《Planet #3》Chapter 7


Quickly raising the pistol Alex lined up on one of the charging goblins, and fired quickly. His first shots were panicked and rushed and he noticed it was still charging at him unhurt. Cursing, he fought to bring the pistol down as he shot, the pistol kicking upwards and partially blocking his sight of the onrushing goblin. This was way easier in movies!

His heart jumped as an arrow whizzed by his head and he realized that he was standing out in the open. Looking around, he side stepped towards a nearby light pole, partially blocking his body while still taking shots at the advancing goblin.

Alex noticed the other goblins being accurately cut down in the edge of his vision by the other soldiers. Taking a deep breath as he aimed this time as it rushed towards him, this time hitting the grinning monster square in the chest. Its grin faded as let out a shriek of pain, but continued charging, its eyes locked in rictus of pain it looked back at Alex in hatred as it advanced on him, it's small hand axe raised high in its hand.

Alex took his time to aim again at the goblin and squeezed the trigger again hoping to end it quickly as it had gotten much closer than before. The gun clicked as he pulled the trigger and his eyes widened in realization as he hadn't been counting his shots.

Fumbling around he tried to get another clip out from his pouch as the goblin advanced but only succeeded in dropping it as he tried to empty the gun at the same time. Cursing as his hands shook he dropped the pistol. The goblin was even closer now, and its smile was back as it charged towards him, the small bullet hole in its stomach ignored.. Its yellow eyes shined in anticipation as it reached Alex.

Reaching for his back, Alex ripped his bat awkwardly from his side, the Velcro holder rippling off as he brought it in front of him. The goblin was almost in reach of him and began to howl as it charged him, its axe raised even higher in preparation for an overhead chop.

Adrenaline overriding his fear, Alex instinctively punched forward like a fencer with his bat, the end of it crashing underneath the goblins chin sending it flying into the ground on its back, dazed.

Alex took a step forward and with a two handed overhead swing brought the bat smashing down into the goblins face, turning it into a ugly mush as the bones of its face gave way. Alex grimaced and looked away, slightly sick, as green blood spattered upwards hitting his face.

He didn’t have much time to react however before another goblin charged into view following the same path as the other.

Alex pointed at it and yelled “attack.” He felt the Sparrow leap from his shoulder and like a missle in slammed into the face of the goblin, clawing at its eyes while chirping loudly. The goblin frantically swiped at the small bird, who dodged its clumsy strikes, before being tackled into the ground by his three ground summons. Alex watched as the angry pack of small animals began tearing into the shrieking goblin. The goblin helpless to the attacks of all three at the same time.


Another arrow streaked out towards Alex, and he cursed as he dove down from the part protection of the light post to a mailbox and crouched, Peering over from the side. Another arrow slammed violently into the side of the mailbox just as he was about to peer over fully, and he reared back quickly, before quickly popping over the top to look. Despite the withering fire from the men, the goblins were fiercely fighting back as more and more emerged from the house. Many of the goblins carried bows and primitive weapons and a few larger ones emerged with red tribal paint covering their faces.

Alex began to feel a little nervous about their chances as more and more of the goblins emerged, shrieking high pitched curses as they left the home. The few larger ones were taking cover around the house and making motions at their fellow goblins, directing them.

Alex looked over at the soldiers and noticed that a few of them had been injured by the arrows, others had actually stopped firing and were motioning to others for more ammunition.

Little by little, the rate of fire on the goblins slowed down and more and more of the small green creatures were able to break away from the slaughter at the doorway making their way towards the men crouched behind vehicles, arms raised high with crude weapons and screeching out an odd warbling battle cry.

Alex realized he was the one of the closest people near the house, and before he could backpedal two more of the goblins had reached his position again. One of them stumbled as the honey badger leapt from the dead goblin it had killed, onto its leg, tripping the goblin. He noticed that the other animals weren’t far behind as they all pounced onto the now defenseless creature, biting onto limbs and clawing at it.

The other goblin reached Alex and swung at him with a small wooden club. Alex shifted to the side while parrying the blow with his bat, the tiny impact barely registering as the small wooden club glanced off the side the bat. The goblin fell forward from the exchange, all of its momentum in the strike, and Alex, seizing the opportunity swung his bat across his body, cracking the small creature across the back of its head as it continued past him. The goblin fell like a doll with its strings cut, smashing onto the pavement of the road.

Grimacing again in anticipation, Alex brought the top edge of the bat down onto the fallen goblins skull, turning his head slightly as it made impact and more blood splashed up at him, slapping against the side of his face and neck.

Fighting back nausea he turned to look back at the battle, and jerked his weapon up to try and parry another goblin that had been running at him, this one wielding a spear. The small creature screamed in delight as it took Alex by surprise , managing to slip the spear over his awkward block, stabbing him in the shoulder. It felt like a sharp red hot fire had been stabbed into his shoulder and he gritted his teeth while staggering back from the attack. The goblin, having run full speed to catch alex unawares, crashed into his chest after stabbing him, taking him down to the ground with him.


Alex felt his back pound into the pavement, and the air rushed out of him, the goblin reached down towards him, face smiling as it tried to bite down on his neck, but in a fit of anger and panic Alex threw the creature off of himself, before rolling forward into a crouch.

The goblin punched forward from his spear, at the same time Alex’s sparrow came from nowhere and latched onto its face, the spear narrowly whooshing by his face, cutting a line across his cheek.

Yelling incoherently in anger and pain, Alex stood up fully while the sparrow distracted the creature, and swung overhead, bringing the bat smashing down on the goblins shoulder. A sickening snap sounded as the goblin collapsed in pain on the ground, dropping the spear and clutching at his shoulder, the sparrow jumped off from the goblins face and flew off circling around the two of them.

Alex looked down at the goblin in anger, and the goblin, noticing his gaze reached a hand up towards him as if to protect itself.

‘NO! NO KILL ME!” it shrieked. A blue notification popped in the corner of his vision but Alex ignored it, focusing instead on the goblin.

Alex, grinning cruelly as he dropped his bat on the ground and picked the goblin spear off the ground. The goblin continued to shriek out, begging for mercy, but Alex didn’t pay any attention to it, the pain and anger buffeting out his senses as he focused on the small shrieking creature below him.

With a quick two handed thrust, he drove the spear point into the chest of the goblin, and the small creature gasped for air after the blow, the life slowly leaching from its eyes as it feebly tried to claw at Alex with one of its hands. Green blood bubbled out of is lips as it continue to try and fight feebly, reaching out with its claws. Alex ignored its last attempt to attack him as he stood up again, putting a foot on the side of the dying goblins chest and with a quick jerk, pulled his spear free.

Anger simmering in his veins, he looked up and he saw four more goblins charging towards him, one of them stopped and stabbed into Alex's rat, killing it almost instantly as its kicking and squeeling figure was lifted into the air by the victorious goblins spear point. Alex's other summons left at it as it back petaled punching the air with his spear to keep his distance from the hissing animals.

Alex tore his gaze away from the sight as the other three goblins were getting even closer now and acting on adrenaline and instinct Alex stepped forward and threw the spear, extending his body into the throw. The spear flew towards one of the goblins and pierced in through its stomach, the angry green creature shrieked and dropped its weapon as it fell onto its knees and futility grasped at the spear embedded into its stomach.

Without sparing any time Alex leaned over quickly and picked up his bat again, before slapping it into his opposite hand to block as a wooden club came crashing down onto his bat, his hands shook from the impact and had to backpedal as the second goblin came around from the side, thrusting its spear towards his side.

Another strike came from the club goblin as he felt it smash weakly against his right arm, but in the sheer adrenaline of the moment Alex ignored it. Instead he charged into the club goblin with his shoulder, bashing the small humanoid away from him. Alex, using his forward momentum, spun and swung two handed into the spear goblin hitting it across the face. Another sickening crack sounded as he impacted its face, but instead of falling it staggered back, an ugly broken jaw sagged under its face and it looked at him with a dazed anger.

Alex charged again and brought his two handed bat down, missing its head but crunching into its shoulder, he felt the bones snapping through the aluminum bat as the goblin collapsed under the blow, still alive, but shaking in death throes on the ground.

Alex, looked slightly stunned at the sight and felt himself blackout for a moment as pain registered on the back of his head. Spinning slightly to drunkenly look back he saw the the grinning club goblin and he felt himself falling. Slamming into the ground, he felt disoriented as he numbly tried to push himself get back up off the ground. He felt the wooden club strike against his back and he hissed in pain, throwing himself up off the ground and tacking the goblin into the ground with him.

Still trying to get his bearings Alex could barely react as the small creature swiped a claw against his face and then tried to elbow him. In response Alex puked on its face, his concussion drowning out his adrenaline and will to survive. The puke saved his life, as the goblin shrieked and reflexively covered its face instead of attacking.

With one last effort of will Alex slammed his forearm down into the goblins neck, crushing it. The Goblin shrieked weakly and brought claws from one of its hands racking across his face. Alex ignored the pain as he wrapped his hands on the Goblins neck and squeezed. The Goblin continued to shriek and claw at him but its attacks slowly started to give way as it convulsed for air. Alex, still disoriented and numb, didn't completely understand what was going on and continued squeezing its neck until he felt his vision go black and he fell on top of the smaller creature. His consciousness falling away to a background of violent screaming.

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