《Path to Origin》2.2 ~ CHAPTER 2 - The Irony of Virtual Reality


Chapter 2 done.

Chapter 3 will be uploaded in 4 or 5 days.


CHAPTER 2 - The Irony of Virtual Reality

I start to walk towards the south forest, since the monsters around the Cross Town are low leveled.

The dungeon we found were located near the west forest clearing, that makes the area goblin oriented. The east side is mainly composed wild rabbit and low level goblins. On the north we got a road leading to the second town Adel. So all that's left to venture is the south part.

On my way towards the south forest, I encountered a few goblin scouts. Just a single > was enough to kill one.

'Not even 0.1%!'

I checked my character status and my exp bar didn't increase even though I already killed more than a dozen goblins. My magic power status increased just a bit.

'No point in killing anymore goblins.'

I move towards the south forest again, this time ignoring the pesky goblins on the way.

South forest, all the eyes can see was trees. It seemed there's a beach towards the south.

A few minutes later, I encountered my first enemy.

It's a tree!

The tree branches were twisted and mangled like a hand claw reaching out to grab you. Its trunk was rotted and dark red liquid can be seen running down on it. The bark that covered it was misplaced like a tattered robe. With a few leaves hanging on its twig, its appearance was scary.

A bright red light was shining through what appears to be eye sockets. A creaking sound was heard when it opened its mouth.


"What the hell...!"

'So big!'

Its size was comparable with the Boss Hellhound.

I didn't receive any boss warning, so it's not a boss? I looked at its name.


Corrupted Deadwood Lv 25

'Oh my god! It's twice my own level!'

I immediately leap back and cast a > in front me. I'm trying to run away when a cracking sound can be heard from below. I turn my head and look down.


A bunch of root come out of the ground and start entwining itself against me. I was glued to the ground.

I don't know what kind of face I made, but one thing for sure, I'm frightened.


The fear grows larger when I heard the sound it makes when it drags its body towards me. My body start shaking, and my breathing become shorter.

I start imagining a lot of things that can happen to me. Getting butchered by the boss-like monster, having my limbs tore apart, having my body crushed or eaten alive.


My > destroyed in a single hit. Its eyes glow brighter and it started to go down.


It's not the monster that's going down, it's my body that is being lifted by its arms. It bring me closer to its mouth and...


I stepped out of my dream capsule.

'Holy shit! It ate me!'

The sensation of being eaten was still lingering in my body. My heart beats faster and faster.

Just thinking about it makes my body tremble.


I walk to the corner of my bedroom, sitting there, waiting for my heart to calm down. I close my eyes and curl up my body.

'What kind of game is this? This should be a fun RPG, instead it feels like a horror genre.'

Listening to your own heartbeat is a good way to focus your mind.

Once my heartbeat goes back to normal, I take a deep breathe and release it.


'Yosh, let's sort it out. Eden is a game. Ren is my avatar. This is not a horror game, this is RPG. The realism degree is the point, that sensation earlier...'

I try to recall what it felt like and my body shuddered.

'This feels too real. My mind is affected too much.'

Is this no good? People like me (a person with high imagination), can they really play Eden? Or is it only me whose mind is f**ked up?

While I was immersed in my own thinking, an image of Lily pop out of nowhere.


I start thinking back to that event where Lily saved me from death. I start reminiscing my day with Tatsu and friends.

'I want to see Lily.'

Thinking about Lily make my heart warm. At this point, I don't really care about that fear anymore.

Since I can't suppress my imagination, I'll just need to add an image powerful enough to overwhelm my fear.

'Right. Grandfather used to say "Running away from fear is not a solution", I need to overcome this.'

My passion for gaming will not be defeated that easily. Strangely, my body start getting hot, it seems when you get worked up, your body heat will rise.

'I need to defeat that ominous tree.'


'Well, why not? Stress eating is also fine. I need the energy.'

"Huuuu.... Haaaa.... "(Breathing in and out)

I'm back at the fountain. This time, I'm determined to beat that scary tree.

I check my status to see what penalty I received. It seems all my status dropped by one level my character level also dropped by one. I'll just need to bring it back up.

I noticed a weird symbol below my HP bar.

Death Penalty - Lack of Experience

Decrease level experience gain by 50% for 1 hour. Increase status experience gain by 50% for 1 hour.

Oh, unexpectedly this is a good bonus. I don't really need to raise my level, instead I need to raise my status.

I go to Potion Store and purchase a large amount of small mana potion.

'Lack of experience it is. I don't really pay much attention to my skills. I need to figure out a battle combat style that suited my need.'

I head towards the forest clearing. I searched for some goblins to be my practice partner. This way I can accumulate enough combat experience to actually cope up with my combat knowledge.

End of Chapter 2

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