with that sort of armor and the fact that she was standing up there with the other woman suggests that she’s also a mistress ,or concubine. After all, even though she had armor she didn’t carry a single weapon. Unless those breasts of hers counted as one.
Loud footsteps could be heard from the hallway, and then a voice yelled
The little girl from before ran into the room with about four other imps following her. The Lord looked at her and smiled, he said,”Alice, come here and give Daddy a hug!”
She quickly ran towards the lord jumping into his arms ,taking less that a few seconds to cross the distance between the throne and the door. This was a feat that would normally be unfathomable for most people, let alone a little girl.
“Were you a good girl?”, the Lord asked
Alice nodded,”Ahuh, I got to see the pretty crystals too!”
“That’s my girl”, the Lord patted her in the head
“Now stand next to Aunty, Daddy has some things to take care of right now”
Alice quickly moved over to the side of the thinly clothed woman, and stood their with her hands behind her back.
The lord turned to Tristan, and said, “Thank you, Tristan for taking care of my daughter.”
Tristan said,”It was an honor.”
The Lord smiled, he was happy to have such a wonderful servant . He asked everyone, “I assume you’ve all finished your examinations. I will look over any reports at a later point in time so for now tell me, do we have anyone notable?”
The three turned to look at each other, before Nevil lifted his head and said,”My lord, I examined half of this batch and of them i found six of them were worthy of being put through to the Elite Unit. As for the especially noteworthy ones...”
Nevil turned around and looked at two imps, and they walked forward. These two imps looked shockingly similar. The group of imps generally looked the same, but except for their horns these two looked exactly the same. One had a horn on the left side, while another on the right side.
Nevil continued on saying,"These two are Variant Blood imps, but the variation is not in their physical bodies but their [Spiritual Body]. These two happen to be of the rare Gemini Variation, as their soul was linked during the transformation process. Their teamwork can easily surpass any other pair, no matter how hard they trained. However it seems there's a problematic side-effect, when one of the two die we will end up losing other one as well. But they're both Rank 5, Blood Imps with above-average potential. They will by no means be weak in the future. And they each respectively have potential under Iras Sin of Wrath, and Acedias Sin of Sloth. Great things await them in the future."
The Lord smiled grew, as he was pleased with the good news. He turned to Alice and asked her, “Alice how about a pop-quiz? From what Nevil’s said so far what will those two be capable of in the future?”
“Umm….” Alice hurriedly answered , “As Geminis they have a spiritual link… this I think doesn’t require any magic right? It should allow them to easily communicate and locate each other.... This should make cooperative missions easier..... um. Oh Yeah! Also their Sin’s compliment each other really well, yeah! One of them has Sloth the Sin with the strongest defense, and Wrath the Sin with the greatest offense, they basically cover each others flaws!. And um… even if they were to fight someone stronger than them they might not lose.”
The Lord laughed,”Good, good. Don’t worry that’s good enough, I’ll make sure to get you a nice treat later. So let’s see Tristan how’s your group?”
Tristan turned his head, and another imp walked up. This imp was one of the larger imps of the group, and was seemed to be much more muscular than the rest.Tristan turned to the lord and said,"My lord, my I had a fourth of the batch, and sadly there were no variants. However we had a single Rank 6 Blood Imp with moderately high potential, under the Superbias Sin of Pride. Both he has a unique physique that makes his actual combat strength equal that of a Rank 7 Imp. Even if he may not have the best achievements in magic, he will have great accomplishments in regards to close-quarters combat. This situation is quite similar to Garius's. He maybe be a bit inferior as Garius was born a Rank 7 Lesser Demon, but he has a good chance of becoming a powerful Blood Devil if not a Variant Blood Devil. ."
The Lord turned to Garius and said, “Hey Garius, didn’t you want to find a heir? This one looks like a potential candidate, what do you say Rank 6 is pretty good.”
Garius laughed, and looked up, “Ahaha, Potential? Maybe, but he’s not someone capable of matching my genius. What I truly seek is someone who will not only inherit my strength but surpass it! And i suppose I’m quite lucky to already have found one.”
“Oh, you found a heir?” The lord quickly scanned the group of imps, and asked, “ Who might that be”
Garius got off his knees, and turned around and said, “Maria!”
Maria slowly walked over to his side, and with one of his large hands he pushed her forward.
Garius said,"This child is Maria! A named Rank 7 Blood Fairy!”
The room burst into a loud clamor, and the Lord sat stiffly on his throne. The women by his side had a shocked expression, and others in the room were busily chatting.
Garius had a grin on his face, and said, “It’s too early to be surprised! She also happens to have two sins the Luxurias Sin of Lust and Avaritias Sin of Greed, with Noble to King Tier potential! And to top it all off she’s a Chimera!"
Everyone in grew even louder, and a large smile returned to the Lord’s face. The lord began to laugh, and said “Garius, looks like you’ve founded an excellent heir. But keep her under control, I swear if one day i find out she’s gonna on a massive killing spree I will personally rip her head off her tiny little body. Got it? Okay then, Nevil sen-”
“Hold up!”, Garius yelled
Puzzled the lord asked,“What is it?”
“Well you see I’m not finished,”
Garius turned around and looked at Satou
Satou wondered,“Does he want me to come up?”
So Satou pointed his finger at himself, and waiting for a response. Garius nodded his head, so he hurriedly made his way. Garius turned around and said,” This here is a Rank 1, Sinless Lesser Demon whose potential is unknown”
The crowd once again began to chatter, except this time they also started to laughing and also mocked Satou, while Nevil snapped yelling, “Trash! What a joke just let me kill him now!”
But Garius just laughed it off, so the lord asked,”So what purpose do you have to show me this one? Spawning such a weak demon isn’t that rare. You should know by now that that’s just how our world works.”
“Yes, it’s certainly not rare for a demon as weak as this child to be born. But how rare is a Demon who’s practically guaranteed to pass through the Great Seal that not even those Disastrous Emperors could?”
And with that the crowd quickly became silent, with expressions filled with shocked. No one dared to say anything at this moment. The lord a bit shaken said,
“Garius, make an oath… make an Oath to the Gods! Make an Oath upon your name! Make it! I will not tolerate any of these foolish jokes, or pranks, or whatever the hell you fucking plan on calling it. I will not tolerate any lies that both waste my time, and bring any news of false hope. That sort of lie is unacceptable!”
The Lord no longer smiled, and Garius was no longer laughing either. His usually jovial self was replaced with a serious expression, Garius said, “I swear that I am telling the truth. I make an Oath to the 72 Gods that rule us, the 3 Greater Gods that bind us, and the One True God that forged us , with my name bestowed by you that I, Garius Rosen Rank 10, High Demon the Bloody Asura, am telling the truth, and nothing but the truth. Should this oath be broken, may my name forever be erased from the world as we know it, and my soul be scattered never to return forever leaving the boundaries of fate.”
Everyone just stared at Garius silently, and as time passed the crowd began to show more and more faces of disbelief. A minute passed, two minutes passed, and soon enough after five minutes one man broke the silence by saying, “He’s alive…”
Those two words echoed in the room, and the crowd shock falling into a frenzy. They repeated those words over and over, constantly confirming something again and again. It was as if everyone had just gone mad repeating it again, “He’s alive…”
The lord hit the the armrest of his throne causing the entire room to shake, leaving behind a indentation on the beautiful throne. The crowd stared at the lord in silence, awaiting his words or perhaps a command from their Great Lord. But unexpectedly he just laughed, he laughed hysterically like a madman.
If Satou remained in the archives for a bit longer this scene would have reminded him of Heid. The lord was laughing like a broken man, but unlikely Heid who could only drown in his own bloody despair. The Lord’s laugh had a mix of bliss, joy, and a hint of madness that seeped from his very soul.
The Lord got off his throne abruptly in an exaggerated motion flailed his arms into the arm and yelling from the top of his lungs, “Rejoice!”
The lord repeated himself once more, “Rejoice my friends!”
Only to receive silence. The men and women in the crowd slowly turned to each other, a few breaking into an odd smile, or eerie laughter. Finally it dawned on them, and the room was filled with laughter. The crowd began to fanatically chant, ““Glory to the Clan! Glory for the Lord! Let Glory Come To The Unborn King!””
Everyone was ecstatic, and both men and women began to indulge themselves in pleasure whether it be food, women, or drinks. The serious atmosphere from before had long since dissipated leaving behind only this intoxicating madness. People began to kiss, a number of odd dishes and delicacies were appearing literally out of nowhere, and barrels of alcoholic fun kept on coming out. There were even some who force the maids and butlers to strip and began to have sex right there. Everyone was free of reasoning, drunk with madness, or at least the few dozen bottle of alcohol on the floor…
A smile returned to Garius’s face as he watched the chaos unfold. He couldn’t keep himself from laughing, though he wasn’t sure if he was infected by the madness or if he’d returned to his usual self. He asked the lord who by the way was also taking part in the festivities, with some wine in hand., “Are you pleased my lord?”
“Pleased? Ahahaha”, the Lord laughed at that thought of it, ”Why wouldn’t I be? Hell this is the second most joyous moment in my life!”
The Lord just true his cup of wine, staining the carpet on the floor and proceeded to chug the bottle of wine on his hand. Whatever ceremony that was happening before somehow ended up turning into a sort of party. Who knew hell would be like this?
Tristan got up off his knees, and with the clap of his hands,
Everything became silent, he said, “My lord i would suggest saving the festivities for later.”
The Lord, threw away the bottle in his hand and and sat back down. After a minute he somehow managed to sober up. He cleared his throat and said,”Ahem, Tristan i suppose you're right. But I doubt they will stop anytime soon so let’s leave them be for now. Let’s hold off a few of the ceremonies as well. For now, Nevil!”
“My Lord!”, Nevil replied, lowering his head awaiting his orders
“I’ll leave the arrangement of these Elite’s rooms to you, and the organization of the weaker imps as well. As for the unit they’ll be allocated to, I’ll leave it to your discretion.”, commanded the Lord
“It shall be done” answered Nevil
“Tristan, go fetch that eccentric fool, we’ll leave Garius and him to educate the elite. I’ll also leave the reports, and observation to you. ”
“Very Well my lord.” answered Tristan who promptly stood up and disappeared.
“Garius, I will allow you free entry into the treasury. Use everything we have to raise these Elites. We’ve got some rare talent on our hands so it’s best we nurture them to the best of our ability. And Garius if you plan on passing on your legacy to that child, remember this one condition. You must put the Clan as your highest priority, if one day she becomes a threat you must kill her immediately. Remember, for the clan’s best interest!” said the Lord
Garius replied “Of course!”
“As for you”, the Lord looked at Satou “Come with me”
“What does he want with me? Does it have something to do with that seal they were talking about? No there’s no other reason.”, thought Satou
Satou followed the lord outside of the throne room through one of the doors near the front They had already walked quite a bit through the large hallways of the castle, even going up a floor. And Satou had no clue where they were headed.
The Lord stopped at one of the doors which lead to a small office, he walked to the desk and sat down. Then with a snap of his fingers, the book in Satou’s hand flew into his hands. The lord opened it and quickly looked over it before, closing it. He asked, “So how much of what I’m saying can you understand? Can you speak, if not just nod your head.”
“I can speak, and i understand everything so far.”
The lord smiled, and continued “As expected of a Complete Soul your Conscious doesn’t seem to be damaged too much. Tell me do you have memories of your past life? Do you have memories of Padanilam?”
Satou turned his head,”Padanilam?”
“So he doesn’t have any memories…. It’s a bit disappointing but that’s fine. Do you know why I called you here then?”
Satou answered, “No.”
“Then I suppose I should tell you this much, you possess a body that for some reason is practically able to ignore the Restrictive Elements that bind us to this realm. It’s at such a level that you have a near 100% chance of crossing the Seal forged a couple thousand years ago. Your body will definitely be of great use to our Clan. So as the Lord I must say at least this much, Thank You in advance.”
“Um that's…”, Satou didn’t exactly what to say.
The opened one of the drawers in his desk, and pulled out a vial filled with a red liquid. He held it out to Satou saying, “Drink this.”
“Just drink it”, the lord said impatiently
Satou looked at the vial , and wondered, “What is this? Is it a potion? But I’m not injured. What's he trying to do exactly? Well even if it’s poison it’s not like I’ll die, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Satou popped the cap of the vial and quickly drank it.
“Blegh, what is this?”, Satou asked.
But the Lord wasn’t paying attention to him anymore, he was too busy mumbling something. His eyes began to become brighter and brighter, until his red eyes were practically were shining. The lord quietly said, “Blood is the Origin of Life, We who hold the Origin of Blood control all of Life. Even if the Soul is bound by Fate, Fate is intertwined with Life. May this Soul be bound by my blood’s all powerful might. [Blood Domination]”
Random Post #2! The dude helping again has gone MIA, then again i didn't exactly tell him i would be posting this. So I'll do some extra-editing later. For now here it is! We're gonna get some more interesting what not happening now! Took longer to get to this point that i thought honestly. Well enjoy, tell me if i need any mistakes, and suggestions are always welcome. As for whether or not I'm a post on the weekend idk. As for why i even posted this now, well it's a short story, i missed my bus, got on my phone, and then i wrote this for an hour. I got home, and wondered wtf am I even doing. So decided to post it!
Again Enjoy! Cause for some reason this made me tired as hell!
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