《Lucifer Dark the summoned fallen angel》Training grounds


As the new day begins i wake up in the queen sized bed. "So it wasn't a dream."I get up and go to breakfast. As I arrive to the dining hall, everyone looks at with disgust again. Really. Grow the fuck up already. After I sit down the king starts speaking

"your training will start after breakfast,so after eating go to the training area."(king)

I finish eating and go back to my room.I go to the closet and somebody has put change of clothes there.Good.I change my clothes.Right now I'm wearing black pants,brown leather boots,black shirt and my hoodie.Because I will be training so I tie my hair into a ponytail. After that I look in the mirror: I see a young man with a handsome face with blue and green eyes, with two scars: on the upper lip and over the left eye. That man is me. What, you thought I was ugly or with average looks. No,I just don't want people to like me because of my looks, so that's why i cover it with my hair. After checking my appearance out I go to the training grounds.

*Training grounds*

As I arrive at the training grounds,everyone looks at me again.I hear whispers

"who is this guy"(male classmate)

"I don't know,but he looks hot."(female classmate)

They don't regonize me because i tied my hair.What,is my gloomy look my identidy.

"Who are you?"(Sakura)


"WHAAAAAAT!"(classmates and teacher)

Wait,even the teacher didn't regonize me.

Well whatever,I move on to the shooting range.I pick up the longbow and a couple of arrows and start shooting. This brings back memories: when dad started teach me how to shoot a bow and later how to split the arrow in half with a bow or a sword. I don't know why he taught me that. As I place arrow on the bow and draw it,I start aiming at the target that is 50m away.I release the arrow and the arrow hits right in the center. Nice.I shoot three more arrows and they hit the center as well.I still have my skills. Everybody was suprised that i could shoot that good.Ignoring them, suddenly Subaru walks up to me and says:


"You think you are cool.How about a duel."

"Sure,why not."(Lucifer)

We walk to the arena,on the way there I went to the armory and picked up a regular iron sword and a katana. I like to dual wield with wierd combination. Both sword are dull because they are meant for practice. As we arrive on the arena I see Subaru has a fancy sword on his belt. Don't tell me he is going to use his holy sword in this duel. What a pussy.

Well whatever, he probably has never used a sword before coming here. He may have skill, but i have experience. All the knights and classmates have gathered here to watch the match.I hear they predict how long will i last. Some bet 1 minute some 30 seconds.I take my stance,iron sword in right hand and the katana on the other hand in reverse grip.It's my own style that i created.It took me 3 years to create and 2 years to master it.Gand comes and says:

"I have put a barrier around the arena so there will be no physical injuries. Winner is the one who knocks another out or makes him submit defeat.Do you understand?"

"Yes."(Lucifer and Subaru)

"Are you ready for your defeat?"(Subaru)

"Yea sure ,let's start."(Lucifer)


I see Subaru rushing towards me with his sword. As he gets closer i side step right before he reaches me. Once he is next to me with his rushing I kick him in the stomach with full force. It probaly didn't hurt him much because of his high defense.After the kick he loses his balance,drops his sword and falls down.I quickly rush to him and but both of my sword at his neck.It's my win.

"Wi-winner is Lucifer."(Gand)

"No way he cheated."(all the knights)

"Yeah he cheated. Its obvious he cheated,I mean he has the same name as the fallen angel."(Subaru)



I shout because of the bullshit that comes out if his mouth. It's been a long time when somebody mentioned my is the same as the fallen angel.

"You lost because you have no experience in fighting,you dumbass. Because you have that op sword and the skill doesn't mean you can fight. Did you really thought you could win me,who practised twith swords for fourteen years. No shit you will lose. Baka."(Lucifer)

Silence no one said anything.I sheath my swords and leave the arena. On my way back, I take one of the guards knife and throw it at the shooting range target. The knife hits the center of the target, where I shot my arrows before. Knife hits the center if targe splitting an arrow in progress. Everyone was dumbfounded, because of what they saw just now.I go to the libaryr to read some books.

*Nox view*

"What has just happened?"

I came here to see our heros fight but he lost. Our hero was defeated by a kid whose stats are the same as a regular knight. How? This shoulde've been impossible.And he kicked him once and that was all it took to defeat our hero. He said he had experience. It's interesting who taught him and that style was weird.He used two different swords, which styles are completely different. Who was his teacher? I want to know.

*Subaru view*

What has just happened? I saw that Lucifer showing off with his bow skills. So I thought to challenge him to a duel to .Show him how week he actually is. So i went to him and said:

"You think you are cool.How about a duel."

"Sure,why not."(Lucifer)

He fell for my trap to make him look like a fool. We arrive at the arena i see that Lucifer is holding two swords. That doesn't mean anything to me.I mean i'm the great hero of justice and i'm the one who is destined to kill the demon king. As soon as the match begins, I rush to him. As I'm about to teach him he side steps and kicks me in the stomach.I lose my balance,drop my sword and fall down. Shit, how does it hurt so much my defence is high. Before I could even start getting up there were two sword pointed at my neck. I LOST, I LOST.HOW?

"Wi-winner is Lucifer."(Gand)

I hear Gand saying that and all the knights shouted:

"No way he cheated."

I say the same because it's impossible for me to lose to such a loser

"Yeah he cheated.Its obvios he cheated,I mean he has the same name as the fallen angel."(Subaru)


I hear him shouting at me.

"You lost because you have no expirience in fighting,you dumbass.Because you have that op sword and the skill doesn't mean you can fight.Did you really thought you could win me,who has used the sword for fourteen years.No shit you will lose.Baka."(Lucifer)

What!? How dare he speak to me like that?! I thought.I'm the hero,he should respect me.I see him starting to walk away. On the way he throws a knife at the shooting range target were he was shooting arrows before. The knife hits the center of the target, splitting the arrows that he shot before. What hell is he? How is he better than me.That should be my glory.He will regret making me look like a fool.


Thanks to la Shub-Niggurath for proofreading

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