《The Silver Exile》Chapter 10: Top Sixty Four


Chapter 10: Top Sixty Four

"Ah, Tian Long. Welcome. These must be the three sixth layer students of White Dragon Academy," a man in his late twenties wearing a white mask over the top half of his face said as he smiled. "What are your names?"

"Edward Jones Turner, sir," Edward started. "This is my younger twin, Catherine Melissa Turner. The last of us is our cousin, Vincent Edris Turner."

"Hello. My name is Wei Lin. I am the City Lord of Black Gate City. You three are Exiles, no? You Exiles sure are powerful. All of you have exceptional cultivation rates and none of you are from a powerful clan. Interesting," the masked man smiled. "Do pardon the mask. It makes me look pretty. I have a rather nasty scar from a single moment of passing. If you ever see a black dragon Mazoku flying in the sky, seek refuge at once. It might very well be THE Black Dragon. He has death Qi permeating from his body, like a miasma that drains the vitality from your body. Of my five friends and I, only I was able to get deep enough to survive as it passed through during my younger days."

"Edward, I aplogize for my actions yesterday," Robert said, an old man nodding with approval before inclining his head to Tian Long.

Edward said nothing as Catherine said, "Keili? How do you have your hair so straight and vibrant?"

"Hello Catherine. Hi Vincent. My hair turned this way as I made a break through with my cultivation method. The body is enriched by wood essence and wood is the most nurturing element with water and light closest to it," Keili said as she walked over to Catherine and the two began talking.

"Seems the situation is not as I expected. It seems Green Tiger Academy has not arrived yet. Still, the other fifteen District Managers sure have glares that can pierce the soul," Tian laughed. "Look at them, Vincent. They are only at middle Heavenly Warlord stage, not even the late stage. For someone at the peak, don't worry about their glares."

"It seems you're right. Even Edward and Robert are talking about spear stances and techniques," Vincent nodded.

"Why the checkered leather jacket and silver pauldron on each shoulder?" Tian Long asked.

"My mom gave me a smaller version. She made it herself. It wasn't leather though. I added the pauldrons to make it cooler as they are shoulder guards," Vincent answered as three people arrived, all of them wearing emerald green dojo uniforms with black sashes.

"Tian Long. I see you came here with your students," a muscular brute sneered. "I reached late Heavenly Warlord stage. I am closer to being your match."

"Hmph. I'll breakthrough before you have the chance, Moss Juggernaut," Tian Long laughed as he mocked the man's title. "Really now. A piece of dirt challenging the White Fang. You make me laugh."

"You bastard," the man growled.

"You want to die? Let's go," Tian goaded.

"Enough you two. The fifteen other District Managers are already at each others' throats as they are all at the middle stage," the City Lord said, silencing the two. "Sakuya Orochi and Todoroki Aizawa. The final two students are here, at last. You six are the potential of your districts, already rivaling most fifth year students who are generally at the fourth or fifth stage as they aim for the Prospects Exams. You six are competing for the top three prizes: the third and second place prizes donated by the District Managers of your respective academies, and the first place prize donated by yours truly. That prize is a piece of armor made using the scales of a child of THE Black Dragon, the Overlord and Terror of Mazoku. It is the scales of a child of the very Mazoku that stands at the peak of the world. Naturally, it is priceless. As you are fourth year students, you will get a single piece of armor: the chest armor. It is considered an non-ranked magical treasure of a quality akin to that used by Heavenly Warlord stage fighters."


"It will be mine," Edward said and all but Vincent stared at him. Even his twin wanted the armor.

"Sorry, big brother. I will rank first," Catherine said.

"Hmph. A healer getting first?" Todoroki scoffed. "I will take the armor and Green Tiger Academy will rank first among fourth years."

"And I will get second. My boyfriend and I will take the top two spots and prove our dominance," Sakuya said as she stepped forward and stood beside Todoroki.

"And you two?" Wei Lin asked Keili and Vincent.

"I am interested in the orb of power of a chimera, donated by the Black Sword District Manager. My academy will take the first rank of the first three years. Everyone knows it so I don't need to get first or second place as our overall ranking is obvious," Keili answered. "I can be selfish this time."

"Good girl. I, Hao Li, am proud of you," the old man laughed and stared at Vincent. "And you, student of Tian Long's district? What say you?"

"Why should I argue with those weaker than me? Talk is cheap without the power to back it up," Vincent shrugged.

"You think you're better than me?" Todoroki yelled as he leaped at him, a long katana in his hand as it slashed downward.

Vincent narrowed his eyes and blurred. A cry was heard and a body smashed into the wall. It was Todoroki Aizawa and the upper portion of his robe was both burnt and frozen. A bruise in the shape of a palm was prominent on his chest. Vincent picked up the katana and noticed it was a fake magical weapon. He smirked and focused yin and yang energy into his hands. Unable to take the power, the blade of the katana shattered.

"Fake magical weapons? You look down on me. It would have worked on a normal person but I cultivate yin and yang energy, fusing them into one to transcend both," Vincent said as he tossed the handle away like trash.

"You bastard!" Todoroki roared as a black and green energy swirled around his body.

"Mazoku life force, the most dangerous cultivation method in the city," Tian Long sighed as he stared at the boy. "You should know your limits, boy. Go too far and you become a Mazoku."

"I will get that armor!" Todoroki screamed as he took out two katanas. Despite the long length blades, Todoroki could wield them with ease. "To the death!"

"Do not dishonor me in front of the City Lord. Stop at once!" Danzo Oda roared.

"Apologies, my lord," Todoroki said and glared at Vincent as he put his katanas away. "This isn't over, Exile bastard."

"That's a good mutt," Vincent laughed.

"You finally let it go, huh?" Catherine said as Vincent was not phased by the insult.

"I don't care about my father. Still, you are right about revenge. I'll only think about it when the situation arises. It's time I moved on. My mother would have wanted that. I was just too....angry. Angry at my Thorny Devil lizard. Angry at myself for bringing it to our temporary home. Angry at my father for leaving my mom before I was even born and learning he didn't want to take responsibility," Vincent sighed.

"Duan Yang is a terrible man," Catherine nodded and the City Lord's eyes widened behind his mask, unnoticed by all as his mask covered the upper half of his face.


"Duan Yang had a son?" Wei Lin thought as he stared at Vincent. "It's true. He looks like him."

"Well," the City Lord began after a moment as everyone quieted down. "The first two games should be ending soon. The first is a strength test, eliminating all those at the third layer and most at the fourth layer. The second is a measurement of soul force power. Having a high soul force is not the same as being able to use it all efficiently. By now, the fifty eight other competitors should be determined. I will now explain how the games will be reduced to just eight."

"Yes, City Lord," the six students said as they gave him their undivided attention, even Todoroki as he changed into a new robe.

"As you know there are sixty four of you in the third games and only eight of you can fight one-on-one battles for the top three prizes. Well, the third game is simple: a battle royal until only eight are left standing!" the City Lord laughed, their faces darkening. As they were the most powerful, the other fifty eight would naturally target them first for higher chances to get the top three ranks.

"There's more. Mazoku at the strength of the fourth layer will also be among you. To qualify for the top eight, you must kill eight Mazoku. You can only purposely kill eight. After killing eight, you must not harm the rest, making the games all the more exciting," the City Lord laughed.

"Fifty six others will be disqualified, can only kill eight Mazoku, and dodge the rest until only eight remain," Tian Long said and the masked man nodded. "The Fall Gate Competition has never been this violent for fourth years."

"You can always forfeit," the masked man shrugged and all six shook their heads. "See. They have no qualms doing it. Why get in their way? Now, all you District Managers and students leave. This is my V.I.P. Box and I don't like to share. Vincent and Tian Long, you two stay."

"Yes, City Lord," everyone bowed and left to their academies' waiting areas beneath the coliseum, guided by the coliseum guards.

"Vincent, how did Jennifer Turner die?" Wei Lin asked softly.

Vincent's eyes widened and five spear heads appeared out of nowhere. They were all silver and hand a small decorated handle too small for a dagger. They were like flying spears and each of them radiated a jade energy. If one looked closely, it was actually a poisonous mist! They were non-ranked magical daggers given to him by his mother. They weren't fake magical weapons or true magical weapons.

Flying and hidden weapons were the reasons shamans were feared as they best utilized the killing proficiency of telekinesis. Naturally, Vincent had other items from his mother but didn't know much about her history with his father and Black Gate City. All he knew was where it was and to go there.

"How do you know my mother? Do you know my father?" Vincent asked.

"Put those away before you get yourself killed," Tian Long advised and the flying spear heads disappeared in a flash.

"Flying Dragon Teeth. I made those for her, you know. She was my finest disciple and the amount of disciples I had could be counted on one hand," Wei Lin answered.

"A Thorny Devil lizard I found was infected. I didn't know and it became a dragon and killed my mother. She hid me in a dirty locker and all I found in the rain was her head," Vincent answered, seeing the sadness in the eyes of the masked man.

"Ah, how terrible. Her injuries never healed," Wei Lin moaned. "When she disappeared, I had hoped it was because she recovered. Alas, I was wrong. So wrong."

"Injuries?" Vincent frowned, remembering peaceful and happy times with his mom. She didn't look injured.

"It is nothing. There are too many things you know little about," the man waved. "I'll tell you if you reach the Heavenly Warlord stage. As for Duan Yang, I don't know where he is. He disappeared at the same time as your mother. What I can tell you is that your anger, and that of your mother, was displaced. He lied about not wanting to take responsibility to protect Jennifer. After all, no one knew of their relationship but me. Thus, no one knew she was pregnant with you. He left to protect you two, I reckon. Again, it is too soon for you to know."

"I....I....I misunderstood my father all this time?" Vincent said, falling to his knees as the news was too much.

"Sometimes revenge blinds you, like now. You didn't know the whole story, only your mother's point of view. Trust me when I said your father loved you both and left so that you two could live. Sadly, he failed one of you. Do not let revenge make him lose you too," Tian Long nodded as he let Vincent cry for a moment. "Junior sister would not want to see you cry. Just so you know, your mother reached late Earthly Fighter stage before she disappeared."

"You were also a disciple of the City Lord?" Vincent realized after a moment.

"Your mother told you to come to Black Gate City for a reason: to meet us two. You were supposed to meet us in your first year, but we heard you took to training for three years," Wei Lin said.

"Now I know that silver dragon ring is legitimate. Your mother searched long and hard for it in the archives of the City Lord's library. I tried reading some of the books she read and only found out what it was, not what it could do. Perhaps, you may discover its secrets and what your mother's aim was," Tian Long smiled. "Still, we do not want your enemies to know who your father is. No one heard what your cousin said, but us as we were close enough to hear it. Just use the Turner surname for now. Also, I'll modify that phoenix medallion. You can store your items in there from now on. All items gifted by the phoenix have storage abilities but they are locked until the city can trust the Exile. Of course, don't tell your cousins that bit."

"I understand. Thank you," Vincent nodded as he wiped the tears away as his medallion shined once before returning to normal.

"As you are her son, I believe it is fitting to give you this in her stead," the City Lord said after Vincent transferred his items into the medallion, giving him a rectangular gold box with a black dragon on top. Bind it for now and you may access its contents when you reach the Earthly Fighter stage. Whether or not the contents will be useful will be up to you to determine."

"Thank you," Vincent bowed his head, bound the box to him with a drop of blood, and stored it in his phoenix medallion.

"That white leather jacket with the checkered line around the center, it brought fond memories to her and now you. It is good to see you wear it," the City Lord said and the two bowed their heads before leaving.

"Jennifer, your son made it. I can only hope he finished what you started," Wei Lin said sadly as a burden lifted from his heart after knowing his disciple's fate and legacy at last.

"You Exiles truly lived horrible lives outside the cities," Tian sighed as he led Vincent to the others. "If you need anything, you can always visit me."

"What was my mother like, before I was born?" Vincent asked.

"Heh. She was already an Exile, like all Turners were. She was truly gifted. Her brother returned to the wilderness as he did not like the city, his wife following him even though she was pregnant with those twins. She brought life and joy with her. Her fascination with the shaman and mage path slowed her cultivation as she immersed herself in her research. Shifu, the City Lord, had noticed her talent and secretly took her in. She was kind, gentle, and the scariest person I ever met," Tian laughed and told Vincent more memories as they reunited with the others.

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