《Lucifer Dark the summoned fallen angel》Duel with Justin


I wake up and Sariina is sleeping on my chest. I start thinking that Sariina was really agressive last night. Right now she sleeps with a happy face. I move my hand over her back and it reaches to her tail. I start rubbing her tail. I rub it for some time, she then wakes up and says:

"Nyaa! Not there Luc!"

I stop and kiss her. We kiss for a minute and then she bites right side of my lower neck. It doesn't hurt, but why did she bite me?

"Ahm, Love. Why did you bite me?"(Lucifer)

"I just marked you. You see, beastwomen mark their mates with a bite. I just remembered, that I hadn't marked you."(Sariina)

"I understand, but you could have said it before, you bit me."(Lucifer)

"I could have, but you played with my tail, so that was a punishment."(Sariina)

I kiss her again and we get up from the bed. We go down and have breakfast.

We reach the dining room, sit down and start to eat.

"So Lucifer. Are you ready for your match?"(Gray)

"Yes. It will probably be over in a minute anyways."

"Don't underestimate him! I heard that all of his stat are around 3 thousand."(Gray)

I decide to check my status.

NAME: Lucifer Dark

RACE: fallen angel

LV: 26

TITLES: summoned one, true demon lord

HP: 13574

MP: 17496

DEF: 9684

DEX: 11297

INT: 8567

STM: 9012

STR: 17547

SKILLS: language comprehension, dark magic(max), void magic(max), space magic(max), ice magic(max), lighting magic(max), fire magic(max), sword mastery(max), knife mastery(max), martial arts(max), bow skills(max), wings of the fallen angel, analyze(max).

I finish checking my status and say to Gray:

"Don't worry! My stats are at least three times bigger."

"Still, be careful!"(Gray)

"I will! I promise!"

I say that to him. We finish breakfast and me and Sariina go back to her room. We take the equipment and go downstairs. Gray, Maya and Sally are downstairs and Gray says:

"We are coming to watch the duel."

"Okey. Let's get moving then!"(Lucifer)

We leave the mansion and in front of the mansion there is a white carriage with blue linining. It's pulled by four horses. We enter the carriage. Me and Sariina sit on one seat and Gray, Maya and Sally on the other seat. We then start moving and Sally asks me:

"Lucifer! Umm, could you make the prince look like a fool?"


"Sure, but why?"(Lucifer)

"I don't like him. He always annoyes nee-chan. One time he tried to get me as his lover."(Sally)

So he is a lolicon too. He is one sick son of a bitch.

"Okay. I will humililate that lolicon!"(Lucifer)

"Thanks Lucifer! But what is a lolicon?"

She asks me with a curious face.

"Lolicon is a man, who likes little girls. So I recommend you to stay away from him. Where I come from, people like him are put in prison."(Lucifer)

"I'll stay away from that pervert! Lucifer, where did you come from?"(Sally)

"Yeah Lucifer! Where did you come from? You haven't told us."(Maya)

I can't exactly say I was summoned with heroes.

"Sorry, I can't tell you. The less people know where I come from, the better it is."(Lucifer)

"I understand. We don't want to trouble you Lucifer, so we won't ask anymore."(Maya)


I answer her and we don't talk the rest of the way to the arena. We reach the arena, the carriage stops and we get out. There are a lot of people here. Damn, the news travel fast. We go to the arena entrance and guards let's us through. Because Sariinas family are nobles they have a private booth. Gray, Maya and Sally go to the booth and Sariina comes with me to the preparing room. We enter the room and it's empty. Me and Sariina sit on a bench.

"So Luc, what is your plan?"(Sariina)

"You'll see, when the match starts."(Lucifer)

"Okay Luc, but remember not to kill him. You will be in trouble if that happens."(Sariina)

"I won't kill him, so don't worry."(Lucifer)

"Okay. Please be safe and good luck!"(Sariina)

"Thank you Love!"(Lucifer)

I then kiss her for a minute and then she leaves to watch the upcoming match. After she leaves, a guard comes.

"It's time for your duel. Follow me!"(guard)

I get up and walk to him. He then starts walking and I follow him. After two minutes of walking I reach the entrance of the battle ground. I enter the battle ground. It's about 40 meters wide. The ground is made out of stone. I walk a few meters and see Fuckboy(Justin) with a fancy armour. He wears armour made out of mithril and it's a full body armour. Ok. It might take a little bit longer. In his hands there is a mithril greatsword. The sword is about 170-180 cm long. Right now he rests the sword on his shoulder. Okay, so he is a tank type fighter. Slow, but hits like a truck. I think I need to use my sword in this fight. Everyone is cheering for him and only Sariina and her family cheers for me. I look around the area and see the beastmen kingdoms king sitting on the throne. He looks like an older version of Fuckboy. Same blond hair, blue eyes and cat ears and a tail. Then the king stands up and screams:



Everyone stops talking.

"Today we have come here to witness the match between: the second prince of the beastmen kingdom Justin Biebar and an adventurer Lucifer. The match rewards are set. If Justin wins: he gets the hand of Sariina Neko for marriage. If Lucifer wins he gets 1 thousand gold coins!"

Oi-oi. WTF. They try to screw me over. I'm so pissed now and yell at the king:


"There wasn't such a deal. I don't know what you are talking about. Justin said that you agreed with the money!"(king)

This Fuckboy is going to regret trying to screw me over.

"Oi Justin! We had a deal if I win I get the gauntlets and also if you changed the prize I will kill you!"(Lucifer)

After saying that I start releasing my killing intent.

"So J-U-S-T-I-N! What will my prize be: the gauntlets or your life?"(Lucifer)

"The pr-prize will be the g-gauntlens."

The King answers for Justin. He says that while stuttering. I then retract my killing intent. Nobody dares to say anything. After a minute the king says:

"Are you both ready?"



"Then begin!"

After the king says that, I use [Blink] twice and teleport right in front of Justin. Before he could even react I already grabbed his throat and lifted him in the air. He drops his sword and tries to break free from my grip. I then throw him into the air and jump after him. In the air I grab his head and slam it into the floor, knocking him out. There are huge cracks coming from the point of impact. Right now he is alive-ish. Well he still breaths, but I won't be surprised if he becomes a vegetable. Everyone in the arena are speechless, because I took out this kingdoms one of the strongest warriors out in 15 seconds.

The king breaks the silence.

"The wi-winner is Lu-Lucifer. As promised, he will get the gauntlets. Please come to the castle to receive your reward."(king)

I just nod and start leaving the arena. The healing mages come to the arena and start healing Justin. I leave the arena and go to the preparing room. I sit on the bench and start thinking: that killing intent was too much. I hope I didn't scare Love and her family with it. I keep thinking about it, when I hear knocking on the door.

"Luc, may I enter?"(Sariina)

"Come in Love!"

I answer her and she comes in. She then walks up to me and sits on my lap. I kiss her for a minute and then she asks me:

"Luc, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I hope I didn't scare you with my killing intent."(Lucifer)

"It was a little scary, but I knew you had your reason for releasing your killing intent."(Sariina)

"I thought you would be scared of me."(Lucifer)

"I won't be scared of you Luc. I love you too much."(Sariina)

"I love you too Sariina!"(Lucifer)

I then kiss her. We kiss about five minutes and then we decide to leave. We leave the room and I see her family there. They still look at me the same way. Thank god! I guess Sariina explained them about me. Sally walks to me and gives me a hug. Her face is in my stomach. After she stops hugging she says:

"Thank you Lucifer for humiliating him!"

I give her a smile and say:

"No problem."

We then decide to leave the arena. We go to the carriage, enter it and go back to the mansion. We arrive to the mansion. Me and Sariina go back to her room. I take off my equipment and my coat, gloves and boots. Sariina takes her equipment, coat and boots off too. I lay down on the bed and motion Sariina to come here. She sits on the edge of the bed and i grab her waist and pull her to me.

"Luc, it's still too early for that."(Sariina)

"I just want to cuddle with you."(Lucifer)

"Okay Luc. If it makes you happier you can play with my ears and tail a little."(Sariina)

"Thanks Love!"(Lucifer)

I then play with her ears and tail gently so that she wouldnt be too aroused by it. We keep cuddling for some hours. Before we notice It's dinner time. We go down, have dinner and come back to the room. We take a bath where we 'play' . After bath we go to the bed and have sex.


Thanks to la Shub-Niggurath for proofreading

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