《The Black Empress》Chapter VIII: The Black ..Orphan?


The city of Es'kar truly had it all. Befitting of the capitol of the biggest human kingdom, you could find almost everything on and off its streets. Be it people, from the lowest scum, to the royal family. Or goods, for every profession, for every price and in every quality. Or institutions. Oh boy, how humans love their institutions. From chess clubs, to bars, to brothels, to guilds. And everything in between, be it the royal guard, or a bakery, filling the street with the smell of authority, and fresh bread. An ever boiling conundrum of everything humanity had to offer.

The most noteworthy thing, however, existing in this city at this particular moment in time, was a crack. Not that anyone was aware,

that this particular crack,

in that particular wall,

in that particular back side alley,

in that particular district,

was, in fact, not a crack, but a crack. You see, if someone was to break down that wall, right now, the crack would still stay put. Because it wasn't in the wall. It was in everything, in the skin of the world itself. Something ..tried to enter from the outside of things, tried to slither back into existence.

Slowly, the ragged line split, like the mouth of a beast, revealing the darkness behind. In that perfect black, two embers burned, unblinking.

That jarred frame spat out an odd duo. A little girl, maybe four years old, judging by the looks. And a crow, with molten rocks as eyes, searing everyone dumb enough to look too deeply into them, sitting on her shoulder.

"Great, what now?" Resounded the voice of an annoyed child.

As the most noteworthy thing, existing in this city at this particular moment in time, ceased to be, fallen shut like a closed door, a faint thunder heeded the girl's call.


"This one deferentially suggests to avoid revealing the true nature of master. The light might still be on our tail and my wings hurt, still."

The girl's head wobbling slightly, she seemed to agree.

"Yes, Galdir, that much we have discussed already. Though, we are in need of short term goals. Like food, and shelter. Or something akin. This is the main city of humanity, you said?"

"It is indeed. Yet..." He stopped in the middle of the sentence.

"What is it, crow? Speak." The annoyance in her voice made way to cold superiority, demanding an answer.

"This one can't imagine anyone denying master the hospitality due? Not that humans can do anything but kneel. Even in front of this one, they are insects. In front of master, they are nothing."

The girl let out a chuckle, dismissing the cold, while brushing a black curl behind her ear.

"Haha, funny, Galdir. And how do you propose i make them show 'proper' hospitality, without revealing myself?"

The crow looked.. how crows with bad ideas used to look like.

"This one apologises for his proposal." The crow answered after a brief delay, which made the girl chuckle more.

"It's alright, Galdir. I was thinking about looking for an orphanage to stay at, or whatever. For a few days at least, until we come up with a plan that's worthy to be pursued."

You could see in Galdir's eyes, that he was very much protesting against that statement, albeit silently. After all, how could one like her deserve to be put into an orphanage? That was outrageous. His objectivity won, though. He understood the need to lay low, he even said so himself. Also, the fact that a few days was a very long way from forever, helped defeat his aversion to this. Lastly, he didn't have a choice anyway, what master commanded was law. Literally unbreakable, as she held his soul, for now.


"Understood, master." he growled. Not because he still didn't accept the idea, but because his voice was basically just a growl, a treat he shared with all of his siblings.

"Okay then, on we go!" The girl started walking out of the alley, with eager steps.


Galdir's POV


It seemed the conclusion, master and i had come to, was right. That damn enemy, wielding that strange white tide as a weapon, was alerted by her revealing the shadows within.

Well, at least it didn't follow us here. The way it behaved back then, it sure wouldn't hold back here either. So, because we were not attacked yet, it couldn't follow us, i guessed.

Ever since the deer so eloquently told me, that i was not welcome in that village, my hopes for a grand future had somewhat regained colour. Master seemed to obtain more and more traits of her race, banishing that childish, human naivety from her mind, part by part.

Maybe, this was actually an opportunity, after all. An opportunity to influence a thing, that otherwise could never be influenced. While i truly saw myself more as a servant, than a counselor, having the ear of one like her could prove useful in the future.

The more i helped her, the more she owed me. That was fact. Another fact, i derived from the set of rules i myself followed, was, that, while master could not feel attachment anymore, she would always honour debt. And the principle of loyalty, as those were practically the only two things, that enabled beings with no solidarity, like us, to cooperate effectively.

In this moment, i reconsidered bleeding out the blood-binder, for his insolence. If he never crossed my path again, i wouldn’t hunt him down either. A favour, for a favour, after all.

Maybe, at a later point, i could ask master to summon a few of my siblings. That way, they would owe me, too.

Not so bad, i thought. Despite my aching wings, after-burning still, my mood lightened, although this were plans for a distant future yet.

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