《Graphomurk》Chapter 17.05 - Berserk


Although the tent was guarded by two guards, the fabric structure itself was very conventionally protected. Guts lifted the back wall of the tent and crawled in. But the sight in front of him immediately knocked all thoughts of escape from his mind, directing them in a different direction. Because right in front of him, a completely naked Farnese was whipping herself, masturbating and remembering her captive's muscular figure at the same time.

In fact, this deviation from the main scenario was the result of my little interference into the minds of two mortals. The girl, who had heard the slightest rustle, turned around and saw Guts, whose pants suddenly disappeared at the same moment. Anyway, the two naked bodies found each other and merged in a paroxysm of passion, disregarding the fact that they were actually now a 'slave of God' and a 'fugitive criminal'.

As I watched this scene, I pondered over how easily the human body is capable of suppressing any manifestation of intellect. In fact, my current situation was the result of such action. The Being itself was guilty for losing a part of its soul. In the beginning it shoved me into the body of a TJS who could not think of anything but sex, and when I was in a state of the highest excitement, it ruined everything and shoved me into the body of a psychotic child, angry at the whole world. Naturally, the desire for revenge in such situation overpowered common sense, and I got my revenge. So much so that now I have to seek salvation, if not from an even more evil creature than my previous 'master'.

While the 'sweet couple' were having fun, I even had to push back the moment of discovering Guts' escape. Finally, after another orgasm, both bodies shuddered, relaxed, and then the eyes of the two of them met, and they realized what was happening to them at all. Farnese immediately yelped and rushed to her clothes, trying to get at least her pants on. Guts, on the other hand, like a former mercenary, had time to put on his armor, put on his prosthetic, and grabbed his sword.

The moment was perfect, and in the same second the camp erupted into shouts that the Black Swordsman had escaped. And the knights who broke into the tent a second later left Guts no choice but to take Farnese as hostage. She was so paralyzed by fear of discovery that she didn't even think to resist, playing the role of an emotionless puppet. Guts tied her arms with a rope behind her back, hoisted her on his left shoulder, held a torch in his right hand, and threatened to set fire to the commander's ass if they didn't let him through. Then he jumped on his horse, dispersed other horses, and galloped away, throwing the prisoner over the saddle and carrying her away like a bride hunter.


Serpico immediately found another horse and followed his mistress, but the rest of the knights began running in different directions, making a fuss and blocking any attempts to organize a chase. After a few minutes, Farnese recovered from her shock and tried to break free, but Guts lucidly explained to her that in doing so she would risk spilling the rest of her brains over the rocks they were passing. The method of explanation involved hanging her upside down by her feet so that the ground passed just a dozen centimeters from the girl's head. Here, even the most egregious blonde would understand that there was no point in twitching.

During the escape, Guts not only escaped, but also made his way toward the destination of his journey. Not far away was the abandoned estate of Earl Lundell, in which the Apostle, a man who had turned into a powerful demon, had resided. Only before he could face him, the demon-killer had to face a chase of evil spirits. Although Farnese could hardly distinguish the entities of the spirit world, even she could see the ghastly faces of these monsters and feel their otherworldly hunger, hungry to taste not only the flesh but also the very soul of the Sacrifice.

After a long crazy race that nearly cost the life of the horse, our group arrived to the ruined manor house. There, two people were attacked by demon-possessed dogs. Because of the influence of demonic energy ordinary hounds have turned into disgusting monsters, whose faces now resemble human. After all, these demons were formerly humans, consumed by spiritual hunger after death and saturated with demonic energy. Kill a hundred demons, and you become a demon yourself. These souls were the perfect illustration of that saying.

Guts had to swing his sword pretty hard, overpowering himself. Though his wounds had healed slightly, there wasn't much strength left in his body. The half-hour marathon of uninhibited sex had worn him down as if he'd been fighting a thousand bloodthirsty demons for half an hour. So now all he could do was fight off the attacking dogs while shielding his hostage, who was trying to jump and get caught in the jaws of a monster.

By hiding in the building, Guts got a little pause. Not only Farnese and Guts were 'saved,' but even their horse, which clever Puck had dragged inside with him. The swordsman covered the entrance to the building with the rotten remains of a door and a pile of stones that blocked their movement.

Inside the manor house, we found ourselves in a hallway with stuffed heads of deer and other animals hanging on the walls. There were dozens of them, but the main 'treasure' of the collection was a figure of a girl with beautiful breasts peeking out of the frame. From a distance she looked like a painting, but at close range it was clear that she was a dummy of a real girl.


After a few minutes of silence, the dogs were able to make their way inside, and Guts found himself bound by the fight, while the half-naked Farnese ran away into the depths of the building. Her hands were still tied behind her back, so all she could do was yell and run, flashing her firm boobs.

When she separated herself from her 'kidnapper,' she encountered a short, ugly man in one of the corridors. He introduced himself as a dog handler, looking after the local 'doggies'. Fascinated by the arrival of 'happiness' girl did not pay attention to an obvious set-up, and began to beg her 'savior' to untie her and protect. But he only responded by sniffing Farnese and said he sensed that she was good meat, which he lacked.

Suddenly Guts burst into the corridor, barely alive, fighting off the demons attacking him. The dogman, who was actually the apostle he was looking for, immediately became angry about killing his kin and assumed his true demonic form as the hideous monster. It was a hybrid of a man and a demon with two faces. One face belonged to a human, and the second face was a face of a demon that had lent its power in exchange for a sacrifice offered to it.

When Farnese saw the apostle's true form, she screamed wildly and rushed away. Guts, on the other hand, swung his sword and lunged forward. His body was already bruised and exhausted, but he had no intention of retreating. His whole life had been devoted to finding and killing apostles, and when he saw one right in front of him, he went into a real fighting frenzy.

“That day when that brand appeared on you, your fate was sealed.” - The monster laughed. – “You're just prey, meat, a trophy that crawls and flutters.”

In the beginning of the fight between monster and man, brute force collided with brute force, and therefore. Guts began to lose. Because of his injuries, because of the orgy I'd set up, his strength was already at its limit, and even the 'charge' from killing small demons couldn't help much. He was stunned by a blow that would have torn an ordinary human to shreds, and didn't have time to react to the attempt to devour him.

The apostle lunged forward, opening its enormous jaws. Guts tried to push it back with his foot, but the result was that his foot went straight into the monster's mouth, and it bit it off instantly, screaming 'meat'. One last desperate blow with the sword had knocked the demon back, cutting it deeply, but it was clear by then that Guts wouldn't live long without his leg, with the blood pouring out of the stump.

“What a weakling you are.” - I intervened in the fight, flying closer to a man who was clenching his teeth and trying desperately not to scream from the pain that was tearing him apart. After all, the demon had bitten off not only part of his physical body, but also part of his astral body. After all, the demon was primarily a creature of the spirit world, and he only got a physical body because of his contract with the man. – “Are you still doubting about the power of the Philosopher's Stone? All right, then, I'll show you specifically of what you're refusing.”

I flew over to the swordsman, pulled a ruby from his pocket, and pretended to absorb the energy emanating from it. The red glow swept over the elf's entire 'body,' and a second later it began to grow. In just a few moments I was transformed from a tiny 'fly' to a muscular two-meter tall man with leathery wings behind his back. At that moment, the magic that had hidden me from the eyes of others was removed, and Farnese was surprised to find another naked man with an enormous dick beside her. While I was in 'boy-finger' form, I had no primary sexual characteristics, just as Puck had none. But as my size increased, I decided to portray myself as a natural macho man, driving women into lust just by looking at me. However, the sight wasn't the most important thing at the moment, because now I was going to do an advertising campaign for my products.

I shoved the ruby back into the pocket of dazed Guts, and moved toward the apostle, who was looking at me with equally dazed eyes.

I didn't use weapons or magic, but I was impressive with the superior physical strength of Vritras' body. The mighty apostle before me was no stronger than jelly. I easily tore off his limbs, knocked out his teeth, squeezed out his intestines, and tore out his eyes, leaving his blood-soaked, mutilated body to lie in the corner of the hall.

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