《Elemental World Chaos》Chapter 19


Chapter 19: Princess Theresa

Finally after all this waiting it was Theresa's big day. She had waited long for this but finally she was old enough to join the academy. Since she was told at the age of ten that she could become an amazing mage she had been looking forward to joining this prestigious school.

She had diligently cultivate every day since then and for her age of sixteen she was already amazingly developed. Fire magic at the rank of four, wind magic at the rank of four and her light magic was actually already on the rank of six! The sign of a true prodigy! Not just did she have magic power that was ranked on eight only a step below the legendary principal of the academy Argus von Hohenturm, she as well had the highest affinity for light and very good affinity for her other two elements. Triple affinity with high magic power and good cultivation. Like all the other new students, she was standing in line before the great gates of the academy.

In front of the gates two mages were standing who were testing the aptitude of everyone who wanted to enter. You could of course make the academy lenient towards your talent with enough money but at the end of the day the academy would never accept someone useless. Her own entry of course had been decided the day she was born and her talent had been measured. She was after all this empire's first princess. Of course that fact was not widely known and she wouldn't spread it willingly.

She didn't like the attention and she often had told her royal father that she would decide her own future and marriage. Theresa was obviously a very proud woman but considering her background it was justified to be so. But she wasn't arrogant and exactly those traits gave her an air of dignity that you couldn't ignore. Couple that with her good looks: Long blond hair that almost seemed golden, a lovely face with slightly tilted green eyes and a body that most women would kill for, there was more than enough reason why she had many admirers among the younger nobles that did know her.


But she herself thought that only a man that could match her in looks and strength was suitable for her. But until now she had not met such a man but she wasn't bothered. She was still young and had a bright future ahead. While thinking about the academy and what interesting things she would learn it was finally her turn. The two mages used the magic stone called affinity stone to measure her strength and affinity.

And obviously after they saw the result they were delighted to have gained another excellent student. She was quickly then led through the gate but as she was about to head off towards the academy there was a slight commotion behind her. She turned around and saw two shocked mages standing in front of a young man.

Black hair bound to a pony tail at shoulder lenght. Dark eyes and pale very pale skin. Not unhealthily pale but paler than the norm. A very good build with no excessive fat the princess was quiet pleased with what she saw. But what she heard next shocked her most. One of the mages shouted:

"How is this possible? An innate magic talent of ten? That's higher than the principle! And even though only one element the highest affinity i have ever seen." That shocked Theresa quiet a bit. His magic power was actually ten! Ten meant it could not be measured with a mere affinity stone!

Until now she had only heard rumors about it but it seemed that it actually had happened! With a bored expression the young man asked: "So senior. Do you think that i qualify to study at this academy? I am of common background so i don't have any money i can only offer my talents."

That seemed to snap the two testing mages out of their daze. "Yes. Yes of course, right this way." With that the two mages let the young man pass. Theresa's curiosity was piqued. So she waited for that mysterious young man and when he approached she smiled at him. No one has ever been able to resist her smile. She was quiet confident in her looks.


"Hello, my name is Theresa it seems we will be studying together. Nice to meet you. Please take care of me in the future." Even if he was of common background, his black, relative simple leather clothes together with what he said earlier made that quiet clear, with talents like his, he wouldn't remain an unknown person for long. So it was always good to build up good relations.

But the unexpected happened. A glance, and a cold one at that, was the only thing she got and with that the young man just went ahead towards the academy without saying anything. She was dumbstruck. That had never happened to her before! He could have done anything. Anything! But ignore her? Her pride would not allow that. It was a challenge! And she had never lost a challenge.

"Wait and see, you WILL beg me later for my attention. When that time comes, see how i will react." Something about this young mage made her loose her reason. Normally something like that would not bother her really but this somehow infuriated her.

But at this moment she still thought herself above him. That was not arrogance mind you but just the simple fact that she had been brought up to believe that she was the pinnacle of the elite. And how could a commoner compare to her upbringing, background and talent?

Sorry the chapter was quiet short. But if i had put everything i wanted in it would have been waaaaaay too long. So i decided to split it into two chapters. Anyway enjoy the chapter

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