《Elemental World Chaos》Chapter 5


Chapter 5: Before the battle

Hallway to the throne room, dragonking castle, Earth 2012, Vamon 1024 AD

I walk through the upper halls of the castle. My goal is my fathers throne room. He has called for all of his children so i had no choice but to go. I hate the castle and almost everyone in it. All of them see me as the least likely candidate to make it through. No affinity. Useless trash. The whispers were all around me and not even concealed.

Different beastkin, generals, higher ups etc. were standing around talking discussing the upcoming event. The shitty king as i like to call him has sent for everyone important in his entire kingdom to watch as his children battle it out. I could hear them talking as i am passing by. “Have you heard the second princess has already mastered the 8th rank in water, it is quiet astounding and at the tender age of 24.”

“Yes yes indeed but do not underestimate the fourth prince! He might only have reached the 6th rank but his strong triple affinity make up for it and he is even younger with 23.” “Ah yes but if we talk about chances i think all of them will fall short when compared to the seventh prince. He is on the verge of reaching the limit of the eighth rank in to elements and on top of that complimenting elements wind and fire! With only 21years old his future prospects are limitless.”

“We don’t even have to think about the younger ones, they don’t stand a chance. Its useless.” Just as i was approaching this group of three reptilemen were discussing the prospects of us children.

“Speaking about useless.” The three turn towards me with a smirk on their face. “The king of trash has arrived.” Their grin got even deeper. Nothing more satisfactory than trampling on the weak i guess. Well i don’t really care to be honest. I knew they were wrong. As wrong as you can get. By thinking that i can’t keep myself from recalling the last ten years. “Hell” would be the understatement of the century! Is what i thought back than but… nowadays.. Anyway i almost died. Multiple times.


I remember every time i was sick when my master administered a new poisen. I could still feel the different kinds of effects: sweating, hallucinating, cramps, pain, blindness and many more. I endured. I remember almost getting mad when cultivating within complete darkness for hours. I remember pushing my body to the limit over and over again. I remember almost dying when battling mercenaries, monsters, prisoners, demons and sometimes even shadowbeasts. But i survived. I survived it all.

My teacher once even put me in the prison block with the most dangerous people imprisoned, some of them monsters beyond description. That was the time i was closest to death until now. There were hundreds of prisoners after my master released them and i was drenched in blood after slaughtering most of them. Cuts, bruises, flesh wounds, broken bones and still the three strongest monsters remaining. A vampire that murdered hundreds, a demon from the succubus tribe that slaughtered hundreds of beastkin on the last battle against the demons and a thunder dragon in human form.

I am lucky that my last sister the 25th princes was a dryad with a godly gift in healing. She was the only sibling i didn’t hate well i didn’t feel anything towards her really. But she wouldn’t make it. She can’t hurt a fly. As i remember all those things i ignore the three big mouths and approach the 2 wings of the doors leading to the throne room. I wait for the two werewolf soldiers to open the door and enter the hall. On both sides of the way to the throne there were pillars that had scenes or battle carved in them. The hall itself was enormous but not a lot to look at except for those damn pillars. Gives the right expression my dad thinks. I can only roll my eyes in my mind. Arrogant dick.


Well lets get this over with. I approach the throne on which my father was sitting and the rest of my siblings was gathered in a crowd before him. As i draw near the major domus an old birdman announces me: “The 17th son Bar’ath Shadowwin the 17th has arrived your highness.” Silent sneers and mockery could be heard from the other 24 but what do i care about dead people? They just didn’t know it yet. I could kill them now but my father would be troublesome. Lets be patient therefore… I grid my teeth sank to my knee and call: “Hail the king, your son greets you lord father.” With a slightly disgusted look he answers back: “Finally we can get started. The weakling making everyone wait. At least you didn’t disgrace me by not turning up.”

With that he turned away again discussing something with the major domus. Arrogant bastard. I silently make my way to the very back of the crowd and wait. The others all turn their back towards but well not like I am not used to it. I close my eyes and silently circulate my shadowpower. I might not be able to gather any shadow power but further refining is possible. It will speed my cultivation later and will bring me into top form for later. I wait quietly until the king finally decides: “SILENCE!” Within seconds all sound vanishes from the hall.

“Tonight, we will find my successor. I have twenty five children but there is only one throne. Tonight we shall find out who is worthy among those youngsters.” Cheers resounded throughout the hall. Pleased the dragonking lifted his hand and the cheering came to a halt again. “As you all know for countless years we have hunted the shadow beasts that serve us down in the lowest dungeon. The veil to the abyss is thin so many shadow beasts form over the years. For that reason only via the magic circle behind the throne can you reach it. Each of you my children will be send to a different location within the dungeon. Leave a soul imprint behind on a jade slate before you leave. Only when there is one survivor left, will we open the magic formation in the center of the dungeon. Kill your siblings, survive and come back. That is what you must do if you want to rule no if you want to live. So without further ado: LET THE GAMES BEGIN. EVERYONE LINEUP IN THE ORDER YOU WERE BORN.”

After that we all got in line. One after the other we would leave a soul print on one of the jade slips that where neatly lineup in front of the magic formation. A soul imprint is when you leave a small amount of your magic power within an object that can store it. For example jade. The magic would reside within the object until the owner dies. After i channeled a small amount of magic into the 17th jade slip, i step into the formation and with a blinding light my path of carnage began.

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