《Magnus of Theta》Chapter 18


"Wasn't I just supposed to do some spell or another and then practice it in seclusion," murmured Faith irritably as she looked towards Andrew, Leya, and sheer mass of other students. "Kin, think they'll take us back?"

The elegantly dress man looked at her for a moment before he rose his head, "nothing is impossible. Tell everyone about Plan C quietly."

The whispered murmurs for a long time and people finally quieted down by the time Fern appeared above once more.


They undid their cloak's clasps and soon charged headlong towards the other two teams. Instead of firing off magic like the others, they inverted their cloaks.

Soon a multitude of colours appeared in their ranks.

Especially surprising was the fact that they did not attack all of a sudden, but rather waited just behind. While a few shouted in alarm, the majority of the group was utterly focused on the Ator and Yhir's side.

Andrew noticed this and laughed quietly. "They want to turn again. Girls, what do you think?"

Leya smiled viciously and sat down. "Wait it out. On the defensive."

The others soon relayed the message and everyone deployed their best defensive magics. As the first and second barrage was beaten back, the group looked confused. They were used to more firepower so when they noticed the mass of random cloaks behind them, they grinned wholeheartedly.


Instead of focusing on the opposing team, the group systematically wiped out Farrion's more obvious students before looking towards the erratically designed dome.

Andrew snickered and slowly rose to his feet. "Shall we? For honour! Glory! Victory! My chicken!"

They rallied behind each cry; however, the last sent their pace down a notch. He was still upset over the wasted food. With the dome dispersed, Andrew, Leya, Reva, and Kate took the lead and head towards the remaining six groups.


A light clone flew from Leya's side and a shadow appeared on his own. The students split into two groups and both Leya and Reva targeted the left-most flank whereas Andrew and Kate took care of the right.

Leya took lessons in his previous battle so the group was thoroughly blinded from either bright lights or utter darkness.

'Who's faster to break the middle?'

'Is that even a question?' Scoffed Andrew as he charged headlong towards the right flank. Behind him were hundreds of rapidly fired attacks that were aimed towards the center of mass.

Andrew's head snapped back to dodge an ice lance, he led it aside with his blades and then used the shadow to transfer sweeping cold towards them the trapped group. As ice and shadow solidified, he thrust it into heavy line across the edge to force them together.

In his haste, he felt three rocks bullets pierce his skin. These were not blunted like his own, but he was not concerned with the wounds. Instead, he focused solely on manipulating the mass of shadows while the others neared.

Attacks from inside the afflicted zones were shot at random, occasionally hitting their own group members, but it immediately stopped when the screen was lifted. And, in turn, more than fifty students were standing at wait in front of them perplexed group.

Andrew sighed when he noticed Leya adopted the same tactic. However, the two groups finished off the others in a blink of an eye under the concentrated force of the two attacks.

Andrew looked at Kate at his side incredulously. "Did anyone on our side even get hurt?"

After a cursory glance, Kate beamed a brilliant smile. "None, far as I can tell. Well, you, but still."

He smiled brilliantly before he turned to Leya and the approaching Reva.

Kate was the first to speak, "now how about your duel?"


He noticed she was awkwardly close to him, but Andrew stepped forward lightly. Kate frowned slightly, but Leya laughed wildly at the scene.

He rolled his eyes and turned towards Fern who was waiting for the undecided outcome of their battle.

"Hey, Fern, what is the prize this time?"

The man waved an ancient looking book in front of him. "Four primal elements. Advanced, efficient spells that lead up towards the standard graduation level."

"Split it?" Questioned Andrew curiously.

"Hmmm, we are both missing one so we kind of have to. Otherwise, we can fight, but it'd probably be undecided. Unless you're willing to wager on it?"

Andrew glared at her, "don't tempt me, woman." Clearing his voice, he called out, "split it! Earth and Ice, Fire and Air! Please and thank you!"

The teachers looked shocked at the notion of ruining an ancient tome, but Fern looked around, waiting a few seconds, and ripped it at a center point in the book.

"Hopefully it was right," spoke Fern with a careless smile.

He shot off back towards the school and the teachers glared at Andrew. It could have been done in many, many other ways, but the tome was forever destroyed from its once time-honoured state.

Andrew did not care. Rather, he preferred it this way. Surprisingly the man had split into a proper divide as well.

For Andrew and Leya, it was not all that important for particular spells; however, with their usage, they can allow other unorthodox spells to come to fruition. This was especially important for light and darkness. However, the feelings from the flowing mana would allow for minor breakthroughs to occur throughout all of their elemental usage.

Naturally, Andrew received the earth and ice whereas Leya received the fire and air. Kate peeked out from beside him and began to scan through the pages rapidly.

"Oh! You can use magic like this? Stone Key? Decent healing spells too. Damn, even ice needles? Isn't that kind of..."

"Insidious?" Smirked Andrew. "It's high level, but it would fell any wilding army if the needles are strong enough. And Stone Key... muahahah!"

Kate laughed happily and began flipping through the pages even as Andrew was smacked. Soon others joined them and they all passed around the book. Others waited to take quick glances from the other half when the first came from Yhir. It was a mutual exchange that benefited both classes.

They did not hear the increase to their rank, but they were certain it would be more than enough to push the gap farther away.

Andrew murmured the chant of the ice needle spells a few times to get the hold of it. He typically caused it to fail when he felt the draining sensation overtake him. However, the mana would return as if nothing happened. Several times later, he managed to commit most of to memory.

Later he discovered a true barrage spells from the earth magic spectrum. He happily employed it even though it already ate through half of his mana pool. Granted, its effect was marvelous, it could only be used once in the midst of a battle. Nevertheless, he figured both of the spells would be put to good use in future battles against large numbers of foes.

With the Confusion Hex he learned before, but did not employ, he would be able to hold his own under most circumstances. At least, of course, against common man or, if the need arose, demonic beast.

"Decent score this time. The other books were next to useless. Healing 101, Apprentice Wind Magic, some silly treasure map. Ah, too useless. Well, at least Kyrana has a new chair and stuff..."

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