《RE skeleton》Chapter 6
Captain Blackjack Race human – Orc Job Marine – sailor level 135
i activated my codex as i had been trained status window > codex > job > Marine
Marine a soldier who is a specialist in sea warfare. At lower levels they are about as good a class as soldier on land. However they gain massive advantages at sea. At higher levels 75 or above they can rival Knights of the same level in combat on land. A rare class they are consider one of the most dangerous warrior class. This is due to the fact they are trained to kill without hesitation and the hellish training a Marine most go threw. A level 100 marine is considered equal to a level 125 soldier Sargent on land. Mostly trained to kill pirates and slavers who they have a class hatred for
Blackjack was not someone i would be able to easily defeat. My identity was not doing a good job picking up all his skills. But i could get a sense of discipline coming from him. Laura ran over and pulled out her sword “Are you a pirate can you take me on your crew i want to be a pirate to.” i walked over grabbed Laura and bent her over my nee i gave Laura a couple of taps and noticed her beserker ability had switched on. So a kept at it until she stopped trying to leap at my neck and strangle me to death.
When i was finished we i noticed Blackjack had already loaded up one of the boats and was busy loading up the other. Elizabeth was standing nearby so i assume that she must have told him we needed to leave in a hurry. BlackJack stopped as i moved forward with my stuff and got in his boat with Elizabeth. He turned “I will load this equipment onto my ship you should load that boat, You should load the boats and my sailors will take the equipment onto my boat. It will hurry us up thanks” Two sailors jumped into a his boat and made the return journey.I got to work wondering what he wanted to talk to Elizabeth about. Well i was less than a month old if he wanted to talk to Elizabeth in private at least he was polite about it.
His sailors were sweating by the time we had finished. I jumped into the boat with Laura. We sat down and a sailor rowed us to the small ship that was called Knave of clubs. BlackJack was waiting for us on the deck. “Lets get to it young lady i do not like Neomancers and i hate pirates. If you ask about being a pirate again i will peel the hide form your bones are we clear. I also dislike skeletons, however as Elizebeth is paying me three good horses. I will allow you to come with us. I am taking Jarod at his word that you will not cause any problems. If however you do i will destroy you without a second thought. That being said i am not a unreasonable half-orc. So do not cross me and we will not have any trouble. Jake take those horses and hide them in a local farm.”
Elizabeth came over to explain things “Jarod Owns a share in this boat and does a lot of business with Blackjack and where we are going it might be best to have a little intimidation going for us.” Todd tongue whipped out and hit a butterfly “And where are we going Elizabeth” “To the black market. It is a place run by the neomancers. Basically a place you can buy almost anything. Lion is fairly good at getting around places like this. We should arrive a day or so before they have it set up. Well you will see it do not worry.”
We sailed up down the river to a lighthouse. Elizabeth pointed “Thats the ocean in case your wondering. We are here to pay the passage fee so behave.” Blackjack waited while a man in robes came aboard.
Laurence water mage level 120
Laurence looked over the ship “Your here early what is going on Blackjack?” “Heading to the dark market to pick up some supplies” Laurence nodded “Well if your doing a spot of smuggling. I can have my boy be on duty tonight or whichever night you want to smuggle in the goods. I can give you a cut on what the local sheriffs would charge. After all what the local lords do not know will not hurt us.” Blackjack nodded “Truth be told i am not doing any smuggling this time around. But i suspect Jarod is going to have pressure put on him to open a smuggling network. He is asking favors and well they are going to want favors in return. ~Remember I had the usual cargo here is the passage fee. Also i had no passengers on board.” Laurence nodded “No extra charge for that but when Jarod is opening his smuggling ring let him know i can keep my mouth shut.”
I watched the lighthouse dwindle into the distance thinking about it. The human Laurence wanted to be paid off. Something was really wrong with that. Blackjack was the honorable sort. The fact he was helping Jarod spoke volumes for the local lords. It would be worth finding out what was wrong with the system.
We sailed for a couple of hours to a beech where we saw a few ratty tents set up. Blackjack spat over the rail. “This is a den for thieves, slavers and worse. Keep the girl close skeleton lest you lose her. There are slavers and a lot worse. They would love to get a girl even of her age alone. Lets go the sooner we get there the sooner i can leave.”
Elizabeth and i were rowed onto the beech using one of boats as blackjack did not want his ship left unattended. The boat returned with Elizabeth Lion and Laura. I looked around there were exactly three large tents and a few scattered clumps of smaller ones. One had a sign on it pirates and bandits tent. The second had a sign on it neomancers and dark priests. The third had a sign slavers, fences, torturers and assassins.
Ratty age 45 chief minion level 68
A massive and wart faced man approached “Hello fine sirs i am the local guide. I am here to guide you to anything you may require. I am however going to have to inform you that there is a fee for entrance into the dark fair and of course if you wish to put up tents there are further fees” Lion nodded “Of Course of course the thing is that before we pay any fees. We are going to want to see the Neomancers.” Ratty kind of waddled behind us as we approached the neomancers tent.
There were pictures of animals on the tent. Laura was starring when ratty caught up with us he was looking red even from the hundred or so steps he had been forced to take. He turned to the pictures and pointed “That was a flying lion monster oh yes this was a Circus tent. The Fair has seen better days. We have got to keep moving it. Otherwise you have squads of Paladin looking for you.” Ratty pointed at the figure of a fat man “My Father he was the ringmaster for twenty years. Part owner as well. He hated to sell to the neomancers but the lords put a new tax on the road usage. At least they keep the tent in good order. The pirates and bandits they are always destroying there tents.”
Elizabeth turned to Lion “I am going into the tent with the skeleton. The rest of you are staying out here. Except you Todd take Eric back to the ship and practice your earth magic. Oh and Eric you stay away from the booze. Do not get into trouble blackjack. Oh and do not worry we will get skeleton a proper name soon enough.” We entered the tent and Elizabeth approached a hooded figure
Veronica level 87 neomancer
Neomancer this class tends to like skeletons
Elizabeth stopped in front of the figure who pulled down her hood and gave a giggle. “oh Elizabeth it is you, It has been to long to what do we owe the pleasure?” Elizabeth sighed “Can this wait i am in need of a bath. I was in a swamp earlier and stink. Could you have them heat the bath?” Veronica pulled a bell and another neomancer took her place. We were showed into a side partition of the tent where there was a massive hot tub. Elizabeth stripped off as did Veronica
Luck +1 for being a male in a women's bath
Elizabeth sighed “I swear that Laura is going to be the death of me. She somehow managed to steal a skeleton spell and cast it. So now she has the neomancer job description. I checked she is close to the evil genius neomancer title. That girl i swear if the skeleton here had decided to turn berserk. Well we would be pulling parts of her out of the local pond.” Veronica must have used identify on me “Wow he is level 105. Laura summoned him? How is that possible?”
Elizebeth shrugged “He got summoned at level 1. Somehow over the course of a week he evolved. So now i have a skeleton that is rapidly evolving. On top of that he seems to have picked up a lot of legendary skills. We are going to need a check on him as soon as possible. He has all of the monster level up and construct on top of the skeleton skills. I am going to need him to challenge the arena asap. Also well Laura needs teaching and Skeleton boy needs a new name. Lauras skeleton is not name i want him to keep for long.”
Veronica made a motion with her hand “Come closer i can use a basic detect level lets see. Take that cloak off” I pulled off my cloak and pillow case. Veronica began to hum and i felt her magic play against my bones. Veronica nodded “He is the most complex skeleton i have ever scanned. He has a range of skills I have ever seen in a skeleton. Oh wow his hp level is massive. Over 1500. Mana wow that level is huge also. The undead brotherhood is going to be interested in him. Lets finish up our bath and i will have a apprentice get the circle ready. His level is going to be interesting to discover. Comon over here i will need to touch you to discover your level. ”
Luck +1 for being a male in a women's bath
We exited the bath with Elizabeth in new robes and headed for the center of the tent where a circle had been set up. Veronica had her staff escort everyone out of the tent. Everyone except a dark paladin Ronan
Ronan dark paladin high-priest level 345
Ronan was a older looking man. But he was muscled and looked like he could still take on a small army on his own. Ronan peered at me. “Well i will go first check for any curses or gods blessings.”
Greater curse by god of evil for every infamy point you receive you gain a dark point all infamy *2 can develop resistance to good holy items
curse by gods of good sunlight will burn all damage by sunlight * 10 all infamy point * 3
Ronan peered at the pop up screen “Well that is unusual that curse by the god of evil is much higher than normal. It will prove very useful to you skeleton. I can offer to buy your infamy points but i thing you should raise a thousand of them first. The good Gods will send a righteous paladin after you at that stage. Yeah if you kill one and desecrate his body it will give you a massive boost. I will have a look at your other stats. If they are high i can offer to sell you quests for dark points”
Veronica cast a spell
object laura's skeleton> abilties > magic
magic affinity
ice magic affinity master
void magic
shadow magic affinity greater
paladin like spells dark gods only once a day for one hour
Veronica nodded Well this is going to take some time settle in. She began to meditate and cast some kind of spell. My basic status screen appeared in front of me
Laura's skeletonRaceundead lesser titanclassundead constructHealthStaminaManaluckIntelligenceWisdom1932184880144014sneakAgilityGiant strengthcarry weightCapLevel181/105/1010/500kg+1105Titles Laura's Skeleton
Created by a hyper active 12 year old you have evolved rapidly
undead monster Lesser apprentice death mage
skeleton thrall lesser titan skeleton
void golem greater shrine to dark gods unlocks palidins abilityBlessings Curses Curse of God of pure Evil
Curse of god of goodabilities insane strength cap level increase better bite
survival skills terrifying presence
hive mind insect reading basic mapping
Vision (dark vision life vision dead vision mana vision)
Drain( Life drain mana drain adsorb undead abilities skills)
Ronan gave me a grin “I will get you a discount on your standard purchases with dark churches. I will also allow you to purchase from the prescribed list. And I will have one of my clerics pass you a small token from me. A sunlight goddess necklace it will sap your strength and you can develop resistance to sunlight and holy items. Of course it will take about a month for you to develop a resistance to 60 percent. Now I believe Veronica and I have much to talk about. Should you survive your fight in the challenge circle. There may well be offers of quests for you. So take a look around the place.Oh and about the dark points get back to me once you have a 1000 dark points. There are quests available. But the lowest quests start at 1000.A crystal heart crystal is about 16000 dark points. If you save up for one well it will open up new horizons for you.Here is a list of purchasable items ”
Change bloodline to half- demon or monster 100 per level can not be done to undead. This still requires a ceremony.
Change bloodline to half monster 50 per level
Change of name
champion 10000 dark paladin 2000 dark knight 1000
dungeon heart 16000
dark champion armour 10000 and up
dark champion weapon 20000 and up
dark priest job 100
dark high priest job 50000
paladin job 500 requires warrior class to begin with
inquisitor job 50 other requirements
conversion human to litch 2000 human to skeleton 50
human to vampire 150 with vampire help 15000 without
conversion human to litch mage 5000
quests start at 1000
I wrote lauras name on the half-demon part and passed the list back to Ronan. Elizabeth rounded on Ronan who put up his hand. “It is a simple blessing she will still need to go threw with the full ceremony. This just means she has the option and it is a good one. Her level is low this has a low cost. Option purchased demon blood granted”
Option purchased For laura to go threw the alteration ceremony of darkness.
I walked out the tent entrance. Laura was gnawing on something she had bought from a passing vender. Some kind of meat on a stick.
Meat on a stick Some kind of meat on a stick possible rat
I motioned towards the tent with the sign that said slavers, fences, torturers and assassins. Laura needed new equipment. I entered the tent which looked far more worn than the Neomancers. Blackjacks face looked like he wanted to chew threw rocks. The slavers seemed to be paying particular attention to Blackjack. Most of them patted down hidden weapons. I turned see a wall made up of cages. They were near a cage that had blood splattered all over it.
Large dogs shared space with slimes and large rats. A few cages held dead goblins. I gazed at the owner.
Larry age 36 sleazy merchant level 16
Larry is a sleazy merchant who sold her own mother into slavery.
I pointed to Laura picked her up and put her in the cage. Then i pointed to a slime
Slime level 15 hp 25
Larry gave me a wink “Want to see how your slave will do in a fight sir. No problem i keep the profits from the betting ” I nodded and pointed at the dead goblins. And wrote down what i wanted.
I keep the dead bodies of victories. And i get a dead body for each one of her victories. I will pay 25 gold if i have to disrupt the fight
Laura started to scream at me “What what are you doing I am going to get you for this” Laura paled “What?” “What?”
Larry called out “Come one and all its a fight between a little girl and a slime. Odds are four to one ” i pulled out my purse and put 200 gold on Laura. Mercenaries crowed around and started betting on laura. Larry looked pale “Ladies and gentlemen is no one going to bet on the slime.” Lion started to laugh “She has the beserker ability. Who is going to bet against that in a fight?”
Larry paled “but i have more than 200 gold bet at odds of four to one against her. I owe 80 gold to you fine gentlemen and 800 to this cloaked and hooded man. I do not have that kind of gold on hand.” Lion grinned “So start the fight she is unarmed you might get lucky. Why oh why are we waiting get on with it.” A sweating Larry opened the hatch and the slime entered.
Laura screamed and seemed to grow taller. She leaped forward and picked up a bone of something and smashed it into the slime screaming “Die die die agh it has covered me in goo.” I looked she had leveled up twice from one fight. Larry paled as he explained he would need time to get the gold to pay everyone off.
I reached out and grabbed him by the neck and picked him up with one hand. Then i lead a screaming Larry to the slavers. I pointed to Larry and the chains then I pointed to a price list.
Male aged human 25 – 50 buy at 150 gold female buy at 450 gold
The slaver Gerry nodded and poured out 150 gold. He chained a sobbing Larry up.
A fat slaver Mark entered the tent and i noticed a glint in Blackjacks eye. Blackjack pointed at Laura “Whats your evaluation of her if we were to sell this specimen of valor and beauty.”
Everyone stopped moving and I heard bets being whispered “Ten silver he insults her and she snaps his head off” “Na I bet he lives no one will want to pay the 500 gold fee for murder.”
Gerry grinned “Well a beautiful specimen like this is worth over the odds” Mark gave Gerry a cold look “No sir why this girl looks violent. A plain and ugly specimen like this. I bet her parents were as ugly as a pigs also. No sir this is a ugly and” that was as far as he got. Laura charged him in beserk mode and smashed her fist between his legs. Mark hit the ground and Laura jumped onto him. Her fists rained down “I am a pretty princess. A pretty princess.”
I reached out and picked Laura off the slaver Mark. Someone called out “He still alive?” Gerry felt his pulse “Yup broken jaw a few missing teeth and most likely a pair of broken balls. He should live if someone wants to bring him to a healer.” The locals picked him up and tossed him out of the tent. Into what looked like a pit with the words toilet written on it.
I moved to a local selling what i assumed was rat on a stick. I purchased a handful and paid out.
Laura began to devour them one after another. She starred at me “This does not make up for anything. That was nasty.” I shrugged and waited until Laura had finished eating picked her up and tossed her back into the cage. Lion began a spiel “Come one and all only a copper to witness the next match. It will begin in ten minutes.”
In the end almost everyone came to witness the fighting. I let the creatures in one at a time and Laura demolished them one after another. By the time the fight had stopped i had a large pile of dead bodies which I sold to the neomancers. The cages went to Blackjack and i was a lot richer. Laura also went up to level 15.
Laura looked like she was going to fall asleep on her feet when she finished up the last fighting dog. She pulled the last of the meat on a stick from my hands and we walked back to the neomancer tent. In between chewing she cursed me “That was horrible. I want my daddy. That was hard why did i have to fight them one after another?” “What the ring can do what?” Laura aura turned red again. I shrugged
Elizabeth was appalled when we got back “What happened to Laura she is covered in gore and are those brains on her leg. What sort of trouble did you get into. You stink young lady. How did you let this happen Blackjack?” Blackjack stood his ground “She was never in any serious danger. We got in a bit of training and her level went up to fifteen. Your welcome.” Elizabeth starred at laura “Wait she has a survival trait and iron stomach and cannibal eater?” Elizabeth turned to Blackjack who still seemed unfazed “Must have been the rat sticks. Do not worry that trait will wear off in a month or so.” Elizabeth's face turned pale “No it will not the ring has most likely stored the ability.”
Laura wandered off after about twenty minutes and i followed her. She fell asleep on a cot provided by Veronica and I stood watch with a new magic book of ice spells veronica provided. It only took me three hours to finish the book. So I wandered back to where Elizabeth was still cursing out Blackjack. Blackjack saw me coming and decided to try and slow Elizabeth down. “He was the one that gave her the rat meat and put her in that cage to fight.” I focused my mana like i had been though and managed to create a link to Elizabeth's mind Elizabeth made a dash to check on Laura. I made my escape to the section of the tent marked Mens bath with two more books. Blackjack stood there waiting for Elizabeth to come back. I guess his sense of pride was huge.
The next day i sensed a tired Elizabeth fall into her makeshift bed. I checked my internal clock about six hours had passed. Blackjack went back to his ship and i sensed Ronan coming to see me. Keeping a eye on my internal map on Elizabeth position I went to see Ronan. Ronan was looking at Laura “She will make a fine chief minion for you. That basilisk you have well, I have come back from checking his status. He will make a excellent familiar. Now down to business i have a small shrine set up where we can not be overheard this way.” We walked into a opening in the back of the tent
you have entered dark shrine health regeneration increased, mana regeneration increased.
Ronan sat and pointed at a shrine “The only name we have for him is the the God of pure evil. I believe in his message. No-one is born better than anyone else. I believe that my god believes that. Heroes are fools and well far more evil, than my flock who pray for things they need. Your young and will learn in time. If you survive of course. Which brings us to our little talk here. I have a offer if your interested. I did not give you the full list of items that you can earn in the upcoming challenge. I will give you this list now. I have checked your bonuses. You can survive at a higher level of difficulty than the neomancers have set. So down to my offer on the list are many options Elizabeth will not want you to take. I will downplay how many dark points you have collected. I will also keep quite on what you spend the points on. I will help you but you will repay me by taking up a few quests i want preformed. We will not mention these quests to Elizabeth or the neomancers. I will offer you the Quests after your challenge. If you survive and do well that is.”
Ronan pulled out a sheet “The other services i can offer. To get the extra dark points is pretty simple the challenge starts with eleven basic challenges. That is the first round if you pass you gain a title and some dark points. Then onto the next round. Here is something Elizabeth does not know. There is a multiplier for rounds taken one after another. You have to purchase the multiplier from me. There are rules about that to but i can walk you threw that. The price is 25 dark points for round 1, fifty for round 2 and 75 for round 3 and 100 for round 4. ”
extra services
hire dark palidin
squire level 50 500 dark points
dark palidin level 101 2000 dark points
dark quests cost 1000 normal reward 10000 dark points or blessing of evil gods
10000 dark points blessing of dark gods
minion Laura > greater minion 75 dark points
minion Laura > overlord minion 100 dark points
overlord minion special bonuses available
From what i could see Ronan wanted the overlord title for laura. I checked my balance 400 dark points left. I made the transfer than would make Laura my overlord minion. Then i paid Ronan for the my multiplier in the coming fight. When it ended i had 50 dark points left. I thought about it if i did not survive Laura could do with a special bonus. So i pointed to that and let Ronan know
Ronan grinned “Well You have done the right thing. I am over 180 years old. So i will guide you in the upcoming match. Lets start studying i have books”
Ronan was as good as his word he showed me basic magic theory while the challenge was prepared. It was set for the saturday. This was to allow the main fair to be there to bet. Basically a bunch of thieves murders and worse were going to bet on how long i lived. Ronan also explained there bets would pay for the creatures i was about to face. Since i did not have to fork out the huge costs of the preparation i was ahead.
Saturday evening came around and I was prepared. My ice magic had improved. I had learned a few new spells. Plus i could now summon skeletons to do my biding. They would actually be of a higher level that the skeletons i would be facing in the first two rounds.
I wore a heavy leather armour and had a massive heavy repeating crossbow on my back. I also had a huge shield and axe for my first round. Ronan had arranged everything. I was brought into a field with a bit of a dip in it. There was a large circle drawn on the grass and spectators crowed around the edge of the circle placing bets. I got ready and was not disappointed.
Skeleton archer level 101 hp 240
Entered the circle from the other side. Ronan had informed me that I would be facing down small fry at the beginning. He had given me a fairly decent plan. Which I planed on following.
I brought the shield up and marched forward. The skeleton fired arrow after arrow into the shield. I then brought the axe down on the skeleton archers leg and cut it off. One quick drain life later and i had acquired archers skills
Archery skill set at basic int + 0.1
There were 11 skeletons in the first round. The first few were crossbow skeletons and a skeleton slinger. Then 4 basic skeleton mages earth, fire, water and wind. The mages fired bolts of there respective elements. Which were weaker than the heavy crossbow skeleton Then came the the tenth skeleton
Skeleton beserker level 201 hp 450
He charged forward and i hit one of his feet with a crossbow bolt. It smashed it and I walked forward and used my axe to smash his other leg and hands. Then reaching down I drained the mana from him.
Round 1 complete
title skeleton novice available
300 infamy points gained 1000 experience points
I checked my level i had only increased level by 2. Still i had a multiplier of 2 in the next round
The next round proceeded like the first except I was dealing with beserker skeleton archers.
Skeleton archer beserker level 201 hp 450
the last enemy was a skeleton construct mage level 201 hp 760
it was a massive pile of bones with six legs on a spider looking body. I quickly hit it with a couple of crossbow bolts covered in holy water and tossed my axe at it. It launched what i assumed were spells at me. Non effected me as my class was undead.
Round 2 complete
titles greater skeleton available
greater skeleton warrior greater skeleton mage greater skeleton guardian
600 infamy points gained 4000 experience points
I went into round three waiting. The zombies were brought out.
Zombie archer level 101 hp 735
I stayed behind my shield and softened the zombies up with my crossbow. Then i moved forward and
generally cut off there legs. A quick drain life and i gained the rotten breath ability and diseased bite. The zombie mages were not capable of even firing off a basic magic dagger or bolt but simply ran at me and got chopped up.
The last enemy in this round was
Mummy undead priest John level 130 hp 2400
Hatred factor at max level. This being hates you
Ronan had shown me the Neomancers prepare the body. It was the same body of the priest that had had the unexpected heart attack when my fear ability stacked with Todds. I got ready he had more hp than me but had a couple of crucial disadvantages. One was i was dead. The magic he used curse would actually heal me. The second disadvantage he had was speed. He stumbled along and I shot him with three Bolts from my crossbow. They each did 25 hp damage. Not a lot but it opened wounds on the body made it harder for it to move. Ronan had shown me basic magic and i employed it a small ice patch under the Mummy and it slipped onto the ground. I moved forward and began to hack. Once it could not move i used drain life. I got nothing but it was worth a try.
Exp 8000
legendary skeleton titles opened up
dark points gained 8000
ire of good gods infamy set back to 1000
Quest kill Laura skeleton now open to Good paladins
You have removed the lesser from you first name
Lesser apprentice death mage ->apprentice death mage
hand of death spell unlocked.
Next was the final stage. Four monsters of far greater strength than me. If i killed any one of them i would gain a huge ability. Each had one ability. I checked my mana full after draining the Mummy. It was worth a risk. Ronan would use a spell to kill all of the monsters instantly if things got out of hand. I transferred all but 1000 of my dark points to Laura. I purchased her the litch mage soul stone upgrade. Ronan nodded at me and pricked Laura hand and placed a drop of her blood onto a black gem. Next i spent the rest on minion upgrades. If all else failed Laura would be well prepared for the future. Time to take a gamble.
Someone threw a piece of rotten cabbage at my head “Move it skeleton boy we want action.”
I guess my performance so far had not been riveting. I tossed the crossbow down and pulled my other axe from the shield. I now had two six foot tall axes.
The crowd backed away as four massive cages were brought forward. Huge and misshapen creatures could be seen in the cages. They screamed there rage and hate there massive warped bodies struggling to break free of the cages. “My moneys on the skeleton getting eaten.” A voice cried out and there was a stampede to bet against me. Ronan was right about this as well. Time to cheat some thieves and slavers out of there gold. I waited until the bets had been laid out I tossed off my leather Armour. And prepared the crowd was silent as my axes began to burn with blue flames. “What the hell is that. Are its eyes glowing? I want my money back. No-one said its eyes could glow. I would not have bet on them if i knew it was a mage” Someone in the crowd was nervous. I checked the status of the four things i was about to fight.
Abomination level 100 hp 3200
skeleton Bull Abomination level 150 hp 1750
Flesh Golem level 150 hp 1980
Corrupt flesh Golem level 175 hp 2678
They were put on the four sides of the circle. It was almost show time i moved towards the Abomination and cast raise skeleton. Two skeletons took my repeating crossbow and aimed the poisonous bolts at the corrupt flesh Golem. They also opened up and mixed two jars of oil. Ronan had a full century of watching fights progress. The shield had been coated with something that would draw both Flesh Golems and the shield pattern was red to attract the skeleton bull. This was going to be a challenge of how well i used magic. The main problem was I could not drink mana potions.
The Abomination was pulling at its chains. I moved closer and activated terrifying presence. Which only caused the Abomination to howl its fury at me. I got my teleport spell ready as the count down began. “Five, Four, Three,Two, One.” the chains on the Abomination Snapped off and i teleported behind it. Both axes came down on its head killing it instantly. I jumped behind the body hiding the flames on my axes and casting another raise skeleton.
The bull had run over the Skeletons holding the shield. Both of them had been pulverized. But the bull was now on fire. It was stumbling around the arena while the corrupt flesh Golem moved to attack my decoy skeleton. It ran the skeleton over and cast icy bolts at the skeleton bull. Luckily i did not need to point my hands the bolts appeared in the air in front of me and shot towards the bull.
Then both axes headed for the Corrupt flesh golem head. It was warned by my firing of the icy bolts and my first axe skidded off its neck. My second did not and slammed into its head. Its club smashed out in its death throes and i was flung into the air missing a arm. I got up quickly and cast a massive ice patch in front of me. The skeleton bull ran screaming onto the ice patch and slid. I jumped out of the way lashing with all the icy bolts i could. The Skeleton bull was nearly dead but the last Flesh Golem was approaching. I gathered almost the last of my magic and attacked the Skeleton bull. My mana hit zero and the skeleton bull was dead.
I checked my side one arm was gone and the final Flesh Golem ignored terrifying presence. I had no chance and decided to call it a day. I activated the spite spell from my ring and it hit the Flesh golem.
The contest is over.
Three abilities awarded
dark heart you can fuse a mana crystal into your body
Regeneration evolution your body will evolve into a stronger skeleton as you develop
unholy aura allows you to project a unholy aura around yourself. Opens consecrate dark gods desecrate ability
Level up 25
Ronan took control of the flesh Golem via a spell and it roared out. I moved towards the edge of the circle. The crowd did not know the contest was over. Ronan made a gesture with his hand. He owned the bookies and wanted a ring out. The Golem and i play acted. And then i moved forward and grabbed it and we both fell out of the ring. The announcers voice rang out “Ring out. Draw.”
Ronan is going to use the gold generated by the fight later on to send the skeleton on a dark quest.
he will be a motivating factor because he has lots of experience and plans to use skeleton to achieve his own ends.
i had planned for the skeleton to regrow godlem arm this could have been painted human looking and would not have burnt in sunlight. but thinking about it it would have unbalanced the skeleton. i think his hand will regrow different color
black silver or crystal. black flames might be able to dance along anyone have any good ideas
also it will be a while before he installs mana core three options
as third eye where heart should be in brain
if in brain this one would cause eyes to glow
i would like to thank the people who offered to help with the tables. i am getting there. But if i run into real trouble i will ask thanks
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Dale Mitchell, your average guy in a below-average job. But, what happens to him is anything but average. After hitting someone in his truck, his world was turned upside down, inside out, and more than fifty shades of grey. Now, he seems to be something called a World Keeper, and must create and manage his own world. Is this his afterlife, or something else entirely? Cover image courtesy of Madelyn Black https://discord.gg/bP65Rpc to join the community Discord!
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Sucked into the void without warning, a handful of people from around the globe suddenly find themselves in the foreign world of Scyria, a place filled with people who can jump three times their height, conjure fire from thin air, and perform any number of other inhuman feats. Scattered across the realm and armed with newfound powers far greater than those of the native Scyrians, they each struggle to find their path in this unfamiliar reality. Their unforeseen arrival sends tremors throughout the world, toppling a centuries-long age of relative peace, prosperity, and progress as they each leave their mark on the world in their own ways. But Scyria has its own share of intrigue, even without these unwelcome guests. A major metropolis is wiped from existence out of nowhere, triggering a manhunt across the continent for those deemed responsible. Two feuding nations decide to bring their hostilities to a new level. Blades clash, nations fall, and plots years in the making begin to reveal themselves. This is the story of some unwilling trespassers, taken from their lives against their will and thrown into situations they barely understand. This is the story of some unfortunate Scyrians, their lives blown apart by the newcomers’ sudden and destabilizing existence. This is the story of Scyria, a world with a lost past buried beneath millenia. But as both the Earthlings and Scyrians are about to find out, sometimes the past doesn’t stay buried forever... I marked the story as having Gore, Sexual Content, and Traumatising content because it does contain a bit of all three, though not what I believe is a significant amount. Just wanted to be safe. It does contain a whole lot of profanity, though. That one is very much deserved. I post one chapter ahead on Patreon here, you can get it for a dollar: https://www.patreon.com/IrateRapScallion My Discord server for discussing the story and whatever else: https://discord.gg/uycZBbv Please vote for my story on Top Web Fiction by clicking here: http://topwebfiction.com/vote.php?for=displaced Thanks! Cover by Jefferymoonworm
8 193 - In Serial40 Chapters
Discovering Magic
“Venture into your mind and into a new world, one where there is Magic. Magic that is nascent and unexplained, one where you can be the one to Discover it, by delving dark dungeons or examining magical Beasts, by studying ancient scrolls or by finding lost gods, your Imagination is the only limit.” This is what Mike thought he was getting into when he lay down to play a new VR game, but fate had another thing in store for him, he was whisked away to a new world in another Dimension, with an AI fused to his body that refuses to let him treat this world as a game, all the while trying to make it as much like a game as it can. The only Objective he is given is to Discover Magic as he learns to survive and live in this new world, doing the best he can to not die, or even worse. *** Hi All! This is my story, it has been brewing in my mind in various forms for years. It will be rough, this is the first story I have written in a long time, so please help me make it as great as it can be! It is a High Fantasy adventure/Isekai LitRpg, it will have action and adventure, levels and dungeons, Elves, Dwarves and Gods. It is not a Virtual Reality story, though it will touch on some topics of artificial intelligence. The core focus of the story is going to be the discovery and deep delve in the magic system and fantastical elements of the world. Mana is used so often in LitRPG's but how often is it explained what mana is, magic is used in fantasy, but how often do you understand what it feels like. Magical races like Elves, Dwarves etc. often exist in stories, but why do they exist? and what truly makes them different from Humans and from each other? What is a God and where did they come from? These are the sort of topics that I want to really dive into in this series, all through the lens of a progression focused LitRPG. Thanks for reading!
8 151 - In Serial6 Chapters
To Tame A Beast (Captain America x (Werewolf)Reader)
Can Steve Rogers tame you or will he end up taming your heart , leaving you imprinting on the super soldier and doing anything to protected him , even dying........ (Read to find out more :3)
8 72 - In Serial32 Chapters
The Tattooist
I walked into the clean, wide tattoo shop, to find a large red head lady sitting at the counter at her computer.As I walked up, she smiled and asked who I was booked for."I'm here for my thigh, Johnny William"Smiling nervously at her wide grin.I saw a very tall, tanned well built man over near the tattoo seating.Putting his black plastic gloves on, then he looked over his shoulder directly at me.A small, evil smirk sunk into my soul.And his piercing rich green eyes darkened.
8 86