《Elemental World Chaos》Chapter 16


Chapter 16: Revenge (part1)

Rage. Uncontrollable rage is cursing through me. I drop the dead body of the guard. Seems like he was the leader of the soldiers. I haven’t found the mages yet but all due in time. First things first. Find Mia. And then? Massacre every human being i can set my eyes upon. I will drown this country in a wave of blood. I spread my senses all around the building. Only one prisoner and that form is definitely Mia.

Good. Oh? About forty men seem to be sleeping deeper into the building. A bloody smile crept onto my face. How about some fun before i go get Mia? Yeah let’s do that. When i wanted to move suddenly: “Really? You can take her and go but you prefer to kill? From what i have heard from your sister you are not a mindless killing machine but maybe she is wrong? Think you bloody idiot!” I can’t hear the words, they are only in my head therefore i can only be: “Caro.”

With that the small shadow spider jumped from a dark corner onto my arm. That one little spider can express so much discontent with that small body is awe inspiring. To be honest i had no intention of listening to her. I was about to go and slaughter to my hearts content, when she talked again. It is seriously annoying when you can’t shut someone out by for example closing your ears. “Idiot! THINK!” That word sounded way too loud and i got a headache from it. “Stop it. That hurts.”

“It was supposed to! That mage was enough to kill your master in two moves. Even if i had helped there was nothing that we could have done. And that was just! a! single! squad!” That actually managed to slow me down. I never once was able to win against master. So someone that can kill my master is not someone i can take on at the moment. Shit. All that rage made me stop thinking logically. I stopped walking.


“Furthermore we are now in their freaking capital! Do you get where i am going? That you killed that guard was already incredibly stupid but maybe we can still salvage this. So how about you go get your sister and on the way to any kind of safe place i will tell you what i have found out in the last three days? Then we can come up with a plan instead of getting killed because of your impatience and stupidity. Because believe it or not, i am pretty pissed as well about masters death. You might have realized but as a shadow beast i won’t meet that many people who will treat me kindly.”

Everyone who knows me will agree, this is very very rare: i was lost for words. My face must have looked hilarious. Absolutely dumbfounded. “Get on with it!” After looking like an idiot at Caro i move through the barracks swiftly. It only took me moments to go through the relative simple building. Back to the front, slipping through shadows to escape the detection of the soldier on guard duty, and down to the dungeons. Pretty simple as well: one long corridor with cells to the left and right. Mia was directly in the first cell to the right. Seems like they wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible. I could hear her sobbing and my heart started aching. Something is seriously wrong with me. I should have first and foremost looked after Mia and not go on a killing spree.

Well at least Caro stopped me. Well can’t help the already dead guard so i dissolved his body in darkness. Handy ability that i got from Kam’ya. Quiet handy. That ability can dissolve anything on the level of atoms leaving no trace behind. Let the humans figure out what happened. I open the cell and rush to Mia’s side. She looks up with tears streaming down her face: “Brother… i..” I didn’t let her finish i draw her close into my embrace. “It’s okay. I am so sorry Mia it’s all my fault. I will never be so careless again.” I really shouldn't make promises i can't keep.


We stood there silently except for some sobbing until Caro finally said: “Are you done? Cause you might have noticed we are still within a human prison. And i think we have decided not to stir up trouble?” Since when did that little spider get such a big mouth? Whatever. “Mia, Caro. I front of town there is a small copse. Go there and hide, i will come after you as soon as possible. But i still have something to do here. Caro can you get Mia out?”

She sounded annoyed: “OI, what about planning and not stirring trouble. Are you stupid or deaf?” She really got a big mouth did i mention that? “Caro, you are right, i can’t go on a killing spree here or i will regret it. But i can’t leave that bastard who killed master. You said you knew who did it?” It was hard to hold my killing intent back but we don’t want to alarm anyone.

“Fine. Go get yourself killed but don’t tell me i didn’t warn you. The man you are looking for is the great Sage Argus von Hohenturm. He is the head of the local magic academy and word has it the most powerful human mage. The academy is hard not to find. Look for the biggest building aside from the castle and you will find it.” With that i had only a few more things to do. “Tempest go with Mia and Caro and protect them.” A gust of wind blew by my ear: “Byyyy yourrrr commmmmand masssssster.” Caro and Tempest should easily be able to get Mia out of town. Hence lets go. I vanish into the shadows and jump outside of the barracks. Wait for me Argus von Hohenturm. Your death approaches.

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