《The Overlord》[Chapter 4] - [The Mirror of Memories]
"They just went on and on. My head really hurts." said Aeron rising from his bed. He had planned to go out of the house yesterday. He would tour the market and commons look at how people were living in this city. But he was detained by Xander, Erwin and Valeria.
They argued with each other- not that his presence was even required - and came to decision of Xander giving Aeron martial arts lessons and Valeria hiring him a teacher for his studies.
Erwin was eliminated by Valeria, who just said he could be a highly respected scholar then could join any government work he wanted if he wished to work in government. Erwin could not hold on and agreed with Valeria as he always did:"Okay, honey." Then Valeria told Xander it was two versus one, so he should give up.
Xander called Erwin tied to her apron strings so he would not acknowledge it. Then he passionately talked about his ancestors who were all in military. Then he claimed that for descendants of such illustrious warriors entering military should be a no-brainer!
Valeria and Xander went on and on until it was evening. Aeron could not say okay to neither of them while other was looking with an intense gaze and was not allowed to leave too. He wanted to choose neither. Finally they agreed on him learning both science and art, as well as martial arts .
He sighed, a day was wasted! He looked at the mirror looking at his black eyes. Medium black hair, his grey eyes and white skin that would make models bite their nails in jealousy. In such a face two black eyes... He had to admit he looked very amusing.
He originally had a black eye and a swollen butt. But Zara had to make it look symmetric too! One eye courtesy of Valeria, other courtesy of Zara... This Aeron had not worked hard once in his entire life and never practiced. Even tiniest hit caused his eyes to become black like a panda.
Zara challenged him and he agreed because she pestered him. Since she was a four year old child he decided to take the hit and admit defeat. She ran up and punched him in the stomach. Of course he did not dodge it just so he could make it look like she had hit him so she would be happy.
Children were competitive so as an elder, you had to lose. An elder brother had to lose against younger siblings when they played, since younger siblings would be more immature. After taking her hit, he fell on his knees touching his stomach saying:"I admit defeat!"
She really should be proud, she defeated the great me after all. Well I let her, what my dignity would be if I seriously fought with her... It would be worse than a high schooler bullying a four year old kid.
He nodded to himself in his heart, agreeing with his thoughts. But he did not realized Zara did not expect him to surrender like that. Zara could not stop after he admitted defeat and she accidentally hit his eye with an inexperienced kick!
Valeria gasped and jumped after little imp. Zara ran away to her grandfather hiding behind his back saying:"Grandfather help me! It was just a mistake!"
Xander did not allow Valeria to touch Zara, told Valeria he was defeated, so as winner she could do whatever she wanted with him, the loser.
Feeling angry Aeron took the matters to his hand, while Xander and Valeria was arguing and tickled her until he felt his anger calmed down.
But this matter obviously did not stay in family and by evening whoever he saw hid their face, trying not to laugh. Rumors spread really quick. Only one who did not laugh at him was Sinah. He was not a very liked person so if they had an opportunity everyone would laugh at him of course.
Rumors were such a thing that farther it got from the center the more exaggerated it became. One would become two, two would become four, four would become sixteen, sixteen would become two hundred fifty six and so on.
By night "Young master was feigning defeat, but the young mistress hit him and his eye became black." had already became "Young mistress Zara, defeated the young master in one move and beat him until his eyes became black like a panda!" and in the end he really had no face left...
He did not particularly care, but he felt bitter and indignant, he originally wanted to be a good elder brother and he was now being ridiculed because of it. This made him very angry, As a man he cold not help such feelings. He was seen now as beaten by a four year old girl. Wasn't this just adding insult to injury?
But Aeron had a tough mind and a big heart. Even if he was ridiculed everywhere and became subject of gossip to the point where someone else might start to consider suicide he would not. So long as he relaxed by himself a little and slept a bit, he would get it all out of his system.
He had a little bit of pride he had built over the years. After all, he was the highest expert. A king would have a king's pride. So this had been hard for him. After all, his fall was like falling from sky to earth. It was akin to a millionaire becoming a beggar overnight.
Honestly, so-called tough mind and big heart was just a nicer way of saying truth. The truth was that he simply possessed a hide thick as an elephant. He was capable of feeling shame, but usually it would fly away in a second.
He was going to market today and then he would walk, wandering around in commons. As for the matter of him being ridiculed he did not care, He would do whatever he wanted and go wherever he wanted. To a shameless person all ridicule was pointless.
A martial artist would deaden nerves and make his elbow or shins tougher to the point where elbow would not bruise but cut! Their skin would be tough making all their moves more and more effective. Of course, slowly by hitting mitts or they would cripple themselves.
If someone was ridiculed too much or beaten too much they would naturally gain a resistance. If you were shamed too much you would gain resistance to shame and if you were beaten too much you would gain resistance to pain.
What does not kill you makes you stronger. Aeron would not give a damn to what other people thought. He had been subject of gossip all his high school years. Somewhere along the line he got used to it.
"Young master, young mistress Zara is here. What should I do?" said Sinah knocking on the door. His house although considered a house, was just one huge room, all dedicated to himself. But it was richly furnished so it looked much smaller.
"Zara? Why did she come? She may come in." said Aeron. Why would Zara visit him? Did she came to play with him? Honestly after yesterday he was less eager to play with her.
The door opened and Zara walked in looking shy. She fidgeted a little and then said:" Sorry bro. I did not mean to..." and gave him a package. When Aeron opened it he found a bun-like cake, or something like that.
"Can you forgive me?" asked Zara fidgeting around and looking up with puppy eyes.
WHAT IS THIS CUTE, LITTLE, ADORABLY ADORABLE CREATURE?! Guess I found out why she gets away with pretty much anything!
"Sure I do." said Aeron and rubbed the head of cute little girl. Then he took a bite from his bun-like thing and he found out his bun-like cake was filled with whatever Zara could find that was sweet. Even for him it was sickeningly sweet.
He then looked at the expectant little girl. Looking at those eyes he only could say:"Delicious!" and smile. What made him happy was that she had obviously made this bun-like thing on her own and then brought it to apologize. His heart felt warm.
"Really?" said little girl, happy that her cooking was praised. She had made this muffin without help of anyone... Cooks tried to interfere but she did not let them. They only helped her bake the muffin.
"Really" Aeron said nodding and giving a wide smile. Little girl giggled and hugged his leg. She had forgotten all her guilt and everything about being sorry. Zara said:"Bro, I am bored at home, I wanna go out to market! Mother is not letting me out! I am grounded!" and made a pitiful face with puppy eyes.
Aeron was originally going out, but really had no idea whatsoever where market even was. He thought so long as he asked he would learn. Now he had gained an adorable guide! Besides, he would not get bored or would be forced to study things that he already knew better than these people. He smiled mischievously and said:"Yes, lets go to market! We will look at toys, then eat sweets!" causing little girl to jump in joy.
A little girl was riding on shoulders of a young man. Young man was careful, holding her ankles in case she tried to do something mischievous. Everyone else gave them way and whispered among each other, snickering at two black eyes on his white skin making him look like a panda.
"Zara, what about that pinwheel? Isn't it pretty?" said Aeron.to Zara who rode on his shoulders. They had toured the market for hours. When Zara said no Aeron sighed. This girl was only interested in toys that were as pretty as her own. He suspected that brat had them custom made for her from most exquisite stuff.
Little girl felt down, so he took her in his arms and lifted her up and down, making her giggle with happiness. After all he did not need to buy her toys, he just needed to play with her. After a few more lifts she had already forgotten about toys. She hugged his neck and gave a little peck to Aeron.
"It seems like there is nothing here! Lets go and eat lots of sweets instead!" said Aeron smiling. Zara quickly nodded her head and was excited. Aeron smiled, he quite liked this adorable little girl.
"I am swearing on my mother's grave, I did not steal anything of yours! I may not be considered rich, but I earn a living with my own sweat. Why would I steal anything? Officer please believe me!" said a young man with short hair and wide forehead. His height was normal, around 180 centimeters. His skin was tanned from working in the sun. His eyes and hair were both light brown.
Aeron stopped to look for a while, but while he was moving on his eyes had seen a purple jade sword necklace. It was not really very expensive or anything, but it caught his fancy. He wondered if it was because he liked color purple? Aeron was honest to his desires when he could be, so he asked himself if he had liked it. Answer was yes.
Now he thought, to obtain it what should he do? If man was a bandit or thief there would be no problems with stealing from him. He then thought that this guy was in a tough spot, he would save the man and would ask for it in return.
No one really noticed but the man who was making accusations was partners with another man who expertly slipped a ring into his pocket. He would not notice too, if the thief did not stay to pick more pockets.
"What is happening here? We came to eat in peace but there is a ruckus!" said Aeron with an irritable tone. The man who was accusing the young man looked at him up and down, then he remembered someone rumored to look like a panda. Then he shut up not speaking at all.
"I greet your highness! Prince Aeron, Princess Zara!" said officer and knelt quickly. Aeron made a gesture, allowing him to stand. Aeron said:"What is happening here? Why is this man accused? Is there evidence? If there is evidence take him to jail, If not then go on your own way!"
"...There is no evidence. You heard it his highness wants this ruckus to end! DISPERSE!" said officer amd clapped his hands, everyone who had gathered went to their own way in an instant.
"I thank your highness!!" said young man kneeling before him and looking at him with admiring eyes. But regards to his panda like eyes he could only wonder. Aeron sneered it was obvious that this person had come from some backwater village. He did not even know his reputation.
"If you wish to thank me, then give me that purple jade sword. After all one turn deserves another. I scratched your back and got you out of jail, so repay me with that jade." said Aeron and opened his palm.
Then young man remembered what they said about Prince Aeron and felt the need to laugh at himself. He had thought he was someone who was righteous and just, doing a good deed. Who knew he was doing it to rob him of his jade and not feel guilty later!
But it was true that this person got him out of trouble he had been in and this jade was of medium quality and was not even green, it only had some value as a trophy from his expedition into the Howling Plains. Something an ordinary man could buy; expensive, but affordable. Besides if prince wanted it how could he refuse?
So the fact that he, the debauchee prince, did a small favor to him also meant that he was completely fair in his dealing with him. There were nobles who would give dozens of jade to get this kind of help.
He then reached for his jade and then felt one more extra. There was also a ring he had not seen at all in his breast pocket. He then thought that this was a conspiracy and he would end up arrested! In the end he did save him from jail, beating and fine.
"Of course, your highness! It is my honor!" said man and quickly gave his purple jade sword accessory with great respect. Aeron took it with a pleased smile, then just walked off saying:"With this there is no debts between us, you do not know me, I do not know you." and put jade to his pocket. The man saluted once more and then just walked away.
"Brother why did you ask for it? You do not need such low quality jade and it is not even green." said Zara and blinked while looking to him with confusion. Aeron was not going to tell the real reason, that this jade had only caught his fancy.
"Zara when you help people you must do so in a way that will not make them embarrassed. If you were rescued, you would want to thank your rescuer, no?" said Aeron and Zara who was still confused nodded.
"But that man had no means to repay me so how could he ever repay? After all we are royalty, how can a common man have something we want? I took his jade jewelry and said that he owed me no debts so he could relax and go on his way without shame or feeling indebted to me." said Aeron lying without even blinking and flaunting his actions to little girl.
"Brother is cool!" said little girl, giggled and pecked Aeron's cheeks. Aeron seeing Zara's eyes filled with admiration felt happy. Why shouldn't he? He could go the easy way and just take his jewelry but he went out of his way to clear his trouble to demand the purple jade from him.
In fact that guy should feel honored to even give it to him. Ninety percent in the empire might have wanted to see a prince and still might not see one their entire lives. He then turned his attention to Zara and said:"Now let's go eat sweets! you can eat whatever you want, however many you want1"
"YAY!" said Zara hopping in Aeron's arms and hugging him tighter, pecking him again.
"Aeron! Why were you not home? Your teacher has come this day and we had to send him away!" said fuming Valeria. her son was going to be her death! He had ran off with his sister and played in the market instead of seriously studying. When the teacher had came they had to send him back, causing her great embarrassment.
You would run too! I already know things better than all of those scholars! What can they teach me? What is the use of seeing things you know again and again?
"Mother! For you it might have been eighteen years that I wasted time playing, but for me it has only been a week! I do not want to study or practice! I just want to figure out my own life first! I can do everything else later and see I am reading books and studying everyday." said Aeron with a solemn face and a firm voice. though he spoke politely and cited he was studying, he was resolute.
Valeria was shocked. She had not considered his son's view of things and tried to force him to study seeing that he had lost his memory. If he regains it he might turn into a debauchee again!
So she wanted him to become a scholar, after all a scholar's life was unrestrained by duties and he would be able to stay here. Besides when he read all those books on moral and just actions he might reform himself even if he remembered again.
Although her intentions were good, they were heavy to bear to an amnesiac person. Valeria again remembered haste made waste, so she should not rush it or be so forceful with her wishes. She sighed.
"Okay, I am going to send a message to your teacher and going to tell him that you will not take lessons. I am sorry for forcing you, pumpkin." said Valeria and smiled tiredly. She slowly walked to the door and opened it.
Before closing the door she sent a glance to Aeron and then closed the door. In Valeria's eyes her son had always been her little baby. Then she saw her son, a man standing firm, defending himself. Her son had grown up. This feeling was sour, bitter and sweet all at once.
She could not help but tears fall. Even though she possessed grief, she also possessed joy and a mother's pride. Her little son had stood up for himself. She remembered his figure and laughed at his two black eyes. He looked like a panda so she just could not remember that scene seriously.
But that was the scene her son first stood against her, choosing his own way, adamant on following it. She remembered Aeron when he was a baby. The time he first crawled, the word he first spoke, the time he first stood on his legs, the time when he first began to walk... This was one such time.
With his every step to maturity Aeron got away from her. Aeron was once her own flesh and blood, closer to her than anyone... With every step towards being an adult he stopped depending on her he faded away from her reach a little more. She felt lonely.
She looked at the moon and sighed. Right now she was filled a lot of complicated feelings. She needed some outlet for these feelings. She just went to her own home fully intent on making poor Erwin an outlet for all her emotions and tell that little imp she was grounded for a week!
Aeron looked at the door, now closed and he sighed. He was bored. The only entertainment he had here was speaking with someone. But even if you love to speak, how many topics you can find to discuss all day long?
Aeron sorely missed his virtual dive. He was having withdrawals. He was not a game addict, it would be more correct to say that he was an entertainment addict. This world was very boring! He was thinking if he should pick up a hobby like painting or playing music.
Aeron had so much free time that he did not know what to do.. Once someone has too much of something he will begin to waste it. He did not want to waste his time. Right now he was practicing looking at the mirror trying to see if he could do punches perfectly yet.
We never spend a lot of time thinking about it but during most of our lives our weight is carried by our own two legs. You can bet someone whose weight is more than yours would have more powerful legs, unless you trained your own.
When punching one's leg must be touching the ground. Using ground toes, heels and ankles generate power, this power travels to the calf muscles, the shin, the hamstring, the waist and from there travels up to shoulder then travels into arm and then wrist finally entering out of the body with a punch.
There was no need to look far, just watch one martial arts match. Now think that there is no safety measures. When done like this it is not rare for a martial artist to kill another.
There were difference from punches to punches. Take a master and an amateur. A master's punch can kill someone in one hit, amateur's punch might break nose at best.
The reason for that is not power. Reason for that is technique. A master's punch involves his entire body. An entire body's power concentrated in one punch. An amateur also uses his body to power the punch but it is less effective.
When throwing out a punch one should start from correct position, each and every muscle must move correct way, each twist must be correct to add to power of punch, each action must be correct with the sole purpose of throwing out a punch as powerful as possible.
People fear blows to their upper body, but blows to lower body is just as dangerous. No matter how one fights each and every move involves standing on solid ground. If your legs become weak inevitably your punches will become weak and you will lose fighting ability.
But that is just concerning bare handed battles. If someone has a weapon there are so many ways to deal a fatal blow to human body, - or body of any living being really - so many ways to kill someone or something that if written about that itself would be a huge book.
When such knowledge is put on a book you would realize that, ironically, that book would be like a medical book! That is why Aeron thought:"Since those who save know how to kill, those who kill also should know how to save."
Everyday before going to bed he would tire himself out by trying to make each and every move correct. He would be exhausted and would sleep comfortably and peacefully.
"Young master, I brought what you ordered." said Sinah's voice from outside came in. Aeron stopped practicing and looked at himself now. he was sweating everywhere each and every one of his limbs felt numb and aching. His blood flow had fastened, trying to supply energy to his body. His face was as red as a tomato and his bruises had became purplish in color.
"You may come in." said Aeron.He disposed of clothes on his upper body and was using a towel to wipe his sweat. He would go and have a bath later, then he would eat his sweets it was important to eat when one practiced when one was hungry your body was consuming itself. Eating was also a part of training.
"M-Master, what are you doing? Why have you became so wet with sweat? I shall go ahead and prepare your bath." said Sinah, quickly put the cookies on table and ran off with a face red with embarrassment mumbling "Awawawawa!"
Aeron laughed and gave a wicked smile as he threw a cookie into his mouth. Sinah was simply unlucky, Aeron was bored and decided to thoroughly tease the little girl.
Aeron sighed with pleasure, he was within within a large bat tub filled with warm water encompassing his body. There were also two little soft hands working hard, scrubbing his body.
Opening his eyes, he saw the young maid, Sinah. Her head was wet and her face was red from the heat. Her small hands were holding onto a soft towel, she was cleaning his back with it. Her lips were pursed up tightly, her face filled embarrassment, she looked like she was going to cry.
Her eyes were deliberately directed upwards, only glancing down for a moment when she needed to scrub some other area. After that, she would move her eyes away again.
"M-master, I believe rest of your body, you can wash yourself!" said Sinah, her eyes directed upwards. Aeron seeing this felt that she was cute and wanted to tease her more.
"Where are you looking Sinah? It is proper courtesy to look at the person you are speaking to." said Aeron with an admonishing voice and a serious expression, complete with a warning finger.
"M-M-Master! You are naked!" said Sinah blushing covering her face and eyes with her hands and ran out. Aeron laughing at her, just went on to wash himself. and then with a towel around his waist, he stepped out of the bath.
He walked to his room his undergarments and clothes were all laid out for him to wear and his cookies were still on the table. He threw away the towel, stretching and saying:"This is life." and sighing. Every part of his body was aching and he could not really move it that well, so wearing his clothes took quite sometime.
He sat down the table and began to eat his cookies, some minutes later Sinah came and took the towel. Aeron called her:"Sinah come here!" and beckoned her.
"What is it master?" said Sinah unable to look at him in the eye, turned her head with embarrassment again.
"Didn't I tell you to look at the person you are talking to?" Aeron said this time with a smile and a teasing tone.
"Master stop teasing me!" said Sinah puffing her cheeks, looking angry and left. Aeron laughed, messing with this girl had been entertaining so far.
He sighed, she was about nine or seven years old. Why was such a young girl working here? She did not have any family either. He had been slightly curious but it was better not to ask her, he could find out from Valeria tomorrow. Something bad might have happened to her family. If that is the case why should he remind her?
He then got up and laid down the bed. He was intent on meeting Sophia today. It did not mean that he trusted what that jellyfish said, but he should test it. If he is a god then he would at least have capacity to become a true cultivator.
Aeron walked within familiar ever-shifting dark domain. As usual he did not really have any sense of time. He came to here in an instant, or maybe days. Flow of time did not exist here. This place inside his spirit he had tried to go there countless times, but was thrown by some sort of wall. The day he first came here he saw a mirror which broke. Was that mirror a seal?
"Master! What a pleasant surprise! How may I help you?" asked the jellyfish. Aeron looked at the pink jellyfish. He was half expecting that she was a dream and did not exist.
"You should know why I came here and what my question is , how you may help me, perhaps even better than I know myself." said Aeron simply stating this in a matter-of-fact tone and stoic face. He really did not like to beat around bush with something important. She previously demonstrated her ability to know what he thought.
"Master you are too stoic. Smile a little! If you make that face it will get stuck like that, you know" said Sophia with a admonishing voice while puffing herself up. Aeron sighed and said:"Good to see you too Sophia. So now will you answer my question?"
"See? That was much better! You lost nothing by offering common courtesy!" said Sophia. Aeron said after her:"I lost time, I am impatient to know the answer, so now just tell me!"
"Where do I begin... You for a reason I do not know at all sealed your own memories, at the cot of the most of your own power. Body affects spirit, as spirit affects body. For your soul to slowly change your body you need nine years. In nine years you will not be able to access the ability to devour remaining thoughts of souls."
"But of course if you unseal your memories you will gain most of your own power. Right now the change of your body by your soul is like the smallest brook trying to fill an ocean. But if you can unseal your memories you will be able to instantly change your body making you able to absorb remaining thoughts."
"If you do not, however slowly and slowly you will change over nine years and also you will suffer a limit to how strong you can be, you will absorb mana that is not so pure and be a normal cultivator. If you unseal it however you will change instantly and you will have no limits with much purer mana,"
"What made you seal your memories I do not know. Master in truth you "died" by choosing to forget. That much I know, but previous "you" did not let me look or touch anything so I do not know anything about your memories." said Sophia explaining with doing what body language might be to a jellyfish.
"Then show them to me make me remember, if that will make me more powerful!" said Aeron. This past seven days he had practice like he never had but did not see improvement at all. The pace he was going was too slow for him. He also could not become a true cultivator!
"I cannot. In all actuality, I cannot do anything here by order of the highest authority." said Sophia and just lifted her tentacles making a shrug.
"You call me master, yes? Then I am the highest authority!" said Aeron with a little anger, was this jellyfish kidding with him?
"Yes, indeed, you are the highest authority." said Sophia. Then Aeron understood. Since he was the highest authority he was the one who did this.
"Then Sophia how do I even open it? Give me instructions." said Aeron with impatience but Sophia extended her tectacle doing a "Stop" gesture.
"It will be revealed to you when you make your preparations master. If not you will lose your sense of self. Remember the memory that makes you you and cling onto it." said Sophia with a serious tone now, explaining confused Aeron. Then Aeron just closed his eyes and felt what kept him afloat disappear and fell into the darkness.
Under the sun a soldier was digging, some sweat on his forehead. He stopped and pulled out a bottle of water about 2L and drank about 1.5L. Then he lifted it and poured it down on his head for some relief from heat. He cursed the sun, summer and again began to dig.
Near him was three corpses. One of them belonged to a male in his fifties, one belonged to a female in her twenties and a boy about four or three years old.
They only could curse their luck, they happened to annoy captain when he was down. He got trigger happy and they died. It was up to him to dispose of the corpses.
He looked at them. they were just people who fled from their home, fled from war, or so they thought. There was no reason whatsoever for them to die. They had no sins, even if the man and woman had sins child was innocent.
His grandfather told him everything happened for a reason. Then what was the reason of this. He looked at the child, a hour ago he was alive, playing. Since he liked him he gave him a candy.
Now he was dead. What was the reason? What was the reason for this cruelty? If there was a reason for everything what was it? He looked at the sky and then looked at the corpses again. He just buried them and made a makeshift grave from two branches.
He headed back. those people were dead, but captain was alive and would not be punished in any way. There would be no justice, there would be no consequences whatsoever.
What was the reason? What was their sin so that they had to die. There was nothing at all. They were simple people who were trying hard to live like any other in the world.
And then he saw an eagle swooping down from sky and catch a baby deer. It's mother ran away. Baby deer was eaten.
Upion seeing this scene he understood everything. He saw order in the world. That child was dead, because he was weak, because his parents were weak, because his people were weak, because good people among soldiers was weak.
But if they were strong instead he himself would die. If it was his people who lost the war he would be lying in a ditch somewhere.
That was perfectly natural. After all, eagle ate deer. For one side to live, the other must perish. When we eat we eat to prolong our lives. We eat life to prolong our own. An animal and a human are not that far apart when it comes to pain and desire to live. For us to survive they must perish.
World of men was not really away from the nature. So called civilization was never above nature, merely a part of it. And in nature weakness is a sin.
Strength only mattered. If one is not strong enough one might as well die. Power above all. Power, the answer of all things.
Aeron woke up and made a he made nostalgic smile as he looked at Sophia. He was a lot younger that time. A lot more ignorant, as well as innocent. This was the one memory that had most impact on his life. That was the time he learned his own truth and he grew older. All in the span of short two hours.
"Master, think of it again! You will experience thousands of years filled with both joyous and tragic events. Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Sophia.
"I am sure, rather I have never been surer of myself and besides, it is not my current life, he is not current me." said Aeron with a smile. Today while playing with Zara he thought back to this old memory. He had a new family, true. But he did not have the power to keep them safe! That was why Aeron right now was obsessed with power. He would gain it come hell or high water!
"Okay, just close your eyes and call it forth, then go ahead and enter." said Sophia. Aeron just moved his hands and revealed a great mirror. As he looked into the mirror he saw that it was not reflecting anything. He touched the mirror and it caused a ripple like surface of still water. He then jumped in.
I thank everyone for supporting me!
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8 194 - In Serial34 Chapters
Miracle Healer Of The Interstellar World
A young man who transmigrated from the earth into the interstellar world by accident. While trying to live his life in a world so different from his own, he stumbled into the world of dangers and conspiratory. A small conspiratory, that leads to the bigger ones, from the past. Will he be able to survive till the end, when he may be in the center of the conspiratory? Was his life a lie the whole time? Let's wait and see how he deals with dangers while becoming friends with aliens in interstellar space. Shen Li discovered that humans are now classified into three genders: What the hell are the Sentinels and Guides. At least it does not have to do anything with me. Later Shen Li: My body has been strange lately. Wait, what's happening? Are not these the sings of sentinel and guide before they awaken? Shen Li, a straight young man from earth, assumed that he would be the sentinel. But the universe had another option on this. Shen Li looks at the light brain showing that he had awakened as a guide with a black face. He decides to hide his guide identity and to keep his virginity. A certain someone in the Main star: Wife wants to hide from me? Shen Li, who still fell into the pit hole, even without exposing his identity as the guide, cried while holding his aching waist: Help!!!
8 69 - In Serial16 Chapters
The Barracuda Street Adventurers' Guild
Darazzo, the famous City of Dreams with its iconic network of canals, is a crossroads for the world. Its close connection to the plane of magic fills the city with magical pools, leading into the Depths. Those who dive into these pools and explore the Depths can find hidden spells and powerful artifacts, if they can survive the dangers. It's said that any dream can be fulfilled, if only you can dive deep enough. Ruling the city's rough streets are the Diver Guilds, who owe their power to their control of the unique magic and treasures they extract from the Depths. Against this cutthroat backdrop, three down on their luck women will seek their fortune by founding their own guild. The ever expanding ranks of the Barracuda Street girls will face monsters, foreign agents, cultists, and rival guilds as they carve out a place for themselves in the City of Dreams.
8 375 - In Serial11 Chapters
Hell in Us
The different factions of supernatural creatures have been at war for millennia. After the most recent massacre, a prophecy of doom is foretold. Death must find a way to bring about an era of peace before it is too late. Teamed up with Lorelei, a powerful Fairy, they forge ahead in hopes that their shared knowledge will lead them down the right path. Will they be able to reach their goal, or will personal vendettas get in the way?This story was marked as horror and flagged for gore for things that will come later in the plot.
8 144 - In Serial9 Chapters
To [Not] Be A Bat
After learning that Bruce is her biological father, Marinette decides to live with him to learn more about him, only... he never seems to have time for her. Not as Bruce, nor as Batman. To make matters worse, he sees her a child, never taking her seriously. What must it take for Bruce to see Marinette wants to be seen? To be an equal? A part of the Wayne family and Bat Family?
8 109