《brian's note book》The wayward wizard


The city under seige,

The knight is on leave

Where is the liege?

Oh he's fled along time ago

The city is burned down

The ashes to the ground

Oh hark a figure comes by

Not a knight but far scrawny on high

Whos this?

Man dressed in blue

Large stick

A wizard thats who!

On a quest to slay the dragon

A quest to lay it down

A beast fearsome a dagon!

Can he end its rule?

Oh hark comes a figure

From wayward brought its sted

In the dragons siege

Many lay dead

Wayward like the sunbeams

Casting shadow on ashy ground

Oh who can save this town

Now that dragons are abound

Casting spells of hell fire

Sub zero degree blast

A hero on revenge

For what the dragons done in the past

Wayward wizard

Where do you hail

"But a small straw bale

One i tried to protect but failed"

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