《Elemental World Chaos》Chapter 25


Chapter 25: The monthly ranking competition

Over the past two weeks Theresa had tried her best to find out more about that mysterious young genius Asura. But that was quiet hard as it seemed that he never left his tower. Just who was he? And what kind of research was so important to him that he would spend all his time doing it?

She couldn’t even explain why she wanted to know so badly. But it was a fact that this boy called the prodigy of wind by those who knew of him held a certain fascination to her. She had convinced herself that she wanted to recruit him for the royal army after graduating. After all having someone with this much talent serve her family could only benefit them.

As hard as it was she had given up on the thought that she could overcome him. But who was she? She was the first princess of the human empire and she would not allow anything not even her pride to stand in her way when it came to strengthening her family’s position. After all her family was only able to rule this long because they always acted in their own best interests.

And acknowledging talent and acquiring that talent was one of the skills most in her house held. It brought them this far and Theresa was determined to bring them even further! But how to make contact with someone who didn’t like meeting anyone? She could try to use her status to arrange a meeting but something told her that was not a good idea. In the worst case he would flat out refuse and that could lead to further complications.

So she decided to bet on the monthly ranking competition. So all she could do was cultivate, train and cultivate more until that day. And now that day was finally here. The ranking competition would traditionally be held in the eastern training grounds. These training grounds were normally dedicated to combat training hence they were sufficently big. Two hundred people could easily fit into those training grounds.

Today rows of seats were arranged around the training grounds and in the middle were seven platforms. On those platforms the students that wanted to increase their tank could showcase their abilities and they would be judged by the teachers that stood on those platforms.

But today was a little different. Because on the last green platform not a teacher but a student clad in white with ten green stripes was standing looking bored. Students that did not participate and the teachers who were free were sitting in the stands to watch the ranking. The ranking itself was always quiet interesting and one would always want to look at the improvements classmates or rivals had made.

The ranks today though were in turmoil. Everyone was talking about the white clad figure standing on the last platform. A student ranking the students? And what was up with those ten stripes? He wasn’t ranked yet, was he? That and similar comments could be heard from all over the place and it gave Theresa a small smile.


If she hadn’t stumbled upon that scene in the principal’s office she might have reacted the same. But she wouldn’t doubt Argus von Hohenturm. If this esteemed elder said that he had reached the tenth rank than he had reached the tenth rank it was as easy as that.

Hence Theresa was not surprised at all. From behind her she heard her best friend Maya say: “Wow, when you told me i had a hard time believing and even though i knew you were telling the truth… Just wow.”

Suddenly a loud voice could be heard. “ALL STUDENTS THAT WANT TO BE RANKED GATHER IN FRONT OF THE PLATFORMS.” It was the principal who stood on the first platform bringing order into this chaos that had erupted ever since the first people noticed the white figure of Asura standing on top of the last platform.

Around a hundred students gathered in front of the platforms. When everyone had quieted down the principal started: “Welcome to the monthly ranking competition. Today we will determine what rank you have reached in the last month. Of course for our new students this will be your first big test.

Everyone who has reached over rank two of our new students: Congratulations up front. You have a bright future ahead of you. To all the old students: Do your best this new generation is quiet remarkable. As for the procedure:

The color of the platform responds to the element so form an orderly line in front of the element you want to be ranked in. People who want to be ranked in more than one element, as soon as you are done with your first element, go to the back of the line of your next element until you are done. With that said: Everyone good luck.”

He didn’t even mention Asura. That made Theresa grin. But it seemed the curiosity of some got the better of them. One arrogant voice could be heard over the crowd: “So the wind element can’t even afford proper teachers anymore? Now even children are allowed to rank? What a joke!”

Those words came from a handsome young man clad in grey. Four green stripes, five red stripes and four yellow stripes. Not older than seventeen certainly that young man was one of the star students of this academy. The pride of the fire department.

One has to know that when the students are allowed to wear grey they normally join a department. Those departments once a year clash in a grand tournament that would decide how much funding each department would receive. Obviously one could join only a department that corresponded to one of his elements. In all these years the light department had obviously always been on top directly followed by the fire department.

And the wind department had been dead last for more than ten years now. The only exception was when Larius was still a student. He managed to reach the third place in the tournament securing his department a higher ranking. But since then the wind department had again fallen to be dead last.


But the way that young man behaved was still absolutely disrespectful but before anyone could react be it the principal or Theresa who was about to step forward a cold voice could be heard:

“Everyone who wants to rank up in wind please line up here. The one’s who get ranked the first time to the front please so they can go on to get their other elements ranked.” It was exactly that white clad youth that just was made fun of that ordered this.

The grey cloaked student got completely ignored! With a red face he went towards the green platform pushing the younger brown clad students aside and stepping onto the platform. “Oi i am talking to you. What gives you even the qualifications to stand here? It should be the strongest wind mage, my uncle Brutus standing here not some push over brat like you.” he said while pointing at the white clad figure.

The former just answered: “Did you say something? I normally try not to waste my time with trash.” After that the entire place fell silent and the insulted one’s face became an even deeper shade of red.

“What did you say?”

His opposite sighed and said: “I said I don’t want to waste time with you trash. You asked about my qualifications? But what about yours?” The now furious young man wanted to retort but before he could say anything a gust of wind knocked him of balance and he fell onto his backside.

“First rank of control: Move the air to create wind, any strength is fine. That means basic control.” With those words suddenly a slight breeze blew over the crowd. Deeply shocked everyone just watched and listened.

“Rank two: Direction. Make the wind blow into the direction you want it to.” With that he first pointed north and the wind blew north after he pointed south and the wind immediately changed directions by 180 degree.

“Rank three: Adjust your strength. Make it stronger.” Suddenly the wind took on power and all the robes were swaying with the now quiet strong wind. “Or weaker depending on your will.” With that the wind calmed down to a slight almost not noticeable breeze. The youth gave no one time to react:

“Rank four: Give the wind form.” Suddenly a ball formed of wind formed on top of the youths outstretched hand.

“Rank five control the form.” With that the ball of wind lifted of his hand and started circling around his head.

“Rank six: Increase the amount of forms you can control.” Four more spheres appeared around him circling him as well.

“Rank seven: Levitation.” And he started to hover two steps of the platform. He was now shouting out the ranks and what you have to master to reach them in quick succession.

“Rank eight: Use the wind to enhance yourself.” Enhancing yourself with wind took a lot of effort and precise control. A bit too much power would tear you apart. Not enough power and the enhancement was useless. But it seemed that this youth could do anything he want. He disappeared and reappeared in an instant behind that grey cloaked youth.

“Rank nine: Use all of the above together!” With that wind came up, orbs formed and hovered around that white figure that was again standing in midair.

“And finally rank ten: Do all of that without relying on spirits only using your own knowledge. No more incarnations are needed. So little trash, tell me what gives me the qualifications to stand here?” The grey cloaked student opened his mouth and closed it again but couldn’t say anything. The other just sighed and said:

“If you want to rank up show me how you form the wind. I am waiting.” Finally the arrogant young man got up and stuttered: “Spi.. Spirit of the wind hear my call. Form a ball that blows away any hindrance. WIND BALL”

A small sphere of wind formed but after a few seconds it burst into a small breeze. “Failed. You can’t even keep your form. As i thought i wasted time with trash.” And as if he had already forgotten about the last few minutes he again addressed the crowd in front of his platform:

“Now everyone please. One orderly line, the newcomers first.” But who was that grey clad young man? He was Alverin von Niederschloß. He was the young master and heir of the von Niederschloß family the leading military family of this country!

He would never accept such humiliation. “I challenge you to a duel!” Again the entire field went quiet. “No magic only swords. They way real man fight. Do you dare to accept? Or will you chicken out?” Theresa was shocked. The von Niederschloß family was the number one military family! Their children are taught the arts of fighting from the day they could walk!

She had to do something. But again before anyone could step in. “Fine, if that’s what it takes to get the trash finally out of my sight. Let me know when and where and i will be there. Now please step down so i can get on with it.” Now absolutely furious Alverin answered: “You will regret this.” and left the platform.

Asura sighed and muttered so only he could hear: “Nope again i really don’t think so.”

Became a bit longer than i thought and took me a little while longer. So i will grab a quick bite to eat and than immediately start 26. I'd say 1-2h until it's out. Enjoy 25 until then :)

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