《Gods Game》Chapter Fourteen: New Path
Elements sat in her garden, curled up on the bed she had in there, watching her flowers sway in the breeze she created. As the stars and cosmos danced outside of the domain of the Gods.
“How long are you going to sulk?” King asked from somewhere behind her.
“I’m not sulking,” She said softly, “I’m trying to calm down so I don’t blow up like that again.”
“Whatever you say.” He said with a shrug and sat on the edge of the bed, not believing her. “Maybe you’d be calmer if you let me comfort you?”
“How do you mean?” She asked looking at him confused.
He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. When she didn’t withdraw, he quickly deepened the kiss. Thrusting his tongue into her mouth, grinding his body against hers. Leaving no doubt where he wanted this to go and was practically demanding it with every fiber of his being.
Instead of meeting his kisses with her own, she pulled back and began crying. Arms wrapped around herself as she shook against the violation she felt crawling over her skin.
He sighed thoroughly annoyed and pulled back. “How long are you going to be reacting like that?” He turned and glared at her whimpering form. “I can’t even hold you anymore! You keep flinching away from me! Now, this!?”
She sniffed refusing to look at him. “All I see is that day.”
He groaned long and loud like a child still be punished for something they didn’t think was that big of a deal. “How long are you going to keep punishing me for that!?”
“I don’t know.” She sobbed. “It’s not like I’m trying to!”
He leapt off the bed and began to pace. “Maybe Demon should have come here then. Clearly, you would have preferred his company over mine.”
When she didn’t rebuke him, his rage flew and he thundered. “How many times have you run to Demon!? How many times has his body comforted you since “that day” you keep punishing me for!?”
She looked at him now and he saw the honesty in her eyes. “Never. Neither before, or after, have I ever run to Demon. What drove you to do what you did was your own thoughts. He hugged me and told me to reconcile with you. Which is what I was going to do when I saw that!” She looked away from and shuddered. “Now every time you touch me, every time I close my eyes, I see that day, what you did. What damned us all.”
Truth. Honesty. It pierced King deep into his already wounded and rotting heart. He quickly left. Unable to handle it being thrown at him so bluntly.
* * *
Elise went in with Hexia and Mal as Gnarby brought them below the main level, to the room where he stored all of the good fabrics. The three of them excitedly browsed the many many shelves and couldn’t but touch the many fabrics Gnarby had stored down there.
Mal going to question why there were such poor quality fabrics upstairs and finer ones downstairs when Gnarby’s thoughts answered for her. Whenever customers were rumored to be in the area, he changed out of his usual clothes into the ones of lesser value. These fabrics he ordered just for himself. Dressing as if he were a king. These were for him and him alone. No one else was allowed to have them.
Watching the women browse and touch his pretty fabrics was killing Gnarby inside. The fact they were going to take away his precious collection, even a fraction of it, was like his stomach was exploding inside of him. Mal shook her head at his pathetic nature.
Mal walked through the room, examining the fabrics with a craftswoman eye, examining them in more depth now and was in complete awe of them. Elise and Hexia as well. There was silk, felt, velvet, cotton, denim, leather, and more. Some of the fabric Mal could only describe as a mix of velvet and silk. Was that even possible? Anna, they eventually realized, had followed and was with them as they explored.
“Hey, Mal?” She called from the other side of the room.
Mal looked over at her with an excited smile. “Yes?”
Anna was fingering a bubblegum pink fabric with a golden floral design. “Can we get this?”
“Sure.” Mal nodded, quickly going over and adding to her inventory, then went back to looking at the others with Elise and Hexia.
She wasn’t sure how long they’d been in there, but when Gnarby’s lip started to bleed from his teeth digging into it to keep from openly sobbing again, Mal opened her inventory and began depositing the fabrics she wanted. Taking whole rolls, because what if something ripped and needed repairing? Or what if they got into a battle and someone’s outfit was completely destroyed? She would need to make a replacement.
Mal also intended to not only make clothes but boots, cloaks or coats for them, depending on the wearer's preference of course. Not to mention sleeping bags, and they might need tents. Even if she could fashion a cave out of the earth, the others might not want that all the time.
Spying some type of stuffing, and a lot of it, she quickly swiped that while Gnarby was busy trying not to smack any of them. By way of banging his head against the wall. She could feel the hostility in him brewing more and more. He wanted so much to beat them all, make them see their place, but after what Mal just did, and knowing what she was capable of, he refrained.
Content she had more than enough she went upstairs, and on her way out stuffed every last crappy piece of fabric into her inventory as well. Making it to where if Gnarby wanted to be able to make a living with the coming travelers, and Astra mention that caravans were going to begin running through in the coming days and weeks, he would have to put out his good and private stock. His most precious collection.
She suspected had she not been cursed, she would have cackled maniacally at what she just did.
* * *
In the apothecary’s shop, Drew and Xavier were looking over the things Kenneth and Alex were learning about before they bought them.
“No offense, but how do we know you’re not a swindler like your pal Gnarby over there?” Drew asked.
“The name is Taligorith. Tal for short.” The apothecary smiled at them. “As for being a pal of Gnarby, I never was. I’ve always told him he was going to get caught and taught a lesson one day. The git never bothered to listen to me, or Johntha. The blacksmith, if you were wondering his name.” Tal sighed. “As for swindling you, I can’t afford to in my profession. I sell anything bad, word about it gets around quick. I’ll pay for it with my life, or never sell another herb as long as I live.”
Drew nodded. “I can understand that.”
“Besides, why would I be anything by accommodating and give you whatever you want when your pretty thing out there just bought you guys a year's worth of nights at the Inn and bought these shops three times over?” Tal asked.
Xavier balked at him. “Seriously!?”
Tal nodded. “For sure. She set us all up pretty nicely for years to come. For the first time in years, we won’t have to rely on the money and goods the caravans give us to make it through the winter. We’ll still go about our business as usual so as to not raise suspicion, and to make sure we got food, but we don’t need to worry about money for a long while. Even if Gnarby is furious at being taken down a peg, he’ll not refuse her anything she wants seeing as she owns his ass now.”
Kenneth let out a low whistle. “Good thing Mal has no idea what she just did then, or else she might use that to her advantage.”
“That’s Anna you’re thinking of man,” Alex corrected him. “Mal knows exactly what she just did, and she doesn’t care.”
“Isn’t that just the curse though?” Kenneth asked.
Drew shook his head. “No, she was that way even before the curse.”
“Again,” Xavier said looking up at Drew, “you’re an idiot for letting that go.”
“Long story man.” Drew sighed.
“I already heard.” Xavier nodded. “Your parents were about as bad as mine.”
“Who were yours?”
“Drug addicts and dealers. People thought I was just like them. Drove me to suicide.” Xavier told him.
“Someone must have given a damn about you.”
“My grandfather. He saved me.”
Drew smiled softly. “Seems we each have something in common. Bad stories with only one person who cared anything about us.”
“Does that go for Anna?” Kenneth asked him.
Drew shuddered. “No.”
“We also have no idea about Hexia’s past.” Alex pointed out.
“Has the system told you anything?” Xavier asked.
“She has no memories of Earth. The knowledge obviously, but no personal memories.” Alex explained.
“That must suck.” Xavier sighed.
“Wonder why she forgot.” Kenneth pondered. “Was it by accident or choice?”
Alex shrugged. “It’s anyone’s guess now.”
* * *
The men greeted the women when they came out of Gnarby’s shop and were also greeted by the sight of a furious looking Gnarby who was panting and snarling at Mal. She merely raised an eyebrow at him, as if daring him to come after her. Tal came out of the apothecaries shop and looked between the two.
“Something wrong?”
“She cleaned me out!” Gnarly shouted spraying saliva everywhere pointing a finger at her.
Tal looked at Mal. “You took everything from his private collection?”
She shook her head. “Only what I wanted, but I did take everything from his shop. It’s not fit for animals, why would I leave it for people?”
Tal nodded and looked back at Gnarby, “She has a point.”
“But that’s my rightful property!” Gnarby shrieked. “She’s no right to be taking that from me!”
“I warned you.” Tal shook his head. “Now you have to live with the consequences.”
With Gnarby’s final snarl, he disappeared into his shop, and the group went into the blacksmith’s shop. Weapons of all shapes and sizes, and colors, lined the walls and inside the glass cases that decorated the floor.
“Welcome!” Johntha greeted Mal warmly, seeming to ignore the others in the room, “Thank you so much for gracing my primitive shop with your ever-advancing beauty! Please, let me show you around,” he called over his shoulder as he led Mal way from the rest of the group, “help yourself to anything to you like. You have any questions, wait till later to ask!”
“You think he’s going to try to get with her?” Kenneth asked Drew softly.
Drew shrugged. “He wouldn’t be the first to try, and Mal has every right to if she wants to.”
“Come on.” Hexia said stepping forward. “We’re here for weapons right. Let’s see what we can find.”
Everyone looked around, some weapons, they gleamed right over, others they were drawn to.
Mal smiled up at Johntha, “Maybe you should help them first, then I can look around. They need weapons more anyway.”
Johntha kissed her cheek and gave her a wink. “Anything for you sweetheart.”
He approached the others. “Alright, what are we looking for today.”
“What’s this?” Hexia asked in wonder as her hand grazed over an onyx colored bladed cutlass.
“That’s Dark Might.” Johntha said taking it down for her. “Forged with obsidian and talimite silver. One of the strongest metals demons can make.”
She looked at him uneasily, “Demons?”
He chuckled. “Rest assured not all of them are evil little one. In fact, many are quite the weapons forgers.” He handed her the blade. “Give a few swings in that corner over there see how you like it.”
Hexia went to the corner that was open and free of any cases or weapons. She swung the blade tentatively at first, then with more vigor as she got used to the feel. Turning her body this way and that as she did. Satisfied, she looked up at Johntha with a smile.
He nodded sharing in her grin. “That one suits you miss.”
“What about that one?” Xavier asked pointing to a crossbow like weapons.
“None of the swords draw your attention then?” Johntha asked approaching him.
Xavier shook his head. “The two short swords there a little, but this one,” he pointed up at the crossbow, “that one caught my eye.”
“That’d be Sharp Shooter.” Johntha said taking it down and showing Xavier how to handle it. “Since you were drawn that one seems your specialty is long ranged weapons, not close combat ones. This one is special in that it has three triggers.” He showed Xavier each one as he spoke of them. “First one fires one at time, second one half the chamber, the third all of them.”
He glanced Xavier over. “You’d be Night’s Champion right?”
Xavier nodded. Johntha did too. “Thought so. Much like Pinky’s weapon over there came from demons, this one was made by former champion of Night. It was made so while using the shadows, you never miss a target. The only ammo I have for it is in the chamber already, you’ll have to make your own.”
“You have the crafting tables for that.” Alex said from across the room.
Xavier grinned down at Sharp Shooter. “Sweet, guess this one's mine.”
“Best take the short swords too.” Johntha thumbed at them. “That way you’re armed for close combat as well.”
“Who did these belong to?” Xavier couldn’t help but ask, excited for the history.
“No one.” Johntha last. “Just made them last week.”
“I like this one for me.” Elise said picking up an opal looking fencing blade.
“That one is just called Rapier.” Johntha smiled kindly at her before his expression became sorrowful. “The Champion of Sun before you had that one made especially for her. It channels the sun when you strike. Shooting out blasts of it into your enemy like small pellets.”
Elise smiled as she sheathed it. “Sounds like she had a good head on her shoulders.”
Johntha shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. Never met her.”
“We’re thinking Drew and I are the main warriors.” Kenneth said stepping forward.
“War and Hero?”
Drew and Kenneth nodded.
Johntha took a deep breath and looked at Drew. “You’d have the Sword of Hero’s then, right?”
Drew nodded.
“Then you won’t be needing another sword, that’s plenty sword for you. Rumors say you get high enough level the blade shifts into any form you want it to.” Johntha said scratching the back of his head. “Do you have the wings?”
An excited look came over Drew’s face, “Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that, but yeah!”
“Then you should have a bow and some arrows.” Johntha said grabbing a dark red bow with a golden threaded string. He looked at Alex, “Does he have a crafting table for arrows?”
Alex shook his head. “Still Xavier’s area.”
“Well regardless.” Johntha said handing it to Drew. “You’ll arrows. I don’t have anything.”
“Fellow Champion of Heroes own this once huh?” Drew asked as he pulled the string back.
“Nope.” Johntha popped his p. “Champion of War.”
“So how come I don’t get it?” Kenneth asked a little annoyed.
“Because I saw you eyeing these.” Johntha said raising a belt filled with several small daggers. “These used to belong to a Champion of Heroes. Figured you two had swapped since you were itching to touch these and the other guy walked right past them.”
Alex picked up a couple of hook swords and swung them about. “I guess these are for me.”
“Guess so.” Johntha smiled.
“Where’s Anna?” Xavier asked looking around. “She hasn’t picked her weapon yet.”
“She’s outside.” Kenneth thumbed toward the door. “Don’t think she has any intention of coming in here or picking a weapon.”
“Does that mean I can help you now?” Johntha asked walking up to Mal again.
She nodded. “I suppose so.”
“Come with me.” He took her hand. “I’ve got something I think you will love.”
He brought her over to the back display case. The others filed outside to wait for her. She looked inside and saw a silver dagger she smiled with eyes full of affection.
“Oh my gosh!” She gushed. Johntha took it out and she touched it delicately. “Oh my gosh!”
“It came to me in a dream one night.” He said softly. “There, I saw a beautiful creature wielding it in the midst of battle. It was the sweetest dream I’ve ever had.” he met her eyes. “I would be honored if this was the weapon you wanted.”
“Oh, it is! It is!” She assured him, but when she reached for it, he held it back against his chest.
“A weapons forger knows when they’ve created their finest piece of work.” He said softly. “Most, never part with it. Merely use it as an example. This,” He gestured to the dagger, “is my finest work.”
“And you’re not going to just give it to me.” Mal understood.
He met her eyes. “Kiss me as if I were your lover. Then, I will give you the blade.” When she made no move he smiled sadly. “I’m not asking for your body, just your lips.”
“I’m cursed.”
“You can still kiss can’t you.”
In answer, she wrapped her arms around her neck, and kissed him. Much like she used to kiss Drew when she attempted to seduce him. Johntha’s arms came around her, and for a long moment, they were wrapped in a kiss. If he felt anything, she couldn’t tell, but she felt nothing.
When she finally set back on her feet, he grinned and handed her the dagger. “Be safe pretty thing. May the one meant to have those lips forever cherish them.”
She smiled and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”
* * *
Outside, the others were on the benches waiting for her. She rushed toward them.
“Hey, Drew!” She called, “Look! Look!”
“You’re not armed are you!?”
“Not yet!”
“I don’t wanna!” He whined.
“Look you, big crybaby!” She scolded.
Seeing her smile and hearing her laugh, Drew looked, and everyone inched closer. She bounced excitedly as she showed him the dagger. “See!?”
He paled. “Oh my freaking God.”
“Is it the one she stabbed herself with?” Kenneth asked worried coming closer.
“No.” Drew choked. “Worse.”
Kenneth’s mouth dropped open. “No freaking way! Just, No Freaking Way!”
“What!?” Everyone asked. All of them curious now.
“That’s the Vorpal Blade from Alice Madness Returns!” Kenneth said running his hands through his hair.
“And it was Mal’s favorite game.” Drew said looking away. “She used to play it all the time. Even while nursing Charlie. She didn’t need strategy guides or playthroughs to help get the Completion Trophy, she did that all by herself from memory. Charlie eventually got toy cooking utensils, and he used to pretend he was the boy version of Alice playing through the game with a plastic fork! For the longest time it was the music to that game that got him to sleep, nothing else.”
Kenneth grinned at Mal. “Sounds like my kind of kid!”
Mal smiled at him. “He was definitely one of a kind.”
* * *
In the room she shared with Elise and Hexia back at the Inn, Mal had the table and chair all set up. Her fabrics were out and in neat piles. She wasn’t sure where to even begin with all of this. The crafting table screen was open before her, and it was blinking rapidly. Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward and touched the screen. It led her through a list of everything she could make, and the list was rather extensive. Given she was at eighty percent out of a hundred for an overall skill, that wasn’t really surprising.
She looked back at the crafting table and found the silhouettes of every Champion, with the exact measurements. Despite the fabrics being laid out on the table, they were also at the bottom of the screen and how much there were of each one. It was handy and would allow her to keep the progress of what she was doing for each person.
She decided to draw some designs first, and the table offered a pencil, or rather, a stylist, like contraption. She couldn’t start creating without having a rough idea of what she was going to make. She opened the drawing portion and one by one around each silhouette, she drew footwear, outfits, and she drew capes and coats, so she could have a design, either way, depending on what the person wanted.
It took the rest of the day, but she managed to have everything designed, and what fabrics would go where she just needed to make it all. She then set about designing tents and sleeping bags. Even pillows. Those, she decided would be the first thing she would make. To test and see how the system would make it.
It was a lot easier than a sewing machine, and a heck of a lot faster too. Each piece of fabric was pulled into the system, cut as she used the stylist to draw into the fabric where she wanted it. Running it along the edges and other places where she needed it sewn.
Before three minutes were up, a simple sleeping bag was on the floor in front of her. With the stuffing at the bottom for a bit of a homemade bed, rough exterior to weather any storm or rough terrain. With a soft interior designed for comfort and to keep the occupant warm. She designed it to big enough to fit three people inside so there would enough room and covers and the occupant not be squished inside. Surprised by even her own skill, she stood there for a few moments just looking it over.
As twilight approached, she had seven more sleeping bags just like the first one. And three tents. Two medium tents. One for each gender. Then one large one if they wanted to stay together under one roof. With an exhausted, but content with a job well-done sigh, all she had left to do was the outfits. Which she decided she would do the following day. She was getting hungry, and she was sure the others were too.
She headed straight for the kitchen, despite the group being at the table looking over the system. Alex seemed to be teaching Hexia about the system, which was good. The more they all knew about it the better. She helped Astra made dinner and dessert. For the first time in her life, Astra bought some sweets from the caravan that passed through while Mal and the others were out at the shops. They had seen it on their way back and waved at the wide-eyed smiling children crowded into the back of the wagons.
The stew was served with bread, with chocolate cake dessert. Even Astra was surprised by how it all turned out.
She stared at Mal in wonder. “I’ve gotta admit, I’ve never been one for female play ma’am, or for steppin’ out of me husband, but you make me question me morals girl.”
Mal laughed full and bright, she didn’t see the notice the window saying her curse had weakened by another two percent, but Alex did. He grinned and added that to the list of things he needed to tell Crow.
“How close are we to being done with the clothes?” Xavier asked her.
“I haven’t started them yet. I got them all designed, but I made the sleeping bags and tents first. Sorry.” Mal said.
“Not a bad call.” Kenneth nodded. “Especially seeing as we have no idea when we’ll be sleeping in beds again.”
“I also made pillows.”
“Oh thank god!” Elise groaned collapsing against Mal’s arm. “I don’t think I could have slept without a pillow.”
“Well, now you have one.” Alex laughed then yawned deeply. “I think we should head to bed.”
“Oh! Hold on!” Mal said standing to stop everyone. “I know everyone’s exhausted but, please, this will only be a second. I need to know, cloak or coats?”
“I want a cloak.” Hexia said, “With a deep hood so I can hide my face when it’s needed.”
Drew shrugged. “I need to think.”
From everyone else, it was coats.
* * *
Xavier was still up after everyone else had gone upstairs, using his own crafting ability. On the way back to the Inn, Mal mined several of the local metals, all to the one-fourth marker like she had promised Johntha, and gave them to him. Now they were all stored in his inventory, and he could make as many disks as he wanted.
He spent the afternoon making ammo for Drew and himself out of straight metal. He learned as long as the end that was being shot out was pointed, he could make the dishes into any shape he wanted and adjust the holder to fit them. Now, he had over ten thousand disks and arrows, and still had more than enough metal left over. He considered for a brief second giving some of it back, but going forward he knew he would need more disks, and Drew more arrows.
There was one other pleasant surprise of the day. Elise also had access to the crafting tables. Whereas Mal was fabrics, his was ammo, Elise was a metal worker. She learned she could create any manor of weapons or armor eventually. Elise was excited to try it, but as her level was so low, she was really going to have to work on it.
Mal showed Elise during dinner about how to design things. Xavier suggested to help get her started that Elise help Mal by making the buckles and buttons for their clothes and gear. Elise was all too willing to try and Mal welcomed the help. He also dropped the hint about jewelry. Mostly hair clips since Mal gave her scrunchy to Anna. Who they all noticed didn’t touch an ounce of the gold Mal had given her. Not even to buy a weapon.
Xavier put away his gear and sat back with a sigh with a long sigh and thought about Elise. One look at her, and he was lost to her. Her beautiful grin made the sun shine brighter and Xavier rubbed his cheeks self consciously knowing they burning red. That woman and the things she did to him without even knowing it. He wondered how a woman like her could even exist. Would he have ever found her if he’d stayed on Earth?
He could see the appeal of Mal, hell, even the lure of Anna. Had he been back on Earth, he likely would have allowed himself to be seduced by the women. Not that he would have believed they loved him, just the sex would have been amazing. Being here now though, it was only Elise that stirred anything in him. And man did she stir. She didn’t even know she was stirring, and that was both frustrating, and amusing.
Movement from the stairs had him looking that way, there stood Anna. He was certain she’d gone upstairs and to bed already. Maybe she had given the way she looked. Her hair down, glittering softly in the firelight, a sweet smile on her face. Her chocolate brown eyes deep and lustful. Wrapped around her was the blanket she had been covered with and had ripped off more than once during the day, and he knew that was the only thing she had on. Instantly, any arousal he felt, vanished.
“Hey there handsome,” She crooned at him. “What are you up to?”
“I was just heading upstairs to bed.”
“You can share mine if you want.” She said extending her bare leg out a bit. “It’s probably a lot more comfortable than the lumps you’ve sleeping on.” She grinned even wider. “We could keep each other warm.”
“They are quite warm already.” He said getting up and walked toward the stairs. “As for sharing your bed, I’ve slept on the ground in the middle of New York City, on more than one occasion I might add. I’ve also slept on floors for years. My parents didn’t see the point in my having a bed. So those lumps you’re referring to, are quite comfortable for me.” He reached her now and glared at her. “And if I had to choose between sleeping with you or outside on jagged rocks in the middle of a snowstorm, I’d take the latter.”
Anna giggled as she grinned more at him. “Well, of course, I’m preferable than a snowstorm.” She took his hand and kissed his cheek. “Come sweet cheeks, I won’t tell that dirty blond what we’re going to do.”
Xavier held firm and pinched the bridge of his nose. “No, you ditz, I was saying I’d choose the snow storm over you!”
“But why!?” Anna demanded.
In answer, he brought her hand down to his crotch, “Because even with your hand against my cock, I’m as soft as pudding, and that’s not about to change.”
Having said what he wanted to say, he released Anna, gently pushed her against the wall. By the look on her face, she didn’t expect him to just walk up the stairs.
With a sigh, he raised his head to find Elise standing just outside her door. Cheeks burning knowing what she must have heard, he nodded and went into his room with the other guys closing the door behind him. The others were already asleep and he was grateful for their lack of knowledge in that moment.
Elise quickly slipped behind her door till Anna had stomped up the stairs, down the hall to her room and slammed the door behind her. Elise sighed with relief. She hadn’t been spotted and was thus out of Anna’s crossfire.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Anna had insinuated Elise when she was taunting Xavier. He turned down Anna because of her? That couldn’t be right, could it? Still, the thought of Xavier turning down Anna because of her made her smile.
She got up in the first place because she was thirsty. Still needing a drink of water, she decided to go downstairs to get it instead of the bathroom. Going anywhere near Anna right now wasn’t a good idea.
* * *
Anna was curled up on her bed breaking down. She kept her sobbing quiet. She wasn’t afraid of being caught. She just didn’t want anyone to see her moment of weakness.
She was supposed to be a Champion of Love! She was supposed to have her bed and body filled every night! She was supposed to have men and women falling in love with her at every step! She was supposed to be irresistible! But she wasn’t! None of the men around her was willing to put out.
She even made at pass at Astra’s husband who merely shook his head at her as if she was joking and went inside, to Astra. Drew had actually thrown up on her, and the entire time they’d been here, he hadn’t so much as even look at her.
Back on Earth, no man had ever turned her down. Even married men, who spurned her at first for moral's sake, later succumbed and nearly broke her bed once they finally gave into her. No man could say no to her for very long. Not even Drew, as she had proven.
She loved that life. She was in power, she was in charge, and nothing stood in her way. She missed that. She never thought it could all be taken away from her in the blink of an eye, but it had.
Here, it was as if she was a teenager again, living in the shadow of her older sister. Mal had been the smart one, the pretty one, the popular one. Actually, the only thing that made Mal popular was her naturally huge tits. Plenty of guys chased her skirt other than Drew. Girls flocked to her because Mal was nice, Mal cared about people before herself. She opened herself up to people, and they, in turn, opened themselves up back. That made her desired and coveted.
Anna only cared about herself. She refused to let herself be seen as weak, especially when it came to other people. Hence the crying quietly and alone. She had to be the top dog, the Queen bee, and if people didn’t fall in line with that, they were punished and cast out of her circle.
In high school, that meant no one stayed around her for very long. Why would they serve her when they could go be the top dog somewhere else or be a part of an equal group like Mal’s?
Those days had been horrible. The worst part of her life next to her childhood. Now, it felt like she was right back in them, suffering all over again. Unable to overcome the large shadow that Mal cast without realizing the spotlight was on her. But then, Anna had always been surrounded by shadows. Her very creation was seeped with secrets and lies told in the dark.
* * *
Drew was the first guy to wake up the next morning. He didn’t know if the women were awake yet or not, but he was too comfortable to really move in that moment. So he stayed snuggled under the covers just breathing evenly and resting before they started their day. He looked over his rooms mates and studied them.
Xavier had dark brown almost black hair, but his eyes were a bright ice blue. Drew hadn’t spent much time with him, and other than what Xavier told about himself, he knew nothing about the man.
Most of Drew’s time had been spent with Kenneth. He was a sweet guy. He’d listened to Drew’s story, about his past with Mal and didn’t immediately hate him on principle. Even understood why he was running away from Earth and ended up here. Alex too, even after hearing both sides, didn’t hate him.
No offense to Alex, who sported rather fetching dirty blonde and green eyes, but he had nothing on the raw beauty that was the dark red haired gray-eyed Kenneth.
Those thoughts stopped Drew in his tracks and he looked underneath covers to find his equipment, soft as cotton since the moment he arrived, suddenly stiffer than bone and standing straight up.
Wa-was he gay now!?
I’m surprised it’s taken, you this long sir. The others realized almost instantly that their sexual orientation changed. The sword said into his mind. You are not the first to have theirs changed. Merely the latest in a long time. The God of Night found it rather fun to change his previous champions sexual preference and watch as they slowly descended into madness because of it.
“Huh.” Drew said softly, then continued in his thoughts so not to disturb his roommates. ~Well alright then. Can you still hear me?~
Of course, we need not for verbal words to communicate. The sword said. I must say, you are the first to have accepted this so easily.
Drew shrugged. ~I asked to be exactly like Hero. I didn’t think he was gay when I asked but even knowing that I’m fine with it. My life sucked when I was attracted to women. I couldn’t control my own dick to save my life. Maybe being gay and will give me the edge I need to keep this changing my life ordeal on the right track.~
You, have to be, the strangest master I’ve ever had. The sword commented lightly.
~That a bad thing?~
No, just a fact.
Drew took one last look at Kenneth and sighed. ~ I better get up and take care of this hard on before he wakes up. Else it would be a difficult conversation we are nowhere near ready for.~
The sword said nothing as Drew got up and headed to the bathroom. For the first time in while, he laid his hand upon his shaft and brought himself pleasure. This time, it wasn’t the picture of Mal in his mind. It wasn’t the golden-haired Anna he rejected for so long. It wasn’t any of the women on Earth who’d caught his eye. It was Kenneth in his mind's eye.
After leaving the bathroom, he saw the doors open and saw Mal sitting at the table with a steaming mug and muffing beside her. He quickly checked to make sure they were alone, knowing her and Elise were going to start working on the outfits today, then stepped inside closing the door slightly. She looked up having realized he was there.
“So,” He said softly drawing out the word. “I’m gay now.”
She laughed a bit surprised then looked at him surprised. “Seriously?”
“Just had my first masturbation session, and it wasn’t the thought of a woman that got me off.” He admitted pacing a bit.
“Are you alright with this?”
“I mean,” he said as he paced. “I asked to be exactly like Hero, personality, morals, everything. I guess it makes sense that my sexual preference would change if he was gay. I didn’t even think to ask if he was or not. Never occurred to me that he might be.” He paused for a second as realization dawned on him. “Which is why he said to think before asking for my favor.” He sighed with a shake of his head and put his hand on his hips. “Yeah, I think I am okay with it.”
He looked back at her to see her smiling softly. “Kenneth is a lucky guy.”
Drew blushed deeply. “You always did know me too well.”
“You’re not that hard to read.”
“Do you think he knows?” He asked worriedly.
“Probably not.” She said going back to her work. “He seems a little too over excited about life here.”
“So you’re really okay with this?”
“It’s not my sex life.” She said with a shrug. “And we’ve been divorced for awhile now. Plus the added factor that I have little to no emotions.”
“Right, the curse.” He said with a nod. “I really am sorry about my part in that.”
She shrugged, “It’s in the past, now, cloak or coat? You never did answer me last night.”
“Cloak, be easier to take off.” he stopped in his tracks and looked back at her. “That wasn’t meant how it sounded.”
She waved a hand in front of her face and spoke slowly. “No emotion. Joke not understood.”
He laughed as he went downstairs. Everyone else, even Anna surprisingly, sat at the table eating the fresh muffins Astra made. He stuffed one into his mouth as he and Kenneth headed outside to practice with their swords.
Xavier materialized out of the shadows causing Anna to scream. Realizing who it was, she muttered something about shopping and rushed out the door. Hexia got up and headed for the bath while Elise helped Astra clean up before going upstairs to help Mal.
“I fucking called it.” Xavier sang softly.
Alex looked at Xavier confused. “Called what?”
“Drew’s gay.” Xavier grinned. “Overheard him telling Mal.”
Alex snorted, “Oh that. I figured that out yesterday.”
“When!?” Xavier demanded.
“While Kenneth and Drew were sparring.”
“You think Kenneth might be?”
Alex shrugged. “The kids hardly ever been able to masturbate. I don’t think he’s ever really had to chance to think about his sexual preference.”
Xavier put a hand on his heart. “Oh, that poor poor kid.”
Elise came up behind the two of them and smacked them both upside the head. “You two, gossiping as if you were pair of old ladies!”
“Well, I know why they do it now,” Xavier pouted. “They had stuff to say and it’s fun.”
“Just because it’s fun, doesn’t mean it’s right.” She said in a firm tone looking down at him.
“So you don’t find it interesting that Drew was straight as a line and is now batting for the other team?”
She shrugged. “Not my business. Still,” She looked out at the two in the front yard. “I’d be a little surprised if we were all straight.”
Alex smiled softly at her. “You’re awfully accepting.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” She demanded.
“I thought southerners were all bible sticklers.” Alex admitted.
She rolled her eyes. “Go figure a good for nothing movie star would stereotype me.”
Alex flinched. “Sorry.”
She patted his shoulder. “Are we even?”
“As a balance beam.”
* * *
Anna slept after her crying drag and woke with a new determination. She was going to get laid today. When even the most desperate of the Champions wouldn’t bed her, it was time to look elsewhere. Kenneth, she didn’t think to try, watching him spar with Drew, she knew he would turn her down. He was far too boyish, and boyish meant inexperience, and she wanted an experienced lover. Alex wasn’t appealing enough, and he was loyal to Mal. She would be very surprised if the two didn’t end up shagging each other senseless.
She went straight to the shopping complex up the way, telling everyone at the Inn she was going to go buy something nice. They didn’t stop her, and she would have thrown a fit if they did, or if one of them tried to come with her.
She went straight for the blacksmith. The apothecary, she assumed was gay, he was so thin and tall, and far too feminine to be anything else. Plus his door was locked and windows were dark. Maybe he was brewing up some poison or something. So she avoided his shop. The beefy looking blacksmith was sitting at his shop, polishing a heinous looking sword.
He looked when she entered and gave her a confused look. “Can I help you, missy?”
“I was here yesterday.” She said stepping toward him. “You don’t remember me?”
“I do.” He said with a nod, “I remember you came in here and didn’t by anything, even after that pretty lass gave you some of the gold she made for us.”
“She’s my sister.” Anna said stepping forward.
“No kidding!?” He laughed. “Can’t see the resemblance, to be honest.”
“That’s not surprising.” She said with a smile. “We have different fathers. We both take after the men who spawned us.”
“They must be very good looking men.”
Anna shrugged. “I wouldn’t know, I refuse to have anything to do with my birth father. Even though he did try to get to know me in recent years.”
“How sad for you.” The blacksmith sighed putting his chin in his palm. “Not knowing one's father is like missing out on a part of your history.”
“If you say so.” She said stepping forward and smiled. “Are you busy right now?” She batted her eyelashes. “I could really use some companionship.”
“I know what you’re doing.” The blacksmith smiled. “If it were your sister standing where you are, I would have taken you up on that offer instantly, sadly, you don’t do for it me sister.”
Anna frowned. “Why not!?”
“I’m only into men sweetheart.”
She paled. “You’re gay!?”
He nodded with that same smile in place.
“But you’re a big and beefy man cake!” She said tearfully.
“Well, thank you kindly for the compliment sister, but I’m still gay.” He chuckled.
“But-But you kissed Mal yesterday!” She shouted. “I saw it! We all did!”
“I most certainly did, and it was the first I’d ever kissed a woman.”
“Why!?” She broke down in tears. “Why her and not me!?”
He sighed. “Champions of Love are a dime in a dozen sister. They’ve roamed Taimin from the beginning. They’ve caused more damage than you can ever repay. Whereas Elements has never chosen a Champion. Your sister is a rare creature, with beauty and grace to match.”
“It’s not fair.” Anna whimpered as she walked out of the shop.
“Excuse me!” Anna looked over and saw the tailor from the day before, Gnarby, she only remembered his name because of how he insulted Mal. Then the events that followed. “Come over here for a minute please.”
Anna dragged her feet but she went over to him. He brought her inside and closed the door behind him. The shelves, once filled with crappy cloth, was now filled with the much better fabrics they discovered in the lower level of the shop.
“Why are all of your better fabrics upstairs?” She sniffled. “I thought they were far too precious for you to part with.”
“Thanks to your sister taking all of my stock for my store, I was forced to bring up my precious collection in order to have things for the caravans coming through the near future. I won’t get the fabrics I prefer to sell for weeks.”
“Sounds like Mal. I wasn’t even aware she did it. Must really be out of it these days.” Anna said with a sigh. Then she looked at Gnarby curiously. “How did you know Mal was my sister.”
“I overheard you tell Johntha.” He said with a dark grin.
“Who?” She asked.
“The blacksmith.” He said, that dark grin widening.
“Oh.” She sighed. “I don’t usually bother with names.”
“Neither do I really.” Gnarby said with a dark chuckle. “Names are unimportant when it comes to what you want.”
She looked at him confused. “Excuse me.”
In answer, he dropped his pants. Back on Earth, the old Anna would have been insulted, she would have thrown a screaming fit and walked away and had the flasher arrested. Here on Taimin, the new Anna, her eyes glazed over, drool came out of the corner of her mouth. One moment was all she could stand, then she threw herself on her knees in front of Gnarby and began to suck on his cock.
Gnarby groaned in ecstasy. “Ah! Now that’s what I wanted from your sister yesterday! She humiliated me, hurt me, robbed me blind! Since I can’t make her suffer, I’ll simply take my frustrations out on you. And take care of itch you have.”
Anna merely moaned as she sucked on his cock. His words weren’t really registering in her mind. All she cared about was the cock that was in her mouth. It didn’t matter what size it was, didn’t matter if it was hairy or covered in odd bumps. It was a cock, and she finally had one in her grasp. She wasn’t about to let this one go.”
“That’s it!” Gnarby huffed and panted. “That’s it! Suck that cock, suck it hard! Make me cum you damn dirty bitch!”
A few seconds later, the familiar taste and thick substance filled her mouth and streamed down her throat. She turned around and bent over, raising the dress Mal had loaned her to reveal she had nothing on underneath it.
“Please!” She cried panting as she did. “Please here!” She spread her legs. “Put it here!”
Gnarby laughed manically as he obliged her. Hunching over and slipping inside of her dripping cunt. “Ah!” He groaned. “Is this what you want!?”
“Yes!” She shouted.
“I can’t hear you!”
“YES!” She screamed.
Gnarby took her. She wasn’t sure for how long they laid there screwing, how long he lasted, or how many times he took her. But eventually, she laid completely naked on the floor, cum leaking out of her. Gnarby stood and put himself back into his pants.
“You know, you’re not the first Champion of Love I’ve had the pleasure of having.” He chuckled. “One of them once told me, women were fun and all, but it was cocks they desired. All of you Champions of Love are the same. Sex addicted, cock crazed, little sluts.”
Anna could only breath. That much she registered in her mind. He was right. She had changed since Earth. Before on Earth, she was in control. Any time she had an itch, she had a plethora of men she could call on, but it didn’t rule her life. She didn’t fall apart if she didn’t get it. Here, he was right, she was a sex addict.
Well, she thought as she walked back to the Inn, hobbling a little as she did so from the thorough fucking she got, that was fine. She was Love’s Champion after all. She was supposed to create a world where all of the men were hers and the women were nothing. It made sense she was a sex addict.
As she walked into the Inn, she looked over all of the men there and resolved herself. This was who she was now. Since her fellow Champions wouldn’t keep her sated, she would find men like Gnarby who would.
ANNOUNCEMENTChampion of Love has ascended 3%
Anna grinned. That was perfect, she needed sex to ascend. That, she could most certainly do and have no problem doing. It was just a matter of finding men. Once they got moving, she was sure she could find men.
She would ascend, and she did, no one would be able to resist her. So in a way, it was like she was starting out in High School again. It took her years to build up the reputation she had and the skill she had back on Earth. It was no different here in Taimin.
If she had to start from scratch, then she would. Only on Taimin, her progression would surely be a lot faster. She curled up by the fire with a feeling of satisfaction she hadn’t felt since she arrived here. It would take time, but time was all they had in this place.
* * *
With all of the clothes finished, Mal set the outfits on everyone’s bed and went downstairs in her new outfit. Everyone was there, even Anna.
“Okay!” She said with a grin twirling around, “What do you think!?”
Everyone’s jaw dropped. Her jacket was the deep navy blue almost black with fur lining. Her boots were dark brown leather coming to her knees. Her pants were black and clung to her skin, the material wasn’t something they recognized. Her shirt was a paler cream that the dress Elements gave her, with a black corset wrapped around her waist and supporting her breasts.
“Oh, Mal! It came out wonderfully!” Elise said bouncing up and down.
Mal grinned. “Well, the buckles and buttons were all you.” She looked at everyone else. “You’re outfits are ready too.”
No one said a thing. They all rushed upstairs. She was left standing there stunned. “Well okay then.”
* * *
Less than a few minutes later, they all came back downstairs. Even Anna looked thrilled. All of the cloaks and coats had the same fur lining, but the colors varied from person to person. Only the men’s outfit were similar in the fact they had tunics, semi-form fitting pants, and belts that went from their hips to an inch above their navel. Almost pirate-like in style. All of them sporting dark brown leather combat boots. Only the women’s clothes really varied in style.
Anna was the first to reach Mal. Her shirt was the bubble pink with gold pattern that she asked for. Cut off at one hip and the fabric dipped down to the back of her knee on her opposite side. A golden leather corset cut so it stopped two inches below her breasts covered her shirt. Her outer layer of her coat matched her shirt. Her pants were a dark brown matching well with her shirt. Her footwear was pair of golden leather boots that stopped at her ankles.
“Oh, my Gods Mal!” She shrieked. “This outfit is perfect!”
She went as if to hug Mal, then remember who it was, she stopped and stepped back.
Elise’s shirt was a ruffled golden fabric with a brown leather corset that just wrapped around her waist. Her shirt came down to her hips, with tan pants tugged into thigh-high black leather boots that Xavier couldn’t take his eyes off of. The outer layer of her coat matching her boots. “I love it!”
Hexia’s shirt was black with a bronze leather corset that had straps fastening behind her neck. Like Mal, with the corset covering her shirt, only the sleeves could really be seen. Her pants were the same black as Mal’s while her bronze leather boots stopped at her shins. She had a cloak instead of a jacket, with a deeper hood than all of the rest. So she could hide horns and her face partially when she needed too. It too was bronze to match her boots and corset. “It’s perfect!”
Alex’s shirt was the forest green with black pants. His trench coat jacket was deep brown. “Yeah, this is great stuff.”
Xavier’s shirt was a dark gray, with his pants black. His trench coat was black to match. “You really caught our personalities when making these!”
Kenneth’s shirt was a dark red, with dark brown pants. His trench coat a dark brown to go with his pants. “Yeah, it’s similar to what I would make for myself when I was gaming.”
Drew’s white shirt, pale brown pants, and black cloak all morphed and conformed to his body. “Wow, Mal! I love it!”
Mal’s cheeks flushed, and tears filled her eyes. “Oh, you guys!”
She was told over and over again by everyone how much they loved their outfits. She eventually had to excuse herself to settle down, she went upstairs to clean up her mess. The outfits were a hit, and even she had to admit, they were great. She hadn’t made anything that amazing back on Earth, but then again, she wasn’t on a magical world as a Champion to the Gods.
She noticed a system window off to the side, but she was too busy thinking to read what it said.
What kind of gowns would she make if she tried? Would people like them? Would they like her skill? Gnarby had insulted her, and her first reaction was to beat him down for it. He had been a swindler, and a terrible person, but there were good people on Taimin. Would that be what she did with her life here? Become a seamstress?
She wondered how she felt about that. Feel? Mal stopped all thought and really focused on what was happening with her emotions. Yes, she was feeling. Not a lot, but there was a little there. She reacted to Gnarby’s insult, she felt pride in her work. It was a little, but it was there.
She looked toward the doorway and saw Alex who was smiling softly at her. “You’ve got another notice.”
She looked at the blinking window. Sure enough, it was another notice of a 5% decrease of the curse.
ANNOUNCEMENTCAGED HEART curse has weakened by 5%CAGED HEART curse has gone from 100% capacity to 83%Champion of Elements will start to show some emotional reactions to certain situations
“Some curse.” She muttered. “I thought only the Champion of Kings could break it.”
Alex stepped in and sat on the edge of one of the beds. “Maybe Elements is taking mercy on you? Or all of the Gods are. So we can have a better fighter. Maybe your powers are tied to your emotions, and the more you use them, the more likely you are to chip away the curse.”
“The latter seems more likely at this point.” Mal said sitting back. “I’m starting to have my doubts about those Gods.” She looked at the ceiling then back at him. “Really, what help have they been since we got here?”
“I agree with you.” Alex said softly. “They offered the illusion of choice when it came to our abilities. Xavier told me Night actually sent him after Xavier refused to make any choices for himself, demanding to know more before he did. We’re also not exactly an ideal lot. Not to mention the past history between you, Anna, and Drew. There’s a lot going on, and we haven’t even completed the first task yet. ”
“What if it was intentional?”
Her voice was barely a whisper, but the question spoke volumes and Alex shook his head frustrated. “Then, what the hell kind of Gods are we dealing with here? What are they going to do when we learn their true thoughts?”
“I don’t think they can do anything.” Mal said softly.
“What makes you say that?”
“Just a hunch, but it feels right.” She said looking at him. “I don’t think they can even hear us when we talk like this. For all they know, we’re blindly following their orders.”
“So, some other force out there is protecting us?” He asked incredulously.
She shrugged. “All I can say is, something wants us to keep questioning, something wants us to doubt the Gods.”
“And your curse?”
“A blessing.” She sighed looking away.
“You can’t believe that.”
“Alex,” she said looking back at him, her expression tortured. “My husband cheated on me, I lost my babies, my mind and soul broke. They stayed broken. I may have forgiven Drew, but that doesn’t mean I’m over it. When we arrived here, I think I had a moment when I could have broken the curse myself. Upon seeing Drew and Anna the cage rattled, but instead, I embraced the numb and pretended I didn’t know them.”
“Why?” He whispered. “Why would you do that?”
Tears, for the first time, he saw her tears fall. It wasn’t like when Drew fell apart before, just a few tears, but they spoke volumes. “Because I’m still broken. Back on Earth, I couldn’t even hear Drew’s voice without having a breakdown. I couldn’t hear a baby crying or a child calling for their mama without losing my mind and having a breakdown.” She swallowed a lump in her throat and continued with a wavering voice. “There was an attendant, Elements dealt with him, but before she did, he used to walk around with this recorder, and he would play those sounds right outside my door and watch with fits of laughter as I was throwing myself against the wall and when the others came to secure me down and sedate me.”
Alex swallowed bile and shook his head. “Do you think he-” Alex couldn’t even finish the question.
Mal shook her head. “A nurse is supposed to sit with the patient for four hours to make sure the sedation doesn’t wear off early. The one who always sat with me read me a book while she did. She told me her story once. She could never have children. When she did finally manage, it died when it was three months due to SIDS. She went to work in the place that helped her after the death of her baby. To help women like me.”
“So you see,” Mal said looking away. “If the curse hadn’t been in place, I wouldn’t be able to handle being here. Maybe with it breaking little by little like this, it won’t be such a shock when it’s finally removed. And I know it has to be.” She said over her shoulder at Alex. “I’m just,” she sighed. “A little scared for when it does.”
Alex got up and laid a hand on her shoulder. Surprised when she squeezed it tightly. He leaned down and kissed her brow. “Hang in there sister. We’re all here for you. We won’t let that happen to you again.”
“Anna’s excluded in that right?”
Alex chuckled. “Of course.” He stood straight and looked around. “I’ll leave you to it then.”
She nodded. “Yeah, something else to focus on would be great.”
Out in the hall, from the shadows emerged Xavier and Elise, while the rest of the Champions, minus Anna, were standing on the stairs. Drew was hanging his head, while Kenneth had a firm grip on his shoulder for support. Alex nodded they all go downstairs so they wouldn’t disturb Mal.
“And here I was thinking everything was okay.” Drew huffed. “I guess that really was wishful thinking.”
“That kind of betrayal,” Xavier said softly, “doesn’t go away overnight. Or just because you two get plucked up and dropped into a new world.”
Drew nodded. “You’re right.”
“So something doesn’t want the Gods to know we’re skeptical of them?” Hexia asked looking at Alex. “Is that possible?”
Alex shook his head. “At this point, I’m willing to think that anything is possible.”
“Do you think it’s the Gods or this other force that has us coming together so fast?” Kenneth asked.
“Coming together?” Elise repeated confused.
“Meaning forming bonds as strongly as we have so fast.” Hexia explained, then looked at Alex, “Did I get that right?”
Alex nodded. “You did.” He looked up at Kenneth. “I have no idea. Maybe a bit of both. The Gods so we won’t kill each other eventually, this unforeseen force so we’ll become like family faster.”
“Alex has a point,” Xavier sighed, he then looked at Drew, “Cause no offense man, but you’re not the type of person I would even consider having as a friend. I mean, I can see you regret what you’ve done, you miss your son, and you have no intention of history repeating. But even with how you were raised, that doesn’t account for all of your problems man. I know personal history hard thing to overcome, believe me, I know, but it’s possible. You just have to have the willpower, and you lack it. Or you just found it far too late.”
Drew nodded at Xavier. “And you’re 100% right about that.”
“Okay,” Kenneth said sitting down and facing the group. “We’ve all got pasts, clearly, some of us weren’t supposed to be here, Anna most of all, but we’ll forget about her for the time being.” Everyone nodded. “If nothing else, we need to get to Crow. He can explain everything we need to know. He can answer all of our questions. If we don’t like what he has to say, we can stop this before it’s even begun.”
He looked around everyone. “So here’s what I’m thinking. Earth and its history stays on Earth. We’re allowed one chance, one chance to talk about the past, to think about it, and how it might be affecting the here and now. I only say that because I have a strong feeling that it’s going to come back to bite us in the ass.” He gestured towards the stairs. “Mal especially.” He laid his hand down on the table. “From this point on, Earth is in the past, we won’t let it affect our choices when it comes to each other, and how we move forward.”
“I’m in.” Elise said laying her hand down on Kenneth’s. “It’s easy for me. I have no home to go back to. My father had massive debt, and the bank was repossessing everything. All I have is the here and now.”
“Me too.” Hexia said setting her hand down on Elise’s. “I may not my memories of my life before here, but I do know that nothing is waiting for me back here. I too, only have the here and now.”
“Same goes.” Xavier said. “Cops are after me because of my past and crimes I didn’t commit. All that’s waiting for me back on Earth is a cell.”
Drew set his hand down on Xavier’s. “I honestly think the only way I can change, and atone for my sins, is by helping people here. Whether we fail or succeed, I’m staying.”
Alex set his hand on Drew’s. “I was this big actor. All my mother wanted me to keep doing was acting, I wanted to stop. I feel more at home here with you guys than I ever did on Earth. I’m in.”
Kenneth grinned. “My mother kept me sheltered all of my life, and I’ve lived more these last two days than I ever did at home.” He looked around at the Champions putting his hand on Alex’s, “For the first time, I really don’t care about what I left behind.”
Anna came in then, staring at the group. “What’s going on here.”
“We’re making a pregnancy pact.” Elise laughed. “Everyone’s going to get pregnant, there’s apparently a lovely spell that allows a man to carry a child.”
Anna shook her head. “You and your jokes.”
Elise winked at the group as they pulled their hands back. As Anna curled up in front of the fire, quiet and content, they looked back towards the stairs. Their path was set, now, they just had to walk it. At first light, their real journey would begin.
End of Arc One: Arrival
- End1304 Chapters
Martial Universe
The Great Yan Empire exists in a world where respect can only be earned through strength. Within this Great Yan Empire, the four great clans have always stood above the rest. Among them, a particular incident in the Lin Clan resulted in the banishment of a certain individual who went on to start his own family, in hopes of one day being recognized again by the Lin Clan, and rejoining them…
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Blackened Blood[Progression Fantasy]
Broken and lost by the dredges of this world a boy awakens once again into life's game within hallowed black halls, his first taste of new life cold and hunger along with the echoing drip of temptation. Deep sickness festering within in him. Given a second chance by either coincidence or something more sinister, follow the story of he who bleeds black. Betrayal, greed and blood littered in droves across this hellbound path. ********** 2000+ words daily for now, will reduce to thrice a week after the writathon. If it wasn't clear, this is a vampire story taking place in a high fantasy environment. Although while its main character is a vampire and that is one main focus of the story it will also lend itself to the magic side of this world as well. Basically, if you're interested in vampires or magic heavy stories, this will have something for you... probably. The synopsis is kinda vague but If you give it a shot, I think you'll like it. Also, feel free to drop any sort of constructive criticism since this is one of my first experiences writing in first person.Forgot to add that the story will be a little less action-orientated until around chapter 20+ when... well... read and see :) Any chapters with the * next to them have been edited or tweaked. I'll remove it once all of them are.
8 174 - In Serial17 Chapters
Cycles of Power
Riva is a sapient dungeon trying to survive and discover where she came from. But no one exists in isolation. Will Riva be able to survive the adventurers and intrigue to come? Who is this human in her visions? Will Riva ever reclaim her past and secure a future?... Thousands of years ago wild dungeons appeared out of nowhere and conquered the world. Armies could not hold back the infinite hordes of spawned monsters. The sapient races barely eked out survival in the corners of the world. Only the infighting between the savage dungeons allowed the sentient races to outlive these dark ages. Out of this struggle, adventurers were forged. By conquering weaker dungeons, adventurers discovered how to capture life energy to perform great feats of strength and create magic. Now, as adventurers pushed back dungeons, population boomed again. But with rising numbers comes new factions, greed, and war. Caught among these powerhouses lies Riva. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ On hiatus for the foreseeable future. I finished the first arc, improved my writing a lot, and learned I want to write from a humanoid perspective. Currently building up chapters for new series.
8 230 - In Serial146 Chapters
Notes in My Locker
When Natalie James Arthur, goes with her brother to the gym, someone catches her eye. As the weeks go by, Natalie decides to join the gym to be around him more. As the day finishes, she opens her locker to see a note in it. A Javon "Wanna" Walton FF Started: February 15th, 2022 Ended: March 3rd, 2022
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Archive - shapeshifters boredom
this is now an archive of my work.
8 108 - In Serial75 Chapters
[BHTT - EDIT - HOÀN] Ảnh Hậu Là Chỉ Miêu
Tác phẩm : Ảnh Hậu Là Chỉ MiêuTác giả : Tô TửuThể loại : Nguyên sang, Bách hợp, Cận hiện đại, Giới giải trí, Ngọt vănThị giác tác phẩm : Lẫn nhau côngPhong cách tác phẩm : Nhẹ nhàngĐộ dài : 74 chươngCP : Lâm Đoản Đoản x Quý Lan
8 201