《RE skeleton》Chapter 1
Day 1 - Saturday
I woke in the ancient cave to find a small little girl walking around her candles. She was chanting around the circle she had drawn in chalk on the floor.
‘Boohaha’, she cried, ‘it worked. Come my minion, come here and show me your status bar?’
I stood up and took a step forward, staring speechless at the girl. She was looking intently at me, ‘Just focus on your status and say, “status bar show”.’ A window appeared in front of me. ‘Now say “visible” ’, she instructed.
Laura's SkeletonRaceUndead Shaman HobgoblinClassUndead ConstructHealthStaminaManaLuckIntelligenceWisdom4460000Titles Laura's Skeleton
Created by a hyper active 12 year old, you are the most basic type of skeleton anyone is able to create.Effects Lucky
As it was a miracle you were create at all, all luck will level up faster once you earn anyGood parts
As you were created with the best parts Laura could steal, you have a slight increase in health.Intelligence
As Laura used a much more powerful energy crystal in your construction than needed, you get a slight boost in intelligence. You also learn faster, particularly when it comes to any form of attackBrutality
As Laura used a insane rat monster core to create you, you have a slight tendency to insane violence.
The girl, Laura, began to dance up and down ‘Look, I have a new title, check this out, “status bar show. visible”.’
In trying to communicate with Laura you have shown initiative int +1 wisdom +2
Laura began to dance up and down ‘Look, I have a new title, check this out, “status bar show. visible”.’
LauraRaceHuman Little GirlJobLesser NecromancerHealthStaminaManaLuckIntelligenceAge30184501512Titles - Laura Apprentice Necromancer Lowest level necromancers find it easier to summon undeadSkeleton Summoner
As you have successfully summoned an extraordinary skeleton, all future skeleton summoning will be easier. You will now have a 0.0001 percent chance of summoning a Skeleton Warrior or Mage instead of a basic skeleton and a 5 percent chance of summing a skeleton with good parts effect.Effects Effect 1
Stolen basic Mages gloves - Mana plus 10
Effect 2
As your skeleton has learned something most skeletons do not, you gain a 0.01 percent increase in Mage level for each day that the skeleton is being taught by you.
‘Boohaha, I am Laura, and soon Suzie will suffer my wrath. Come here you and hold these gloves. I am going to show you a basic spell, all you need to do is sit here and practice. Come,’ she beckoned me, ‘it works best in the circle; it will heal and regenerate Mana.’
I moved into the circle and could feel the energy of it pulsing all around me and through me.
‘Now, just focus your inner energy. Imagine the waves.’ I titled my head slightly, trying to figure out what she was asking me to do, ‘Oh right, yah, forgot, emmm, waves are things from the ocean.’ She paused and frowned. When the crease in her forehead lifted, she continued, ‘Actually, I do have a book on pirates here somewhere.’ She ran to the cave wall, ruffled through a bag, retrieved something and ran back, ‘Here it is, look. Did you know that when I grow up I am going to be a necromancer pirate queen or maybe necromancer princess?’
I wondered if it would be as simple as that, and was rewarded with a window.
Intelligence +1
My maximum Mana had just increased by 5, so that means, for every intelligence point I earn. I get five Mana.
Intelligence +1
Well that was nice. Laura gave me a sly smile. ‘I also have a basic identify skill book. Here, take it and use it. I will bring you a scroll so you can read. Use the identify skill to identify the meaning of the words. There is a basic book over here so take this and get ready.’
Laura's Basic Identify Book
A basic identify book, Laura created it so that she could use it to teach her friend how to read. However, the friend liked Suzie better, so Laura has decided to give it to you
Laura grinned at me, ‘Now hit yes and take a look around’. I accepted the book, and as I looked down, I noticed there was text over everything.
Candle Stick - Weight 2 - Value 5 Silver
Halve Burnt Candle - Weight 0.5 - Value 5 Copper
Battered Mages Gloves - Weight 0.5 - Value 10 Stolen
Effect 1; Mana + 10
Effect 2; Stolen, but if found by Laura's mother Laura will be beaten and the gloves will be taken off her.
Effect 3: If found by Laura's father, he will beat her for being caught and give her the gloves for being sneaky.
Laura pulled out a child’s book, ‘Mom keeps giving me these stupid books, but I bet you wouldn’t mind them. They are books on etiquette, about things like, which fork to use for what, it explains how a young lady should behave and stuff like that.’
I nodded and we got down to it. Using the Identify book, I was able to pick up the general meaning of the words, and Laura helped with more explanations. I received three more intelligence points as we worked through the book.
Eventually, Laura yawned, ‘It’s getting late, and I am getting seriously tired. I think it’s time for me to go home. Take the sword and kill any rats that try to come in here. Also, take my grimoire, and learn all the spells in it.’ She placed the objects in front of me and added, ‘Oh, and, one more thing, practice your magic, try to level up."
I looked down and used Identify on the two objects.
Sturdy Oak Sword - Weight 1.5 - Value 10 Silver
Stats - Blunt weapon -3 attack risk of breaking.
I looked through Laura's grimoire. It was a basic spell book, with basic spell techniques, including: basic fire, ice, water, earth, wind, shadow and necromancer spells. It also contained; one advanced skeleton summoning spell, a master spell for a rain of fire, a fire ball spell, a fire tornado spell, a shadow gate spell, a few incomplete master warning spells. When I glanced at Laura, she explained that she had taken them without telling her tutor what she was doing.
She blew out her candle and left. I was alone.
I pulled out the wooded sword and compared it to pictures in the story books which had knights. Their swords were made of steel, I doubted this was going to be of much use. There were however spell books. I began to read and practice.
Day 2 - Sunday
I found the basic spells of fire, ice, water, earth, wind and shadow were easy. All I had to do was focus in way outlined by the book and suddenly I could do the spell. It had taken me almost two hours, according to my internal clock, to master the basic create miniature flame spell. According to the book, it was supposed to be like lighting a match the book, but I had never lit a match before, so I wasn’t sure.
As I read, and practiced I got a couple of pings.
Basic Mana Mastery - Level 1
From now on, you will no longer be cursed with Mana levels at half normal levels
Intelligence + 10
Reading basic level allows you to read faster.
After I mastered the create miniature flame spell, I moved on to all the other basic spells. It only took a quarter of an hour to master each one. All the time, my stats were going up and up, my Intelligence climbed to 21, and my Mana was now 210! I decided to keep at the basic spells, my master, Laura, would be back sooner or later.
I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I used Identify
Giant Rat -A truly vicious rat about the size of small dog.
Hit points: 5
Remembering my masters command, I remained still and watched it as it moved forward, creeping slowly towards the burnt candle. My sword flew out and I hit the rat across the back. I had expected to slice through the rat, just like in the pictures in the books, where the knights had cut through their opponents, instead I heard a crunch and felt the bones in its back give away. There was no spray of red blood, and the sword did not come out the other side. Hmm, that was unexpected. I noticed the rat was still moving, but only the front paws and head, maybe I had half killed it. As it tried to turn and pull itself away, I cracked the sword on the rat’s skull and felt it crunch.
Critical hit damage * 4
Luck + 1
Exp + 25
I looked up my status again. I needed another 1000 points to move to the next level, and I had just received 25. This might take a while.
At that moment, Laura came running into the cave, and laughed "Boo haha. I brought…. AGHH… a rat, a dead rat. Ughh, throw it outside. Its icky, throw it outside. NOW. Do it NOW. Gross, gross, gross. Seriously, do not let that thing touch me. Ughhh. That is so disgusting. Yuck, yuck, yuck."
I left the cave, carrying the mouse body and I heard another ping.
Leave cave region, in direct sun light -5 hp per minute.
I tossed the rat to the side and waited. I noticed there was smoke coming from my bones. I don't think my bones could handle the sunlight.
Wisdom +1
Intelligence +1
I pulled up my status hp. It read 34. It must be a reaction to the sun.
Laura ran out of the cave ‘Is it gone?’ she asked, I could see her eyes widen, ‘you are on fire. Hurry, get back into the cave and put yourself out"
I watched my hp dip by another 5 points to 29 and I followed Laura back into the cave.
You are entering the cave effects of sun removed
She seemed angry, ‘Daddy will only be away for two weeks, I need you to be alive for when he comes back. Remember this is what I want and try to survive.’ She took a deep breath, ‘I am going to have to find a way to fix you. Daddy will not let me be an incompetent necromancer’
You have been told to survive. Basic survival trait learned cannot be unlearned. Skill resistance learned. When damaged you can now develop a resistance to the force damaging you up to 50 percent.
Laura pulled out her journal and leafed through it, ‘Well there is this drain life spell. Or this dark energy spell. But I don’t know them"
I put out my right hand and cast a small dark energy spell. Laura jumped on me ‘Oh my god! You’re the best, come on, lets’ start.’
Half an hour later, I had the basic dark spell cast. Dark energy restores 1 hp per hour, to undead, it requires 10 Mana per minute. The gloves gave me a Mana of 230, and a Mana recovery rate of 1 Mana point per minute. So, I ran the spell for 24 minutes.
I could tell, Laura was not happy ‘i cannot even give you potions to speed up your Mana recovery. Well they are too expensive, so here, take this."
1 Basic Iron Dagger - a basic and functional dagger stabbing + 3 chance of critical doubled
1 Sturdy Stick - blunt instrument has nails on top + 1 stabbing damage
‘Daddy gave these to me. Now listen, tomorrow is Monday and I have to go back to school on Monday. So, I need you to stay here. While you wait for me to return, read these books and keep healing. Also, you have to hide from my mummy. Look, I have to go back. So stay in the cave, and heal yourself. Look after the books and I will be back next Saturday. Mommy only let me out for an hour so, I have to go back now. You behave, see you on Saturday."
There were a number of new books. The first one was a dictionary, this would be useful. I received two intelligence points for reading it and my reading went from basic reading to just reading.
The next was a story book, about a hero who defeated a host of evil people and he married an evil necromancer, who transformed into a good person. Although interesting, the story resulted no additional intelligence boost.
Next was a basic survival guide, with a list of basic monsters, and a map of the local surroundings. The book boosted to my survival instinct and increased my resistance to 55 percent.
Intelligence +1
You have now reached level 25 Intelligence. All basic spells are now possible, cost of spells are also lowered.
I checked.
Dark energy restores 2 hp per hour, to undead requires 5 Mana per minute.
Energy drain adsorbs 5 hp per minute from target victim, requires 1 mana per minute
I looked around, maybe I could use one of the traps I had seen in the book. However, I had no shovel or rope, so I had to put the idea on hold. Instead, I went back to rereading the book, which was easier with the use of the dictionary. Now spell book was beginning to make sense. I noticed another rat entering my cave.
Rat hp 2 a small rodent
I stood motionless and waited. He scurried towards the candles and began to chew on them. I reached out and grabbed him by the tail, lifting him into the air and used energy drain on him
2 hp restored exp 25
Energy drain results in basic requirement met. You can now drain 5 hp + 1 mp + 1 Stamina from enemies. Cost is 1 mp per minute
Exp 300 for developing a new effect from a spell
I reread the Grimoire, looking up the difficult words. When I had finished the book for the second time, I decided on a course of action. I would wait until dark and go to the area marked ‘Dangerous and Venomous Animals’. As a skeleton, I would be immune to poisons. There I could drain as many lives as I could.
As soon as the sun went down, I crouched down and moved out. As a slow skeleton, I thought I coulde benefit from some Sneak experience. It slowed me down a little, but after an hour and a half, I had gained +10 Sneak points and had arrived at my intended destination.
I surveyed the new landscape, and there they were.
Slightly Toxic toads hp 2 - a toad with a slightly toxic skin, not good to eat or touch
I moved forward and picked up one of the toads. One energy drain later and I moved on. There were five more in easy reach. I waited by the stream and pushed one of the toads in in. I also coated my weapons with the yellow stuff on the toads back. My wisdom went up + 1.
i waited for a snake to come along, but none did. I thought about it, it was night, they were properly all asleep together. Then I noticed a movement in the bushes.
Large viper - level 5 - hp 150 - very venomous snake
Like I had done with the first rat, I waited patiently and as the snake moved closer, I brought my club down on the snake’s tail. As planned, it was stuck. Holding the snake by the tail I leaned forward, and used energy drain. The snake hp went down fast.
Level up * 3
Effect - free evolutionary path changed from construct to monster
You have advanced to a level beyond that which Laura can control you. Do you wish to become a vicious skeleton + 10 rage? All Strength stats will be doubled, and intelligence will be halved. Your desire to hunt down and kill Laura will give you a berserk permanent rage increase
I thought about it for a moment. I feel like I am free now, and I don't really want to hunt down Laura, she had played with me and given me books.
I tapped no.
Wisdom + 5
Vampiric aura effect gained once a day. You may choose to use this ability to drain and absorb any creature in a 1 meter radius at 5 hp 5mp per minute for 1 minute.
I looked at my hp, it was 176 and stamina was now 24.
I noticed another snake moving forward
massive viper level 10 hp 300 very toxic snake.
I remained still as the viper moved towards me, then i struck out at speed. The snake must have been wary, because it dodged and lashed at me. Its mouth clamped over my hand.
Hp -30
You have been sprayed by poison in the eyes effect none
You have been poisoned with a vicious poison you will lose 0 hp per second for 5 minutes
I activated vampiric aura and my dagger found the snakes head.
Level up *4
Basic requirement for minor class change met.
Basic Skeleton Class
-> Basic Vampiric Skeleton ->Basic Mage Skeleton -> Small Bear Cub Skeleton -> Basic Warrior Skeleton ->Basic Sturdy Skeleton ->Basic Ice Mage Skeleton
I checked the descriptions, and stopped on the ice mage skeleton. It had all of the mage bonus, plus an affinity with ice magic, with very minor sturdiness bones, which was half the sturdy skeleton bonus.
I choose that one and moved out.
I checked my stats, hp was 328 and stamina was 42. I wanted to be back in my cave before sun up, time to use my stamina. I could now stroll and moved to a brief run. Then I slowed down, and crept for a while until my stamina returned. I repeated this until I was close to my cave, into which I crept into, being careful not to be seen.
As I crawled into my cave and a pop up appeared.
Cave reached do you wish to designate it as your dungeon?YESNO
I selected 'YES'.
Yes Infamy + 50
Title - Dungeon Master
Level - 0
You are entering Laura Skeleton Dungeon
I used Identify on the dungeon.
Status - A basic cave
Dark energy build up, but not switched on.
Darkness set to average.
I switched on dark energy build up, as it would help me regenerate Mana and Health at a constant rate and then I noticed there were quite a few rats eating the candles
Quest Given
Success - Kill Rats - Exp * 50
Failure - Rats eat your equipment
I selected ‘YES’ and sent a quick spell aiming a freeze at the candles and froze six rats. It earned me 150 points for killing the rats and 50 for completing the quest.
I looked around as the rest of the rats ran off and then I checked the books. Fortunately, the rats had not eaten them yet. I did not want to put the rotting bodies outside, as the movement and the smell might draw unwanted attention to my cave. So instead, I cleaned up, as much as I could, and placed the dead rat bodies in a corner of the cave, tossing the frozen candles on top of them.
A quick check indicated that my experience was now 7700, with the next level up at 8000. This meant that I leveled up every thousand points. There had been a massive boost from those snakes, I would have to go back tomorrow. In the meantime I had to try and fix up my cave.
I picked up a rock and made a few holes in the wall, so that Laura could put candles there when she returned. I decided to use up some of my Mana to level up my ice magic. When I was finished, I sat down and began to reread the dictionary. Looking up spell words was hard, but I finally figured out the words Laura had used to create me. It looked doable. I knew I could summon up my own skeleton, however I would need supplies. I checked the basic requirements it all looked good.
"You may now kiss the bride." But no kiss ever came. I'm ripped from my wedding and thrown into a medieval fantasy world with game-like elements. It may seem like a game, but that doesn't matter to me, because this is my reality. The pain, the hunger, the cold, the fear, it's all real to me. Alone, without knowing why I'm here, in a world where I know nothing and nobody, I decide to buy a Blood Slave to have someone I can trust. She brings me comfort and so much more. She helps me raise my head high again and bravely move forward. Together, we'll grow stronger. Together, we're unbreakable. But she won't be the only one by my side. We need more than just each other, for I know that my purpose in this world can't be accomplished with only her help. Monsters and dungeons plague the land, forcing civilization to protect themselves from the hordes with tall walls and fierce determination. Killing monsters is a daily need, but they aren't the only enemy here. I have a powerful "Gift" that allows me to change my "skill points" at will, but if others were to know about it, there would be many that would try to use me by any means possible. Step by step, moment by moment, day by day, we keep moving forward, always aiming to improve our strength. One day, we'll meet our Fate, and we'll be ready for it. Swords held high, shields tightly strapped to our arms, wings spread apart, spells at the tip of our tongues, minds focused like blades, and our hearts hardened like steel. We'll take on whatever comes our way! --------------------------------------------- New chapters Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM US East. At least 3k words each. Additional Tags: Psychological, Romance, Magic, Male Lead, Portal Fantasy/Isekai/Transmigration, Polygamy, Slaves Content Warning: gore, profanity, sexual content (most of it has been censored) (male/female, female/female, and human/non-human(not for the faint of heart)), traumatizing content What to expect: Slow story focused on the day-to-day life of a transmigrated man rather than on the plot. The plot exists but it very slowly becomes relevant. Also, slow character progress. It's a long journey, so don't expect a hero to grow in just a few chapters. Detailed environments and extensive world-building. Realistic and tactical combat instead of flashy. Protagonist with a cheat but far from overpowered. Lots of descriptive sex scenes (though most got censored here). It's treated as just another part of life instead of merely fan-service. A harem where the members actually enjoy living with each other. Occasional weird wording and grammar, English isn't my first language. Currently uploading on: Royal Road (most sexual content censored), Scribble Hub, Novel Updates Forum, Wattpad, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Nobles, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica. This story is also on Scribble Hub, Novel Updates, Hentai Foundry, Webnovel, MoonQuill, Archive of Our Own, and Literotica.
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