《brian's note book》Un-experimental poem


There’s nothing left but a lingering flame, the name of this flame is called hope, you might call it foolish but i’ve held it dearly, i’m waiting for a future I can’t see clearly. This hope I hold to my chest, shielding from the winds right and left, this hope which I am telling you, is one I cherish for it flows true. I hope for my friends to return from the void, a place where I cannot hear their happy noise, the noise of a simple laugh, the sight of a smile daft, is this how it is to be alone? In times like this some groan, others smile with hopes shown.

This hope some call desperation, it causes alot of pain and vexation, much like a flame it needs fuel to burn, this thing i’ve faced again and again i’ve learned… Isn’t healthy, it’s abit messy, isn’t easy, I sometimes feel sick and queasy. But why do I shield it again? Time continues and i’ve done it back then. A young one I was when it first burned, it tore my skin and i’ve learned, holding onto it too long, will not always give results so strong… yet why do I continue to hold it so close? Because through it i’ve reclaimed one of the people I care of most, and because this flame will save myself, I hold onto it for me and no one else. This flame keeps me sane although it burns in my brain, a lingering pain which won’t abstain, this thing which cannibalizes on me, is the only thing that keeps me… carefree…

Without it I would feel only guilt, lost in the wild and on stilts, being able to see the world, yet afraid, in pain, and ready to fall… if I can’t save this hope can I live at all? No! I can’t, nor I shant, I’ll cherish your memory, you who have left me you see, I won’t forget, but I won’t break down, I’ll control this flame, I’ll make a town, a place for you in my memories, where I can talk to your ghost so you see.


I… Am the sentimental sort

I… Have lost you in time short

I… Will not forget you be

But I… will live as I please

I won’t forget but i’ll continue moving, not moving past you but just groovin, to the beat of my two feet, to this destination where we may meet… if the world comes into focus, if the world comes back again, to bring you into my arms like then, I will not push you away, but waiting I am now but I have not lost my way. I’ll keep on walking, yet I’ll keep on waiting, I can do both, I’ve lost so much, but not the most… I still have my hope, which still burns

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