《Isekai trash story》CH9: Mini boss battle
I woke up this morning and did my normal magic sense magic.
And its a good thing I did because Steven seems to be flying around the area.
I don't think he found me, he isn't flying around where the meat tunnel went and he is't very close to the base.
He is around 50 meters out, if I didn't extend my magic sense in one direction to sweep around like radar then he would have been out of range.
But in the interest of avoiding any risks today is officially cave day, none of me or my monsters will leave the base today and we will only leave tommarow if Steven is further away.
We still have a good supply of food sealed in a vacuum room I made in the base, so we can hold up for a few days if necessary.
It'll be a good oppurtunity to focus on using my teach skill, but Nasby just groans at me and tells me to just focus on Ratina instead.
"Do not worry about the stuck up bitch master, she isn't worthy of your attention. Instead focus on improving your most useful and superior commrade" (Ratina)
Nasby is clearly mad, but I won't reward her attitude in this regard and simply glare at her to remind her of the no infighting rule.
"Why are you glaring at me when she is the one picking the fight?!" (Nasby)
"Because disciplining and motivating the juniors is one of the jobs of the seniors, I approve of her methods of motivating you to compete to get stronger and am dissapointed in your idle complaints without putting in much effort. You are far older than Ratina but it seems as though she already has learned far more in a few days than you have throughout your life. In conclusion quit your bitching and put your money where your mouth is" (Auxentius)
Nasby just grumbles in the corner, the thing I literally just called her out on doing too often, and I begin using lecture on Ratina for magic skills.
A few hours pass by and we are able to increase the level of the ball skills by 1 each, magic sense by 1 level. increased mana recovery rate by 1,and the elemental manipulation skills other than water by 2 each. I leved up my lecture skill once.
Earth magic: soil manipulation LV3 Water magic: water ball LV5 Fire magic: fire manipulation LV3 Fire magic: fire ball LV5 Wind magic: wind manipulation LV3 Earth magic: throw rock LV5 Magic: mana sense LV3 Wind magic: wind ball LV5 Increased mana recovery rate LV3 (30% increase)
Now Ratina has finally met the requirements to learn the wall skills.
We start with water wall, I lecture her with what I am attempting while she uses magic connection to mimic the sensations of what I am doing, occasionally attempting to do different alterations of what I am attempting which I encourage for not blindly following along, but learning the important concepts and reapplying them.
Ratina succedes after only about 20 minutes, you basically need to have make the mana have the water property and flow while still sort of pushing it against itself to stay concentrated like the ball spell.
Ratina learns [Water wall], but even by doing the exact same thing via magic connection my spell fails.
Very interesting however is that when my spell fails I can sense a sort of interferance that disrupts it, I am not yet at a level where I feel safe making an enemy of some foe with world altering powers, but I will defenitely explore that interferance more someday.
[Dirt wall] is learned by just making a wall shaped throw rock, [Fire wall] is like water wall but with the fire element and instead of flowing it is more like pushing out in one direction while being surrounded by all other sides, and [Wind wall] needs to circulate without compressing it, but still trapping it within a finite space.
These 3 only take a half hour because fire and dirt wall were so easy after learning water wall, my lecture skill also levelled up again.
Water magic: water wall LV1, makes a wall of water that will block enemy attackes MP cost is a minimum of 15, but more MP leads to a stronger effect, MP cost is paid every second that the spell remains in effect. (all wall spells have same explanation but with different elements)
Fire magic: fire wall LV1
Wind magic: wind wall LV1
Earth magic: dirt wall LV1 Lecture LV7 (increases by 14% now)
I use skill teach again to view her possible skills to be taught.
Class skills that can be taught Burst of speed (land) Foraging Expanded mana pool Magic overdrive
It doesn't seem like any new options are available, hopefully because like the wall skills it would tell me if there was.
I try to get Ratina to learn ice magic anyways trying mixing fire as being a form of temperature to lower it and water to give it form, mixing wind cooling off the water, just using fire on it's own with the concept of lowered temperature, mixing earth for a solid form with the water property, and severak other attempts for a few hours but none of it works at all.
The system never interfered, but I did many similar things to the wall skills before without triggering the system, Ratina also had a slightly different form on the attempt to learn the skill than afterward so one of these methods may be the actual way, we just need the pre-requisite first.
I then lecture her to try using all of her MP in one attack, or to race around within the hole as fast as she can, but she doesn't learn magic overdrive or speed boost.
I then go to sleep again after grabbing a quick meal from the vacuum room for myself and my monsters.
Ratina and Nasby are having an intense staring contest in the background but the magic connection strangely never gets in the way of sleeping, even if someone you are connected to is full of energy.
When I wake up again me and Ratina use our magic senses like radar and neither of us find Steven within range of our camp.
We do however notice the bear from before poking around at the meat cooking hole, so I think it is time our party fought our first mini boss.
Now while I could try taming the bear to quickly climb the power creep, I already have something else in mind for my 3rd slot.
I will be on Ratina instead of Nasby because Nasby will be using taunt but that doesn't last as long as it's cooldown yet so I need to be far enough away that the bear can't target me until the next taunt is ready.
Ratina will also be using primarily wall spells to keep the bear in place, whil I will be using most of the damaging attacks while spamming monsterbuff when the duration ends on Nasby who will be fighting it head on.
I start the fight using hide whith ratina after using monster buff on Nasby, and have Nasby roar and charge at the bear directly.
Nasby's charge doesn't let her trample the bear, she hardly even shakes the bear's foundation.
She uses chrushing bite on it but the bear doesn't look hurt much, and it swipes back with it's claw.
It manages to scratch Nasby's hide, but the cut isn't deep and her HP only takes about 20 damage, in the mean time I shot a wind ball using most of my mp, but even that with a suprise attack only manages to make a few cuts on the bear's hide.
Nasby has held the bear in her mouth since the first bite, but it is dragging her while running towards me and Ratina before she uses her taunt skill to redirect its attention.
Ratina repositions us while using a water wall to block the next swipe of the bear, the attack is completely blocked and the bear looks distressed when seeing water magic.
It takes some time for my MP to recharge while still using monster buff on Nasby, Ratina is using walls just long enough to block any claw swipes or bites before cancelling it, and alternating between all walls other than wind because the bear tore right through that one.
The water wall seems to block it with the most leeway so it probably has an elemental weakness to water.
This becomes more apparent when one of its bite attacks has glowing red teeth that breaks through a dirt wall and minorly burns Nasby.
So both the top 2 creatures of the forest are fire attributed, when I scanned Steven I could feel a large resemblance to my fire mana, but the bears didn't and still don't give off a strong resemblance.
There is a little one in hindsight, but not enough to be obvious unless you know to look for it.
This time I use water ball with most of my mana, some is put into speed but most is put into damage, and it manages to pierce into the bear's side, Nasby then readjusts her bite to dig deeper into the wound.
I tell ratina to do a full power and full coverage water wall because the bear looks livid, and that turned out to be the right call.
The bear exploded.
It still has its flesh in tact, but the fur has burned off completely, and it is still struggling to bite and claw Nasby.
Me and Ratina were far enough out to avoid the impact, and the barrier blocked most of the impact but Nasby still took 100 damage even with a blocking advantageous element.
I also have Ratina double up on magic sense with her wall spells, in case our fight just attracted Steven's interest.
We rinse and repeat our stratagy for 8 more full power water balls, and the bear finally collapses and dies.
Auxentius LV upx9, Ratina LV up x11, Nasby LV upx6
Just how strong was that bear?! Nasby leveled up by more than a weeks worth of regular hunting.
My monster buff skill levelled up once, Nasby's tough hide and taunt levelled up twice, and Ratina levelled up her water wall twice and her, fire, and earth walls once each.
Monster buff LV5: (Now increases your monster’s stats by 13% of your Charisma stat +7% Willpower stat+ 6% Intelligence stat MP cost 15 cooldown 25 duration 30) Tough hide LV5: (Now 10% physical reduction) Taunt LV3: (Now lasts 15 seconds)
I bury the bear corpse and we head back to base quickly after using flame manipulation to stop the forest fire that explosion was begining to start.
The bear corpse is eventually dragged back to base by dirt manipulation, and when we cut it open we find a Rare quality beast blade.
Ever since the owl all the corpses we dissected only had a few coppers if anything, this is the first usable loot we have found.
Rare quality beast blade: A dagger designed to hunt beast type monsters, +5% strength to damage when used as a weapon and an extra 3% total damage against beast type monsters.
I wish I knew how broad beast type was, are insects also beast type or are they insect type? This raises a lot of questions that I currently lack the ability to answer.
More importants after that fight all of us can evolve or class up.
Ratina evolutions possible rat scholar mouse veteran mage mouse apprentist elementalist mouse apprentice sorcerer mouse apprentice barrier mage magic blood mouse martial artist disciple mouse apprentice magic seal artist mouse beginner archmage failed magic abomination hamster Water mouse Auxentius possible class upgrades Monster alpha LV2 Rank 1 (WARNING will remove all teacher related skills) Monster research intern LV3 rank 2 Veteran Tamer LV3 Rank 2 Elemental Tamer LV3 Rank 2 (WARNING will remove all teacher related skills) Necromancer apprentice LV3 Rank 3 (will kill all of your currently tamed beasts and reanimate them to serve you in death) (WARNING will remove all teacher related skills) Monster Professor LV3 Rank 2 Novice monster tacticion LV3 Rank 1 Monster sensei LV3 Rank 2 Nasby evolutions available Hippopotamus knight Hippopotamus bunker Hippopotomus wall Hippopotamus protector Iron back hippopotamus Lesser orca Great white shark Elephant
So many decisions to be made, but first off why is hamster there, rat scolar at least slightly makes sense but where, why, and how is hamster available now and not in the previous evolution screen.
Failed magic abomination makes it sound like I've been doing magical experiments on Ratina, I don't even have the proper tools to pull that off yet! Blatent accusations I say.
Some of my previous class change options are available at a higher level, but all but veteran tamer require me abandoning my teacher skills so those can be written off easily.
That leaves professor, researcher, tactitician, sensei, or veteran tamer.
I would rather stay on a speciallized track so veteran tamer is once again pushed to the side, professor and researcher both seem like they would provide desperately needed information, but speciallizing too strongly in the non-combat classes could become a major problem so I play it safe and go with monster sensei.
Skills available Discipline Awaken hidden potential Assuring arua
All stats +6
Probably the easiest skill choice I've had, the other options are no where near as tempting as awaken hidden potential so I learn it
Awaken hidden potential LV1: Increases stats of the targeted monster by 10%, pick one stat to get an extra 5% increase, MP cost 25 duration 15 cooldown 25
Rip off skill, you can't name it something like that and have it be a combat skill, it is just a monster buff clone.
I'd say I want a refund but the other options don't look any better.
Now for Nasby, I assume the orca and shark are from her fish heritage, but we aren't planning on going out to sea any time soon.
There are lots of tanky classes available and elephant to double down on weight based skills, but hippopotmus protector seems like the most useful tank in a party so I have her take that one.
Now to decide Ratina's path, barrier magic and sealing magic are pretty interesting and magic blood martial artist is disqualified for being a close combat class, but the rest are most variations on standard magic, elementalist probably focusing on attributes of magic.
But archmage sounds like a very promising path so I have her select that one, now to just wait around on guard until they finish evolving.
Human, male
Monster sensei
LV 3
Rank 2
215/215 (increases by 2.1/sec)
Mana perception
Mana manipulation
Magic mana sense
Magic connection
Telepathy LV3
Tame LV2: 2/3 monsters tamed
Fire magic: fireball
Water magic: waterball
Wind magic: windball
Earth magic: throw rock
Earth magic: soil manipulation
Monster buff LV5
Astral projection
Fire magic: fire manipulation Water magic: water manipulation Wind magic: wind manipulation
Skill teach LV1
Lecture LV7 Awaken hidden potential LV1
Child prodigy
Dark Horse
Heroic victory
Legendary Victory
Sinister puppetmaster
Tamed monsters
Ratina LV21
Nasby LV 31
Linked beings
Nasby LV 31 Ratina LV21
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