《Magnus of Theta》Chapter 33


"Are there... I thought there were only seven," cried the first man from the crowd.

"There are," laughed Kha as he motioned them to avoid the table. "He's asleep so please keep your voice down. Anyways, these seven are, as you know, the main force in the novel. However... is that to say that is all of them?

"Through careful research, we have found several dozen of them. Some played enemies, villains, or even carried background roles in menial affairs; however, now they are all at your viewing leisure. Those that can be replicated, have been. I'm certainly aware the price of entrance was steep, but I trust you find this place enjoyable. In fact... there will be a special auction once the little master wakes up. Let's just say keep your eyes out for the one you like the most."

The crowd was silent as their eyes darted all around them. They were currently sitting in a gallery portion of the building, just outside of a useable kitchen, which became Andrew's napping location. However, the crowd, be it male or female, young or old, quietly admired the statues that were created after a few months of research and preparation by the assassin troop.

Andrew had originally gifted them the original text to try to find the hints to their appearances. After liberal artistic licence and a few renderings, he was able to create most of the women cast from the novel. In addition, they were using whatever weapons, tools, or even dressed, as they were in the novel. Therefore the gallery was nearly as close a duplicate as possible - if demonised.

Due to the sheer size of the building Andrew single-handed constructed, Kha decided to showcase the characters before allowing them to delve into make-shift scenes from the book.

Andrew, however, was asleep. That is until he heard a scream in his ear.

"Andrew! Boy, god damn it! Y-y-you never told me! Why! Did! You! Not! Tell! Me!" Roared Kakarov as he jumped into the kitchen.

Andrew yawned and irritably glared at Kakarov. "What... I don't care... I'm going back to sleep, enjoy."

Andrew sunk deeply into the tiled floor before he reached an underground chamber he created for himself. After sealing it all up, he decided to get back to work. He finished a general outline before he randomly chose one the statues to view the outside world in.

Considering he was in a house full of them, he decided, very much at random, to attach a steel clip into a woman's bloise.

She did not notice the glowing eyes from the statue, but Andrew's small x shaped pin immediately caught Kha's well-trained eye.

After the initial tour, the group was brought to the front of the building.


"So it seems he has chosen someone," chuckled Kha in front of the crowd. "Those who have a marked pendant on their shirts, please approach."

Most of them did not understand what was going on; however, they all looked down to their shirts. Near the collarbone, was the small pin. And three guests received it.

"Now, those of you with the mark. Please pick out the corresponding number to the statue. If you are still confused, we do have a glossary for your use."

"2," cried a young man.

"Ah, Tafe, good choice, good choice," grinned Kha.

"1," mumbled a woman.

"Ah, daring - I like it!"

"23," spoke another young woman.

"Strange," spoke Kha curiously. "Nevertheless, they'll be crafted for you in just a moment. Retail price is impossible to judge, but I assure you it will the only one like it."

Soon thereafter, two two-horned demons, one heroine and one veritable witch, were delivered by Andrew's doppelganger and a third, with a single horn appeared as well. They rested in the Kha's hands who eventually passed them out to the three.

"Treat them well," smiled the man warmly. He turned to look at the crowd and shouted, "we will open up this property every Sunday; however, it is considered private property all the same. Do not consider trespassing, for your own safety."

After the words were uttered, a few sighed loudly. Nevertheless, the crowd left in rather upbeat moods. The statues were tasteful so even the accompanying wives and daughters did not have much to say besides the high ratio of men versus women in the yard - very much conflicting with the opposite issue of the gallery.

Regardless, they had already doubled the cost of investment.

'Kha,' projected Andrew. 'We should buy slaves to curate the house. It'll be a better life than they would have had before. How does that sound?'

'So naive,' sighed Kha inwardly. 'Shall we screen for potential criminals?'

'Well, perhaps, but it does depend on the crime itself. If it is minor, then no big deal. How much do they range around?'

'Several gold to several hundred.'

'Well,' projected Andrew thoughtfully. 'My share is, what, four thousand? Let's just look at getting as many as possible.'

Andrew was still tired after the exhausting few weeks, therefore, he just sent his shadow self. The others remained in the house portion as they did various tasks or simply resting and training.

As Andrew hovered and Kha walked, the two chatted for a while before they were greeted with a familiar scene. Andrew did not like the scene itself. However, he was not strong enough to change it from being a reality.


"So leaving myself with another thousand, means about three thousand. Anything else we need to pick up?"

"We should have enough supplies for a while, but perhaps polish or something of that sort."

"Mayb- uhm, does she look familiar to you," murmured Andrew as he pointed to a cage off to the side.

"Isn't that..."

"Andrew! Get me out of this damned thing!" Roared Leya as she rattled the metal bars of the cage. "Damn, Mom had gone insane. Sent me to a perverted barbarian before he shipped me to the South before Baba - Baba - sent me here!"

"Uhm, okay? Why is that my concern, though," spoke Andrew curiously. "I mean, yeah, I was going to buy slaves, but why would I buy you?"

"I'm your sister, damn it!" Roared Leya, attracting the attention of the crowd. "Just let me out and I'll pay you back!"

Andrew heaved a deep sigh as he looked at the price tag. Typically it reflects the amount, plus interest, of the individual's crime.

"Did... did you really do that much damage," spoke Andrew hesitantly. "I mean... tw-two thousand gold is a lot..."

Leya furrowed her brows, "well, when a barbarian tries to take an advance on you, what else was I supposed to do? Leave his fort/hut standing? No. That bastard already had four wives!"

"So," groaned Andrew. "I refuse - I refuse - to be in the same city as you. I am not taking responsibility for you, technically my slave, in destroying other things. And haven't I already sent back at least that much!?"

"Mom uses it to fix the house and such things," spoke Leya disinterestedly.

"Ugh, why the hell does it have to be here of all places too?" Andrew exhaled loudly and turned back to the slave owner. "Hey, old man, I'd like to... trade something for my sister here."

The man narrowed his eyes at the shadow clone in front of him. "What do you offer?"

"As you may or may not know, I am the person who made the stat-"

"What?! You disgu-"

"Silence," muttered Andrew, repeating the hex for a few more times for good measure. "Anyways, old man, I have the gold, but I'd rather do something of equal value. I can create, design, and manufacture many things."

"I'm not familiar with such things," murmured the man. "However, I do... hear you have something rather unique. Something from her home kingdom, yes?"

Andrew glared at the man before he muttered, "I expect a favour as well then."

The man grinned from ear-to-ear and Andrew disappeared. Since he not was restricted with the requirement of walking on his own two feet, he flew through the air with a black cloth bundle.

Kha stared at the object, but Andrew glared at the man. "This one is a completed edition from a human perspective. However, I require you to bring her back to Nineau. No middle men, no lolly-gagging, just throw her cage on a carriage and hand deliver her to this address.

Andrew scribbled on a piece of paper and Leya's eyes grew wide.

However, the slave merchant bowed lightly, "pleasure doing business with you. I do believe yours is the only complete version at present. I will take my leave later. I've seen that she is wearing a communicative device so I will dial back her mana restriction to allow for status reports as a sign of trust."

Before could cry aloud, Andrew placed the silence hex on her. Having little to no mana available, she was powerless to over-power it. However, raging slews of curses did enter his ear.

After he dealt with his sister, Andrew started to peruse some of the other slaves. They were predominately demons, but a few were humans. In fact, a few even seemed to be another species entirely.

"Dog girls? Cat men? Strange world we live in," murmured Andrew.

He did not communicate much with the dealers. Instead, he looked through the catalogue, indicating the time of capture, the value on their bounty, and even location of their crime, if applicable before he settled on fifty men and women.

The races did not matter to him in the slightest. However, he did want to teach them magic at the soonest possible moment. Not to the extent of using spartan training on frail looking women and children; rather, a basic magic that most people ignored. He had them delivered to his doorstep with Kha and the assassins happily stealing them away to assist in various tasks.

Granted, they were doing it to alleviate their own responsibilities, but the assassins began to teach the slaves all the same. Although fearful at first, they soon opened up to one another. They did not consider the work they were ordered to do would be so little. They were used to hard, back-breaking labour. Yet, they merely needed to do the dishes gently or memorise a few words.

Such was the world that they were forcibly adopted into. Perhaps, one day, they would rid the curtails of Andrew's conquest of the world, but until then, they were subjected to the menial tasks even the boy didn't want to do.

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