《Soulless: Twisted hell》Chapter 13


Loud moaning coming from the bath interrupted Gezgan’s preparations. He grabbed the towels and oils quickly, worried that his Mistress got tired of waiting for him and has decided to start on her own.

Rushing back into the bath, he saw his Mistress was already in the pool. She was biting her lower lip as her eyes rolled upwards.

“But, mistress … I didn’t even start yet …” he said while grimacing in amused confusion.

“There’s so much of it pouring through!” His Mistress moaned as her back arched upwards.

“Umm … excuse me?”

“There’s so much of it! I’ve never felt this much before!”

“Umm … you got a new toy in there?”

“No, you dumbass! Ooohhhhhh! The chaos is finally pouring into this world! The balance is shifting once again!”

“Oh!” It finally dawned on him, what his Mistress actually is. Spending thousands of years with her made him forget her true nature.

A few moments later, the water in the pool started evaporating from the heat rise, clouding the room with thick fog. Unable to see his Mistress anymore, Gezgan had no other choice but to come closer.

“Can I help you somehow, mistress?”

“No … I just need a few moments to vent the heat. I think you’d want to stand back.”

Knowing better than to doubt his Mistress, Gezgan did exactly as he was told.

A scorching flame brushed against his face. His natural affinity for fire absorbed most of it, but it hurt nonetheless. Eventually, the fog started lifting, enabling him to see his Mistress’s form once again.

With all the water in the pool gone, her perfect, naked form was revealed to him once again.

Even though it was something he saw thousands of times before, he couldn’t help but glue his eyes to it. Besides, it wasn’t like he was doing something wrong. His Mistress always saw such attention as the highest form of flattery.


But, even if she did mind it, he would still be unable to avert his eyes. The ideal figure, her perfect, pale skin with not a single flaw on it, generous but not obscenely huge bosom and a face straight out of every male’s dream, with exquisite lines and decorated with full red lips, deep blue eyes, the pitch- dark, long hair and a set of intimidating horns on top of her head.

She stood up, not paying any attention to Gezgan’s lecherous gaze.

“Now’s not the time to be lazing around! I must go! They need me!”

“Who needs you, mistress?”

“I must help them! I must make sure those fuckers don’t ruin it again! Not after it has finally been summoned!” She yelled as she started running out of the bath, completely naked.

“Mistress, wait! Your clothes!”

But she was already out.

“Well … I guess the cold never bothered you anyway.”

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