《Urban Wolf: On The Run》Lament


I took the train, after packing my backpack and loading it the best I could, and forfeited what was left of the 'family' my real parents tried to leave behind for us. I watched, through the window, as it all faded away. I'm sure a few days ago, I'd think of such good memories of the past to weep about, but now all I could conjure up was an unending blackness, complete with pain, sorrows, and failure. Suddenly, every good moment left had a black shadow cast over, of the impending doom that came later on, and in the back of my head rattled the premonitions of a better future, one that never was.

I never imagined that thinking of my past would be so sickening, and never in my life would I ever have imagined having some cold comfort in leaving my hometown behind. Yet, here I am. I took a seat, all alone, in my own space within the train cabin, one oddly tall girl and a pair of swords, just an unusual stranger in a crowd. I had one choice deep down in my heart, whether to even think of or acknowledge my heritage. I decided it would be better to leave it all behind. Today, I was nobody; just another ghost riding along the wind, waiting, yearning for a new haunt.

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