《Magnus of Theta》Chapter 14


"You... you... you started a battleground in the academy already?!" Seethed Rae as she looked at the two children.

Leya glared at Andrew who returned the gesture. "He started it. He said I robbed the caravan guards and got Princess to stick in my class!"

"She openly challenged me to a duel," scoffed Andrew. "I could not allow my pride to suffer because of her!"

"Pride?! What pride! You two fanned the flames that caused two hundred and seventy-four students to require extensive healing!"

"Kyrana said that it would have happened anyways."

"Ms. Troy said the same thing."

"On the plus side," smirked Andrew as he looked towards Leya.

She glared for a moment before she relented. She carried a feral grin and laughed, "we're at least in the lead by about ten points. Apparently, our classes are the best at rampaging about."

Rae glowered for a moment and saw a mark on Andrew's elbow, "what happened there?"

Andrew looked down and spoke matter of factly, "I amputated her leg so she cut off my arm?"

"It's only fair, right?"

"How is that fair?!" Roared Rae, "I don't even... I don't even... how the hell can you hate each other so much!"

"Many reasons," spoke Andrew solemnly.


"She stole my juice when I was two."

"He dropped me down a flight of stairs in retaliation."

"Then she broke my teddy bear as she destroyed my chair when I was sitting on it."

Leya looked thoughtfully before she shrugged. "It went down hill ever since magic was involved, huh?"

Andrew nodded, "anyways, are you on for tomorrow?"


Rae looked at the sternly before she loosed a deep, reverberating sigh. "My next child will not be involved in magic. He or she will be absolutely normal. No magic, no angel or demon crap - just normal.


Andrew and Leya silently looked at each other before they simulateously gave a nod. "She'll be neutral."

"Wait, no. He, he will be neutral."

"Whatever gender it is will be neutral now go back to your rooms for the love of the Gods."


"... Or Yhir?"

Seeing the glint in their eyes that preluded only battle Rae shoved them away from her and locked herself in the kitchen.

Andrew sat there silently for but a moment before he snuck out of the window.

"You too? No matter, dessert makes everyone feel better," spoke Leya happily.

Andrew grinned and the two bolted from their house.

"I brought a fair portion of my gold. How about you?"

"Yeah, me too. Mother's day gift? Is that a thing here? Fuck it, let's make it a thing."

Leya laughed and nodded. "How about every... six months - no, knowing us, it'd have to be every month on a temporary basis."

"Chocolates, dessert, beauty stuff, and meat?"

"Meat? Why meat?"

Seeing Leya's confused expression, Andrew wagged his finger lightly. "You know pregnant women have a strange addiction to one thing or another, right? I'm pretty sure her's is meat. Well, at least when I bought that doe. Small guy, but it could have held us off more."

"Fair enough. And that way we can include that. Meat and alcohol? For dad."

"Definitely," laughed Andrew. "I want to try this world's wine."

"We're eight! Not eighteen!"

"You should have that dispel poison thing, right?"

"Yeah, but- ah, I see. Maybe. No promises."

The two of them sauntered around town for a bit wearing nothing but scrapped clothing. However, even under the strange stares, they happily went on their little journey to buy their forgiveness.

They noticed several famished looking beggars so they promised to pay them off to carry their goods as they traveled the bizarre. In short moments, two casks of ale and wine were purchased and even a larger supply of meat, fruits, vegetables, and even exotic chocolate.


In total, they spent ten gold on the simple purchase of goods and services and had it hand delivered as they were forcibly recalled by their father when he returned from his work.

"Why... are you walking around town like this?" Spoke the man as he looked cautiously at the ten emanicated old men and women.

Included in their midst were several children who helped with smaller items like bundled chocolates and dessert.

Andrew laughed and stuck his chest out triumphantly, "we're buying our freedom!"

Leya smacked him and stood in front, "nothing major. Just a small rumor is going around that scared mom. Therefore, we decided to give her some gifts just in case."

"In case it being true," groaned Keryzn. "You know, I love you both, but there was to be some truth to you starting a school wide brawl when you come home looking like this. Now you have a procession of the homeless following you?"

"Just another day's work," laughed Andrew, maintaining his triumphant grin. "Owe, damn it all. Anyways, that's what the ale is for. Wine too, but that for m - ahem, uhm... visitors! Yeah, visitors!"

Keryzn groaned even louder and shooed away the beggars. Andrew gave them a silver each was good enough for a warm meal, a few drinks, and lodging for a few days. However, when he noticed the hungry eyes focused on the chocolate he immediately refused them and pushed them out one-by-one.

"That's ours. I may use your services later, but right now - no!"

Leya looked at them with a small sense of budding pity, but by the time the last was removed and the gates, closed, she noticed a large portion of the fresh-food stuffs were gone.

She did not notice it, but Andrew gave away a little when he saw the hungry beggars; however, his pride caused him to growl, "shoo, shoo! Begone with you lot!"

Keryzn noticed this and carried a wry smile as he tried to understand what was going on. However hard he tried, little came into mind. Yet, when a furious woman bolted from the entrance with a frying pan in her hand, he was immediately enlightened.

"What the hell!? I told you to go to your rooms! Go! Stay in there!"

Leya timidly handed him several large containers of chocolates, desserts and other such 'donations' before they scattered out the gate.

Her growl grew furious, but the two were gone. In the wake of her fury was a lone man who himself wanted to leave. Not to chase them, but to join them.

"H-honey, I caught them earlier, but..."

"But what?! They are vicious! How did we - how the hell did we give birth to those little monsters!?"

When he noticed she was on the verge of tears, Keryzn slowly walked up, disarmed the frying pan and started to force chocolates down her throat in an attempt to soothe her.

There was no words involved, but the mutual care for each other, plus the chocolates, helped stem some of the outrage. Granted, it was just a drop in the bucket, but they two sat there silently as two apparations spied on them from above.

"Two more hours," murmured Andrew. "Then we sneak back in?"

"Four. Then we'll have less of a chance to be killed via pillow."

"Understood. But isn't it getting a little cold?"

"You too? Damn, bring extra clothes to school - noted."

They were still wearing the blood-soaked rags that become of their clothes.

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