《Echoing Call Of Loneliness》Chapter 11


It was a massive humpback whale, slowly swimming towards them and it's deep baritone sounds causes vibrations in the water, the two mermen feeling it deep in their guts. Jackson, like the naive octo-mer he is, approaches the whale with a big grin,

"Hi there!" Herman scampers after him as fast as his little legs could go, catching up to them after having to try to run so fast, and stops in front of Jackson, out of breathe,

"What are you doin'!? Ave' you ever heard of not talkin' to strange fish?" the octopus merman turns towards the other mer, shrugging,

"Well, technically, whales are mammals. So it doesn't count." The fire-shrimp merman scoffs at that, rolling his eyes,

"Oh please, I bet you can't even understand him." Jackson huffs, crossing his arms and glaring, with no malice, at Herman,

"First of all, she is a she, and I both, fluently, speak and understand whale." He clears his throat them starts to make whale noises much to the others annoyance, the whale seemingly answering back and the smaller mer gawks in surprise, his mind blown. The naive octo-merman smirks proudly with his hands on his hips,

"See? I told you. Anyway, she says that she did see Prince Ethan and the shark coming from where she was." Herman snaps out of it, eyes sparkling in excitement and has a big smile on his face,

"Really?! That is great news! We can catch up to him if we swim right now! The small mer grabs the bigger merman's hand, dragging him away while he waves goodbye to the whale,

"Bye, Susan! I'll miss our talks." He stops, giving the other mer a look,

"That whale has a name?" Jackson takes back his hand, nodding with a soft smile,


"Yeah, I thought all animals in our deep blue sea have names." Herman opens his mouth to say something but decides against it, closing his mouth and shakes his head, flapping his arms in denial,

"Never mind, let's just go. The more we float here, the father away Princey is." He grabs the big octo-merman's hand, dragging him with towards the direction the whale, Susan, was coming from, and Jackson swims next to the other happily, just excited that he will meet the Prince Ethan soon.

The trio have been swimming for a while, getting very tired and they stop by a giant rock that is covered in algae, coral, and various rock-dwelling animals, Herman leaning against it. Suddenly there was movement on the other side of the rock, startling the two mermen and the young looking, octopus mer pushes the smaller of the two behind him, his tentacles going up defensively. The tiny, scuttling merman pushes away some of the tentacles that were in his personal space, sputtering in exasperation.

"Stop it, you-you tentacled weirdo!" The movement continues, a head popping out from behind the work,

"Herman? Is that you?" Herman finally pushes past the tentacles, recognizing who it was and swimming towards them, bumping into the royal merman which causes him to let out a little oof,

"Princey! Thank god!" Prince Ethan chuckles, holding the small mer in his hands with a gentle smile,

"Hello again, friend. I am glad you are okay." Jackson nervously approaches the merman they just reunited with, his tentacles curling and swaying excitedly,

"Um, excuse me your highness. I don't mean to be out of line, but, where is the shark?" His face turns thoughtful then lights up when he remembers what happens, grinning wide and shows off his scraps & bruises.


"Oho, that guy? I got a little banged up but I manged to fight it off." The pessimistic fire-shrimp looks around nervously and wildly, tensing up,

"But its not around ere', right?" Prince Ethan laughs, shaking his head,

"No, it is loong gone but I have even better news! I heard through the seaweed that lives in the deepest waters and only goes out to the shallows to look for stuff." Herman jumps up and down in happiness, his octopus merman giving them a confused look,

"Ah, well, we'll tell you on the way." The heir to the throne nods, putting down the small, grumpy-looking mer,

"We should get going while the lead is still a lead." Prince Ethan starts to swim north-east, signaling the other mermen to follow and they start their journey to find the siren with the new info they have.

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