《Library Magic》Side Story 3: Childhood and Library Magic - Part 2


Side Story 3: Childhood and Library Magic - Part 2

"I guess I should start by inspecting the contents placed on the table, as they might be magic tools, like my glasses." I said while looking at the contents that are placed on the table.

I haven't got to explain it yet, but my glasses is a magic tool, at least that's what I'm going to call it, for now. Because I don't have enough information about magic tools to make a definite conclusion. I only noticed the capabilities of my glasses when I tried experimenting by imbuing mana into the glasses, but it didn't work, as I couldn't feel anything changing. Though I still imbued the glasses with mana, with the hope of finding out what its capabilities are.

The power of the glasses showed when I started reading a book. It accelerated my reading speed by three folds, it also lets me understand unknown languages, but I'm guessing it is just limited to reading and not hearing, as it is a magic tool related to the eyes. There is another ability that the glasses have, I can read words even up to 100 meters of distance, regardless of the size of the characters and even when there are light obstacles in the way, like a curtain, as long as you can see that there are supposed to be words on it, you can read it.

For example, my father is reading a book on his room although I can't see him very clearly, because the windows in this age are not as clear like in my past world, the fog on the window because of the snow also lowers the visibility, and to top it all off, there was even a thin curtain in the way of the book, even with all that, as I knew there were supposed to be words on the book he was reading. I could read the words on the book as if it is right in front of me. Though it was a hassle, as my father isn't really as fast as me at reading, even without the magic tool glasses. I had to wait a while before he was finished reading the page and he flipped to the next page before I had the chance to continue reading.

Although it was really pretty stupid of me to do that, as I wasted a whole morning of my practice time, only to find out that what my father was reading was an erotica. I almost want to facepalm myself because of the stupidity of my action, but I held myself back because of the glasses on my face. I didn't really know if it had a self-repair mechanism on it, but I didn't want to try it before I even have the chance to use it to its full potential, that is, in the 《Library》. I was thinking of such thoughts, as I realize that I am getting into my bad habit again. This is really annoying, as I noticed that I already wasted another 10 minutes, making it a whole 15 minutes of time wasted of my precious 2 hours. Though I can't really complain as I can replenish all of my current mana pool in just a matter of an hour.


I started on the bookmark, it looks like a large wooden ruler except it doesn't have measurement numbers on it, there isn't really anything special about it. I don't really understand its purpose as I can already read very fast and I have a good memory, I don't think I would need a bookmark to know where I stopped reading at. I imbue mana into it anyway and it suddenly emits a faint white light onto the edge of the bookmark. If I look at myself from a third person's perspective, I certainly look like a certain bespectacled young wizard with a lightning bolt scar, and is getting ready to chant 'expecto patronum'. Ah, I really miss reading some of the fictions from my world, there should be a book about that story here, with what I requested to that God, I will have access to both Earth's and Isaiah's book.

Although he/she said that there will be restrictions, I don't think he/she will change the power to mess with the expected effect that I requested. I will check that book out when I have the time. Now to check what the bookmark's effect is, as it is a bookmark, I think I need to use it on a book. There is a book on the table, but it looks like it's important, I don't really know what the effect of this bookmark is, so I should probably hold on using it on an important looking book, as the bookmark could have an effect of burning the book into ashes.

I grabbed the candleholder so that I can explore this dark room. I was walking straight when it came in front of my sight. The first thing I see here except for the table and its content, was a bookshelf filled with books, as I predicted, this place really is a library. It would have been embarrassing for me, naming the place 《Library》, if it was just a dark room with nothing in it except for the table and its content.

There were many bookshelves coming into my field of vision as I continue to move forward. After 30 minutes of advancing, there were still no signs of me getting into a dead end. I started to run with all my might, only to see the end of the room a minute later. If my calculations are right, I should have traveled about 10 miles, and if the table is at the center of this place, then it should have a radius of 10 miles. Though I'm not really sure if it has the same distance if I go in a different direction, but if it really has, then this whole room should contain thousands of bookshelves. Even if that sounds a lot, there is no way that is close to the number of books that exists in two worlds, especially in my world, where there should be tens of millions of books created throughout the whole history of humanity, and from what I know of Isaiah, this world should be larger than Earth by a lot. They also seems to have a good way to produce paper, as there are a lot of books in my house, and not counting the books and hidden spell books that my father and mother have in their rooms, so it means that this world shouldn't have much of a gap when it comes to the numbers of books, as Isaiah has a much more longer history than Earth.


Though it's a baseless assumption, as I don't know if other household has as many books as mine too. Because my household is very wealthy and is influential in Rolen. Still, I don't even know why we have this many books in our house, the only book I've ever seen seen father read is erotica and adventure books, and as for mom, she just read romantic types of books and occasionally some cookbooks.

"I should check how high the ceiling is, if my assumption is right, there should be another floor up there." While getting ready to jump up I asserted to myself.

I jumped and reached the ceiling, and it was about 15ft high. It should be the right height, as the bookshelves are pretty big themselves reaching up to 10ft high. It would kill a normal person if those things fall down on them, though if it was me, with my current mana filled body, it would just hurt me a little. The problem is, it will have a domino effect, when one falls down, they will all fall down. Though there is something familiar about this place, it's like I've been here before, and I mean earlier than the first time I came here when I was 5 years old. If my guess is correct, the middle of the room should be open for me to jump up.

I moved a little closer to the middle of the room, when I judged that it's already enough of a distance, I concentrated my mana on my foot and jumped with all my might. 20ft, 30ft, and when I reached my limit of 50ft, I still didn't see a trace of the ceiling. There should, at least, be 5 floors in this place, if every floor shares the same height.

It seems my guess was correct, I already knew of this place before I even started to use 【Library Magic】. The question is when? My memories is a bit hazy, which is weird as I have perfect memorization, is this that God's doing? I should probably stop trying to recall those memories, as I'm starting to get nauseous. Maybe I should try going to the 2nd floor by jumping. As I jumped up I started by putting a small amount of mana on my feet, as to not go overboard, I jumped directly to the 2nd floor and safely landed. That is what I'm supposed to say if I didn't just hit some kind of barrier in there before I got the chance to cross over. I started to fall down to the 1st floor and I directly stepped on top of a bookshelf to use as a foothold.

I gently jump down the bookshelf, as I look up at the invisible barrier closing off the second floor. I guess I need to use the stairs to go to the 2nd floor. Though I know where the stairs are, I should probably do what I was supposed to be doing until I got sidetracked, and that is to test the power of the bookmark. I picked up a random book close to me, it was titled 'How to train your Nekomimi slave'.

"...What the hell. I don't even know if this book came from Isaiah or it came from Earth, as I can imagine that this kind of book can exist even on Earth." I mused to myself as I started to read its contents.

Strangely enough, it really is from Earth. It was a novel about a guy who bought some stuff about summoning a dragon to rampage in the city he was currently living in because he was humiliated in front of his crush, but what he summoned was a Nekomimi with a big bust and golden hair, cat ears, and tail. Well, I should probably stop reading it, as I only have 3 minutes left before my consciousness get transferred back to Isaiah.

I started to imbue mana on the bookmark and placed it on the page of the book where I stopped reading. Nothing happened when I did that, so I took it out of the book and started to point the glowing end of the bookmark towards the book. It finally showed its effect, the book started to glow bright red and had the glowing words 'unfinished' imprinted on it. I tried changing the words with 'Nekomimi' and also tried changing the colors into yellow, and it worked! I am content with the effect, as I think it will be useful if I can take it out of the 《Library》.

The countdown to when my consciousness gets transportedback to Isaiah started, so I proceeded to put the book back into the same position where I took it from. But when I look at the space that I was going to put it, there was a pair of creepy eyes staring back at me as if it wants to devour me. I stared back at it frozen from surprise at the scenario that is currently happening, until I felt my vision started to distort. I was back in my own room where I used 【Library Magic】 when I came to. I was still frozen from shock at what I saw in the 《Library》. The only words I could mutter were...

"What the -"

End of Side Story 3

Authors Note: Should be a boring chapter. Sorry for the info dumps~

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