《HERO OF DEMONS (HOD)》Prologue-Disappearance


Hello. I am the mysterious bomb flinging writer Kris, and will atempt to write all sorts of cool, sad, happy, tragic, funny, and awesome stuff. This is my first book.


*beep beep boop blooop*

The sound of swords clashing could be heard. They sounded at regular intervals while other battle produced sounds also rang out through the classroom.


"Ah, I died."

All the previous sounds had come from the Bentendo TS in the hands of a certain average looking black haired 8th grade boy.

(note* Sorry just had to put that parody from Gintama in there.)

(note2*And we are now for real starting the story!)


Hello, my name is Kris. Rest assured, I am a boy. It's just that my parents wanted me to be a bit special. Nice going Mom, Dad, thanks for those years of bullying for something as trivial as a name that's a bit different. Well, they died in a cliche car crash. (What am I? A web novel character?) when I was 7, so I guess that it didn't affect me as much as it should've.

"Kris! There's a new arena event in First Fantasy!"

"Got it Colby, Got it. I'll form a party with you later"

(note* if u didn't notice, it's a parody of F*nal Fantasy)

Ah, there's the reason. Colby, who was abused by his parents was moved to the orphanage after they were taken away by the authority's. He arrived a short while after my parents died. When I was in a state of depression, he showed me video games and light novels. Needless to say, I was immediately transformed into an otaku.

Colby, has a very average build like me, but completes the otaku look with his glasses. He also very recently has 8th grade syndrom and minor pervert tendencies. Despite all that, he is actually smartest in our class and practically a genius. All in all, he's my best friend.


Today's a very nice day. It's free period and everybody is either chatting playing table football, or fooling around. Well, Colby and I are playing First Fantasy.

"Hey! Kris, Colby! You Disgusting Otaku Freaks! Hand over the usual lunch money!"

Damn, It's the class president; Kevin. He's a pretty boy. I don't understand why somebody as smart, handsome, and athletic would still want to harass some measly otakus like us.

He's always nice to everybody else, except Me and Colby. Since He's also the son of this schools chairman, the teachers just let everything slide. The students are somehow convinced that it's normal that otakus are disgusting. In short, A rich handsome playboy with blond hair., athletic body, and he's also got brains. My god, he's practically a manga's main character.

I've learned from experience that there is no way I can beat him. Although all those years of running down to the school cafe to buy lunch for him made me the fastest in the class, he is much stronger than me. So I just sigh dejectedly and hand over the money. There's not really any point in resisting, is there?

I thought that this year, he might end up in a different class, but no, when we took our new seats last week, there he is. With that dark smirk that only Colby and I recognize.

I silently hand over the money that Colby and I had prepared. Then,


A bright glow appeared on the ground. It had strange symbols that I could not recognize and resembled what me and Colby had watched in a certain anime before.

We looked at each-other and recognition resounded in our eyes.

"It's a Magic Circle!"

As expected of my best friend. We were totally in sync. If this is what we had read before in that certain light novel.... than 'that' would happen.

Were being summoned to another world! I hope.



On 9/9/9 classroom 99 grade 8, disappeared without a trace. This would become an uproar and for a while, the internet and news would have many threads about alien abduction theories.

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